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Check list for installer

1)	Misc Folder:
a.	CGHTools
b.	R installer
c.	Rserve
d.	Java installer
e.	Microsoft C++ 2010 SP1 Redistribute packages, vcredist_x64.exe &
2)	License file,
Files\Compressed Files\Language Independent\OS Independent\License.doc.
It is a text file.
3)	License file,
C:\Installer-2012\CGHTools-Scripts\CGH_1_3_Rserve\Setup Files\Compressed Files\Language Independent\OS Independent\License.doc. It is a text file.
4)	License agreement menu, About ArrayTools and About CGHTools
5)	Sample datasets.
6)	ArrayTools: License.doc, Readme.doc.
7)	ArrayTools\Updates: ArrayTools_CurrentVersion.txt.
8)	ArrayTools\Doc: Manual.doc, ManualFrame.doc, Overview of
Analysis Tools.doc, Plug-in Manual.doc, StatMethods.doc, Table of Contents.doc, FAQs.pdf.
9)	CGHTools: LICENSE AGREEMENT.doc, Readme.doc
10)	CGHTools\Updates: CGHTools_CurrentVersion.txt.
11)	CGHTools\Doc: CGHManual.doc, CGHManualFrame.doc, Table of
12)	ArrayTools_UpdateVersion.txt, it will keep on the ArrayTools
14)	Different ArrayTools installers.
a.	There are 3 installers: Full, Individual and Update. Main
release has no Update installers.
b.	Individual installer has no R and no Java installers in the Misc
folder. It will detect the required R version (or newer than the required R version). If no required R version or lower, the installation will abort.
c.	Update installer has changed files between current and previous
freeze folders.
15)	The installers will keep a copy in
K:\BRB\ARRAYTOOLS\archive\installers\. Alpha versions will not keep, only Beta versions and release versions will keep on K:.
16)	YD puts the new release online:
a.	Create a testing page:
b.	Whats-new-v43b1.doc, Readme.doc, License.doc, Manual.doc
c.	Java, R download links
d.	Installers: Full, Individual, Update
e.	ArrayTools_LatestVersion.txt
f.	Sending emails to users about new release need about 3 hours.
Only Beta 1 and Stable versions need to send out user emails. Other Beta versions don't send to reduce user emails.