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General information


ARMv8, ARMv9

  • ARMv8 is an ARM instruction set architecture announced in 2011. It brought a large number of fundamental changes to the instruction set, including the introduction of 64-bit operating capabilities. ARMv8 architecture uses two execution states, AArch32 and AArch64. As the names imply, one is for running 32-bit code and one for 64-bit.
  • After ARMv8, which was introduced in 2011, ARM introduced ARMv9 architecture.
  • According to ARM, some of the major new features of the ARMv9-A architecture include Realm Management Extension (RME) and Embedded Trace Extension (ETE) and Trace Buffer Extension (TRBE).
  • Apple M1 chip or M2 chip is based on ARMv8.5-A instruction set architecture.

Get started

Hello AI World


Ubuntu 20.04

Install Ubuntu 20.04 on Jetson Nano


Boot from USB

Low memory problem in Jetson nano

* Low memory problem in Jetson nano

GPU benchmark

* Nvidia Jetson Nano Review and Benchmark * Glmark2. Glmark2 is an OpenGL 2.0 and ES 2.0 benchmark. glmark2 is a cross-platform tool that can be used to test the performance of the GPU on both platforms with and without CUDA cores. ** sudo apt-get install glmark2 * LuxMark


jtop: The Ultimate Tool for Monitoring NVIDIA Jetson Devices

sudo pip3 install -U jetson-stats


Alternative OS


ARES: aurora retro entertainment system