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== CMC Taichi Form ==
== CMC Taichi Form (鄭子三十七式) ==
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheng_Man-ch'ing Wikipedia] about 鄭曼青.
* [http://www.taichi37.org/204.html 鄭子三十七式太極拳]

== 5 principles ==
== 5 principles ==

Revision as of 16:36, 29 December 2013

CMC Taichi Form (鄭子三十七式)

5 principles

  • relax
  • distinguish yin and yang
  • turn by waist
  • body straight
  • beautiful lady's hand

Taichi Sword

太極散手 Taichi Sanshou

太極拳散手名稱 or here

上手         下手
1:上步捶      2:提手上勢
3:上步攔捶     4:搬捶
5:上步左靠     6:右打虎
7:打左肘      8:右推
9:左劈身捶     10:換步右靠
11:撤步左打虎    12:右劈身捶
13:提手上勢     14:轉身按
15:摺疊劈身捶    16:開勢搬捶
17:右橫列手     18:換步左野馬分鬃
19:下勢右打虎    20:轉身撤步履
21:上步左靠     22:向右轉身按
23:雙分右蹬腳    24:摟膝指襠捶
25:上步右採列    26:換步右穿梭
27:左掤右劈身捶   28:白鶴亮翅左蹬腳
29:摟膝上步左靠   30:撤步撅左臂
31:轉身按履勢    32:雙風貫耳
33:進步雙按     34:下勢搬捶
35:單推右臂     36:右搓臂
37:順勢按      38:化打右掌
39:化推       40:化打右肘
41:進步採列     42:換步撅右臂
43:右打虎      44:轉身撤步履
45:上步左擠     46:回擠
47:換步雙分右靠   48:換步轉身左靠
49:打右肘      50:轉身金雞獨立
51:退步化      52:雙分上步左蹬腳
53:後退轉身上步靠  54:退步撅左臂
55:轉身換步右分腳  56:雙分右摟膝
57:轉身換步左分腳  58:雙分左摟膝
59:換手右靠     60:回右靠
61:上步左攬雀尾   62:右雲手
63:上步右攬雀尾   64:左雲手
65:右開左掤右劈身捶 66:側身撇身捶
67:上步高探馬左蹬腳 68:白鶴亮翅右套腿
69:轉身擺蓮     70:左斜飛式
71:刁手蛇身下勢   72:右斜飛式
73:左打虎      74:轉身撇身捶
77:倒攆猴二     78:上步右搧
79:倒攆猴三     80:上步七星
81:海底針      82:扇通背
83:手揮琵琶     84:彎弓射虎
85:轉身右單鞭    86:肘底捶
87:上步十字手    88:抱虎歸山
89:轉身退步履    90:上步轉身履
91:上步轉身跨虎   92:轉身退步跨虎



黃性賢 鬆身五法

  • 轉腰鬆跨
  • 合氣鬆身
  • 擺臂鬆肩
  • 彎腰鬆筋
  • 坐腿鬆膝

太極拳經 張三丰




太極拳論 (王宗岳著)






十三總勢莫輕識,命意源頭在腰隙;變轉虛實須留意,氣遍身軀不梢滞。 靜中觸動動猶靜,因敵變化是神奇;勢勢存心揆用意,得來不覺費工夫。 刻刻留意在腰間,腹內鬆靜氣騰然;尾閭中正神貫頂,滿身輕利頂頭懸。 仔細留心向推求,屈伸開合聽自由;入門引路須口授,功夫無息法自休。 若言體用何為準,意氣君來骨肉臣;詳推用意終何在,益壽延年不老春。 歌兮歌兮百四十,字字真切義無疑;若不向此推求去,枉費工夫遺歎惜。


掤捋擠按須認真 上下相隨人難進 任他巨力來打我 牽動四兩撥千斤 引進落空合即出 連沾綿隨不丟頂












鄭子太極拳 十三篇

  1. 釋名義第一
  2. 通玄實第二
  3. 專氣致柔第三
  4. 變化氣質第四
  5. 陸地游泳第五
  6. 心膂並重第六
  7. 勁與物理第七
  8. 養生全真第八
  9. 益臟腑第九
  10. 起肺疾第十
  11. 別程序第十一
  12. 明生剋第十二
  13. 述口訣第十三附序及按語


  1. 曰鬆。
  2. 曰沉。
  3. 曰分虛實。
  4. 曰虛靈頂勁。
  5. 曰磨轉心不轉。
  6. 曰似拉鋸式之攬雀尾。
  7. 曰我不是肉架子。
  8. 曰撥不倒。
  9. 曰能發勁。
  10. 曰搬架子。
  11. 曰須認真。
  12. 曰四兩撥千斤。

太極拳答問 (陳微明)

Push hand (Cheng Man-Ching)

  1. Relax and yield to your opponent.
  2. The players are in constant touch as they execute the movements.
  3. Be guided by "feel"; detect your opponent's move before he begins.
  4. No resistence, every response should be a gentle one.
  5. In the context of the four movements making up this exercise there are four actions which must be distinguished.
    1. Adhere and lift (chan)
    2. Join (lien)
    3. Adhere horizontally (t'ieh)
    4. Attach from the rear (sui)

Chan and lien are up and down movements; t'ieh and sui are backward, forward and lateral movements.

The essentials of pushing hand practice

  1. When your opponent strikes you with strength, instead of opposing him, you simply withdraw your body,neutralizing his weight - thus his weight will be emptied and will not come to your body.
  2. When attacking your opponent you should not attack him immediately. Your hands first must lightly touch his body and as soon as you interpret that he is going to resist you, you yield slightly and then immediately attack.
  3. When interpreting your opponent's energy you should not put too much weight against him during the time of interpretation. A Taichi Chuan devotee when performing 'pushing hand practive' must follow the above mentioned principles strictly so that his art progresses rapidly - otherwise, he will be doomed.

The interpreting, sticking, withdrawing and attacking energies are all involved in an instant.

How to uproot your opponent

  1. Sound boxing is rooted in the foot, that it sprouts in the legs, is directed by the waist, and moves up to and functions through the waist. The feet, the legs, and the waist must move as one. When attacking you should have the concept of pushing slightly upward. Your front knee is bent and should not extend over the tiptoes of the foot, otherwise your energy will be dispersed.
  2. When both of your hands touch your opponent's body before attacking, you should not use too much force; otherwise you will give him a chance to interpret you and as soon as you start to attack him he can neutralize your weight slightly and you will fail to "up-root" him.
  3. When your hands lightly touch him you have to detect a slight wave of resistance in his body. By taking the advantage of his wave, you will be able to attack him decisively. It is rather difficult to detect the wave in a person. If you do "pushing hand practice" over a long period you will find it.
  4. When attacking your should not use force with both of your hands. Taichi Chuan classics say that when attacking it is necessary to aim at one direction of your opponent. To use force with both of your hands is technically known as double weighting and contracts the principles of Taichi Chuan.
  5. The position of your hands and arms to your body before attacking should remain the same as after attacking. The disproportionate stretching and shrinking of the hands and arms when attacking will effect the unified action of the tenacious energy from your leg and the efficacy of the "up-root" will be greatly decreased.
  6. When attacking you have to withdraw slightly with the concept of going downward first and then going up so that you can "up-root" your opponent. Taichi Chuan classics say that if you want to push upward you must first go downward. For instance, if you want to pull something up you have to push down first and the root will be naturally broken off.

Taichi Videos/concept







Documentary martial art

  • CCTV
  • 天涯共此時 功夫中國

Our Heavenly Father. We give thanks for the pleasure. We give thanks for this food. We give thanks for life and all other blessings. We pray health and strength. We ask in the name of Christ. Our Heavenly Father.