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* 主食要多於肉
* 主食要多於肉
* 菜要多於肉
* 菜要多於肉
== How to eat mindfully ==
* Take note of the textures, shapes and colours
* notice any smells and sounds.
* When you take a bite, notice the temperature, the texture and all the different tastes.
* Be aware of how the food feels on your fork or in your hand
* how it feels in your mouth.
* Notice your mouth chewing away, and your breathing as you go.
== Blue zone ==
* [ Eating this food may be a reason why some people live to 100]
== Japan 日本 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujz4Z9vJNl44fILjq?e=z5JKT3
== Lifespan in US ==
[ You Could Live 9 Years Longer in Hawaii Than in Mississippi, New Data Shows]. U.S. State Life Tables, 2020 from [ CDC National Vital Statistics System (NVSS)]: [ short] & [ long] version.

= Inflammation =
= Inflammation =
[ How To Fight Inflammation? Ginger And Other Foods That Can Cure Inflammation!]
* [ How To Fight Inflammation? Ginger And Other Foods That Can Cure Inflammation!]
* [ 發炎是一切疾病的元兇!台大醫師教你早餐這樣吃,改善身體慢性發炎] and [ 良醫健康網]
== 發炎指數 ==
* CRP (C-reactive protein) C-反應蛋白
* [ 怎麼知道體內發炎程度?日本醫學博士教你看這個數值]
** 0.30 mg/㎗以下 標準範圍
** 0.31~0.99 mg/ 須注意
** 1.00 mg/㎗以上 異常
** 0.20 mg/以上,罹患冠狀動脈疾病的風險就會比較高
== 上火 ==
[ 這類食物越吃人越老,還要當心上火!|診邊小知識]. [ AGE/Advanced Glycation End Products 醣化終產物]

== 易發炎食物 Foods that worsen inflammation ==
== 易發炎食物 Foods that worsen inflammation ==
Line 24: Line 56:
* [ Arthritis Food Myths]
* [ Arthritis Food Myths]
* [ 少精緻醣類 助消脂 避慢性發炎]
* [ 少精緻醣類 助消脂 避慢性發炎]
* '''[遠離疾病-3招讓你更健康/ 遠離疾病-3招讓你更健康]''' - 盡量少吃促發炎的食物, 喝白開水,維持體內足夠的水分, 維持腸道健康. [ 膳食致炎指數]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujyI75bDpm9OR4Lp1 抗發炎從飲食做起]
* [ 抗疫飲食3關鍵,抗病毒、抗發炎、抗氧化!營養師:這7類營養素有幫助]

== 抗發炎食物 Anti-inflammation ==
== 抗發炎食物 Anti-inflammation ==
* [ 致命疾病都從發炎開始!美國《預防》雜誌推8種最佳抗發炎食物]: 酪梨, 鮭魚, 杏仁(應稱為[扁桃 扁桃] 而不是[杏仁 杏仁 Apricot kernel]), 黑豆, 開心果, 蘆筍, 蛋白, 藍莓
* [ 癌症是終極發炎!10種超強抗發炎水果,不想「引病上身」該常吃]
* [ TIME 100 Most Healing Foods: +20 Delicious Recipes]
List of foods:
* Allium (蒜,蔥) vegetables
* Allium (蒜,蔥) vegetables
* Apple cider vinegar
* Apple cider vinegar
* Basil
* Basil
* Berry (eg 蔓越莓 cranberry, 覆盆子/山莓 raspberry)
* Berry (eg 蔓越莓 cranberry, 覆盆子/山莓 raspberry, 桑椹 mulberry)
* Bone broth
* Bone broth
* Coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil
* Coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil
Line 36: Line 76:
* Fennel 茴香
* Fennel 茴香
* Fish, Fish oil (omega-3, EPA, DHA)
* Fish, Fish oil (omega-3, EPA, DHA)
* Ginger
* Ginger [!Am92ICmSSQXukR3DktB7OUmHWS3W 薑要如何吃才對] 講究時間
* Gluten-free grains: quinoa, brown rice. Quinoa is a complete plant-based source of protein. It's also a rich source of magnesium, a relaxant mineral that reduces inflammation and contains vitamin E.
* Gluten-free grains: quinoa (藜麥), brown rice. Quinoa is a complete plant-based source of protein. It's also a rich source of magnesium, a relaxant mineral that reduces inflammation and contains vitamin E.
* Natural sweeteners like raw honey, maple syrup.
* Natural sweeteners like raw honey, maple syrup.
* Nuts and seeds.  
* Nuts and seeds.  
Line 43: Line 83:
* Root vegetables. Carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnips, turnips, celery root, beets.
* Root vegetables. Carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnips, turnips, celery root, beets.
* Sustainable organic meat. Lamb, chicken and turkey. They are high in protein, which is essential for healing and repairing inflammation. They are also rich in B vitamins, particularly B12 - a key nutrient for the nervous system.
* Sustainable organic meat. Lamb, chicken and turkey. They are high in protein, which is essential for healing and repairing inflammation. They are also rich in B vitamins, particularly B12 - a key nutrient for the nervous system.
* Turmeric
* Turmeric. [ 「黃金牛奶」能抗氧化、減少關節痛 加入黑胡椒,吸收效果更佳]
* Winter squashes
* Winter squashes
== 麥得飲食法 MIND Diet ==
[ 延緩大腦老化、減少發炎反應…麥得飲食法怎麼吃,才能獲得科學實證4好處]

== Vegan Plan ==
== Vegan Plan ==
# Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eliminate nightshades from the diet as well as corn.
# Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eliminate nightshades from the diet as well as corn.
# Eat enough plant-based protein such as quinoa, hemp seeds and chia seeds.
# Eat enough plant-based protein such as quinoa, hemp seeds and chia seeds. [ Do hemp seeds go bad if not refrigerated?] The shelf life for a package of hemp seeds kept in the pantry will be about three months.
# Boost omega-3 intake
# Boost omega-3 intake
# Avoid soy products
# Avoid soy products
Line 54: Line 97:
# Select gluten-free grains
# Select gluten-free grains

== Mediterranean Plan ==
# Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables
* [ 10 Cheap Plant-Based Meals]
# Limit gluten-free grains
* [ Easy Ways to Eat More Vegetables Every Day]
# Eat healthy sources of fat
# Skip the red wine
== 地中海飲食 Mediterranean Plan ==
# Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables 食用豐富的蔬菜水果 (天天)
# Whole grains, beans and seeds, with a few nuts 攝取粗糧與食用堅果 (天天)
# Eat healthy sources of fat (Fats other than olive oil, such as butter, are consumed rarely) 運用優質食用油
# 食用新鮮的魚蝦海鮮/黃豆 (常常)
# Meat make a rare appearance, usually only to flavor a dish. Fish are a staple. 少吃紅肉與加工食物 (每月)
# 適量的乳製品及蛋類,雞 鴨, 甜點 (每週)
# 巧用香料取代油鹽
[ Mediterranean diet 101: How to start (and stay on) one of the world's healthiest diets]
[ 20 Vibrant Mediterranean Recipes to Feel Good About]
[ Different diets]: Best diet for quick weight loss, Best diets for diabetes and heart health]
[ 得舒飲食可抗高血壓與糖尿病?怎麼做才正確?營養師與醫師圖文說明!]
[ 2019最佳飲食推薦「地中海飲食」奪冠 把握原則輕鬆實踐] (with figures)
[ 美國公布2019年最佳飲食排行榜 這樣的吃法竟拿下冠軍]
地中海飲食金字塔 Mediterranean Diet Pyramid

== Paleo Plan ==
== Paleo Plan ==
Line 67: Line 135:
# Include gluten-free pseudograins
# Include gluten-free pseudograins

== Immune System ==
== 北歐飲食 Nordic diet ==
[!Am92ICmSSQXujRjJ7VgOjjDAewnN 提升免疫力多吃這些營養好食物]
[ 地中海飲食後 北歐飲食成為營養師新寵]
「北歐飲食法」的特色在於吃大量全榖類以及根莖類蔬菜 (馬鈴薯、大白菜、甜菜等都是高纖維、鎂和鉀的重要來源), 獲取幫助消化排便的膳食纖維,以及多吃莓果類富含天然抗氧化劑的水果。
== Immune System 免疫力 ==
* [ 流感不要來!10種食物可增強免疫力]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujRjJ7VgOjjDAewnN 提升免疫力多吃這些營養好食物]
* [ 防疫食在重要 吃出關鍵免疫力]
* [ 防疫「食」戰 吃對6大類食物]
* [ 每餐最好多吃點!營養師推「抗疫3寶」提升免疫力]
* [ 自體免疫疾病患者出現3症狀 當心高致死率「肺纖維化」找上門]
* [ 另一條對抗新冠病毒的路:減緩發炎讓免疫力發揮正常效益的創新研究]
== 抗氧化飲食 Antioxidant ==
* [ 預防身體氧化和糖化 日本專家推薦這2種日常食物] 多吃蔬菜和海藻類(eg 裙帶菜或昆布)對身體有益.
* [ 4招教你「甩開慢性發炎」!過敏、肥胖、皮膚炎都是發炎害的]

= Heart rate (HR) =
== 泡麵 ==
* [ American heart association]
* [ 愛吃泡麵?消化過程微影片促你重新考慮]
* Android apps such as 'Unique heart rate monitor'.
* 年紀變大 心跳會變慢.  
* [ 2018年全球泡麵排行] and

== Interval between successive home blood pressure readings ==
== Gluten 麩質 ==
* [ 1 minute apart]
[ What Is a Gluten-Free Diet — And What Should I Know About Going Gluten-Free?]
* [ 1 minute vs 10 sec]
* [ 2 minutes]
* OMRON 785 device has a TruRead mode which will take 3 readings for 30 seconds, 60 seconds or 90 seconds intervals.

= Heart =
== Histamine 組織胺 ==
== 心痛 Heartburn ==
* [ 12 Easy ways to get rid of heartburn]
* [ How to Reduce Histamine in Your Body]

== 心律失常 Arrhythmia ==
== 氧化、糖化、發炎 ==
* [ About Arrhythmia]
[ 氧化、糖化、發炎三大反應,加速人體老化]

== 心房 Atrium, 心室 Ventricle, 大動脈 Aorta, 腔靜脈 vena cava ==
== Cough ==
* 心房 Atrium (in): one of the two spaces at the top part of the heart that receive blood from the '''veins''' and push it down into the ventricles (= lower spaces)
[ The Best Natural Cough Remedies]
* 心室 Ventricle (out): either of two small, hollow spaces, one in each side of the heart, that force blood into the tubes leading from the heart to the other parts of the body
* 大動脈,主動脈 Aorta (out): the main artery (thick tube carrying blood from the heart) that takes blood to the other parts of the body
* 腔靜脈 vena cava (in): one of the two very large veins through which blood returns to the heart, one from the upper body and head and one from all of the body below the chest
= [ 代謝症候群], 三高 =
* 高血壓 hypertension or HTN
* [高脂血症 高血脂(膽固醇, 三酸甘油酯) hyperlipidemia]
* 高血糖 hyperglycemia

== Statins, 橫紋肌溶解症 ==
[ 衛生福利部 國民健康署 健康九九網站]
[ 降血脂藥 引發肌肉病變]

== 飲食 ==
== 血管堵塞 多數沒有症狀 ==
* [ 飲食「三多三少」 心臟更健康]
[裝支架非萬靈丹-三高控制更重要/ 裝支架非萬靈丹-三高控制更重要]
* [為什麼年過40歲的男人應該多吃堅果?豆類、堅果和全穀對健康有益]

= Vitamin deficiency =
== 血管回春 ==
* [ 血管回春的飲食5魔法]

= [ 代謝症候群], 三高 =
== 為何相撲選手體型肥胖,卻未罹患肥胖病患常見疾病 ==
高血壓、高血脂(膽固醇, 三酸甘油酯)和高血糖
== 血型決定自己生什麼病 ==
* [ 「血型」決定自己生什麼病!] O型容易胃潰瘍、A型容易心臟病
* [ 研究:你的血型和罹病風險 大有關係]

== 血糖 glycemia, 糖尿病 diabetes ==
= 血糖 glycemia, 糖尿病 diabetes =
* GI = glycemic index  
* GI = glycemic index  
* [ 吃水果有禁忌!飯前or飯後?]
* [ 水果最好在晚上8點前吃完! 避免脂肪肝上身,營養師激推6大低GI值水果]
* [ 5大地雷食物 糖尿病友少吃]
* 高GI 食品造成胰島素分泌增加 加重胰臟負擔
* [ How to Eat Foods Low on the Glycemic Index]
* [ How to Eat Foods Low on the Glycemic Index]
* [ 糖尿病]
* [ 糖尿病]
* [ 高血糖竟是國人第一危險死亡因子] (6/7/2017)
* [ 高血糖竟是國人第一危險死亡因子] (6/7/2017)
* 高血糖症狀:
** 三多一少(吃多、喝多、尿多、體重減輕)
** 糖化血红蛋白(A1c)/糖化血色素(HbA1c)反映过去三个月血糖控制的平均值。6.5% 正常值. 一般人糖化血色素的正常值約為4-6%,糖尿病人宜控制在7%以下。[ 全民糖尿病觀測站]
** 空腹血糖 >= 126mg/dL.
** 飯後血糖 >= 200mg/dL.
* [ 糖尿病 急性&慢性 併發症]. 高血糖會破壞所有全身血管之內皮細胞,進而破壞了器官之功能,因此會引起很多併發症.
* [ 糖尿病 急性&慢性 併發症]. 高血糖會破壞所有全身血管之內皮細胞,進而破壞了器官之功能,因此會引起很多併發症.
* 高GI 食品造成胰島素分泌增加 加重胰臟負擔
* 糖尿病相當全身血管和神經等於泡在糖水裡. 壞在頭部就是中風 壞在心臟就是心肌梗塞 壞在眼睛就是眼中風。
* 糖尿病相當全身血管和神經等於泡在糖水裡. 壞在頭部就是中風 壞在心臟就是心肌梗塞 壞在眼睛就是眼中風。
* 手麻腳麻可能就是糖尿病而不是脊椎骨刺。
* 手麻腳麻可能就是糖尿病而不是脊椎骨刺。
Line 132: Line 206:
* 糖尿病 is a chronic disease.
* 糖尿病 is a chronic disease.
* 洗腎.
* 洗腎.
* [ 量血糖劃時代變革:免指尖採血新裝置]
* [ 量血糖劃時代變革:免指尖採血新裝置]
=== 餐後狀態會發生什麼事 ===
[ 在吃甜食前「喝一匙這個」,輕鬆降血糖]: 醋.

=== 糖尿病飲食 ===
=== 血糖(blood glucose)正常值, 糖化血紅素(HbA1c), 胰島素(insulin), 胰臟(Pancreas) ===
* [ 胰島素是糖友救命武器 研發幕後功臣之一是狗]
* See CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel). It includes glucose, sodium, potassium, calcium, ...
* 美國正常值 65-99 mg/dL. See [ Know your blood glucose target range]
* 中國读数6.1 mmol/L 以下算正常
* 美國的血糖單位是mg/dl,而中國的是mmlo/L。mg/dl÷18=mmol/L; mmol/L×18=mg/dl。
* [ How Insulin Works]. Insulin 胰島素 is a hormone made by one of the body's organs called the pancreas 胰腺. Insulin helps your body turn blood sugar (glucose) into energy. It also helps your body store it in your muscles, fat cells, and liver to use later, when your body needs it.
* 高血糖症狀:
** 三多一少(吃多、喝多、尿多、體重減輕)
** 糖化血红蛋白(A1c)/糖化血色素(HbA1c)反映过去三个月血糖控制的平均值。6.5% 正常值. 一般人糖化血色素的正常值約為4-6%,糖尿病人宜控制在7%以下。[ 全民糖尿病觀測站]
** 空腹血糖 >= 126mg/dL.
** 飯後血糖 >= 200mg/dL.
* 宋晏仁醫師談「胰島素阻抗是什麼?為什麼重要?」 [ 上], [ 下]
* [ 什麼是胰島素阻抗]
=== 急症, 慢性併發症 ===
[ 低血糖與高血糖急症]
=== 糖尿病飲食 Diet ===
* [ 糖尿病天敵!醫大推10大控糖蔬菜:降膽固醇、護血管「天菜」快吃它]
* [ Here's What Healthy Eating With Diabetes Actually Looks Like]
* 建議 蔬菜 50%, 蛋白質 >25%, 全穀 <25%.
* 建議 蔬菜 50%, 蛋白質 >25%, 全穀 <25%.
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujQoCtjZaF-0AD6Nw 糖尿病患者的飲食計畫]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujQoCtjZaF-0AD6Nw 糖尿病患者的飲食計畫]
* [蔬菜寶庫別丟棄-苦瓜改善高血糖-11天降10-血糖-060000994.html 苦瓜改善高血糖 還能降血壓]
=== 211 飲食 ===
宋晏仁 [ 均衡飲食 快樂生活]
=== 低醣飲食 === 營養師談低醣飲食. 醣 vs 糖 at 14:55.
=== 吃飯順序 ===
蔬菜(菇類 海藻, 2 fists amount) 蛋白質 碳水化合物 細嚼慢嚥
=== 煮一鍋好米 ===
[ 煮一鍋好米 這樣吃,最營養]
=== Daily Intake of Sugar ===
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the [ maximum amount of added sugars you should eat in a day] are:
* Men: 150 calories per day ('''38 grams''' or 9 teaspoons or 3 tablespoons).
* Women: 100 calories per day ('''25 grams''' or 6 teaspoons or 2 tablespoons).
See also
* [ The growing concern over too much added sugar in our diets]
=== [甜蜜陷阱-還有這些隱藏版/ 甜蜜陷阱] ===
* 烘焙麵包 甜點 濃湯、義大利肉醬麵 食品中額外添加的砂糖、果糖和蔗糖
* 飯、麵、饅頭等澱粉主食則屬於大分子的碳水化合物,被歸類為「醣」,包含澱粉、纖維及糖。這類食物經人體消化吸收後,也會轉變成葡萄糖。
=== 醣 vs 糖 ===
[ 醣/糖分不清?糖無所不在 這項最「地雷」]
=== 代糖 ===
* [ Everything You Need to Know About Stevia]. A pinch of stevia powder is equal to about one teaspoon of table sugar.
=== 沙拉 ===
[ 血糖不飆升、體內不積毒!70歲糖尿病醫師3道減齡沙拉,吃出抗氧年輕體質]
=== 全麥麵包 whole grain ===
* [!Am92ICmSSQXukR6KSKZ3gGkN0kWd?e=C8fcf3 全穀超級食品]
* [ 專家公認的麵包營養排行榜 最不健康的你可能很常吃]
*# 全穀物麵包 Whole Grain
*# 全麥麵包 Whole Wheat
*# 酸種麵包 Sourdough
*# 裸麥麵包 Rye
*# 雜糧麵包 Multigrain
*# 法式長棍麵包 Baguette
*# 巧巴達╱拖鞋麵包 Ciabatta
*# 白披塔╱口袋麵包 White Pita
*# 白吐司 White Sandwich Bread
*# 貝果 Bagels
=== 年菜 佛跳牆 ===
[保健看過來/佛跳了-血糖也跳表/ 佛跳牆屬於高油、高鹽、高熱量食物]

= 血脂 blood lipids =
= 血脂 blood lipids =
Line 144: Line 296:
Suggestion: 洋蔥蕃茄炒蛋 + 芹菜 + 燕麥片/糙米 + 黑木耳/菇類 + 蘋果 橘子 lemon + Seaweed + Ginger + Onion + green onion + pepper, salmon, bean, Olive oil, Tofu, 綠豆'''薏仁'''湯. 幫助代謝膽汁(前驅是膽固醇).  
Suggestion: 洋蔥蕃茄炒蛋 + 芹菜 + 燕麥片/糙米 + 黑木耳/菇類 + 蘋果 橘子 lemon + Seaweed + Ginger + Onion + green onion + pepper, salmon, bean, Olive oil, Tofu, 綠豆'''薏仁'''湯. 幫助代謝膽汁(前驅是膽固醇).  

* [ 每5人就有1人血太油! 教你降血脂護心血管! 健康2.0 20190818 (完整版)]
* [ 狂吃薏仁 想降三高卻變胖], [ 多吃薏仁好處多]
* [ 狂吃薏仁 想降三高卻變胖], [ 多吃薏仁好處多]
* [ 芹菜粥降血脂]
* [ 芹菜粥降血脂]
* 薏仁 (Job's tears/coixseed): [ baidu] and [ wikipedia]
* 薏仁 (Job's tears/coixseed): [ baidu] and [ wikipedia]
* How To Use Chia Seeds in Smoothies
* How To Use Chia Seeds in Smoothies
* [ 低脂飲食與血脂肪分級]

== [ 脂肪酸 Fatty acids] ==
== [ 脂肪酸 Fatty acids] ==
* Saturated fatty acids
* Saturated fatty acids ([ Dairy is the leading source of saturated fat in the U.S. diet])
* Unsaturated fatty acids
* Unsaturated fatty acids
** Monounsaturated fat
** Monounsaturated fat ('''plant-based''' liked those found in vegetable oils, avocados, nuts, seeds vs '''animal-based''' like those in meat, dairy and eggs)
** Polyunsaturated fat
** Polyunsaturated fat
*** Omega-3
*** Omega-3
Line 158: Line 314:
** Trans fats
** Trans fats

== Bad carbs ==
== 膽固醇 Cholesterol ==
* Cereals (there are exceptions but they are few)
* 美國全國膽固醇教育計畫現行的準則,把高於160 mg/dL的低密度膽固醇列為「偏高」,130 mg/dL到159 mg/dL被視為「邊緣性偏高」。
* White rice
* Pasta
* Breads (there are exceptions but they are few)
* Cookies
* Pastries
* Snack foods
* Sodas
* Juice drinks
* Crackers
== 膽固醇 ==
* 左旋精氨酸 (L-arginine) Good though it has side effects too
* 左旋精氨酸 (L-arginine) Good though it has side effects too
* [ 10 best choleserol lowering foods] Soys, Beans, Salmon, Avocado, Garlic, Spinach, Margarine, Tea, Nuts, Dark Chocolate.  
* [ 10 best cholesterol lowering foods] Soys, Beans, Salmon, Avocado, Garlic, Spinach, Margarine, Tea, Nuts, Dark Chocolate.  
* How Much Avocado Is Healthy To Eat In A Day? ''The average avocado contains 322 calories and 29 grams of fat, so half an avocado has 161 calories and 14.5 grams of fat. If you’re eating a full avocado, you’re getting 44 percent of your daily recommended fat intake and 21 percent of your recommended saturated fat intake through that avocado alone, so make sure to keep that in mind.''
* [ Top foods to improve your numbers] from mayoclinic. Oatmeal, Fish, Nuts, Avocados, Olive oil, Foods with added plant sterols or stanols (Some margarines, orange juice and yogurt drinks), Whey protein.
* [ Top foods to improve your numbers] from mayoclinic. Oatmeal, Fish, Nuts, Avocados, Olive oil, Foods with added plant sterols or stanols (Some margarines, orange juice and yogurt drinks), Whey protein.
* [ Cooking for Lower Cholesterol Cooking] from
* [ Cooking for Lower Cholesterol Cooking] from
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** 三酸甘油脂數值除以5,加上高、低密度膽固醇,大致等於總膽固醇數值。
** 三酸甘油脂數值除以5,加上高、低密度膽固醇,大致等於總膽固醇數值。
* 長期的有氧運動確定是可以提升好膽固醇的(沒有副作用)。
* 長期的有氧運動確定是可以提升好膽固醇的(沒有副作用)。
* [ 膽固醇過高不吃肉 天然優蛋白不胖還能預防肌少症] 麵筋、素肉、素雞等這類精緻化的豆製品,因為油炸過,脂肪含量高,可利用的蛋白質變低,腎臟為了過濾這些雜質還過度做工。蛋白質的攝取選擇次序,第一選擇是植物性蛋白質,第二才是動物性。
* [ 8種降低膽固醇的食物]: 黃豆, 燕麥片, 鮭魚, 橄欖油, 蘋果, 葡萄柚, 茶, 大蒜.
* 健康2.0
** [ 降膽固醇飲食]
** [ 高膽固醇食物原來是這些!]
** [ 8種「食物」降低膽固醇]
** [ 減肥,排毒、降膽固醇]
* 保健康 一天至少一餐吃燕麥
* [長期吃-燕麥加牛奶-阻礙鈣吸收-譚敦慈教你這樣吃-營養又助便-160000546.html 長期吃「燕麥加牛奶」,阻礙鈣吸收!] 燕麥是屬於高磷的食物,牛奶則屬於高鈣的食物,當兩者一起食用,高磷的成分會影響到鈣的吸收.
* [ 吃燕麥好在哪?營養師帶你一次看懂的營養與功效機制].
** 抑制肝臟膽固醇生成
** 包覆油脂減少吸收
** 促進肝臟代謝膽固醇
* [ 膳食纖維是白米的12倍 想靠吃燕麥降膽固醇得認明2點]
* 燕麥過量也會造成身體負擔 ([ 挖知識]). '''一天只要75克 (~.5 cup dry rolled/old fashioned oatmeal, 1 serving size, 150 calories. Mix one part oats to two parts liquid)'''.
** 脹氣
** 貧血 缺鈣 (植酸 草酸影響吸收)
** 腎臟病 (蛋白質 鉀 磷)
** 糖尿病 (澱粉)
* [ 飽和脂肪才是使血膽固醇升高更重要的推手]
** '''升膽固醇指數(Cholesterol Saturated fat Index)'''將食物中飽和脂肪及膽固醇的含量經過加權計算
** 海鮮類食物的膽固醇含量頗高,脂肪含量很低,尤其是飽和脂肪更低,因此它的昇膽固醇指數並不高
** 豬油,看起來膽固醇含量和海鮮類差不多,但是卻會使你的血管不知不覺的塗上一層厚厚的膽固醇.昇膽固醇指數和海鮮類相差近六倍之多.
** 少吃富含飽和脂肪的食物,如:豬油、牛油或者是雞皮、鴨皮等動物性油脂,,還有一些經過氫化製造的飽和性植物油,如:'''人造奶油 (Margarine)'''。
** 食物您應多攝取青菜、未精緻加工的豆製品及莢豆類及適量的全穀類(如:糙米、胚芽米、全麥、五穀雜糧);烹調用油多選橄欖油、葵花油,少用豬油、奶油、椰子油等飽和性脂肪酸的油;主餐的烹調用油約1-2茶匙。多採用清蒸、水煮、滷、燉、烘、烤、涼拌與香辛料(薑、蒜、五香、九層塔、芥末…等等),增加食物的可口性與變化性! 應避免肥肉、雞皮、鴨皮、油炸、油酥食品的攝取。酒要少喝。另外內臟類、魚卵、蟹黃、豬腦等膽固醇含量都過高,不宜攝食。至於蛋黃1週最多吃2個。
* [ 你認識膽固醇嗎?]
** 2015~2020 年最新美國飲食指南指出:「取消膽固醇攝取上限」。原因在於飲食僅佔膽固醇生合成中 2~3 成的影響因素。
** 許多報告發現飲食中的飽和及反式脂肪酸會導致更多膽固醇生成且不易代謝。
** 因此減少富含飽和及反式脂肪的食物來源,例如高脂肉品(培根、熱狗等)、冰淇淋、奶精、使用棕櫚油或椰子油或氫化植物油製作的餅乾、糕點等,對於降低膽固醇是首要之道。
** 增加攝取有助膽固醇代謝的食物也很重要。主食可選擇燕麥、大麥等全穀類食物,至少佔整天主食量 1/3,將飲食中一半的肉品換成黃豆製品,搭配每天 1碗半的蔬菜和 1 碗半的水果(碗指飯碗),選擇加有植醇的乳品或烹調油,並適量攝取堅果,1 天最多 1 湯匙。
* [ 常見食物升膽固醇指數(CSI)]
** 三大升膽固醇指數類: 油, 點心, 蛋黃.
* [ How a Cardiologist Lowered His Cholesterol by Changing His Diet]
** Increase Healthy Proteins
** Ideal Menu to Lower Cholesterol
** Healthy Moderation
* [ Should you be on a statin?]
** People who already have cardiovascular disease.
** People who have very high LDL (bad) cholesterol, 190 mg/dL (4.9 mmol/L) or higher.
** People who have diabetes. This group includes adults who have diabetes and an LDL between 70 and 189 mg/dL.
** People who have a higher 10-year risk of heart attack.
* [ 洋蔥│防骨鬆、降膽固醇大功臣!]
* [ 26 Dinners to Lower Cholesterol & Support Healthy Aging]
* [ 這10種食物降膽固醇效果,不比燕麥差...]
* [ Foods That Lower Cholesterol]. Beans, nuts, Avocado, fatty fish, barley, soy, dark chocolates, apple/citrus/berries, vegetables, tea, Olive oil.
=== Resistance training ===
* [ Which Exercise Is Best to Reduce Cholesterol?] 5 exercises to reduce cholesterol, How to reduce cholesterol through your diet, Reducing cholesterol with intermittent fasting.
* [ Lowering Your High Cholesterol: 6 Exercises That Will Pay Off]
=== Q10 ===
[ 降血脂膽固醇藥應補充Q10?研究發現可保護心肌 減少肌肉疼痛 讓血脂控制更好]
=== Salmon ===
* [ Does salmon increase cholesterol?] Eating salmon can improve your "good" HDL cholesterol, but it won't lower your "bad" LDL cholesterol. Eating fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout or sardines has a number of benefits on your blood cholesterol levels. These fatty fish are high in '''omega-3 unsaturated fatty''' acids.
* Your bad cholesterol (LDL) will drop due to the low saturated fat and high Omega-3 content in salmon," See [ When You Eat Salmon Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body]
=== LDL ===
* 數據要一起看 (subgroup analysis) [ 【名醫On Call】宋晏仁醫師談「低碳高脂飲食的風險評估:低密度膽固醇變高,要緊嗎? 」], [ 名醫On Call】宋晏仁醫師談「重磅發現!世上真有這種『瘦體健康高膽固醇』的健康人?」]
* [ 28 Natural Strategies to Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels]
* [ How To Reduce Ldl Cholesterol Exercise?] What foods break down LDL? What is the best exercise to lower LDL
* [ 重訓]; see [[#.E8.82.8C.E5.8A.9B.E8.A8.93.E7.B7.B4.2C_.E9.87.8D.E9.87.8F.E8.A8.93.E7.B7.B4.2F.E9.87.8D.E8.A8.93|more here]]
=== 沒吃肥肉膽固醇仍居高 ===
[ 沒吃肥肉膽固醇仍居高不下!營養師授3招飲食關鍵有效解決]
== 飽和脂肪 ==
Calorie Density:
* Fat: 9 calories per gram
* Protein: 4 calories per gram
* Carbohydrate/sugar: 4 calories per gram
=== Cheese ===
Goat cheese:
* 1 ounce of goat cheese has 4g saturated fat (21% daily)
* 1 ounce of cheese equals a pair of dice , or the size of your thumb or 2 tbsp.
Which Cheeses Are Lowest in Cholesterol and Fat?
* '''Cottage''' cheese, especially low-fat.
* '''Mozzarella''' and '''feta''' are on the low end of the scale for saturated fat.
[ Cheese to limit]:
* Whole milk ricotta cheese, cheddar (5.9g), Swiss (4.9g), Provolone (4.8g), feta (4.2g), Muenster, and American processed cheese
* For example, Whole milk ricotta cheese has 2.4g saturated fat per ounce.
[ Table of comparions]
== [ Daily intake of salt & oil/fat per day for any adult] (<2.3g) ==
* Limit total fat intake to 25 to 35% of your total daily calories. Keep saturated fats to only 10% of your total daily calories.
* Use no more than 5 to 8 teaspoons (1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons) of fats or oils per day for salads, cooking, and baking.
* Eat less than 300 mg of dietary cholesterol each day.
* Eat less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day (about 1 teaspoon of salt per day).
* High sodium diet is anything over 4g per day
* Moderate sodium diet will have between 1.4g and 4g a day
* Low sodium diet consists of eating between 0g and 1.4g of salt a day
* The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of sodium is about 2500mg.
=== Fix too salty ===
[ How to Fix Soup That’s Too Salty]. 1) Dilute with water or broth. 2) Add dairy 3) Up the acidity (a squeeze of lemon or a dash of vinegar)
== Eat fat get thin/omega-3 ==
* [ Omega 3 to 6 Fat Ratios of All Plant Oils (TABLE)]. '''Only flaxseed oil has Omega-3 > Omega-6'''.
* [ Resources]
** The Fat Bible,
** Beyond Food,
** The Restaurant Rescue Guide,
** Toxicity Quiz,
** Recipe Guide and Meal Planner
* [ The Secret Fat that Makes You Thin]
** Omega 6 fats are seed, bean, or grain oils (which include corn, soy, sunflower and canola oils).  Once ingested, these inflammatory oils are transported to the lymphatic system and not to the blood, which means your fat tissues absorb them.
* [ What the author of 'Eat Fat, Get Thin' eats — and avoids — every day]
** Keep as your cornerstone: Veggies, veggies, and more veggies.  "About 70 to 80% of your diet should be plant foods," like vegetables, whole grains, beans, and fruits.
** Add to your bag: Nuts and seeds
** Swap for butter and margarine: Olive oil
** Instead of steak or ribs: Fatty fish
** Add to your diet: Avocados. 酪梨顧心臟又通血管, 含類胡蘿蔔素可使攝護腺癌細胞生長量減少25%,2天吃1顆避免肥胖.
** Cut back on: Refined carbs, like white bread or white rice
** Avoid or skip: Sweet fats, like full-fat fruit-flavored yogurt
* [ 6 Easy Ways to Load Up on Healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids]
* [ 5 Best Food Sources for Omega-3 Fatty Acids]
** Salmon and other fatty fish. Mackerel, Halibut, Sardine, Tuna, Anchovy (such as dried anchovy).
** Walnuts
** Chia seeds
** Flaxseeds
** Omega-3 fortified eggs and other fortified foods
* [ 13 Foods High in Omega 3 That Aren’t Fish]. Kale, flaxseed, eggs, walnuts, winter squash, black beans, chia seeds, soybeans, canola oil, wild rice, organic milk, navy beans, hemp seed oil.

== [ 三酸甘油酯/甘油三酯 Triglyceride/TG] ==
== [ 三酸甘油酯/甘油三酯 Triglyceride/TG] ==
Unused dietary calories become triglycerides that circulate in your bloodstream and negatively affect your blood cholesterol.  
Unused dietary calories become triglycerides that circulate in your bloodstream and negatively affect your blood cholesterol.  
[ 搶救高血脂!7招幫你降三酸甘油脂] 1. 少吃糖,尤其是果糖 (fructose) 2. 少吃精緻澱粉,多攝取纖維質 3. 吃點豆腐,增加大豆蛋白攝取量 4. 避開壞脂肪,少吃加工食品、炸物和紅肉 5. 攝取好脂肪,一週吃2次魚.6. 三餐規律,避免胰島素阻抗 7.養成運動習慣,適當減重

[ Triglyceride-Friendly Meals] from WebMD.
[ Triglyceride-Friendly Meals] from WebMD.
Line 196: Line 472:

[ 甘油三酯], [ 甘油三酯偏高]. 采血前2~3天尽可能少食含脂质的食物,空腹12小时抽血,以排除和减少饮食的影响.
[ 甘油三酯], [ 甘油三酯偏高]. 采血前2~3天尽可能少食含脂质的食物,空腹12小时抽血,以排除和减少饮食的影响.
=== Low triglyceride levels, high LDL levels ===
[ Should You Be Worried If Your Triglycerides Are Low?]
* what can cause this inconsistency? When you have low triglyceride levels but high LDL levels, it could indicate that you have a diet filled with healthy fats.
* There are two types of LDL particles that should be taken into account when calculating heart disease risk:
** LDL-A particles are larger, less dense, and lower your risk.
** LDL-B particles are smaller, denser, and increase your risk.
* '''Healthy fats''' will not only cause an increase in good cholesterol (HDL) but can also change the type of the LDL particles in the blood. Therefore, those high LDL levels may not actually be a bad thing.
=== 食療保養法 ===
[ 9在菜餚中可添加適量的紅麴]
# 早餐吃一碗燕麥粥
# 每天常吃碗豆類
# 平常多吃大蒜
# 每天吃半個洋蔥
# 以橄欖油做為食用油
# 每天吃酪梨或蘋果一個
# 有機會多吃清蒸鮭魚
# 喝薑湯或早上吃生薑片
# 在菜餚中可添加適量的紅麴
=== 計算醣類攝取量, 1份全榖雜糧類食物 ===
[ 減肥免算熱量輕鬆瘦!營養師傳授簡單3招,低醣飲食控醣就好]
=== How to Maintain a Healthy Heart Using Tech ===
[ How to Maintain a Healthy Heart Using Tech]

== Oil ==
== Oil ==
[[#How_to_choose_oils|How to choose oils]]
[[#How_to_choose_oils|How to choose oils]]

= [ 血壓 (BP)] =
== Bad carbs ==
* Cereals (there are exceptions but they are few)
* White rice
* Pasta
* Breads (there are exceptions but they are few)
* Cookies
* Pastries
* Snack foods
* Sodas
* Juice drinks
* Crackers
=== 米的種類 ===
[ 【吃飯別怕胖】米家族,一次分清楚]
== 飲食 ==
* [ 「1234」飲食法 吃出漂亮血脂成績單]
* [ 日抗老化名醫推飲食6原則,吃出不生鏽血管!]
** 嚴選好油: 富含omega-3, omega-9. 加工食品中omega-6含量高,此種不飽和脂肪酸會和膽固醇結合,引起血管發炎.
** 少吃碳水化合物
** 控制鹽分攝取量
** 攝取綠黃色蔬菜
** 多吃清血液食材
** 食用優良蛋白質
* [ 血管清道夫!專家票選「防血管阻塞」十大食物:酪梨、這杯茶助血管回春!]
* [ 88歲社長頭髮豐盈,還擁有20多歲的骨骼和血管!4個回春秘訣公開]
== 麥片, 香蕉巧可力燕麥 ==
* [ 吃燕麥降膽固醇,但三酸甘油酯卻反而升高?營養師告訴你怎麼吃才對!] from [ 營養師教你不用怕:用實證科學破解27個常見飲食迷思] 60 gram per day or [ 3/4 cup of uncooked oatmeal].
* [ 2種材料簡單做~香蕉燕麥餅乾!]
* [ 黑豆巧可立能量棒] (video)
* [ 想降膽固醇,但燕麥難吃?其實是你不會煮!教授教最簡單料理方式]
==  How to Cook Steel Cut Oats ==
[ How to Cook Steel Cut Oats]
== 洋蔥 Onion ==
[ 吃洋蔥讓血液清透-但這2種處理方式破壞效果]
* 不要把切好的洋蔥浸泡在水裡,怕太辛辣而泡水,會讓洋蔥的含硫有機化合物流失,就無法達到讓血液清透的效果了。
* 洋蔥加熱後一樣功效不再,這是因為酵素遇熱就會被破壞,如果希望加熱後還保有清透血液的效果,那麼請將切好的洋蔥放置15分鐘以上,先讓酵素充分運作,製造出讓血液變清透的物質之後再加熱。如果想要加強效果,只要盡可能把洋蔥切薄或切細,比較容易產生酵素反應。以份量來說,每次至少要吃1/4個(50g)的洋蔥。
Bake or sauté onions for 5 minutes; any longer and the onion will begin to lose nutrients. See [ Dr. Oz].
[ 洋蔥要怎麼吃才營養]
[ 洋蔥生吃 最營養] 洋蔥富含類黃酮,除可降低罹患大腸癌的機率,對風濕性關節炎、氣喘等,也具有抗發炎的反應。洋蔥可預防骨質疏鬆癥.
[ 洋蔥怎麼吃最營養] 每天吃飯時,就著飯吃上幾片,這樣就不會辣了。生吃的洋蔥最好選紫皮的,裡面含有花青素,這種物質具有抗氧化的功能。而且紫色的洋蔥更辣一些,說明硫化物含量更豐富,既能抗氧化還能降血脂。洋蔥燉肉能消膩: 肉湯快燉好時,把切好的洋蔥圈放鍋里滾一下,然後就關火。
[!Am92ICmSSQXukGNDgdsdnFrgBqto?e=RK9teJ 日本醫生這樣吃洋蔥]  '''醋+洋蔥'''
[ 黃辣、紫艷、白甜 三種洋蔥味道、營養大不同]
[ 預防癌症發生、增加骨質密度 吃洋蔥6大好處一次看]
[ 健康主廚醋漬洋蔥野菇鯖魚手卷 止癢抗發炎!] 健康2.0. 月桂葉(bay leaf) 胡椒粒 茴香(fennel) 蒜片 米醋
== 多酚 ==
[ 每天2份這款水果 壞膽固醇降低近6% 預防心臟病與中風]. 結果發現,相較於低纖維與低多酚飲食,參與者在補充葡萄粉後(相當每日2份加州葡萄),不但腸道菌叢更為多元,總膽固醇與低密度膽固醇都下降約6%.
== 蛋 egg, 膽固醇 ==
* [ 生蛋、煎蛋、水煮蛋,怎樣吃蛋最健康?]
* [ 吃蛋該不該擔心膽固醇 正解在此]
* [ 蛋攝取量多,中風機率降12%!7種必吃的長壽食材]. 豆類, 蛋, 有葉蔬菜, 十字花科的蔬菜, 初榨橄欖油, 脂肪多的魚, 番薯.
== [沒重複加熱也一樣!六種食物切勿隔夜再吃/ 六種食物切勿隔夜再吃] ==
[ 6 Foods That Should Not Be Left Overnight]
* '''煮熟的蘑菇'''營養價值很高,但12個小時後營養物質會流失,並且產生許多有害的成分。煮熟的蘑菇含有可調節紅血球數量的'''硝酸鹽 Nitrate''',但放置一夜後,硝酸鹽將轉變為對身體有害的亞硝酸鹽。亞硝酸鹽是公認的致癌物,長期食用含大量亞硝酸鹽的食物,可能會增加患食道癌和胃癌的機率。
* '''深色的綠葉蔬菜'''含有大量的硝酸鹽。如果放到隔天再吃,蔬菜中的'''硝酸鹽'''經細菌作用會轉變成'''亞硝酸鹽 Nitrite''',吃多了恐增加罹患癌症的風險。
** [ Is the Nitrate in Leftover Vegetables Harmful?]
* '''海鮮'''. 任何方式烹調的魚類、貝類和牡蠣都不應該隔夜再食用。因為放到第二天,魚和海鮮含有的蛋白質容易降解,吃下可能損害肝臟和腎臟功能。
* '''茶'''如果放過夜的話,它所含有的蛋白質和維生素會大量流失。而且茶中的單寧酸也會大量釋放出來,喝下恐導致腹瀉、腸胃不適,甚至可能破壞胃黏膜。
* '''沙拉'''
* 未完全煮熟的雞蛋
== 十種水果可吸收油脂 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujw7HhpIblVRZn6FY
== 水果其實是危害健康的反派角色 ==
[ 水果其實是危害健康的反派角色?日本醫學博士這麼說]
== 每天油脂總攝取量 ==
* [ 每人每天油脂總攝取量不應超過二湯匙]
* [ Oil Intake Recommendations]: 1 3/4 tablespoons to 2 tablespoons a day.
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujylnK99Qp02SqPfj 直接攝食含脂肪的天然食物]
== Garlic 大蒜 ==
* [ Benefits of Garlic: 11 Healthy Reasons To Eat More Of This Smelly Superfood] Allicin is a sulphur compound similar to the one found in onions, and it could offer a host of health benefits. A temperature above 140F (60C) destroys the allicin. If you wish to add it to a meal, try to add it at the very end of the cooking process after you’ve removed the dish from the source of heat.
* [發芽蒜頭抗氧化-效果勝過新鮮蒜/ 發芽蒜頭抗氧化-效果勝過新鮮蒜]
* [ 善用大蒜料理,長保健康]
** 大蒜生吃最好
** 無法馬上吃完的大蒜可以橄欖油醃製
** 胃部發炎者不可吃太多生大蒜
** 山藥蒜雞湯, 椒蒜核桃雞丁, 大蒜奶油烤蝦, 西班牙大蒜湯.
* [ 烤大蒜]. 烤好的蒜,撥出一瓣瓣不去皮的蒜,直接入口再去皮,可嘗到隱藏在皮中的風味。烤過的蒜,可以很輕易的去除蒜皮,輕輕一擠,整顆蒜仁就跑出來。除了直接吃,也可當麵包的「抹醬」或炒菜、拌麵的拌料,搭配烤肉吃,也不錯。
*# 大蒜切除上半約1/4左右,可看到一點蒜的切面。
*# 在切面淋上橄欖油,再撒上適量的鹽,用鋁箔紙包起來。
*# 進烤箱烤到軟(約356℉,烤20分)即可。
== 大豆 ==
# 高蛋白: 蛋白質含量高達35~40%,幾乎是植物性食品原料中最多的,而且大豆蛋白的胺基酸模式較好、生物利用率高,屬於優質蛋白,可以和肉類蛋白質媲美,俗稱「植物肉」。
# 富含維生素和礦物質: 維生素B群含量高,也富含鈣、鐵、錳、鋅、銅等微量元素。
# 護心: 富含不飽和脂肪酸,對於護心血管有一定幫助。
# 防便秘: 富含膳食纖維,有助預防便秘。
# 對慢性病有好處: 含有眾多特殊的功能性成分,如大豆異黃酮、豆固醇、大豆卵磷脂等,對營養相關的慢性病有一定預防作用。
== 黑木耳 ==
* [ 黑木耳的做法大全, 黑木耳的功效与作用, 吃黑木耳的注意事项]
* [ 黑木耳的做法]
* [ 夏日小菜:涼拌黑木耳]
* [ 凉拌木耳按照我的方法,比饭店好吃数倍!调料汁是关键,酸辣鲜脆]
* [ 黑木耳红枣汤的做法]
* [ 黑木耳汁的功效]
== 氣血平衡 ==
[ 氣血平衡後,膽固醇才能有效控制]
== hematology 血液學 ==
= 血壓 (BP) =
* 早晨起床後20分鐘再測 此時迷走神經不再處於抑制狀態.  
* 早晨起床後20分鐘再測 此時迷走神經不再處於抑制狀態.  
* Typically, for a heart rate of 72 beats/minute, a cardiac cycle lasts approximately 0.8 sec, 0.3 sec spent in systole, and 0.5 sec in diastole. See [ diastole] on wikipedia.
* Typically, for a heart rate of 72 beats/minute, a cardiac cycle lasts approximately 0.8 sec, 0.3 sec spent in systole, and 0.5 sec in diastole. See [ diastole] on wikipedia.
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* [ ECG, arterial pressure over time and heart sounds]
* [ ECG, arterial pressure over time and heart sounds]
* Systolic pressure 收縮壓 (contract):  
* Systolic pressure 收縮壓 (contract):  
** measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats (when the heart muscle contracts). Older people tend to have higher systolic.
** measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats (when the heart muscle contracts 心臟收縮的時候). Older people tend to have higher systolic.
** The maximum pressure exerted by the blood on the arterial wall during this phase is called as Systolic pressure. 心室收縮時將血液泵入動脈的階段。 在這個階段,由血液施加在動脈壁上的最大壓力稱為收縮壓。
** The maximum pressure exerted by the blood on the arterial wall during this phase is called as Systolic pressure. 心室收縮時將血液泵入動脈的階段。 在這個階段,由血液施加在動脈壁上的最大壓力稱為收縮壓。
** the contracted phase of the cycle is called as Systole
** the contracted phase of the cycle is called as Systole
* Diastolic pressure 舒張壓 (relax):  
* Diastolic pressure 舒張壓 (relax):  
** measure the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats (when the heart muscle is resting between beats and refilling with blood). Younger people tend to have higher diastolic.
** measure the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats (when the heart muscle is resting between beats and refilling with blood). Younger people tend to have higher diastolic.
** The minimum pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries is known as Diastolic pressure. 當整個心臟放鬆並且血液注入心臟的上腔時,舒張期是心動週期的放鬆階段。血液施加在動脈壁上的最小壓力被稱為舒張壓。
** The minimum pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries is known as Diastolic pressure. 當整個心臟放鬆並且血液注入心臟的上腔時,舒張期是心動週期的放鬆階段。血液施加在動脈壁上的最小壓力被稱為舒張壓。心臟兩跳之間血管所受的壓力。血管回彈的力量。舒張壓大是因為血管回彈得太大力了。
** The relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle is known as Diastole
** The relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle is known as Diastole
* [ Difference Between Systolic and Diastolic]
* [ Difference Between Systolic and Diastolic]
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* [ 6大類治療藥物 有效控制血壓] 人體的血壓晚上約下降20%左右,清晨時血壓最高,以致上午6點到10點是出血性腦中風好發的時段。
* [ 6大類治療藥物 有效控制血壓] 人體的血壓晚上約下降20%左右,清晨時血壓最高,以致上午6點到10點是出血性腦中風好發的時段。
* [ 一天中血压的变化] and [ 一天中血压波动曲线图]
* [ 一天中血压的变化] and [ 一天中血压波动曲线图]
* [ 量度血壓須知]
* [ How to Lower Diastolic Pressure]
* [ How to Lower Diastolic Pressure]
* [ 美更新高血壓標準 修至130/80] 11/13/2017
* [ 舒張壓高的成因]
* [ 美更新高血壓標準 修至130/80] 11/13/2017. [《封面故事》亞裔案例少-華人不適新規?/ 2017年高血壓標準的依據的確是SPRINT實驗]
* [ Must blood pressure rise with age? Remote tribes hold clues]

== 血液循環 ==
== 血液循環 ==
心臟 -> 大動脈 -> 小動脈 -> 毛細管 -> 小靜脈 -> 大靜脈 -> 心臟  
心臟 -> 大動脈 -> 小動脈 -> 毛細管 -> 小靜脈 -> 大靜脈 -> 心臟
== 中醫看高血壓 ==
[ 高血壓/按壓3穴位輔助降血壓 中醫教你喝「降壓茶」還能護眼]. 肝火旺盛: 穴位保養:'''太衝穴'''.
== 影響血壓因素 ==
* 鹽, 體重, 溫度, 睡眠.
* [ Factors that can affect blood pressure readings] Exercise, Meals, Bathroom, Cuff size, Clothing, Temperature, Position, Stress, Talking.
* Tightness of the '''cuff''': The tightness of the cuff used to measure blood pressure can affect the accuracy of the measurement. If the cuff is too loose, it may not properly compress the artery and the measurement may be falsely low. On the other hand, if the cuff is too tight, it may compress the artery too much and the measurement may be falsely high.
=== 血壓與年紀 ===
[ 不吃藥6招自然降血壓!名醫教你遠離中風], [ 凌晨五六點最高]
=== Does blood pressure increase or decrease after eating a meal ===
* [ How Does Eating (or Not Eating) Affect Your Blood Pressure?] If your blood vessels and heart don’t respond correctly to the extra blood directed to your digestive system, blood pressure everywhere but the digestive system will decrease. This is called '''postprandial hypotension''' (餐後低血壓).
* [ 飯後血壓是升高還是降低?都該注意些什麼?]

== 高血壓症狀 ==
== 高血壓症狀 ==
* 頭暈
* 頭暈
* 頭痛
* 頭痛
* 心悸 失眠
* [心悸 心悸] (palpitation) 失眠
* 注意力不集中 記憶力減退
* 注意力不集中 記憶力減退
* 肢體麻木
* 肢體麻木
* 出血
* 出血

== 舒張壓高的症狀有哪些 ==
== 收縮壓高 SBP ==
* [高血壓無症狀-他一發病就心肌梗塞-醫師點出關鍵/ 比起舒張壓,收縮壓高更顯著提升中風與心臟病的風險]
* 60、70歲高齡者往往會因血管硬化、缺乏彈性,使得血液壓迫動脈血管壁的力量變高,常見收縮壓較高;而50歲以下的年輕患者則相對常見「收縮壓正常、舒張壓偏高」的情況
== 舒張壓高 DBP ==
* [ 舒張壓高和收縮壓高哪一個危害大]
* [ 舒張壓高和收縮壓高哪一個危害大]
* [ 白領易患:單純性舒張壓增高型高血壓]
* [ 白領易患:單純性舒張壓增高型高血壓]
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== Vitamin 微量元素 ==
== Vitamin 微量元素 ==
* 鉀: 柑橘 蘋果 黑豆 菠菜 紅棗 葡萄 花椰菜 魚 瘦肉  
* 鉀 Potassium: 柑橘 蘋果 黑豆 菠菜 紅棗 葡萄 花椰菜 魚 瘦肉  
* 鎂 ([ magnesium]): 乾豆 莧菜 桂圓 豆芽
* 鎂 ([ magnesium]): 乾豆 莧菜 桂圓 豆芽
* 碘 ([ Iodine]): 海帶 紫菜   
* 碘 ([ Iodine]): 海帶 紫菜. [ 9 Silent Signs of an Iodine Deficiency].  
* 鋅 ([ zinc]): 瘦牛肉 瘦豬肉 黃魚 花生
* 鋅 ([ zinc]): 瘦牛肉 瘦豬肉 黃魚 花生

== 降低高血壓 Food help to lower blood pressure ==
== Sodium and/or DASH  (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) ==
* sodium level (1 mmol = 23 mg):
* [ Effects of Sodium Reduction and the DASH Diet in Relation to Baseline Blood Pressure].
** Table 2 for the effect of low vs high sodium on SBP
** Table 3 for the effect of DASH on SBP
** Figure 1 shows the combined effects of low sodium and the DASH diet.
* Adult daily limit: 2300mg = 1 tea spoon. See [ Convert Milligrams Sodium to Teaspoons Salt].
== Medicine ==
* [  Amlodipine/Norvasc] originally was from pfizer.
* google: ", fda, label". PS: data is not published from FDA.
* [ NORVASC (amlodipine besylate) Clinical studies] Effects in Hypertension from FDA, 2011. '' Once daily administration produced statistically significant placebo-corrected reductions in supine and standing blood pressures at 24 hours postdose, averaging about 12/6 mmHg in the standing position and 13/7 mmHg in the supine position in patients with mild to moderate hypertension.''
* [ Herceptin (Trastuzumab) Studies] from FDA.
** [ Testing for HER2 status] based on IHC test or FISH test.
* [ 認識降血壓藥物]
* [ 漫畫圖解高血壓、降壓藥的原理]
== 5種升壓食物 ==
[ 吃了更焦慮!5種「升壓」食物少吃為妙]
=== 鈉 Na ===
* [ 這幾種食物最常超標!身體6跡象暗示你吃了太多鹽,腹脹、常跑廁所要注意]
** 水腫現象: 當體內鈉含量過多,體液大量滯留,不只是在血管內,身體組織的間質,也會有水份過多滯留,使你的臉、手、腳和腳踝等部位,容易產生水腫現象。
** 體重迅速增減: 當鈉太多,你保留的水分在體內會過多,這時你的體重,可能會增加。
== 降低高血壓食物 Food help to lower blood pressure ==
Eating too much salt makes the body retain more water, which raises blood pressure and can affect the heart, blood vessels, brain and kidneys.
Eating too much salt makes the body retain more water, which raises blood pressure and can affect the heart, blood vessels, brain and kidneys.

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* soybeans
* soybeans
* dark chocolate
* dark chocolate
* Vitamin D (low-fat milk, yogurt)
* black coffee ([ Chlorogenic acid/綠原酸], antioxidant)

See also [ 天然食物降壓17招].
[ 天氣變冷血壓飆升 營養師揭露十種降血壓食物]
[ 天然食物降壓17招].
* 芹菜. 芹菜香乾絲.芹菜紅棗湯.  
* 芹菜. 芹菜香乾絲.芹菜紅棗湯.  
* 山楂芹菜菊花粥
* 玉米鬚 15-30g  玉米油含不飽和脂肪酸,高達6成的亞麻油酸,是良好的膽固醇吸收劑;玉米鬚在中藥裡則有利尿作用,幫助穩定血壓。
* 杭菊(偏白色) 菊花清熱降火、安定神經的功效
* 山楂hawthorn芹菜菊花粥
* 蕈類(香菇、黑木耳) 黑木耳有兩個作用,其中一個是使血不粘稠。黑木耳燉豬肉.  
* 蕈類(香菇、黑木耳) 黑木耳有兩個作用,其中一個是使血不粘稠。黑木耳燉豬肉.  
* 海帶. 海帶+芹菜+白蘿蔔. 海帶+冬瓜.  
* 海帶. 海帶+芹菜+白蘿蔔. 海帶+冬瓜.  
* 薯類
* 薯類
* 蘿蔔 白蘿蔔含鉀
* 洋蔥
* 洋蔥
* 大蒜 (先把它切成片,一片一片的薄片放在空氣裡15分鐘, 它跟氧氣結合以後產生大蒜素。大蒜本身不抗癌,大蒜素才抗癌) 大蒜中所含的殺菌物質遇熱時,會很快失去作用,所以大蒜宜生食. 食用大蒜最好搗碎成泥,而不是用刀切成細末,這樣效果會打折。
* 洋菜粉/Agar powder, good fiber
* 大蒜 硫化物 (先把它切成片,一片一片的薄片放在空氣裡15分鐘, 它跟氧氣結合以後產生大蒜素。大蒜本身不抗癌,大蒜素才抗癌) 大蒜中所含的殺菌物質遇熱時,會很快失去作用,所以大蒜宜生食. 食用大蒜最好搗碎成泥,而不是用刀切成細末,這樣效果會打折。
** [ 血壓劇變嚴重恐致死!教你不靠藥物降血壓! 健康2.0 20190427 (完整版)]
** [ 在良好的保存環境下,未剝皮且包含蒂頭的整顆大蒜,可以保存將近六個月。未剝皮的單瓣蒜頭,則可以保存約三周]
* 蘋果
* 蘋果
* 番茄 (番茄炒雞蛋最值錢了。還有蕃茄湯,或番茄雞蛋湯也是好的。生吃番茄不抗癌)
* 番茄 (番茄炒雞蛋最值錢了。還有蕃茄湯,或番茄雞蛋湯也是好的。生吃番茄不抗癌) 鉀含量豐富.
* 胡蘿蔔汁.  
* 胡蘿蔔汁.  
* 蜂蜜水.  
* 蜂蜜水.  
Line 280: Line 766:
* 黑巧克力
* 黑巧克力
* 菠菜 (鉀)
* 菠菜 (鉀)
* 綠豆 黃豆 (鉀)
* 綠豆 黃豆 (鉀) 豐富的維生素B群來源.
* 莓果 含花青素
* 瓜果類
* 瓜果類
* 葡萄柚削皮
* 葡萄柚削皮. 紫色葡萄含有較多的鉀,能幫助降血壓。
* 黑豆 [ 高血压,前列腺病]
* [ 降血壓吃芝麻有效?健康8問題能靠芝麻改善!專家分享簡易3食譜,讓芝麻更美味]
[ 里肌豬肉、哈密瓜富含鉀 7大類 (含鉀的食物) 「降血壓」食物]

Book [ Blood Pressure Down]: The 10-Step Plan to Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Weeks--Without Prescription Drugs
Book [ Blood Pressure Down]: The 10-Step Plan to Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Weeks--Without Prescription Drugs
Line 297: Line 788:

And [ 健康飲食降低高血壓]
And [ 健康飲食降低高血壓]
[!Am92ICmSSQXukGJPqz0nHPCZQW07 食物含鉀量表]
== Tea and catechins 兒茶素, 抗氧化與抗發炎 ==
* [ Why Tea Is Good for Your Heart]
* [ 別讓身體發炎!兒茶素是「自由基清道夫」,3杯茶加3種料喝出抗炎體質]
== 自然降血壓的方法 ==
* [ Prevent High Blood Pressure] from CDC
* [  8招自然降血壓]

== 按摩 降血壓 ==
== 按摩 降血壓 ==
[ 非常有效的快速降压操]
[ 非常有效的快速降压操]

百會穴 太陽穴 人迎穴 膻中穴 心經 合谷穴/虎口 勞宮穴 腎區 足三里 三陰交 湧泉穴 曲池穴,降壓溝,­陽陵泉
[ 不怕血壓高!中醫降壓法寶大公開!] 57健康同學會 風池穴(頭後) 勞宮穴(手掌心握拳屈指時中指尖處) 合谷穴(在手背虎口) 內關穴(手腕內側)

百會穴 太陽穴 人迎穴 膻中穴 心經 合谷穴/虎口 勞宮穴 腎區 足三里 三陰交 湧泉穴 曲池穴 降壓溝 陽陵泉
* [ 降低血壓從頭到腳,不可不知5大穴道]: 百會穴, 風池穴, '''曲池穴'''(肘部屈曲凹陷處,大腸經,卸濕熱,調血氣), 湧泉穴, '''太衝穴'''(第1・第2中足骨底間, 與肝相關, 肝主情志 疏肝解熱)
* [ 陽陵泉 足三里 太衝穴] 健康2.0 20220220
* [ 敲打曲池穴 緊急降血壓]
* [ 敲打曲池穴 緊急降血壓]
* [ 輕輕鬆鬆降血壓] and [ 按摩穴道]
* [ 輕輕鬆鬆降血壓]  
* [ 三穴道降壓]
* [何謂高血壓(低血壓)及治療&按捏手心~降血壓&三穴道舒緩高血壓症狀! 三穴道降壓]
* [ 內關穴] -有助消脹氣,緩和緊張
[ 神奇!動動手指就能降血壓、解疼痛【早安健康】]
[ 【挖健康】神奇顫掌3分鐘!動動手讓你氣血暢通防三高]
[ 跟著專家簡單動動手、按摩手,擺脫高血壓!健康2.0] 肝氣下降 平穩情緒 ([ 喜傷心,怒傷肝,思傷脾,悲傷肺,恐傷腎!])

== 緩和緊張 ==
[ 【圖解】促進血液循環!按摩6穴位一次搞定]
* [ 內關穴] -有助消脹氣,緩和緊張
[ 養生控陳月卿也血壓高!早起一招平衡自律神經,耳鳴、腸胃功能都改善]
== 踮踮腳尖降血壓 ==走對了-血壓就穩了-院長教你踮踮腳尖降血壓-060000524.html

== How to Survive a Heart Attack when Alone ==
== How to Survive a Heart Attack when Alone ==
* [ The Night Before a Big Presentation, Lawyer-Mother Has a Heart Attack] - I now approach work with much more confidence and courage than stress and fear.

== Seasonal variation in blood pressure ==
== Seasonal variation in blood pressure ==
* [ Seasonal Blood Pressure Changes]
* [ Seasonal Blood Pressure Changes]
* [ Seasonal variation in blood pressure and its relationship with outdoor temperature in 10 diverse regions of China: the China Kadoorie Biobank] (paper)
* [ What Time of Day Is Blood Pressure Highest?] It starts to rise a couple of hours before you wake up. It continues to rise during the morning, '''peaking somewhere in the middle of the afternoon'''. The blood pressure starts to drop again in the late afternoon and evening.
* Generally, there are two peaks in daytime blood pressure, namely 6-10 am and 4-8 PM. See [ When is blood pressure high in a day]
== Aneurysm 動脈瘤 ==
*腦動脈瘤 Intracranial_aneurysm 顱內動脈瘤
* [ What is an Aneurysm?]
* [ 大腦動脈瘤栓塞手術之照護] Embolism from intracranial aneurysms .栓塞
== Blood pressure monitors ==
[ Best-selling blood pressure monitors to use at home]
= Heart rate (HR) =
* [ American heart association]
* Android apps such as 'Unique heart rate monitor'.
* 年紀變大 心跳會變慢.
== Interval between successive home blood pressure readings ==
* [ 1 minute apart]
* [ 1 minute vs 10 sec]
* [ 2 minutes]
* OMRON 785 device has a TruRead mode which will take 3 readings for 30 seconds, 60 seconds or 90 seconds intervals.
= Heart =
== [中風  中風] ==
# F(Face顏面下垂),觀察微笑露齒的臉部兩邊肌肉是否對稱,有無歪斜;
# A(Arm手臂下垂),雙臂平舉與身體呈90度,看有無垂落狀況;
# S(Speech),即說話有無口齒不清;
# 發現有符合上述單項或多項情況,要趕緊T(Telephone )
[ 三高防中風 牢記「FAST」自救]
[搶救腦中風-切記臨「微」不亂/ 搶救腦中風-切記臨「微」不亂]
[ 5大飲食原則 營養師教你簡易料理 預防中風找上門]
== 腦中風, 腦血栓/動脈粥樣硬化性腦血栓 ==
* [衛教園地/衛教單張/543 認識腦血管疾病-腦中風]
* [ 腦血栓發生前,一定會出現這6個徵兆]
== 心痛 Heartburn ==
* [ 12 Easy ways to get rid of heartburn]
== 心律失常 Arrhythmia ==
* [ About Arrhythmia]
* [ 常頭暈緊急送醫 原來是心律不整引起]
== 胸悶 (狹心症/心絞痛, 急性心肌梗塞), 心肌炎 ==
* [ 對胸悶缺乏警覺性 快快記住求救訊號]
* [心肌炎 心肌炎] Myocarditis
* [心肌梗死 心肌梗塞] Myocardial infarction,MI
* 心肌炎和心梗的区别是什么?
== 心房 Atrium, 心室 Ventricle, 大動脈 Aorta, 腔靜脈 vena cava ==
* 心房 Atrium (in): one of the two spaces at the top part of the heart that receive blood from the '''veins''' and push it down into the ventricles (= lower spaces)
* 心室 Ventricle (out): either of two small, hollow spaces, one in each side of the heart, that force blood into the tubes leading from the heart to the other parts of the body
* 大動脈,主動脈 Aorta (out): the main artery (thick tube carrying blood from the heart) that takes blood to the other parts of the body
* 腔靜脈 vena cava (in): one of the two very large veins through which blood returns to the heart, one from the upper body and head and one from all of the body below the chest
== Statins, 橫紋肌溶解症 ==
[ 降血脂藥 引發肌肉病變]
== [得舒飲食 得舒飲食/Dash] - Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension ==
* [ 飲食「三多三少」 心臟更健康]
* [ 為什麼年過40歲的男人應該多吃堅果?豆類、堅果和全穀對健康有益]
* 有益健康十大食物 番茄 藍莓 沙丁魚 全穀類 豆類 堅果 甜菜(beetroot) 石榴 地瓜 瑞士甜菜(swiss chard)
* [ DASH can substantially lower systolic blood pressure] a study funded by NHLBI. See the [ news release].
** [ 專家提5大飲食要點:吃2個月就能有效控制]. 增加蔬果 & 加入低脂乳品 & 減少飲食總脂肪攝取量.
* [ 14種「好心」食物]
* [ 得舒飲食吃什麼?] 專家一致推薦降血壓No.1飲食法.
* [ 保養心臟少碰納多鎂.鉀!主廚家常茄汁豆香鮭魚 健康2.0]

= 眩暈 =
== Tomato ==
* 改善攝護腺肥大
* 保護心血管
* 預防骨質酥鬆

Add olive oil, eat as soon as possible, heated (增加茄紅素吸收, vitamin C will be destroyed if heated) or unheated is fine.

頸部血管或交感神經在肌肉中間 壓力大會造成肌肉太緊繃(或骨刺) 血管或交感神經被壓縮 頭部會有眩暈
Cooking tomatoes increase the level of phytochemicals they contain, but it also reduces the amount of vitamin C. When tomatoes were heated to 88 degrees Celsius for two minutes, 15 minutes and 30 minutes, vitamin C content decreased by 10, 15 and 29 per cent respectively when compared to raw, uncooked tomatoes. However the beneficial trans-lycopene content of the cooked tomatoes increased by 54, 171 and 164 percent respectively.
== Food ==
[ 顧心臟的水果有哪些?] 香蕉, 草莓, 蘋果, 酪梨, 木瓜、芒果, 葡萄, 芭樂、橘子、柳丁, 柳橙汁、葡萄汁.
== Fish Oil ==
* [ Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements for Heart Disease]. Omega-3 fatty acids may help to:
** Lower blood pressure
** Reduce '''triglycerides'''
** Slow the development of plaque in the arteries
** Not particularly useful for reducing cholesterol
[ Fish oil does not reduce the cholesterol].
== 心臟心肌梗塞/腦部休克 ==
* [泡完後別馬上開車冬天泡湯遵循7原則/  泡完後別馬上開車] 當水溫較高,造成交感神經興奮,心跳加速、末梢血管擴張,心輸出量激增,血大量流入末梢及下半身,心臟或腦部相對性暫時缺血,心臟為了代償做工致使心跳加快,心肌耗氧增加,短時間缺血、缺氧導致,可能引發心臟心肌梗塞或腦部休克等。應該在泡溫泉前先做暖身運動舒展四肢,讓心臟先充分的準備,才不致因泡熱水一下子心跳加速過快而產生危險。
== 心臟衰竭 ==
[ 累.喘.腫要小心!46萬台人心臟衰竭中未就醫 健康2.0] 五勞七傷
== 冠狀動脈疾病 coronary artery disease ==
[ Left coronary artery] is an artery that arises from the aorta above the left cusp of the aortic valve and feeds blood to the left side of the heart.
== 心房顫動 Atrial fibrillation/Af ==
* 高血壓和瓣膜性心臟病是造成心房顫動的兩個最常見危險因子
* [ Atrial fibrillation is also a leading cause of blood clots and stroke]
* [ 服用抗凝血劑必知6事]
== 主動脈剝離 ==
* [ 天冷「心血管5大高危險群」當心]. 主動脈剝離最常見的原因就是高血壓,死亡風險高達50%,發生時會有「撕裂般」胸痛感。另外,近日天氣漸冷,包括「心臟病患、心臟病家族史、三高族、肥胖、上了年紀的男性」都是心血管疾病高危險群,要特別當心。
== 胸痛 Chest pain ==
* [ 小心!4種胸痛攸關生死]
* [ 右胸痛可能發生的原因]
* [ 小心!6種人胸痛 不要猶豫 立刻掛急診]
== 主動脈瓣膜狹窄 ==
主動脈瓣膜狹窄多以七、八十歲老年人為主. [ 瓣膜狹窄致死率比癌症高十倍]
= 眩暈 vertigo, inner ear problem =
* 先看神經內科或耳鼻喉科  神經內科有簡單的測試
* 頸部血管或交感神經在肌肉中間 壓力大會造成肌肉太緊繃(或骨刺) 血管或交感神經被壓縮 頭部會有眩暈
* [ 頭暈或眩暈怎麼辦?如何自行緩解?能靠吃藥解決嗎?]
* [ 頭暈不簡單,該看哪一科?]
* [ 頭暈或眩暈怎麼辦?原因有哪些?何時必須就醫?醫師圖文完整解說!]

== 耳石(otolith)症 Vertigo ==
== 耳石(otolith)症 Vertigo ==
Line 330: Line 973:
[ 天旋地轉之耳石症--淺談良性陣發性姿勢性眩暈]
[ 天旋地轉之耳石症--淺談良性陣發性姿勢性眩暈]

(內耳)耳石復位術 (canalith repositioning procedure),  
(內耳)耳石復位術 (canalith repositioning procedure; Epley maneuver),  
* (it works)
* (it works)
Line 338: Line 981:

== 甲狀腺異常 ==
== 甲狀腺異常 ==
== 長輩 ==
[ 長輩常頭暈,怎麼回事?分辨眩暈與頭暈]
= 傷寒/腸熱症 Typhoid fever =
= 肺 Lung =
* [ 要插管還是要氣切?醫病共同決策其實有撇步!]
* [ 拔管 是一門大學問]
== 細菌、病毒 Virus vs. bacteria ==
* [ 細菌、病毒哪不同?避免被感染 防疫專家教你先懂它]
* [ Do I Need an Antibiotic? Bacterial vs. Viral Infections]
== Coronavirus, 咳 ==
蝙蝠為什麼這麼神奇 身上有百毒卻百毒不侵?一般來說,會飛的動物,絕大部份不是哺乳類,因為飛行需要大量的能量,哺乳類動物沒有辦法在不產生損害DNA的副產品下飛行,但蝙蝠就可以。當蝙蝠在空中飛行的時候,反而會增強飛行時DNA的修復能力和產生其他防護作用,這些變化能夠抑制入侵者的特殊細胞,讓蝙蝠就能百毒不侵。
新冠病毒能在物體表面活多久?SARS可活9天. 酒精、雙氧水、漂白水  1分鐘可殺冠狀病毒. 根據研究,含有62-71%酒精,0.5%雙氧水或0.1%次氯酸鈉(漂白水)的消毒劑可以在1分鐘內有效失活冠狀病毒。[ The Most Effective Ways to Kill Coronavirus in Your Home]. [ How to Make a Natural Disinfectant].
* [ How to Recognize and Diagnose Coronavirus (COVID-19)]
* Track
** [ Global cases of COVID-19] or [ this link] by Johns Hopkins CSSE.
* [ Corona Virus is an RNA Virus]
* [ 按摩也能防疫!跟著中醫師這樣做]
* [ A look at past bear markets and implications for the future]
* R/Data analysis
** [ Social distancing]
** [ Flatten the COVID-19 curve]
** [ Stock market crisis: is there a tennis ball effect?]
** [ A COVID Small Multiple]
* [ 防疫食在重要 吃出關鍵免疫力]
* [ Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial (ACTT)] from
* [ Never Used a Grocery Delivery Service? These Are Our Favorites]
* [ The Quantifying Today Reflects Where We Were A Week Ago]
* Vaccine
** [ Coronavirus mRNA Vaccine Safety and Efficacy] (video)
** [ Covid-19 vaccines may give you antibodies that prevent you entering China], [ Coronavirus Testing Explained: Antibody (IgG and IgM) Testing, PCR Testing and Antigen Testing]
** [ The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine’s rollout will be paused for the time]. '''J&J''' and '''AstraZeneca''' use '''viral-vector vaccines''' — which adds a coronavirus gene into the common cold virus — to help your body learn how to deal with the virus. '''Moderna''' and '''Pfizer''' use mRNA technology, which teaches your body how to handle the virus by showing your cells the virus’ genomes.
* [ 抗體、抗原、PCR?一次搞懂常見新冠病毒檢測方式]
* [ Ct值為何愈高愈沒有傳染力?答案在於「迷你級」新冠病毒的觀測方式]
* [ 新冠疫苗大解密! 張南驥教授 線上演講 健康2.0] 2021/6
* [ 最新研究揭密:為何腺病毒疫苗恐致血栓,mRNA疫苗卻不會?]
* [ 'Breakthrough' COVID Infections Can Still Be Deadly for Cancer Patients]
* [ At-Home OTC COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests] expiration date
* [ How Do I Stop a COVID-19 Cough? 9 Home Remedies]
* [ BA.5占8成 流感雙夾擊入冬恐開戰!染疫狂咳.喉嚨像在燒 對症下藥這樣吃!久咳不癒+痰色 當心這些器官出毛病!吳淡如口腔摸到硬塊 防癌變中醫有妙方!健康2.0 20221016 (完整版)]
** 天突穴 (前正中线上胸骨上窝中央)
** 尺澤 (手軸交叉)
** 太淵 (手脕測脈搏)
* [ 快速止咳嗽,只要一分钟,神奇的好办法]
* [ 白色食材抑咳、酸苦食物抗氧化!韓醫師:五色五味這樣吃,全面養五臟].
== 口罩 mask ==
* [ 5款常見口罩比一比]
* [ 活性碳口罩效果比外科口罩好?「這種口罩」無法阻隔細菌]
* 不織布口罩
== 居家隔離 vs 居家檢疫 vs 自主健康管理 ==
* 居家隔離的對象為「確定病例之接觸者」,由地方衛生主管機關負責,需要居家隔離14天、主動監測1天2次。
* 居家檢疫的對象為「具中港澳旅遊史者」,負責單位為地方政府民政局、里長或里幹事,進行居家檢疫14天、主動監測1天1~2次。
* 自主健康管理對象為「申請赴港澳獲准者」和「通報個案但已檢驗陰性且符合解除隔離條件者」,負責單位為衛生主管機關,進行為期14天的自主健康管理。
See also [ What Does Self-Quarantine Actually Mean?]
* '''Quarantine''' is for people who might have a disease, but don’t know yet. If you’ve been asked to “stay home and monitor for symptoms,” that’s self-quarantine.
* '''Isolation''' is for people who do have the disease.

= Canker Sores =
= Canker Sores =
Line 344: Line 1,055:
* Folate: Beans, spinach, broccoli  
* Folate: Beans, spinach, broccoli  
* Iron and vitamin B12: Tuna, eggs
* Iron and vitamin B12: Tuna, eggs
* Manuka honey UMF 10+. [ It is not advisable to mix manuka honey in hot water]. As a general rule, manuka honey is best consumed directly. For those who desires a cup of warm honey drink, try to keep the water to no hotter than 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).

= 貧血 =
= 貧血 =
[ 唇褪色、狂掉髮又忘東忘西,竟是貧血惹的禍!三招檢測你有貧血嗎?健康2.0 (完整版)]
* [ 唇褪色、狂掉髮又忘東忘西,竟是貧血惹的禍!三招檢測你有貧血嗎?健康2.0 (完整版)]
* [ 貧血了手腳冰冷!補充鐵質你吃對了嗎?]
* [ 老人貧血,補鐵還不夠]
* [ 提高飲食補鐵效率必看!蔬菜湯、咖啡…高鐵飲食別和7樣同時吃]
** 哪些食物讓補鐵的效率變差呢? 草酸、植酸、單寧酸,高鈣食品
** 補鐵早餐菜單:韓式豬血糕綜合堅果粉、荷包蛋、機能性飲品
** 補鐵午餐菜單:牛肉咖哩佐彩椒、洋蔥、花椰菜飯、歐姆蛋、生菜沙拉佐檸檬油醋醬
** 補鐵晚餐菜單:彩椒牛柳、炒萵苣、花椰菜糙米飯、草莓、藍莓

== 血小板低下症 Thrombocytopenia ==
== 血小板低下症 Thrombocytopenia ==
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* Vitamin B12, Probiotics (yogurt)
* Vitamin B12, Probiotics (yogurt)

= 普林/purine =
== 缺血性貧血 ==
* [ 低普林(痛風 gout)飲食]!Am92ICmSSQXujSPTQuWJeXJ1gpsB
= 普林/嘌呤/purine and gout =
* [  Uric Acid Test Kit]
* 非急性發病期 請避免高普林食物,比如內臟類、海產類(干貝)、發芽豆類(eg 豆芽)、蘆筍(尖端)、紫菜、香菇等。蛋白質要適量攝取,平日可食用豆、魚、肉、蛋3至4兩;如果想吃點海鮮,建議選擇非養殖的深海大型魚,而不要吃白鯧魚、虱目魚、秋刀魚、白帶魚、吻仔魚等養殖小魚。
* [ 6 Foods To Avoid With Gout]
*# Purines: '''kidney, liver, sweetbread, turkey, fish eggs and caviar, sardines, anchovies, gravy, and goose''' just to name a few.
*# Asparagus: '''Mushrooms, spinach, cauliflower, and asparagus''' are all high in purines.
*# High fructose fruit: These fruits include: '''pears, plums, grapes, peaches, prunes, and dates'''. We recommend limiting these fruits to one or two cups a day.
*# Alcohol
*# Red meat: '''eef, pork, and lamb'''
*# Dairy products high in fat
* [!Am92ICmSSQXukRgvkgxm3fSv2Hwl?e=XCrhxm 普林含量食物選擇]
* 急性發病期 此時應選擇低普林的食物,包含蛋類、奶類、米、麵、甘薯、葉菜類、瓜類、水果。蛋白質最好完全由蛋奶供應。食慾不振的話,可以補充含糖液體。
* 腳趾關節腫痛
* 腳趾關節腫痛
* [ 高尿酸毒害全身、終身洗腎!9大地雷你中了幾個]
* [ 尿酸高不只會痛風 也要防腎臟病]. 尿酸大部分是由腎臟排出,一旦尿酸值升高,在腎臟的濃度也會升高,就容易產生尿酸結晶而沉積在腎臟,造成腎臟的傷害。
* [ 當心痛風!尿酸過高不只造成關節痛,還可能會洗腎?]
* [ 痛風患者應該多喝茶排尿酸?其實你該喝的是這個!] 比起茶,你更應該喝牛奶! 事實上普林存在在發芽的蔬菜當中,而茶葉是茶樹的芽,其中的普林含量也不比黃豆低。
* [ 有这张食物嘌呤表!痛风能吃什么、不能吃什么,全都清楚了 ]
* 痛風可以吃巧克力。
* [ Will Fermented Foods Trigger Gout?] No, Fermented foods have a positive effect on gout. The main reason for that is probiotics. They do affect purines in the body and they help you with the uric acid levels indirectly.
* [ 痛風不能吃的蔬菜] 菠菜、蘆筍、萵筍、蘑菇、四季豆、銀耳、木耳、甜菜, 花菜, 醃菜(含大量的草酸和鈣).
* [ 痛風是「吃」出來的?3種常見蔬菜要避免] 紫菜, 蘆筍, 香菇. 在日常生活中應該多吃一些鹼性的食物,比如白菜,蘋果,香蕉等等。
* 可多吃黃瓜 冬瓜 排尿酸效果很好
* [ 万万没想到,痛风真不是吃出来的!]
* [ 痛風患者注意了,常吃這些蔬菜很有用!] 蘿蔔, 捲心菜, 馬鈴薯, 甘薯, 南瓜, 芹菜, 黃瓜, 青菜, 茄子, 冬瓜.
* 除了酒精,碳酸饮料、果汁饮品包括鲜榨果汁也不能喝,内含大量的果糖,不仅会阻碍尿酸的代谢,还会升高尿酸。
* 适量饮用咖啡可增加肾脏血流、促进尿酸排出、降低痛风风险. 研究证明喝茶不预防痛风,但也无害,绿茶、大麦茶、荞麦茶富含钾元素.
* 高普林食物不是引起痛風的主要風險. [ 吃香菇、黃豆容易痛風?營養師:錯!吃這樣增8成風險]
* [  降低尿酸 (Uric acid) 偏高的方法] including 高嘌呤(普林)食物.
* [  降低尿酸 (Uric acid) 偏高的方法] including 高嘌呤(普林)食物.
* [ 如何預防痛風及減輕症狀]
* [ 如何預防痛風及減輕症狀]
* [ 好食課/香菇、豆腐是痛風元凶?這4種食物更有風險]

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# 平日運動的方式和強度需要向醫師諮詢。不同的關節炎有不同的運動方式。原則上應選擇對關節低衝擊性的運動,例如游泳、騎腳踏車。
# 平日運動的方式和強度需要向醫師諮詢。不同的關節炎有不同的運動方式。原則上應選擇對關節低衝擊性的運動,例如游泳、騎腳踏車。
# 要選擇底部有良好襯墊的鞋子。
# 要選擇底部有良好襯墊的鞋子。
== 高普林/尿酸的原因 ==
[ 一個錯誤,糖尿病3個月就洗腎!名醫曝5大神奇食物降尿酸:1秘訣永遠不痛風]

== 低普林飲食 Low purine diet ==
== 低普林飲食 Low purine diet ==
* It explains what are common among spinach, rhubarb, beets, nuts, chocolate, black tea, wheat bran, strawberries, and beans: oxalate 草酸鹽;草酸酯
* [ 20 Foods to keep your uric acid at normal levels] Water, cherries, apples, lime, french bean juice, celery seed, berries, apple cider vinegar, pinto beans/sunflower seeds/lentils (rich in folic acid), carrot/beet/cucumber vegetable juice, low-fat dairy, Kiwi/guava/orange/lemon/tomato/green leafy veg (vitamin C), Oats/Broccoli/apples/oranges/pears/strawberries/blueberries/cucumbers/celery/carrots/barley (high fiber), Banana, green tea, Grains with more alkaline, Tomato/broccoli/cucumber, Dark chocolate/cocoa, Potato/corn, flaxseed/walnut/salmon/mackerel/sardines(omega 3).
* [ 20 Foods to keep your uric acid at normal levels] Water, cherries, apples, lime, french bean juice, celery seed, berries, apple cider vinegar, pinto beans/sunflower seeds/lentils (rich in folic acid), carrot/beet/cucumber vegetable juice, low-fat dairy, Kiwi/guava/orange/lemon/tomato/green leafy veg (vitamin C), Oats/Broccoli/apples/oranges/pears/strawberries/blueberries/cucumbers/celery/carrots/barley (high fiber), Banana, green tea, Grains with more alkaline, Tomato/broccoli/cucumber, Dark chocolate/cocoa, Potato/corn, flaxseed/walnut/salmon/mackerel/sardines(omega 3).
* [ Tofu is low in purines]
* [ Tofu is low in purines]
* 菜单样本
** [ 痛风饮食:哪些食物可以摄入,而哪些则应避免]
** [ 發生痛風食物怎麼吃?一天 3 餐痛風飲食指南,帶你儘速減緩痛風發作]
** [ 洋葱炒马铃薯]. 馬鈴薯鉀含量比香蕉更豐富 Q: 為何切完馬鈴薯後要泡水 A: 洗掉表面殘留的澱粉液, 防止馬鈴薯變黑可以
** [ 痛风的四个阶段,该注意些什么,吃什么比较好呢?]
== Beans ==
[ 11 Types Of Beans For Gout Sufferers – All You Need To Know]. [ What Kind of Beans Are Good for a Low Purine Diet?]
* Low-purine types of beans: chickpeas, lima beans, red beans, pinto beans, black beans(good)
* High-purine types of beans: small white beans, split peas, soybeans, black-eyed, lentils, mung beans (very high)
== Alkaline water ==
[ pH Test Strips for Testing Alkaline and Acid Levels in The Body. Track & Monitor Your pH Level Using Saliva and Urine]
== Colchicine 秋水仙鹼 and Probenecid 丙磺舒 ==
* 急性痛风发作时,应当在24小时内尽早服用秋水仙碱,否则效果可能会大打折扣。
* [ Side Effects]
* [ Probenecid-Colchicine - Uses, Side Effects, and More]
* 秋水仙鹼副作用, [ 抗痛風藥秋水仙素怎麼吃?長庚風濕免疫科醫師陳彥輔告訴你!]
* [ Gout Medicine May Also Help Fight Heart Failure]

== 尿路結石 ==
== 尿路結石 ==
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= [ 脂肪肝 (fatty liver disease, FLD)] =
= Vitamins =
* [ 營養補充品該不該吃?最新美國醫學會雜誌給了建議]
* [ 一次搞懂「維他命家族」維生素A~K都吃對了嗎?]
* [ 補充鈣鐵碘鎂8大營養素全到位]
* [ 綜合維他命功效有哪些?10大維他命功效大解析]
== Vitamin deficiency ==
== Calcium ==
* [乳糖不耐 乳糖不耐 Lactose intolerance]
* [骨質疏鬆症 骨質疏鬆症 Osteoporosis]
* 鈣與鋅鎂有交互作用; 鈣要分開吃
* [ 吃鈣補鈣?這些含草酸食物要避開]
** 青菜富含草酸、豆腐富含鈣質,兩者結合後確實會在腸道中形成不溶解、不被吸收的草酸鈣,但是結石在腸道形成後,多半會由糞便排出,不會滯留在體內導致腎結石。
** 建議多喝水,攝取足夠的鈣質,減少高鈉、高普林、高蛋白的攝取量
** 若想補充鈣質,就應避免和含草酸的食物一起食用,包括茶、啤酒、草莓、葡萄、巧克力、菠菜、芹菜、芥菜、韭菜、杏仁、腰果等,才能使吃進去的鈣充分利用,不致使鈣質缺乏。
** 起司、黑芝麻、小魚干、蝦米、傳統豆腐、豆干、紫菜及深綠色蔬菜等,也都富含豐富鈣質,可以多吃。
* [不只牛奶-這7種食物也補鈣/ 不只牛奶-這7種食物也補鈣]
** 菠菜就含有大量的草酸,會抑制鈣的吸收
** 植物性食品是好的鈣質攝取來源,例如:豆類、堅果類、蔬菜類含鈣量很豐富
** 原始豆類(黃豆、黑豆、紅豆、綠豆)與生的堅果類,只要在食用前浸泡一夜,或浸泡至發芽,其豆類本身的酵素將會釋放出來使植酸分解,而提高鈣質的吸收率,也較容易消化。
== Vitamin B-complex ==
* [ 維生素B群吃太多了尿液排出,變成帶有一點螢光的黃色]
* [ B群早上還是睡前吃最好?營養師公開8大類「維生素B食物」!預防掉髮、提振精神吃這一種]
* [ 提神、嘴破必吃維生素B群?李婉萍營養師揭:維生素B群8大功效]
=== Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) ===
維生素B1是維持心臟、神經及消化系統正常機能。[ 11 Silent Signs of a Thiamine Deficiency].
=== Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) ===
See also [[#.E5.8F.A3.E8.A7.92.E7.82.8E.2F.E5.98.B4.E8.A7.92.E6.BD.B0.E7.88.9B_Angular_cheilitis.2C_.E5.8F.A3.E8.85.94.E6.BD.B0.E7.98.8D_Canker_sore|口角炎]].
Also known as vitamin B2, riboflavin supports cellular energy production.† Riboflavin is found in a variety of foods such as fortified cereals, milk, eggs, salmon, beef, spinach and broccoli.
=== Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 菸鹼酸 ===
* 擴張微血管 可用來降低血壓
* 可幫助您放鬆並獲得一夜好眠。
=== Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) ===
=== Vitamin B9 (Folate) ===
=== Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin/Cyanocobalamin) ===
== Vitamin C 維他命C ==
[ The Top 10 Foods Highest in Vitamin C]

# Guavas 419%
# Green, red, .. peppers (half green bell pepper = 1 serving = 110% vitamin C) 221%. Red peppers are high in vitamin C, which is a water-soluble nutrient. By cooking or boiling red peppers, the vitamins escape and dissolve in the water. It’s best to eat red peppers raw. See [ Dr Oz].
# Kiwi 185%
# Strawberry 108%, raspberry 36%, blackberries 34%, blueberry 16%
# Orange 106%, grapefruit 98%, clementine 40%, lemon 34%
# Papaya 98%, pineapple 88%, cantaloupe melon 72%, mango 67%, honeydew 34%
# Broccoli 90%, brussels sprouts 107%, cauliflower 61%, cabbage 63%
# Cooked Tomato 61%
# Kale 59%, spinach 20%
# Snow peas 42%

= Vitamins =
[ 不是檸檬!營養師曝「維他命C水果排行」 網驚:第一名好意外]
== Vitamin B1 ==
== Vitamin B2 ==
== Vitamin B3 (Niacin) ==
== Vitamin B9 (Folate) ==
== Vitamin B12  ==
== Vitamin C ==
* Green, red, .. peppers
* Guavas
* Dark green leafy vegetables (kale)
* Kiwi
* Broccoli
* Berry
* Citrus fruits
* Cooked tomato
* Peas
* Papaya

== Vitamin D ==
== Vitamin D ==
Line 430: Line 1,233:

[研究:維他命d-恐與罹癌率相關/  維他命D-恐與罹癌率相關]
[ 維他命d-恐與罹癌率相關/  維他命D-恐與罹癌率相關]
[ 缺乏維生素D會有哪些症狀?出現五警訊是身體在向你求救!]

== Vitamin E ==
== Vitamin E ==
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== [ 钾Potassium] ==
[ What to Know About Vitamin E]
== [ 钾/鉀 Potassium] (to conquer sodium) ==
* [ A Potassium Primer]
* [ 鉀的攝取]
* [ 鉀的攝取]
* [ 里肌豬肉、哈密瓜富含鉀 7大類「降血壓」食物]

CDC recommends everyone limit sodium intake to below '''2,300 mg''' per day and that everyone should also get at least '''4,700 mg''' of potassium a day to help balance their levels of sodium and potassium in the body. However, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, up to 70 percent of Americans belong to a high-risk group that needs to cut sodium intake even more. These groups include people over 40, African-Americans, people with hypertension or pre-hypertension and people with diabetes. Anyone in these categories should limit sodium intake to '''1,500''' milligrams per day. Even people who are not in these groups can benefit from limiting sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams a day, and there are no negative health consequences for doing so.
CDC recommends everyone limit sodium intake to below '''2,300 mg''' per day and that everyone should also get at least '''4,700 mg''' of potassium a day to help balance their levels of sodium and potassium in the body. However, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, up to 70 percent of Americans belong to a high-risk group that needs to cut sodium intake even more. These groups include people over 40, African-Americans, people with hypertension or pre-hypertension and people with diabetes. Anyone in these categories should limit sodium intake to '''1,500''' milligrams per day. Even people who are not in these groups can benefit from limiting sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams a day, and there are no negative health consequences for doing so.
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* Dark Chocolate
* Dark Chocolate

== 磷 Phosphorum ==  
== 鋅 Zinc ==
[個症狀-身體不夠「鋅」/ 5個症狀 身體不夠「鋅」]
* 不斷掉髮
* 指甲易脆裂 上面有白點
* 牙齒缺乏光澤
* 口腔容易潰瘍
* 易有皮膚問題
南瓜子 腰果 鷹嘴豆Chick peas.
[ Selected Food Sources of Zinc]
== 鐵 Iron ==
* [ 動物鐵、植物鐵哪個好?營養師告訴你補鐵食材排行榜]
* [ 喝紅豆湯可以補血嗎?中醫師警告「3種人」別吃太多]. 紅豆含有高量鉀離子、磷離子,如果有腎臟疾病、心臟疾病、慢性疾病者紅豆湯不宜攝取過量,尤其是洗腎患者;若有服用鐵劑的人,應避免與紅茶、咖啡、牛奶或富含鈣質的食物一起合併食用,以免阻礙鐵質的吸收。
== 磷 Phosphorus ==  
* 磷能保持人體內代謝平衡 它參與體內的酸鹼平衡的調節,參與體內脂肪的代謝。
* 磷能保持人體內代謝平衡 它參與體內的酸鹼平衡的調節,參與體內脂肪的代謝。
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* 漢堡(組合肉) 貢丸 等加工食品 以增加保水度 風味 色澤  
* 漢堡(組合肉) 貢丸 等加工食品 以增加保水度 風味 色澤  
* 腎臟病者 無法將磷排出體外 導致高血磷症 衍生出一系列併發症.
* 腎臟病者 無法將磷排出體外 導致高血磷症 衍生出一系列併發症.
* 燕麥中含有磷
* [ The Five Foods Highest in Phosphorus]: Dairy, Fish, Meat, Nuts and Beans, Whole Grains.

== 硒 selenium ==
== 硒 selenium ==
* [ 環保署]
* [ 環保署]
* [巴西堅果為何是超級食物?原因出在硒含量/ 巴西堅果為何是超級食物?原因出在硒含量]
== 6種身體症狀 ==
* 夜晚視力降低: vitamin A
* 關節疼痛: vitamin A, D, K, 微量元素 銅 鉻 鋅 鎂 鉬
* 掉頭髮: 蛋白質 必需脂肪酸 鋅
* 皮膚搔癢: 鋅
* 腸胃不好: vitamin B complex, 鋅
== 維他命沒事別亂吃 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujW0R0zv5JTml6GjB
== 抗氧化維生素檢測 ==
* 維生素E: 葵花子(sunflower seeds) 杏仁
* 維生素C: Peppers, Kiwi
* 維生素A: 奶蛋魚肉類
== 素食營養 ==
* [ 6原則,安心吃素顧營養]
*# 蛋奶素最好
*# 添鈣強骨本
*# 蛋白質互補法
*# 補鐵大作戰
*# 積極補充B12
*# 鋅也少不得
* [ 素食者缺6營養素容易肌少、掉髮、骨折!醫師教必知吃法預防]
* [ How to avoid the health risks of vegetarian diets]
*# Getting Enough Macronutrients
*# Consume healthy fatty acids eg '''Omega-3''' - fish, 螺旋藻
*# Use whole grains for complex carbohydrates.
*# Balance vegetables and grains with sources of '''protein''' 豆類 全穀類 堅果 種子
*# Take a '''B12''' supplement. B12 is essential for red blood cell formation 貧血 肌肉變弱 and neurological function.
*# Eat '''vitamin D'''-fortified foods. A deficiency can put you at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
*# Add a pinch of salt. Vegetarians may not get enough iodine, which can put you at risk of developing a goiter.
*# Combine foods rich in '''iron and vitamin C'''. Vitamin C improves your body's absorption of iron. Leaves, mushroom, legumes, nuts 非血基質鐵吸收律較低.
*# Drink '''calcium'''-fortified beverages.
*# Eat beans and seeds for zinc. '''Zinc''' deficiency is rare, but puts you at risk for immune dysfunction, weight loss, and lethargy. Eating a lot of whole grains can bind zinc and decrease your body's absorption of the mineral.

= Fat =
= Fat, 反式脂肪, 飽和脂肪 =
* 反式脂肪 Trans fats or (hydrogenated fats) are actually unsaturated fats, but they can raise total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while also lowering HDL (good) cholesterol levels.  
* 反式脂肪 Trans fats or (hydrogenated fats) are actually unsaturated fats, but they can raise total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while also lowering HDL (good) cholesterol levels.  
** 油條、燒餅、乳酪餅.
** 油條、燒餅、乳酪餅 蛋塔 千層派 鳳梨酥 炸雞 臭豆腐 酥皮濃湯 玉米濃湯 燉飯 義大利麵 咖哩塊 沙拉醬 可頌 大蒜麵包 蛋塔 捲心酥 奶油夾心餅 泡芙 瑞士捲 起司蛋糕 鬆餅 Popcorn, Chips, chocolate, 牛軋糖.
** 世界衛生組織規定,一日攝取反式脂肪以2公克為限,即使少量攝取也會造成身體很大危害,甚至比飽和脂肪酸還可怕。 食用反式脂肪增加心血管疾病的風險,是飽和脂肪酸的三到五倍。
** 世界衛生組織規定,一日攝取反式脂肪以2公克為限,即使少量攝取也會造成身體很大危害,甚至比飽和脂肪酸還可怕。 食用反式脂肪增加心血管疾病的風險,是飽和脂肪酸的三到五倍。
** 盡量不要購買組合肉和加工紅肉,如火腿、培根、熱狗、香腸等, 這些是致癌物質,天天吃會增加罹患大腸癌的機率。
** 盡量不要購買組合肉和加工紅肉,如火腿、培根、熱狗、香腸等, 這些是致癌物質,天天吃會增加罹患大腸癌的機率。
* 飽和脂肪 Saturated fats directly raise total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
* 飽和脂肪 Saturated fats directly raise total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
* Omega-3 fatty acids: These include an “essential” fatty acid, which means it's critical for our health but cannot be manufactured by our bodies.
* Omega-3 fatty acids: These include an “essential” fatty acid, which means it's critical for our health but cannot be manufactured by our bodies.
* [ 哪些食物含反式脂肪?一張圖帶你看懂]

See also
See also
Line 512: Line 1,381:
* [ The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet]
* [ Is Butter Bad for You, or Good?] How much butter can you safely eat? It’s best to stick to 1–2 tablespoons (14–28 grams) per day, combined with other healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, avocados, and fatty fish.

== How to choose oils ==
== 食用油的選擇 How to choose oils ==
* [ 沙拉油、豬油、橄欖油、椰子油... 營養師告訴你:什麼時候該用什麼油?]
* 重新認識玄米油 (rice bran oil)
* 重新認識玄米油 (rice bran oil)
* [ The Ugly Truth About Vegetable Oil and How You Can Avoid It]
* [ The Ugly Truth About Vegetable Oil and How You Can Avoid It]
* [ 一張圖 檢視你的用油常識]
* [ 一次搞懂 不飽和脂肪酸 ω-3, ω-7, ω-9]. 好油黃金比例「抗老、抗三高、抗發炎」健康2.0 20180818(完整版). [ 脂肪分類].
* 食用油的選擇
== 食用油都有一定的保質期 ==
== 什麼樣的油適合煎炸 ==什麼樣的油適合煎炸?/
* 鱷梨油、葵花籽油 (Sunflower seed oil)、菜籽油 (Rapeseed oil) 可以煎炸
* 玉米油和紅花油 (safflower oil) 最好涼拌
* 烘烤可以選椰子油、花生油或葵花籽油
== 橄欖油 Olive oil ==
[ 【如何吃好油】原來,我們都誤會橄欖油了!]

== 葵花油 sunflower oil ==
== 葵花油 sunflower oil ==
225F - 440F
225F - 440F
== [ 苦茶油 Camellia Oil] ==
== [ 苦茶油 Camellia Oil] ==
== [ 食用油冒煙點 smoke point] ==
== [ 食用油冒煙點 smoke point] ==
* Extra Virgin Olive Oil: 375F ([ some] says 410F) or 191C ([ 210C]). [ Why You Should Stop Worrying About Olive Oil's Smoke Points]
* [ Omega-6: Omega-3 Ratio]
== 油菜籽 canola oil ==
== 油菜籽 canola oil ==
== Peanut oil ==
== Peanut oil ==
== Coconut oil ==
== Coconut milk, oil ==
== 亞麻子油 flaxseed oil ==
* '''Coconut milk''' is high in saturated fat, containing 13 grams of saturated fat in a 100 ml serving. However, the '''saturated fats''' in coconut milk are called '''medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs'''). These fats are easily absorbed by our bodies for energy and can help '''lower blood pressure''' because they have minerals that help circulate our blood. They can also '''lower cholesterol''', even though most saturated fats do the opposite.
* So, despite the stigma towards saturated fats as being very unhealthy (which some are), '''the saturated fat in coconut milk is very healthy'''. '''Limiting your intake to 1/4 cup''' may be best since it is higher in calories from the high amount of fat, but don't avoid it completely.
* [ Coconut Milk: Health Benefits and Uses], [ Coconut milk: Benefits, nutrition, uses, and risks].
* '''Coconut oil''' has been marketed as having several health benefits, including helping with weight loss and preventing dementia. However, many scientists say there’s not enough scientific evidence for these claims.
== Palm oil, palm kernel oil ==
* Palm kernel oil and palm oil are not the same. They are both extracted from the oil palm tree, but they come from different parts of the fruit.
* Palm oil is extracted from the flesh or pulp of the fruit, while palm kernel oil is extracted from the kernel or seed.
* The two oils have different chemical and nutritional properties. '''Palm kernel oil is more saturated than palm oil, with over 80% of its fat being saturated, while only 50% of palm oil is saturated'''. This makes '''palm oil easier on arteries'''. Palm oil also contains a fair amount of heart-healthy carotenoids, which give it its reddish or golden color.
== 亞麻子/亞麻籽油 flaxseed oil ==
[ 天天水煮無油當心又老又醜!好油黃金比例「抗老、抗三高、抗發炎」健康2.0 20180818(完整版)]. 大蒜麵包. 大蒜油不要加熱 冷藏.
[ 抗病毒又強化免疫力 亞麻籽是天然防疫利器]
== 芝麻(油),花生(油) ==
[ 白芝麻、黑芝麻哪個營養高?花生、麻油怎麼挑才安心!健康2.0]
== 豬油 ==
[ 豬油真的不健康嗎?一張圖看它樂勝其他4種油]

== Gallbladder ==
== Gallbladder ==
[ Bile made in your liver, helps you digest fats and certain vitamins].
[ Bile made in your liver, helps you digest fats and certain vitamins].
== How to dump cooking oil ==
[ Oil coagulant]

= Sugar limit =
= Sugar limit =
Line 542: Line 1,455:
= 腦 =
= 腦 =
The human brain is nearly 60 percent fat.
The human brain is nearly 60 percent fat.
== 腦瘤 ==
* [腦瘤 腦瘤],依發生原因分為原發性及繼發性2種。
** 原發性腦瘤是指在腦部形成的異常細胞,依照異常細胞發生的不同位置再加以細分許多種類;
** 繼發性腦瘤則是由其他器官的惡性腫瘤轉移到腦部。
* [ 李敖良性腦瘤為何只剩3年命? 腦瘤良性、惡性比一比]
* [ 腦瘤症狀易混淆 有這6大警訊快就醫]: 6個危險警訊包含「近期發生嚴重且無法解釋的頭痛或頭暈」、「個性或生活習慣改變」、「手腳無力或感覺異常」、「視力或視野缺損」、「失去平衡感」、「大小便障礙」等。
* 手機與腦瘤 [ No increased risk of brain tumors for mobile phone users, new study finds], [ Brain cancer link to ordinary mobile phone use is debunked after more than 20 years of speculation and fear] 2022
* [ 記憶衰退不是失智 小心凶險腦瘤!腦膜瘤好發女性 壓迫腦幹恐致命!最容易腦轉移的是肺癌!5味藥膳提升腦力!] 健康2.0.
** 腦膜瘤 = Meningioma is not glioma (膠質瘤).
** [蛛網膜 蛛網膜 Arachnoid mater

== 膠質母細胞瘤 Glioblastoma (GBM) ==
== 膠質母細胞瘤 Glioblastoma (GBM) ==
[ John McCain Has Been Diagnosed With Glioblastoma. What Is That? How are they caused? What are the symptoms? What is the typical prognosis?] It is a type of glioma (神經膠質瘤), a brain or spinal tumor that arises from glial cells. Glioblastoma makes up about half of all malignant (cancerous) brain tumors and affects around five people out of 100,000 per year.
[ John McCain Has Been Diagnosed With Glioblastoma. What Is That? How are they caused? What are the symptoms? What is the typical prognosis?] It is a type of glioma (神經膠質瘤), a brain or spinal tumor that arises from glial cells. Glioblastoma makes up about half of all malignant (cancerous) brain tumors and affects around five people out of 100,000 per year.
== Brain Aneurysm 腦動脈瘤 ==
* [ What Is a Brain Aneurysm?]
* [ 臉瘀紫腦出血!頭痛欲裂.頸僵硬 小心致命炸彈-腦動脈瘤!] 止頭痛 四大穴道. [ 大腦結構 in VR]

== 偏頭痛==
== 偏頭痛==
Line 556: Line 1,484:
* Milk
* Milk

== 補腦益智 ==
== 快樂 ==
* [ 血清素讓你不憂鬱!5種快樂食材療癒身心]
== 補腦護腦益智食物 ==
* [ How to Improve Your Brain Memory Naturally: Foods to Eat And Skip]
* 南瓜核桃增加注意力 omega-3, 補充疲勞, 消除神經衰弱
* 南瓜核桃增加注意力 omega-3, 補充疲勞, 消除神經衰弱
* 黃豆杏仁增加多巴胺 增加快樂感
* 黃豆杏仁增加多巴胺 增加快樂感
* 魚(卵磷脂)海帶(卵磷脂, 亞油酸)健腦
* 魚(卵磷脂)海帶(卵磷脂, 亞油酸)健腦
* 蛋白質食物促進腦部靈敏度 集中注意力
* 維生素B(乳製品 堅果 雞肉 糙米 小麥胚芽)滋養神經傳導
* [ What Foods Have the Most Brain Vitamins for Enhanced Mental Strength]
** 孕婦補充DHA 幫胎兒補腦. 藻類, 鯖魚 Mackerel, 鲱鱼 herring, 比目魚, 秋刀魚(saury).
* [ 如何維持較佳的腦力與認知功能?]
* [ 防失智「10大超級護腦食物」出爐! 營養師:還有5種傷腦飲食要少碰]
** 5種傷腦地雷食物少吃: 紅肉(豬、牛、羊及內臟類)奶油, 起司, 糕點與甜食, 油炸物和速食食品
== 神经可塑性 Neuroplasticity ==
* [ Detox Your Thoughts: Quit Negative Self-Talk for Good and Discover the Life You've Always Wanted]
== 腦膜炎 Meningitis ==
[脑膜炎 腦膜炎]
== 腦炎 Encephalitis ==
* [脑炎 腦炎]
* [ 病毒性腦炎]
* [ Encephalitis vs. meningitis: What is the difference?]

== DHA ==
== SPECT scan ==
[孕婦補充dha-幫胎兒補腦/ 孕婦補充DHA 幫胎兒補腦]. 藻類, 鯖魚, 比目魚, 秋刀魚.
[ 單光子發射斷層掃描], or [單光子放射電腦斷層掃描 單光子放射電腦斷層掃描]

= Eye diseases =
= Eye diseases =
* [ Human Eye Anatomy]
* [ Human Eye Anatomy]
* [ 眼睛結構]
* [ 眼睛結構]
** [晶状体  水晶體/lens] (雙凸形扁圓體) - 白內障
** [玻璃体  玻璃體/vitreous body] (眼球內無色透明的膠狀物質,約占眼球內腔的4/5) - 視網膜脫落 飛蚊症
* [ 健康講座-十一月份(白內障:真相、誤解與傳聞)] (World Journal)
== 眼睛檢查 ==
* 散瞳劑 Mydriatic - Agent that induces dilation of the pupil
* [ Mydriasis/瞳孔放大]
* [ 散瞳劑是什麼?一篇搞懂散瞳劑的優缺點]
* How to pass your DMV eye test: [ 20/40 vision] or better — natural or corrected —is the most common requirement.
* In the United States, vision requirements for obtaining a driver’s license can vary widely from state to state. However, all states have visual acuity requirements for licensure, and all but three have set the minimum best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) requirement at '''20/40''' in the better eye. In MD, it requires a continuous '''field of vision of at least 140 degrees'''.
* Visual acuity is measured using a Snellen chart, which displays rows of letters that decrease in size. 20/20(=test/reference standard) vision means that a person can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance. If someone has 20/40 vision, it means that they must be as close as 20 feet to see what a person with normal vision can see at 40 feet. In other words, their vision is half as sharp as normal.
* 高度近視通常指近視度數較高的情況。不同的來源對於高度近視的定義可能有所不同,但一般來說,度數在600度或更高時會被認為是高度近視.
* 度數在600度的近視可以轉換成美國用的單位,即'''屈光度(Diopters)'''。轉換方法很簡單,只需將度數除以100即可。例如,600度近視相當於-6.00屈光度。
* 處方單上的屈光度通常會標示為「SPH」或「Sphere」,表示眼球的球面度數。正數表示遠視,負數表示近視。除了球面度數,處方單上還可能會標示「CYL」或「Cylinder」,表示散光(astigmatism) 的程度,以及「Axis」,表示散光的軸向。
* [ 視力相關用語報你知]. 我近視 450 度 <-> I am nearsighted with 4.5 diopters.
* [ 一般我們會替客人將視力透過鏡片配至0.8~1.0]
== 飛蚊症 ==
* [ 飛蚊症不治療會自己消失嗎?症狀成因?3招改善飛蚊症]
* 避免眼球的晃動 [ 飛蚊症有救嗎?飛蚊症怎麼消除?視網膜雷射是什麼?]
* [ 惱人的飛蚊症] 眼科部洪嘉鴻醫師
* Vitreous Body 玻璃體 (cf Lens 水晶體)
* “飛蚊症"在英文中被稱為"Floaters”。這是一種常見的視覺現象,當眼睛的玻璃體(Vitreous Body)中的'''蛋白質纖維'''聚集在一起時,就會出現像飛蚊一樣的斑點或線條在視野中飄動。這些斑點或線條是由於光線穿過這些'''纖維'''聚集時在'''視網膜 (retina)'''上投射的陰影所造成的。
** 在眼睛的玻璃體中,蛋白質纖維主要是由'''膠原蛋白'''和'''玻尿酸'''組成的。這些纖維形成一種網狀結構,幫助玻璃體保持其形狀和透明度。
== 視網膜破洞 vs 視網膜玻離, 斷層掃描OCT ==
* retinal hole vs retinal detachment
* 視網膜破洞和視網膜玻離是兩種不同的情況。
** '''視網膜破洞是由於視網膜變薄而形成的''',而視網膜玻離則是當玻璃體拉扯視網膜時形成的。視網膜破洞通常較小,導致視網膜脫落的風險也較低。
** '''視網膜玻離描述了一種緊急情況''',其中眼睛後部的一層薄組織(視網膜)從其正常位置拉開。視網膜玻離將視網膜細胞與提供氧氣和滋養眼睛的血管層分開。如果視網膜玻離未得到治療,受影響眼睛永久性失明的風險越大.
** 眼科醫生就是幫忙看出/雷射治療 視網膜破洞 before 視網膜玻離.
* [ Retinal Holes and Tears]
* 眼科醫生可以通過一種稱為光學相干斷層掃描(OCT/ optical coherence tomography)的快速測試來確診視網膜破洞。這項測試不會造成疼痛,但可以讓眼科醫生詳細地看到您的視網膜和黃斑。通常,您的眼科醫生會給您滴眼藥水以擴大您的瞳孔。這些藥水將幫助他們更好地看到您眼睛的內部.
* 眼科醫生會給您滴眼藥水以擴大您的瞳孔。這些藥水將幫助他們更好地看到您眼睛的內部。當您的瞳孔擴大時,醫生可以使用帶有明亮燈光和特殊鏡片的儀器來檢查您眼睛的後部,包括視網膜。這種設備提供了您整個眼睛的高度詳細的視圖,使醫生能夠看到任何視網膜破洞、撕裂或脫落。醫生如何從高度詳細的視圖確認視網膜破洞?
* 玻璃体后脱离(PVD) posterior vitreous detachment. [ 细说“大飞蚊”-玻璃体后脱离(PVD)的成因、症状和注意事项]
* 黄斑部退化 Macular degeneration, [ 黄斑色素密度檢查儀 MPS II] 密度>.5 is good, "黄" - 葉黃素.
* [ What Is Optical Coherence Tomography?]
== ERM/Epiretinal membrane ==
* [ Epiretinal membrane (macular pucker) 視網膜前膜(黃斑皺褶)]
* [ All you need to know about epiretinal membrane]

== 高度近視與視網膜剝離 ==
== 護眼 ==
* 高度近視的人 劇烈運動玻璃體把視網膜拉破
[ 防疫在家用眼過度 專家有護眼食譜]
* 維生素A能維持黑夜中視覺、滋潤眼睛,眼睛明亮 但光線一照眼睛還是受傷害, 所以要吃'''葉黃素/花青素'''. 從肝臟、蛋黃、牛奶及奶製品、魚肝油,胡蘿蔔、花椰菜、南瓜、芒果、菠菜等深綠或深黃蔬果取得;
* B群中B1參與醣類代謝,產出能量供給視神經,從糙米、燕麥、玉米等全穀類取得;
* B2缺乏時易使眼睛乾澀、眼球結膜充血、角膜炎等,
* B12則可預防視神經傷害,透過牛奶、奶蛋製品、肝臟、蛤蠣和深綠色蔬菜獲取營養素
* 維生素C則促進膠原蛋白合成,增加眼睛微小血管韌性和修護細胞,維持水晶體透明度,降低形成白內障,適量花椰菜、青椒、芭樂、奇異果、柑橘類水果、番茄等深綠蔬菜及水果,可達抗氧化效果
* 花青素、Omega-3和鋅則減少水晶體、視網膜、感光細胞等傷害,提高對光的敏感度,也改善眼睛疲勞;其中花青素多存在茄子、葡萄等紫紅色蔬果,Omega-3則在深海魚、蝦油脂,鋅在全穀雜糧、堅果種子、動物肝臟、紅肉、帶殼海鮮等。
[ 40歲後女性延緩老花眼「紅金」食療法 護眼又養顏]
* 裸視
* 熨眼法
* 熱毛巾敷眼
* 番紅花 (saffron) 茶
[ 如何吃出好眼力?最佳「護眼食物」大公開]
== 高度近視 (high myopia) 與視網膜剝離 retinal detachment ==
* 高度近視的人 劇烈運動玻璃體 (vitreous body) 把視網膜拉破
* [ 成年後近視度數竟然還會增加?醫籲:小心近視帶來4大眼科併發症]
* [ 高度近視引起視網膜病變]
* [ 高度近視引起視網膜病變]
* [ Structure and Function of the Eyes]

== 高度近視(high myopia) & 保養 ==
== 高度近視(high myopia) & 保養 ==
Line 578: Line 1,592:
* [ 不可輕忽的高度近視-合併症會引起失明]
* [ 不可輕忽的高度近視-合併症會引起失明]
* [ 高度近视怎么 保养眼睛?]
* [ 高度近视怎么 保养眼睛?]
== 配眼鏡 ==
* 球鏡度數
* 散光度數
* 散光軸距
* 雙眼瞳距

== 老化性視網膜黃斑區病變 (AMD, Age-related Macular Degeneration ) ==
== 老化性視網膜黃斑區病變 (AMD, Age-related Macular Degeneration ) ==
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* 但人體沒有辦法自己合成,必須要由食物中才可獲得。
* 但人體沒有辦法自己合成,必須要由食物中才可獲得。
* [ 黃斑部病變 銀髮族視力殺手]
* [ 黃斑部病變 銀髮族視力殺手]
* [《醫藥保健》適度吃胡蘿蔔-無礙葉黃素吸收/ 適度吃胡蘿蔔-無礙葉黃素吸收]

Over the counter vitamins
Over the counter vitamins
* [ PreserVision] from Bausch + Lomb.
* [ PreserVision] from Bausch + Lomb.
* [ Ocuvite] from Bausch + Lomb.
* [ Ocuvite] from Bausch + Lomb. It contains Lutein, [玉米黃素 玉米黃素 (Zeaxanthin)] and Omega-3.
[ 視網膜黃斑部病變] (吳建良醫師, News98)
== 乾眼症 Dry eyes ==
Artificial tears brands
* Bausch & Lomb Soothe XP
* Systane Ultra
* Refresh Optive
* Thera Tears
多吃魚(DHA, 鯖魚 秋刀魚 沙丁魚), 枸杞, 多眨眼(3-4 seconds/per time), Blueberry, 桑椹(Mulberry).
葉黃素 Letuin (7.5-10mg/day) 油酯性, 眼睛會吸收. 吃三個月才會維持濃度.
== 眼壓 Intraocular pressure/IOP ==
* 正常眼壓的範圍為 11~21mmHg
* 眼壓高,往往會對視神經造成損害,導致青光眼。

== 青光眼 Glaucoma ==
== 青光眼 Glaucoma ==
* 青光眼與高度近視為好兄弟  
* 青光眼與高度近視為好兄弟  
* 眼內有一透明清澈之液體叫"房水"。此水樣液不斷在眼睛內部流動。(圖)若此房水排流系統受阻,眼球內部之壓力就會上升而傷害到視神經。青光眼是導致失明的主要原因之一。
* 眼內有一透明清澈之液體叫"房水"。此水樣液不斷在眼睛內部流動。(圖)若此房水排流系統受阻,眼球內部之壓力就會上升而傷害到視神經。青光眼是導致失明的主要原因之一。
* 等到發現視力不良或視野縮小時,視神經往往已經受到嚴重的傷害。
* 青光眼分急性與慢性. 大部分人為慢性. 初期症狀不明顯 須靠定期眼睛檢查才能發現. 急性青光眼有頭痛 噁心嘔吐 眼睛脹痛 眼壓上升情況 或視力瞬間喪失.
* 等到發現視力不良或視野縮小時,視神經往往已經受到嚴重的傷害。 [ 青光眼中斷治療 8年後看東西「灰一塊」左眼視野剩55%]
* 醫師會測量眼壓、檢查眼底及視野,來診斷是否患有青光眼。Or using [ Retinal/fundus photography]. See the [ Wikipedia] website.
* 醫師會測量眼壓、檢查眼底及視野,來診斷是否患有青光眼。Or using [ Retinal/fundus photography]. See the [ Wikipedia] website.
* 青光眼通常可用眼藥或口服藥(副作用)來控制。這些藥物可以降低眼壓,但是必須持續且按時使用才行。
* 青光眼通常可用眼藥或口服藥(副作用)來控制。這些藥物可以降低眼壓,但是必須持續且按時使用才行。
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujxdkjehZz8ut4GDD 飲食與穴位]
* [ 突然眼脹頭痛 當心青光眼]. 日常生活中,要做到不抽菸、不喝酒,飲食上少喝含有咖啡因的飲料,飲水要多次少量,可以多吃富含鋅、銅、硒及維生素的食物,保持良好的心態,晚上不熬夜,睡前不要看手機,保障良好的睡眠質量等。

== 老花 Presbyopia ==
== 老花 Presbyopia ==
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* [ 看電視、滑手機不會造成散光!這才是元凶]
* [ 看電視、滑手機不會造成散光!這才是元凶]
* 如果眼球球體是正圓,就不會有散光. 光線進入眼球後,並不會聚焦成單一點,而是散開的影像,就稱為散光,臨床上,以眼球長軸與短軸的差距,來判斷散光的度數。
* 如果眼球球體是正圓,就不會有散光. 光線進入眼球後,並不會聚焦成單一點,而是散開的影像,就稱為散光,臨床上,以眼球長軸與短軸的差距,來判斷散光的度數。
* [ How to Measure Astigmatism]

== 白內障 Cataract ==
== 白內障 Cataract ==
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== Optic Nerve Drusen ==

== 眼睛雷射 ==
== 眼睛雷射 ==
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== 散瞳眼底檢查 Pupil dilate and fundus exam ==
== 散瞳眼底檢查 Pupil dilate and fundus exam ==
[ 散瞳眼底檢查須知]
[ 散瞳眼底檢查須知]
== 眼紅 ==
* [ 保健品吃過量-「眼紅」透警訊] . 保健食品還同時有「通血路」的效果, 但卻因吃進的種類多,仍起一定的抗凝血作用,增加出血風險。
* [ 眼睛紅紅的 到底是出血還是充血?]
== 針眼 Stye ==
* [ 針眼會自己好?眼科醫師教你三招]
* [ Stye Treatment]
* Stye Sterile Lubricant Eye Ointment

== 保健 ==
== 保健 ==
* [ 眼睛累了?比起閉眼休息 這招更有效]
* Eye drops (one drop per eye, 3-6 times per day) [ 10 Best Preservative-Free Eye Drops]
** Systane Ultra
** TheraTears
** Refresh Plus Eye Drops Single-Use Vials (100ct)
* [眼睛累了-比起閉眼休息-這招更有效-071620633.html 眼睛累了?比起閉眼休息 這招更有效]
* [ 老花眼可逆轉!專家教你護眼妙方這樣做] 健康兩點靈
* [ 老花眼可逆轉!專家教你護眼妙方這樣做] 健康兩點靈
*  眼睛按摩 [ 眼眶穴道位置] 每天定期保養2次,一次大約5分鐘。
*  眼睛按摩 [ 眼眶穴道位置] 每天定期保養2次,一次大約5分鐘。
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujSgUlmePWnemf62L 眼睛最愛的食物], [!Am92ICmSSQXujy6hjJbLgkxi79Jg 護眼食材]
* [ 視力問題從40歲開始出現 這10種護眼食物你吃了嗎?]
* [ 護眼果汁] 健康2.0.
** Apples, Blueberry, 櫛瓜 zucchini, Almond, Milk
** [ 鮑魚石鍋燉飯] 鯖魚 蝦子 紅蘿菠 枸杞子 小松菜 魚高湯 蛋 .
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujw3yxdC7XPpWA8-d 視力保健操] 白內障
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujyV3M2jTTEjPwxm_ 護目防眼疾2茶飲]
* [ 紅茶和枸杞子一起泡茶喝可以嗎,紅茶和枸杞一起泡的好處]
** 只有紅茶是可以搭配枸杞子的,其它的茶,比如綠茶,普洱生茶都不適合搭配枸杞子。
** 由於枸杞子溫熱身體的效果相當強,患有高血壓、性情太過急躁的人,或平日大量攝取肉類導致面泛紅光、正在感冒發燒、身體有炎症、腹瀉的人最好別吃。
* [ 保護眼睛的5種食物]
** 每週吃1次魚 + 1~2次堅果
** 菠菜 (葉黃素 Lutein)
** 芭樂 (維生素C)
** 少高GI 食物
** 藍紫色食物 (花青素)
* [ 眼睛保養10大方法與營養建議,這7種護眼營養吃了更健康!]
* [ 按手掌「養老穴」,氣血流暢了,連老花眼都改善!]
== 葉黃素 Lutein ==
* [ 專家教你葉黃素怎麼挑怎麼吃]
* [ 葉黃素到底怎麼補?營養師告訴你]
== 蝦紅素 Astaxanthin ==蝦紅素
== 藍光 ==
* [ 防LED藍害 清大教授教你這3招]
* [ 藍光對人體的影響 白天、夜晚不同]
== 光線 ==
[ 晚上閱讀光線不是越亮越好!專家教你如何慎選好燈光]. 新護眼兩訣竅:亮度減半、轉為燭光色

== Eye glasses prescription ==
== Eye glasses prescription ==
** Optometrist/OD 验光师 (cf ophthalmologist 眼科醫生)
** astimatism
** what strength am I?
** [ Optometrists vs Ophthalmologists]
* Some factors to consider
* Some factors to consider
** Single vision: distance or reading only
** Single vision (distance or reading only)/Bifocal
** High index lens
** Lens material: '''High index''' plastic (the best two categories are 1.6* & 1.7*), polycarbonate, plastic, glass
** Coating
** Lens coating: anti-scratch, anti-reflective, UV-blocking treatment, [ photochromic treatment/transition], [ blue light]
** Frame
* [ The Best 11 Places to Buy Glasses Online]
* [ How to choose the best lenses for your glasses]
* [ How to Figure an Eye Prescription for Computer Glasses] (vs Distance Glasses)
* [ How can I calculate my prescription for computer glasses?]. The astigmatism or cylindrical power does not change, but the spherical has to be adjusted to reduce by 1.00 D or 0.75 D depending on PC or laptop usage.
* [ How to read your prescription]
* [ Eyeglass frame sizes explained]
== Computer glasses ==
[ Do You Need Computer Glasses?]
== Sun glasses ==
* [ 6招選對太陽眼鏡]
* [太陽眼鏡別戴這個顏色-抗uv要這樣挑/ 太陽眼鏡別戴這個顏色-抗uv要這樣挑]
== Are dark themes for IDEs and code editors good for the eyes? ==
* it is better to use a dark them but not too high contrast unless you need it.
* [ #333]
= 牙齒 tooth/teeth =
* 牙醫師表示,牙齒遇冷熱會敏感,或是咬東西時會酸軟無力, 有可能是嚴重的牙周病或者是裂齒症
* [ 刷完牙別急著漱掉口中泡泡]
* [ 避免40歲後常見的3種口腔疾病!你必須懂的牙齒清潔2重點]. 正確刷牙 預防牙周病.
* [ How to Whiten Teeth With Baking Soda]
* [ 小朋友蛀牙有分等級!牙醫師告訴你不同蛀牙怎麼處理]
* [ Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Brush Your Teeth Right After Drinking Coffee]
* [ This Is How Often You Should Be Changing Your Toothbrush]. 3-4 months.

= 過敏 =
= 過敏 =
[ 過敏病患 少吃寒性蔬果]
* 過敏病患 少吃寒性蔬果
* [ 春天一到就過敏!專家推「4類超級食物」助鼻暢通 大蒜、辣椒上榜]. 槲皮素/Quercetin, Vitamin C, Probiotics, Garlic.
== 按鼻通穴 ==
* 迎香穴-緩解鼻子過敏
== 鼻竇炎 Sinusitis ==
* [ 鼻竇炎差點引發失明!6種鼻涕顏色反應健康!中藥材入菜+薑黃抗發炎!]
* [ 抗組織胺/Antihistamine]
== 流感 Flu/cold ==
* [ This Is How Many People Die From the Flu Each Year, According to the CDC]
* [ 禦寒5招防猝死,5種燃燒系「發熱食物」必吃]
== 暖暖包 ==
[ 寒流來襲 暖暖包你用對了嗎?放這裡全身暖!達人自製暖暖包超簡單!]

= 頭髮 =
= 頭髮 =
[!Am92ICmSSQXujRMVGVyKMZT40M91 12種天然方法幫助頭髮健康]
[!Am92ICmSSQXujRMVGVyKMZT40M91 12種天然方法幫助頭髮健康]
== 抗老抗癌非吃不可的黑色食物 ==
[ 芝麻糊]
== 去頭皮屑 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujjKK8i3wqFaVQVeA
== Hair dye 染髮劑 ==
* [ Lead in Hair Dyes Must Go: FDA]
* [ 在家DIY染髮,有哪些技巧可以染得成功漂亮]
* 染髮與膀胱癌 Hair dye and bladder cancer. [ 膀胱癌無法檢測] 直到出現血尿. 水溶性物質溶在尿裡面.
* [消委會染髮劑16款染髮劑含致敏物可致腎中毒-9款獲滿分最安全-50惠上榜 16款染髮劑含致敏物可致腎中毒 9款獲滿分最安全 50惠上榜]
== 頭髮與營養 ==
* [ 頭髮一直掉 你是否用了這種洗髮精]. 頭髮由23種胺基酸組成,若吃進的蛋白質、鋅跟鐵不夠,就有可能造成毛囊萎縮、毛髮乾澀無生命力。 飲食上有足夠的瘦肉、魚肉、豆類等蛋白質,以及可適量補充蝦蟹等含鋅食物、內臟與燕麥等含鐵食物。
== 白髮 gray hair ==
* [ 壓力太大一夜白頭?原來是交感神經太亢奮啦!]
* [ 「5大好習慣」70歲還可以一頭黑髮!3款藥膳5穴位,1招每天早晚10下,輕鬆讓髮絲白轉黑!], [ 何首烏湯]

= Skin =
= Skin =
== 口角炎/嘴角潰爛 Angular cheilitis, 口腔潰瘍/嘴破 Canker sore ==
* 最快的補充方式就是多吃些紅肉,或鮭魚、雞蛋和綠葉蔬菜等。
* 爛嘴角最好不要舔 多吃動物肝臟、蛋類、牛肉、菠菜、覓菜、油萊、苗香、花生、黃豆、木耳等。
* 盡量不要吃刺激性食物 睡眠與水分要充足
* [嘴巴破別再不當一回事!這5種症狀快就醫/ 如何預防口腔潰瘍?] 具溫熱性質食物或水果,像是牛肉、羊肉、荔枝、橘子等,吃太多也會上火。
* 只要把白米加很多的水,一直煮、一直煮,煮到白白濃稠狀,把上層的白色乳汁擦在口角處即可消除疼痛,擦個幾回,口角炎就會康復。 早、中、晚各塗一次,大概兩天左右就恢復囉
* [嘴巴破洞痛到無法進食!7居家療法讓傷口迅速癒合/  7居家療法讓傷口迅速癒合]:
** 蜂蜜: 蜂蜜具有抗發炎和抗菌的特性. 只需每天在口瘡上塗一些蜂蜜即可。
** 葡萄乾
** 洋蔥 (硫化合物), 將一片洋蔥放置於潰瘍處15~20分鐘,每日2到3次
** 葡萄柚, 混和5~6滴葡萄柚汁和一小杯水,每天漱口一到兩次。
** 益生菌優酪乳
** 潮濕的茶包: 潮濕的茶包放在患處5分鐘就能帶來神奇的舒緩效果
** 氧化鎂牛奶
* 熱薑水漱口 每天2-3次. 一般6-9次潰瘍即好轉 .
* [ 反覆口腔潰瘍 逾2周未癒小心病變]
== 漱口水 ==
吃完酸性食物要刷牙。 可以先漱口刺激唾液分泌,中和酸性再刷牙。
== [ How to keep your lips moist] ==
# Hydrate
#* Drink more water
#* Turn on a humidifier.
#* Rub on some all-natural almond oil, coconut oil, or shea butter
#* Use cucumber to restore vital moisture
# Using Protective Products
#* Look for lip balms that protect against drying
#* Pick up an exfoliating lip scrub
#* Slather on a sunblock for your lips
#* Apply hydrating products after using matte lipsticks
# Avoiding Harmful Habits
#* Stop licking your lips.
#* Watch out for spicy or acidic foods
#* Breathe through your nose
#* Cover up when it’s cold out
== [ Collagen] 膠原蛋白 ==
== [ Collagen] 膠原蛋白 ==

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* [ 告別腳跟龜裂7步驟]
* [ 告別腳跟龜裂7步驟]
== Dry skin ==
*  Since the lotion is easily absorbed, you can use lotion during the summer and '''cream during the winter'''. [ Difference Between Lotion and Cream].
* [ 11 Overnight Hand Creams to Soothe Dry Skin]
* Keep the humidity inside your home between '''30 to 50%'''

== Anti wrinkle ==
== Anti wrinkle ==
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== 異位性皮膚炎/濕疹 (Atopic dermatitis, eczema)、蕁麻疹 ==
* [ 異位性皮膚炎、蕁麻疹等疾病 飲食上該注意什麼?]
* [天冷狂吃鍋-小心誘發蕁麻疹-024746037.html  天冷狂吃鍋-小心誘發蕁麻疹]
== 蜂窩組織炎(Cellulitis) 與糖尿病 ==蜂窩組織炎
== 麻疹疫苗 measles ==
== Shingles ==
[ A Patient’s Guide to Shingles]
== Autoimmune Diseases ==
[ How Autoimmune Diseases Affect Life Expectancy]
== 敗血症 Sepsis ==
[ 為什麼敗血症是奪命疾病?醫師解析最新診斷準則、治療趨勢]
== 肉瘤 Sarcoma, 恶性肿瘤 Carcinoma and solid tumor ==
* [ What is a Solid Tumor?]
* [ What's the difference? Carcinoma and sarcoma]. The main difference between carcinomas and sarcomas comes down to '''tissue'''.
** A '''carcinoma''' forms in the skin or tissue cells that line the body’s '''internal organs''', such as the kidneys and liver.
** A '''sarcoma''' grows in the body’s '''connective tissue cells''', which include fat, blood vessels, nerves, bones, muscles, deep skin tissues and cartilage.
* [ Difference Between | Descriptive Analysis and Comparisons]. It gives a table for the comparison.
** '''Carcinoma''': Cancers that grows in the '''epithelial tissue'''. It is more common.
** '''Sarcoma''': its frequency is rare but the prognosis is more worse. Sarcoma grows at a slower rate than Carcinoma. Sarcomas grow into a ball like structure and push the adjacent structures like nerves and veins away from it.

== 瘢瘤 Keloid scar ==
== 瘢瘤 Keloid scar ==
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** corticosteroid creams
** corticosteroid creams
** Bathe in cool or lukewarm water instead of hot water
** Bathe in cool or lukewarm water instead of hot water
== 脂肪瘤 Lipoma ==
== Poison ivy ==
* [ Poison ivy: Test your knowledge before it ruins your summer]
* [ How to Identify Poison Ivy]
== 整形外科 ==
* 整形外科醫師 orthopaedist = orthopedist
== Skincare/Beauty ==
[ 10 Beauty Gadget Gifts for the Skincare Devotees] 2020
== splinter ==
* [ Splinter removal]
* [ Use bread&milk or potato to remove splinter]. 20 Extraordinary Uses for Everyday Foods.
= 頸部 =
== [氣管 氣管 trachea] ==
* [ 氣管 食道 (esophagus)]
* [ 胃管误入气管原因]
== 甲狀腺 thyroid gland ==
== 頸部淋巴按摩 ==
[ 3招教你幫大腦洗澡]
== 頸動脈 頸靜脈 ==
== 食道癌 ==
[ 食道癌怎麼會專找壯年男性?]

= 骨頭, 脊椎 =
= 骨頭, 脊椎 =
== 膝關節 內側皺壁 ==
== 鈣 ==
鈣質的吸收需要vitamin D and vitamin K (深綠色蔬菜 脂溶性的). 鈣質若沒被吸收就會跑到腎臟變成腎結石.
[ Super Foods for Your Bones]
== 3分鐘改正你的脊椎側彎 ==自己的脊椎自己矯正!3分鐘改正你的脊椎側彎/
== 脊椎滑脫 ==動不動腰就痛?小心脊椎滑脫上身/
== 膝關節 Knee ==
* [ 大腿肌肉訓練可改善膝蓋痛], [ 股四頭肌訓練], [ 膝蓋有四條韌帶] (內側 外側 前後十字)
* [ 維護膝關節就從加強「大腿肌力」開始!]
* [ 不想膝蓋痛,這7種食物最好少吃] 番茄, 玉米油/葵花油/黃豆油, 含糖的汽水
* [ 慢跑膝蓋痛 那是因為「臀肌」沒練好]
* [ 遠離膝蓋痛 牛奶等7種食物請少吃]. 乳製品中的某些蛋白質會引發關節炎,專家建議有關節疼痛的人改而以豆類補充蛋白質。
* 內側皺壁
* 芝麻糊(1 tbsp sesame + 1 cup water) 減緩膝蓋疼痛
* [ How to Strengthen Knees for Running]
== Core 核心運動/核心肌群訓練 ==
== Core 核心運動/核心肌群訓練 ==
* [ How to Work Your Core]
* [ How to Work Your Core]
* [ 千萬別做仰臥起坐!練核心肌群4個護腰新觀念]
** 呼吸對了,才能練到深層核心. 腰部核心肌群的啟動與呼吸大有關係。吸氣時,橫膈膜下降,使胸腔充滿空氣。接著慢慢吐氣至剩下 1/3的呼吸量時輕輕憋住氣,即會啟動腹部核心肌群,這時候的腰椎是最穩固的。

== 韌帶 (Ligament) vs 肌腱 (Tendon) ==
== 韌帶 (Ligament) vs 肌腱 (Tendon) ==
Ligament connects bone to bone while tendon connects muscle to bone. See [ this picture] or [ this].
* Ligament: connects bone to bone  
* Tendon: connects muscle to bone. 拉筋 stretch
See [ this picture] or [ this].

[[File:Tendon ligament diagram.png|200px]]
[[File:Tendon ligament diagram.png|200px]]
A [ picture] of chicken tendon and ligament.
[ Tendons aren’t nearly as flexible. Stretching a tendon just 4 percent beyond its resting shape can cause permanent damage]

== 阿基里斯腱(Achilles tendon)斷裂 ==
== 阿基里斯腱(Achilles tendon)斷裂 ==
[ 腳筋斷了…冰敷固定速就醫]
[ 腳筋斷了…冰敷固定速就醫]
== 腳踝訓練 ==
[ 过年,成为一个更柔软的训练者!踝!]

== Arthritis ==
== Arthritis ==
* [ 8 Signs You Could Have Arthritis of the Knee]
* [ 9 Things You Think Could Be Arthritis—But Aren’t]
=== 自體免疫/風濕免疫 (morning) vs 退化性關節炎 (afternoon) ===
[ 健康2.0 20220625]
=== 退化性關節炎/骨性關節炎 OA/Osteoarthritis ===
=== 退化性關節炎/骨性關節炎 OA/Osteoarthritis ===
* [ 什麼是骨性關節炎?]
* [ 什麼是骨性關節炎?]
* [ 骨關節炎]
* [骨关节炎  骨關節炎]
* 軟骨 Cartilage
* 軟骨 Cartilage
* [ 跑步能減輕體重、減少關節負擔]
* [ 跑步能減輕體重、減少關節負擔]
* [ 退化性膝關節炎的保健]
* [ 退化性膝關節炎的保健]
* [ 減緩關節疼痛問題 營養師分享5類最糟糕和最佳食物].
** 精緻碳水化合物, 含糖飲料, Omega-6脂肪酸, 加工肉品, 披薩.
** 綠花椰菜, 櫻桃, 抹茶,, Omega-3, 薑黃
=== Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief and anti-inflammatory medications ===
* [ Osteoarthritis Medications List]
* Acetaminophen (溫和止痛退燒) > NSAIDs/Ibuprofen (更強止痛退燒) > Antihistamine (allergy relieve)/cyproheptadine(第一代)/fexofenadine(新一代) (抗組織胺/止流鼻水) > Acetylcyteine (化痰), Dextromethorphan/DM (Cough suppressant)

=== 類風濕性關節炎 RA/rheumatoid arthritis ===
=== 類風濕性關節炎 RA/rheumatoid arthritis ===
* [ Rheumatoid Arthritis vs. Osteoarthritis Joint Pain] (picture)
* OA vs. RA: At a Glance. [ Osteoarthritis vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Key Differences]
* RA is an autoimmune disease with inflammation.
* OA is a common joint disease that affects from middle-aged (fifties) to elderly people, women more than men. Osteoarthritis typically begins in a single joint and is more common after age 65.

== 骨刺 Osteophyte/Bone spur ==
== 骨刺 Osteophyte/Bone spur ==
[歲後關節-退化→磨損→骨刺/ 40歲後關節-退化→磨損→骨刺].
* [ 40歲後關節-退化→磨損→骨刺].
* [ 小看腰痛,癱瘓馬上找上門!復健師分享私房 2 招:免開刀、免吃藥,一輩子不復發]

關節軟骨是由70%膠原蛋白及30%醣蛋白所組成. 很多人都忽略蛋白質的重要性,蛋白質包含豆腐、瘦肉、蛋白,要有均衡飲食。
關節軟骨是由70%膠原蛋白及30%醣蛋白所組成. 很多人都忽略蛋白質的重要性,蛋白質包含豆腐、瘦肉、蛋白,要有均衡飲食。

== 椎間盤突出 ==
== [椎间盘脱出症  椎間盤突出]/Spinal disc herniation ==
[ Lower Back Pain Relief Treatment Stretcher]

== 腕隧道症候群 CTS ==
== 腕隧道症候群 CTS ==
[ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome]
* [ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome]
* [ 手麻!每天4動作,解決神經壓迫]
* [ When Tech Is a Pain in the Neck]

[ 手麻!每天4動作,解決神經壓迫]
== Posture ==
* [ Three Easy Ways to Actually Improve Your Posture]
* [ 6 Bodyweight Exercises To Improve Your Posture]

== 五十肩 Frozen Shoulder ==
== 五十肩 Frozen Shoulder ==
[ 沾黏性肩關節囊炎]
* [ 沾黏性肩關節囊炎]
* [ 五十肩怎麼辦?], [ 被動關節運動]
== Neck exercise ==
[ 12 Simple Exercises for Neck And Shoulder Pain Relief]

== Spine exercise ==
== Spine exercise ==
* [ University of Waterloo kinesiology professor Stuart McGill]
* [ University of Waterloo kinesiology professor Stuart McGill]
* [ How to Improve Spinal Flexibility with Yoga]
* [ How to Improve Spinal Flexibility with Yoga]
== Pelvic 盆腔 ==
* [ 5 Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women]
* [ 9 Best Kegel Exercise Apps (Android & iOS)]
* [ How to Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt in 4 Simple Steps (Daily Corrective Routine)]
* [ How to sit]
== Back pain ==
* [ 7 Best Lower Back Stretches for Relieving Pain]
* [ How to Relieve Lower Back Pain Effectively]
* [ Ten exercises for perfect posture]
* [ 7 Great Lumbar Cushions For Supporting Your Back While You Work]
* [ 5 Spinal Articulation Exercises for a Healthy Back]

== 髖關節 vs 坐骨神經 ==
== 髖關節 vs 坐骨神經 ==
[ 屁股練好走到老!久坐有多糟糕「坐骨神經痛」找上你!健康2.0(完整版)]
== ALS disease 肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症/漸凍人症 ==
[ Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis]/運動神經元病
== 久坐 ==
[久坐不動傷膝、傷腰、更傷心/ 久坐不動傷膝、傷腰、更傷心]
* 下肢血液循環不良,代謝減慢 冠心病風險增加
* 膝蓋和髖部的關節炎風險提高
* 前列腺腺管阻塞
* 頸部血管受壓 使大腦的血液和供氧量減少 發生類型不同的頸椎病。
* 久坐也傷腰
* 下肢靜脈回流不良,加大瓣膜壓力 靜脈曲張
== 天然消炎藥 ==關節疼痛吃止痛藥、抗生素?試試2大天然消炎藥/

== [ 足底筋膜炎] ==
== 足底筋膜炎 Plantar fasciitis ==
* [ 下床一踩地就足跟痛,我得了足底筋膜炎]
* [ 足底筋膜炎不易治好!三個方法在家加速復原]
* [ 足底筋膜炎不易治好!三個方法在家加速復原]
* [ 腳跟很痛] 足底筋膜炎好發在穿平底,很軟的鞋 又過度使用的族群. 踩地的力量都在腳跟. 過度拉扯足底筋膜.
* [腳跟好痛!-足底筋膜發炎啦- 腳跟很痛!-足底筋膜發炎啦] 足底筋膜炎好發在穿平底,很軟的鞋 又過度使用的族群. 踩地的力量都在腳跟. 過度拉扯足底筋膜.
* [ How to Stretch the Arch of Your Foot]

== 肌腱鈣化 ==
== 肌腱鈣化 ==
[ 防肌腱鈣化 多做伸展運動]
[ 防肌腱鈣化 多做伸展運動]
== 骨質疏鬆 osteoporosis ==
* [骨質疏鬆症 骨質疏鬆症]
* [ 預防骨質疏鬆 你有做「對」運動嗎?]
* [ 骨質密度檢查﹕檢驗結果之解讀]
* [ 骨鬆成為新慢性病! 駝背 身高縮水 都是骨鬆前兆?四招遠離 骨質疏鬆 DXA 65歲以上都該做的骨密度檢查] (video) 大腿 (髖部骨折), 脊椎 (慢性下背痛), 婦女, 室內生活, Vitamin D, BMI低, 肌肉量不足, 吃優質蛋白質, 骨質帳戶30歲左右存完, 股鬆市沒有感覺的, 女性>65男性>70歲, DEXA/DXA scan (X光檢查), 鈣 曬太陽, 負重運動, [ 居家運動], 骨肉相關(蛋白質要夠),
=== 吃洋蔥 ===
[ 防骨鬆、抗氧化 吃洋蔥好處多]
=== 運動 ===
[!Am92ICmSSQXujwSKxirXnbKUohzF 推牆]
== 圓肩 rounded shoulders 駝背 hunchback ==
* 兩邊肩膀向前縮,導致肩內旋.
* [ 擴胸運動] 運用彈力帶訓練外轉肌, 肩頸釋壓帶

== 低頭滑手機 超傷頸椎 ==
== 低頭滑手機 超傷頸椎 ==
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== Back pain ==
== Fascia manipulation ==
[ How to Relieve Lower Back Pain Effectively]
* [ What Is Fascia Manipulation?]
* 拔罐 fire cupping, [ 顏面神經麻痺 警訊 健康2.0]
== 僵直性脊椎炎 ==
[ 席琳狄翁罹僵硬人症!胃痛是警訊 僵硬人≠漸凍人!僵直性脊椎炎 晨間僵硬、下背痛!長期駝背易胸悶、消化不良!]
== [ 多發性骨髓瘤 Multiple myeloma] ==
== 睡姿不對愈睡愈累!==
= 肝, 膽(gallbladder), 腸, 胃, 脾(spleen), 胰(pancreas) =
== 內臟脂肪組織 Visceral Adipose Tissue ==
* [ 注意! 內臟脂肪指數過高 罹腎病風險恐增加]
* [ 為何相撲選手體型肥胖,卻未罹患肥胖病患常見疾病] 相撲選手的內臟脂肪僅有一般內臟肥胖患者的一半
* [ The Secret Life of Fat]: The Science Behind the Body's Least Understood Organ and What It Means for You
== 體脂率 Body fat percentage ==
* [ 男生女生的體脂率對照表,多少的體脂率最適合你?]
== [ 脂肪肝 (fatty liver disease, FLD)] ==
[ 水果其實是危害健康的反派角色]. 果糖屬於單醣類,一下子就會被人體吸收。被迅速吸收的醣類會直接進入肝臟,立刻形成中性脂肪。換句話說,很容易就會成為導致脂肪肝的主因。
[ 水果最好在晚上8點前吃完! 避免脂肪肝上身,營養師激推6大低GI值水果]
== 腸癌 ==
* [年輕人罹腸癌增多-注意5項早期癥兆!/ 年輕人罹腸癌增多-注意5項早期癥兆!]  
*# 貧血
*# 直腸出血
*# 體重減輕
*# 排便困難
*# 腹部疼痛或脹氣

= 肝, 膽, 腸, 胃 =
== 養肝護肝 ==
== 養肝 ==
* 蛋白質
* 蛋白質
* 糖
* 糖
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[  醫師好辣]
[  醫師好辣]

== [ 膽囊] ==
[ 春天養肝黃金時段 這5類食物最護肝] 富含維生素c的食物, 青色或者綠色食物, 雞蛋和乳製品, 草莓和葡萄, 綠豆和大豆
[ 根本不用吃保肝丸!淨化肝臟最強五大食物,都是普遍食材] 大蒜, 葡萄柚, 綠茶, 葡萄, 綠色蔬菜
[ 肝臟過勞的警示訊號. 護肝吃什麼?美國肝臟基金會分享養肝不踩雷5攻略!]

== [ 大腸] ==
== [胰脏 胰臟] Pancreas ==
大腸包括盲腸(cecum)、結腸(colon, main part)、直腸(rectum) 以及肛管(anus)

[ 大腸]
=== 胰臟癌 ===
[ 胰臟癌又帶走一位名人!5族群需特別提防這種「無聲癌症」]
== [胆囊 膽囊] Gall Bladder ==
* 身體吃的油 膽汁 (Bile) 會被分泌來平衡. 吃太油會產生膽結石 gallstones 發炎.
* [ 膽道癌, 肝硬化] 健康2.0
== 大腸 ==
[大肠 大腸]包括盲腸(cecum)、結腸(colon, main part)、直腸(rectum) 以及肛管(anus)
* [ 名醫這樣吃遠離腸癌!]
[ 左腹部隱痛的原因 腹部隱痛千萬別忽視]
=== 大腸息肉有哪幾種 ===
* [ 臭屁.連環屁是大腸癌嗎?胃病控制不好 當心發展成胃癌!天然胃藥改善脹氣健康煮]
* 大腸息肉有幾種類型,包括
** '''腺瘤性息肉''':這是最常見的類型,大約佔所有大腸息肉的70%。它們通常是良性的,但有時可能會變成癌症。
** '''增生性息肉''':這些息肉通常很小,並且在結腸或直腸中發現。它們通常是良性的,並且很少變成癌症。
** '''炎症性息肉''':這些息肉是由於長期的腸道炎症,如結腸炎或克隆氏病所引起的。它們通常不會變成癌症。
** '''鈍頭息肉''':這些息肉比較罕見,但是他們有較高的風險變成癌症。
=== 大腸桿菌 E. coli ===
* [ Romaine Lettuce Might Be Linked to a Deadly E. coli Outbreak]
=== 大腸憩室炎 Colon diverticulitis ===
[ 大腸憩室炎常見症狀:腹痛不止伴隨發燒]
=== Colon cancer 大腸癌 ===
* [ 6 Silent Symptoms of Colon Cancer You Might Be Missing]
=== 大便有血 ===
* [ 大便有血」是痔瘡還是大腸癌?看一眼就知道!]
* 如果糞便帶有暗紅色,且'''血液和糞便是混合在一起的''',極有可能是大腸癌;如果糞便帶有鮮紅色,甚至是邊上廁所邊滴血,且'''血和糞便是分離的''',那就是痔瘡造成的。
* [ 大便有血怎麼辦 !? 3招分辨 痔瘡 大腸癌]
=== 乙狀結腸內窺鏡/乙狀結腸鏡檢查 Sigmoidoscopy & 直腸內窺鏡/結腸鏡檢查 Colonoscopy 大腸鏡 ===
gastroenterologist 腸胃科醫生
[ 做完大腸鏡,一定要問醫師的關鍵問題]
=== 食物 ===
* [ 預防大腸癌,必吃3種提升腸癌力好食物]
** 抗氧化食物
** 益菌生食物
** 全穀高纖維食物
* [ 想降低大腸癌風險?吃得像非洲人吧] 高纖維和低蛋白質、低脂肪。
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujxhSNb_NMfIzyBLK 酸奶使腸道環境惡化]
== 肚子痛, 腹痛, 九宮格 ==
* [ 13 Home Remedies for Stomach Ache (Simple and Effective)]
* [ 肚子痛卻不會說?把肚子畫九宮格,從腹痛位置看出病因] (video)
* 潰瘍性結腸炎. [肛門見血莫輕忽-5原因仔細判別-102607918.html 肛門見血莫輕忽 5原因仔細判別]

== [ 結腸] ==
== [ 結腸] ==
* colorectal cancer 結腸直腸癌
* [ Get Tested for Colorectal Cancer] as linked from
** [ Preventive care benefits for adults] and
** [ GEHA Standard Option Health Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage]
== Diastasis recti ==
[ 腹直肌分離]
== 神經內分泌腫瘤 neuroendocrine tumor ==
* [ 容易被忽略的癌症-神經內分泌腫瘤!反覆持續腹瀉十年原來是癌症徵兆]
* [ 奪走賈伯斯性命的 – 神經內分泌瘤(懶人包)]
== Poop ==
[ You Won't Believe These 10 Foods Secretly Make You Poop More!]
Prunes, Kiwi, Flax seeds, Oranges, Oatmeal, Pop corns, Beans, Apples, Yogurt, Coffee.
[ 當心腸癌找上你!在家就能做的「宿便清腸法」跟著醫師這樣做防癌] 健康2.0
生薑茶: 活血 抗癌 驅寒 去斑 通便.
[ 黑木耳如何選,春耳、夏耳和秋耳哪種更營養?]
[沖水前看-眼-醫師1張圖秒看出腸道隱憂-040000592.html  沖水前看一眼!醫師1張圖秒看出腸道隱憂]
[ 便秘後遺症很多 中醫師:三類型都有茶飲可調理]
=== Constipation 便祕 & Caffeine ===
* Water, fruits (apples, banana, frozen berry, prune), fiber powder, probiotic/prebiotic supplement, coffee.
* Pay attention to food you ate.
* Over-the-counter laxatives/Stool softener.
* [ Does Coffee Cause Constipation?] If you suffer from constipation and drink coffee, limit the dehydrating effect of the caffeine in coffee by either drinking decaffeinated coffee or also drinking plenty of other beverages that don't contain caffeine.
* [ 19 Constipation Myths and Facts]
* [ Dairy products (eg milk) lead to constipation more frequently than coffee itself]
* [ Home Remedies For Constipation]: beans, coffee, dark chocolate, popcorn, radish, yogurt.
* [ 便秘之苦 我把「加工食品」全丟了]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujxm3eG44n8Jsji_6 潤腸通便3招] 水+穴位按摩, 食物, 茶飲.
* 木瓜papaya可助排便 消化 降血壓 消暑解渴 消腫 明目清熱. 木瓜奶露.
* [ 便祕才不是多吃蔬果就能「嗯」出來!少了這個關鍵步驟,越吃只會積越多啊…]
* [ 解決便祕的直通快車!3成份讓加州黑棗對便祕有功效]
* [ 13 home remedies for constipation]
* [ The 17 Best Foods to Relieve Constipation]
* [ 蔬菜吃很多怎麼還便祕?營養師:3項條件缺一不可]
* [ 膳食纖維光靠吃蔬果難達標 營養師教你如何吃足量]
* [ 膳食纖維是什麼?有哪些種類及功能?]
* Medicine: Miralax, Glycolax (polyethylene glycol 3350)
=== 吃大量高纖仍便秘? ===

== 胃 ==
== 胃 ==
[千倍眼胃鏡-揪微小病灶/  千倍眼胃鏡 揪微小病灶]

== 遠離胃病 ==
=== 消化 ===
* [ 1張圖告訴你-食物進入胃裡會發生什麼事]
* [大家最愛喝這杯-竟是免疫力最大殺手-031024903.html 大家最愛喝這杯 竟是免疫力最大殺手]
=== 養胃 ===
[ 5種蔬菜=養胃聖品!醫激推「抗潰瘍、遠離胃癌」發生率降40%]: 白蘿蔔, 番茄, 高麗菜, 山藥, 蓮藕.
[ 白粥麵條都NG!不存在「養胃食物」護胃有更該注意的事]
* 最佳的飲水時間是早晨起床空腹時及每次進餐前一小時。餐後立即飲水會稀釋胃液,湯泡飯也會影響食物消化。
* 茶葉中都含有茶多酚,而茶多酚對胃是有一定刺激作用的。
[ 胃潰瘍不能吃水果?山藥、秋葵、芥花油顧胃? 營養師解析急性期、慢性期飲食完整攻略]
=== 遠離胃病 ===
* 牛奶
* 牛奶
* 粥
* 粥
Line 773: Line 2,319:
* 高麗菜
* 高麗菜

= 腎臟病 =
=== 胃潰瘍 Gastric ulcer 與 消化性潰瘍 Peptic ulcer ===網站衛教單張/胃腸內科/消化性潰瘍.htm
=== 胃及十二指腸潰瘍 Duodenal ulcer ===胃及十二指肠潰瘍
=== 胃食道逆流 Gastroesophageal reflux ===
[ 喝咖啡、吃甜食讓你胃食道逆流?10種食物助改善]
== 酵素 Enzyme ==
* Pineapple has Bromelain(鳳梨蛋白酶) [!Am92ICmSSQXujwEhgPk6dzG95zh6 鳳梨保健功效驚人]
== 益生菌 Probiotics ==
* [ 幫腸道養好菌! 醫:「這樣吃」可維持黏膜完整性]
** 維生素A:可以維持腸道黏膜完整性,平時可以從胡蘿蔔、菠菜、空心菜、油菜、南瓜、鮭魚、動物肝臟等取得。
** 維生素D:可調節腸道免疫功能,可以多補充鮭魚、黑木耳、雞蛋、牛奶、乾香菇等。
** 礦物質鋅:在免疫細胞發育過程中扮演重要角色,並維持腸道細胞完整性,可以從生蠔、肉類、菠菜、南瓜子等攝取到。
** Omega-3:對於抗發炎很有幫助,維持腸道菌相平衡,可以多吃鮭魚、牛奶和奶製品、堅果、黃豆、花椰菜、亞麻仁籽等。
* [市面常見消化道益生菌比較 市面常見消化道益生菌比較]
* [ 若元錠、表飛鳴、愛表斯、綠藻錠,熱門整腸保健品大比拚]
* [ 7 Best Probiotic Supplements ]
* [ What’s the Difference Between Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Postbiotics?]
* [ 10種食物抑制有害菌,養護腸道] 大蒜、洋蔥、韭菜、蘆筍、菊芋、香蕉、海藻、小麥、燕麥、大麥等。
== Apple cider vinegar ==
* [ 8 Things You Should Never Do While Taking Apple Cider Vinegar]
* [ Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed? You'll Reap These 6 Awesome Benefits The Next Morning]
* [ Which is better, taking Apple Cider vinegar before breakfast or after dinner?]
* [ 16 Proven Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey (Evidence Based)]
== 蔬果汁 ==
[ 提升免疫力防萬病!「彩虹飲食法」這樣吃對好加分]. 檸檬汁10C.C.、紅蘿蔔1條、蘋果1粒、奇異果1粒、香蕉1根、白苦瓜1條、蒸熟的地瓜1條、溫開水200C.C.、低溫烘焙綜合堅果(杏仁、腰果、核桃、南瓜籽)30克、蜂蜜10C.C.、第一道冷壓初榨橄欖油10C.C.,如果可以,再多加幾種蔬菜,如蒸熟的花椰菜。
= 腎臟病 Kidney disease =
[ 腎不好3大食物千萬別碰] (video)
== 血液透析 hemodialysis/洗腎 ==
* [ Dialysis Linked to Dementia in Seniors]
== 腎絲球過濾率 egfr 正常值 ==
* [ 臟功能無恙否?數字說話了]
* [ 腎臟專科科醫師二十年臨床經驗發現:慢性腎衰竭持續兩個習慣,三個月後就可明顯提升腎絲球過濾率]
== 慢性腎絲球腎炎 Glomerulonephritis ==
* [ 慢性腎絲球腎炎]
* [腎小球 絲球體]
== How to Take Care of Your Kidneys ==
== 補充維他命要小心 ==
== 補充維他命要小心 ==
[!Am92ICmSSQXujQ8sCjM4iAgISgUU 腎臟病補充維他命要小心]
[!Am92ICmSSQXujQ8sCjM4iAgISgUU 腎臟病補充維他命要小心]
Line 787: Line 2,383:

= 食物脹氣,放屁 =
== 「慢火熬湯」美味滋補?其實很傷腎、蛋白質含量也低 ==
* 紅籮蔔
* 蘋果
* 黑莓
== 大骨湯 ==
* 十字科蔬菜
[ 富含魚或肉的蛋白質 醫師告訴你帶骨肉和帶骨魚煮湯有哪些健康效果]
* 芒果
== 腎虛,補腎 ==
* [ 腎虛是百病之源!「五浴養腎法」簡單5步讓腎更健康]
* [ 為什麼女人比男人更需要補腎?]
* 黑色食物補腎: 黑米 黑豆 黑芝麻 黑棗 黑木耳
= 痔瘡 hemorrhoids =
* [ 痔瘡怎麼產生?有什麼症狀?如何預防治療? 痔瘡發作如何緩解?日常生活要怎麼預防?] 溫水坐浴
* [ 國人罹患痔瘡機率近九成 醫曝「這件事」是關鍵] 內痔依其嚴重程度又可分為4級
* [血栓性外痔 血栓性外痔, 預防方法, 保健] A+醫學百科
* [ 一旦患上血栓性痔瘡(外痔),該怎麼辦呢?]
*# 坐浴盆加適量的溫水
*# 多吃菜少吃辣比如多吃芹菜、菠菜等以利於排便,多吃粗糧
*# 用凡士林在肛門附近適當潤滑
* [ 骨盆底運動-凱格爾氏運動], 骨盆運動
* [ Sitz Bath Sets], [ Sitz Bath Hip Bath Tub Flusher Bath Basin], [ Douper] brand. Add '''epsom salt''' to warm water.
* [ 使用馬應龍痔瘡膏,七大細節千萬別忽視!] Musk=麝香. 7-10天為一個療程。清潔肛門後再使用痔瘡膏.
* [ How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids Naturally] (video)
* [ Do Hemorrhoids Go Away On Their Own And Can I Help?]
* [ How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last? How to Treat Them Naturally?]
* [ Hemorrhoids and what to do about them]
* For how to get rid of hemorrhoids, the recommendation is '''30–35 grams of fiber''' daily. Women need 25 grams of fiber per day, and men need 38 grams per day, according to the Institute of Medicine. Note the average adult only eats 15 grams of fiber per day.
* [ How to Eat 37 Grams of Fiber in a Day]
= 攝護腺/前列腺 Prostate =
* [預防攝護腺癌-教授:男性應吃3種食材/ 預防攝護腺癌 男性應吃3種食材] 蘋果、葡萄與薑黃
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujS8hFZJGIbyWl8zA 有益男人健康的東西]. 1/2瓣大蒜, 1個蘋果, 2個橘子, 2次黑木耳, 3.5杯橙汁, 10顆葡萄, 50g南瓜子
* [ Health: 10 Healthy Foods for Men's Prostate] Blueberries, Pumpkin seeds, Tomato, Broccoli, Beans, Garlic Onion, Green tea, Fish, Pomegranate, Avocado.
* 膳食纖維 鋅(南瓜 牡蠣 肉) 茄紅素(番茄tomato 葡萄柚 木瓜) 硒(大蒜 芝麻) 異黃酮(黃豆 豆製品)
* [頻尿-夜尿-尿不準小心是攝護腺肥大-別只補鋅-保養攝護腺-6種食物-趁年輕要多吃-a-10220.html 頻尿、夜尿、尿不準小心是攝護腺肥大! 別只補鋅,保養攝護腺「6種食物」趁年輕要多吃]
* [ 頻尿、夜尿太困擾!專家這6招,改善攝護腺肥大好簡單]
** 喝水不過量(一天喝 1500-1800 c.c.就可以),儘量白天喝,晚上少點喝
** 膀胱要訓練,不必急著尿(轉移注意力,累積到 200 c.c.以上),改善儲尿功能。
** 凱格爾運動,沒事就常做(解尿時嘗試把尿液中斷,那個用力方式就對了)
* [ 夜間頻尿影響睡眠…快吃5食物改善,讓你一夜好眠!]
* [ 前列腺不好的,每天甩手30次,加速循环,前列腺1天比1天健康!]
* [ 攝護腺發炎揪4大原因,會自己好嗎?戴槐青醫師:5大食物保護攝護腺]
== 提肛運動 ==
* [ 提肛運動的好處 常見的5種正確做法]
* 拉筋
* Kegel exercise 凱格爾運動. [ Kegel Exercise Tips]
* 男性尿道內排尿後總是有餘尿. 凱格爾運動. 過程中請持續收縮約5秒再放鬆10秒如此重複10次每天一次。 '''骨盆底肌肉運動需終身施行且持之以恆.'''
== PSA ==
* 超過50歲,每年赴泌尿科進行一次攝護腺特異抗原(PSA)檢查
* [ 德仁天皇患攝護腺肥大 血液PSA超標], [ 正常PSA 值]. Below 4 is better.
== 排尿, 夜尿 ==
* 正常成年人一次排尿约有多少毫升? 400毫升上下
* [ 夜尿超過 2 次、尿量又多可能是「多尿症」!醫師一次詳解夜間多尿症狀、治療、預防]
** 睡前 4 小時內避免喝水與刺激性的飲品.
** 65 歲以下只要夜間尿量超過 360~400 cc,65 歲以上只要超過 600~700 cc,其實就算是夜間多尿。
* [ 夜尿多,是年紀大了,還是腎不行了?(按摩2穴位)].
** 正常成人白天排尿4~6次,夜間0~2次.
** 吸氣,肛門用力內吸上提緊縮,再呼氣放鬆。每天進行3-4回合,慢而有力及快速收縮各25次交替進行。
** 大蝦、黑米、黑豆、黑芝麻、黑木耳、枸杞子和各種動物腎臟都有溫補腎陽的效果,適當補充有益於預防夜尿多。
** 睡前用手掌摩擦湧泉穴和足三里,每個穴位2-3分鐘,對夜尿多有一定緩解作用。
* [ 每天花35分鐘,簡單兩個動作,堅持兩個月,大幅改善夜間頻尿]
== 橄欖油 ==
[ 預約美好性生活 每周9匙橄欖油可以很持久]
== 南瓜 Pumpkin ==
[!Am92ICmSSQXukHiw9d1X9BokzfBz 南瓜防病又養生]
== 包皮 ==
[ 年輕人最想問的6個包皮煩惱]
= 食物 Food =
== 農藥 ==
[ 營養師公布「台灣10種最乾淨蔬菜」排行!7樣零農藥你經常在吃]
== Dietary Guidelines for Americans ==
* [ 2015 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans]
* [ 美國 2015-2020飲食指南]: 衛生福利部國民健康署
== 1張圖 看餐盤最健康比例 ==
== 飲食要訣 ==
營養足夠 (每餐七八分飽, 大腦感受到飽需要一些時間), 營養全面 (七大營養素), 食物多樣
== 上班族元氣食物 ==
[ 元氣食物,上班族全天不斷電]
== College Students ==
[ The Top 6 Food Blogs That College Students Will Love]
== Best fast food ==
== Subway ==
* [ Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Nutrition Facts]
* [ Turkey Breast Nutrition Facts]
* [ Rotisserie Style Chicken Nutrition Facts]
== 每周吃30種以上植物 ==
[ 自認吃得健康卻缺乏多樣性?專家:每周需吃30種植物]
== [!Am92ICmSSQXujWXdGpGvdyWyOhBq 9種廉價又營養的食物] ==
* 燕麥
* 甜菜 beet
* 洋蔥
* 高麗菜
* 香蕉
* 糙米
* 西瓜
* 雞蛋
* 乾豆
== 抗老食物 ==
* [ 9個抗老食物,讓你年輕10歲]
* [ 逆齡餐桌-抗老權威這樣吃]
== 酸鹼性食物表, 鹼性飲食, PH value ==
* [ Alkaline Diet: What is it and a list of food that are Alkaline- Promoting]
* [ How To Choose The Right Alkaline Foods? Here’s What You Should Be Eating]
== 晚上要少吃粗糧 ==
== 土療替代食品清單 ==
[ 土療替代食品清單]
== 食物脹氣,放屁, 吃太多 ==
吃太多不消化 消積茶減緩消化不良. 緩解食積方法:
# 飯後40分鐘可散步半小時:但切忌激烈運動(如跑步)
# 按摩輕捶'''胃經''':'''股四頭肌'''當中的股直肌,方向由上往下。
# 按壓足三里穴。
[ 為什麼會脹氣呢?預防脹氣怎麼做?]
== 清腸排便 ==
* [ 為了健康,平時留意排便情況!/ 這3種顏色便便可能腸胃出問題]
== 魚肉可預防心臟病、營養價值高 但這3類人不適合吃 ==
== 提升免疫力防萬病-彩虹飲食法 ==
* [ 吃出免疫力︱9大好食,補足關鍵營養素]
== 這5種食物-隔夜吃更健康 ==這5種食物-隔夜吃更健康/
== 「8大最難吃蔬菜」都超營養 == 1.苦瓜 2.香菜 3.韭菜 4.胡蘿蔔 5.芹菜 6.青椒 7.茼蒿 8.洋蔥
[ 降血壓、壯陽、抗發炎 營養師教你韭菜怎麼吃最好]
== 這六種食物切勿隔夜再吃 沒重複加熱也一樣 ==
== Foods and Beverages That May Promote Calm ==
Source: [  usnews]. Salmon, Raw fruits and vegetables, Pumpkin and squash seeds, Fermented foods, Walnuts, Foods high in vitamin C, Whole grains, Peppermint tea, Different types of milk, Dark chocolate, Tart cherries.
== 血型決定飲食 ==血型決定飲食!你是何種血型-適合的食物也不同/
== Foods to increase circulaion ==
[ If You’ve Included These 8 Foods In Your Diet, You’re Having Good Circulation]
== How long does it take for food to poop? ==
* [ Between 24 and 72 hours]
* [ The average transit time through just the large intestine (colon) was 40 hours, with significant difference between men and women: 33 hours for men, 47 hours for women]
== 如果你35歲以上,一天兩餐 ==
[ 瑜伽大師告訴你:正餐間避免零食的5大原因]
== 零食 ==
* [ 下午茶是減重大敵?7大原則放心吃零食]
* [ 不造成身體負擔又能有飽足感 營養師認證10種低卡零食清單]
== 舒緩焦慮心情, 恐慌 ==
* [ 肥胖恐易染疫 6食物幫你控制熱量]
* 楊定一  [ 面對已知和未知的變化,你我其實更需要保持樂觀與彈性,減少恐懼、悲觀、焦慮過度的衝擊。]
* [ 恐慌症/你特別容易焦慮敏感?女比男易罹患恐慌症 6大食物穩定情緒不緊張]
== Strawberries top the list of dirtiest produce ==
[ CNN] & [ CBs]
* Dirty dozen: Strawberries, Spinach, Nectarines, Apples, Grapes, Peaches, Cherries, Pears, Tomatoes, Celery, Potatoes, Sweet Bell Peppers
* Clean fifteen: Avocados, Sweet corn, Pineapples, Cabbages, Onions, Sweet peas (frozen), Papayas, Asparagus, Mangoes, Eggplants, Honeydew melons, Kiwis, Cantaloupes, Cauliflower, Broccoli
== Food poisoning ==
* [ 14 Foods You Had No Idea Could Give You Food Poisoning]
* [ This Is the Difference Between a Stomach Bug and Food Poisoning]
== Canned food ==
[!Am92ICmSSQXukGjJtXlfmmvmedLa?e=SdirNF 罐頭食品料理]
== Put Hot Food Into the Fridge? ==
[ Is it OK to Put Hot Food Directly Into the Fridge?]
= 健康檢查 =
* [ 健檢前沒注意這些事,小心白花錢(上)], [ (下)]
* [ 帶爸媽看病,別忘了問這題!]
== 疫苗 ==
[ 保護長者、小朋友必看!成人預防疫苗你打了幾種?專家詳解接種建議]
== First aid ==
[ 家庭醫藥箱,哪些藥早該丟了?]
== 報告 ==
* [ 超實用!看不懂健康檢查報告?常見數值大解密讓你一看就懂]
* PSA/Prostate-specific antigen/攝護腺特異抗原, [ PSA test]
* [ 糞便檢查報告]: 寄生蟲(PARASITE), 白血球(WBC), 紅血球(WBC), 糞膽元(STOOL UROBILINOGEN), 膿細胞(PUS CELL), 潛血(OCCULT BLOOD), 阿米巴原虫(AMOEBA), 脂肪球(MICROSCOPY -FAT).

= Lose weight 減肥 =
= Lose weight 減肥 =
* [ 9 Ways to Lose Weight Without Exercise]
* [ 10 Natural Supplements To Lose Weight Fast]
* [ 10 Natural Supplements To Lose Weight Fast]
* [ 4-Week Weight Loss Exercise Plan to Shed Pounds Fast]
* [ 减脂期间正确的饮食结构是怎样的?具体怎么搭配?]
* [ 减脂期间正确的饮食结构是怎样的?具体怎么搭配?]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujQ5ssg_xxM34Cwkv 減肥時脂肪跑去哪裡]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujQ5ssg_xxM34Cwkv 減肥時脂肪跑去哪裡]
* [ Is It Bad to Exercise on an Empty Stomach?] After you exercise, wait 60 to 90 minutes before eating to maximize the fat-burning response.
* [ Is It Bad to Exercise on an Empty Stomach?] After you exercise, wait 60 to 90 minutes before eating to maximize the fat-burning response.
* [ Here’s What to Eat for Lunch If You’re Trying to Slim Down, According to a Nutritionist]
* [ The Little Secret Behind Rapid Weight Loss]. Foods That Influence the Satiety Levels.
*# Fiber
*# Sensory information. If we routinize the habit of eating and mostly eat the same foods during our eating breaks, satiety might come earlier.
*# Water
*# Protein and carbohydrates
*# Plate size
*# Amount of fat cells
*# Serotonin 血清素(一種神經遞質,使人感到輕鬆愉悅). The less stress we have and the better we feel, the more satiety we will experience.
* [ 科學證實:大腦決定胖瘦,減重醫師4招練出瘦身腦].
** 放慢吃飯
** 多在家吃飯
** 規律睡覺
** 日常舒壓
== 如何在正確的時段喝水 water ==
* 第1杯,早上起床. 第2杯,早上9點半. 第3杯,中午11點半. 第4杯,下午1點半. 第5杯,下午4點. 第6杯,下午6點. 第7杯:晚上7點半. 第8杯:晚上10點前.
* [ 你不知道的8個喝水祕密]
* [ Hydration can significantly impact your physical health]. Measure '''serum sodium''' level. Since the average water intake ratio of fluids to foods is around 80:20, that amounts to a daily amount of 9 cups for women and 12 ½ cups for men.
== 營養師三餐菜單 ==
[ 怎麼吃才叫均衡飲食?營養師設計3餐菜單「一天只有1500卡」]
== 外食族三餐 ==
[ 外食族照過來 便利商店也能減重?!一日三餐菜單大解密]
== Fiber ==
* [ 防止腹部形成脂肪 別錯失這種碳水化合物的6大好處]
* [ 這個營養素可救命、便宜易得 卻有9成民眾吃不夠]. 如何從每天的三餐中增加纖維,達到25克的目標。
* [ Top 10 Sources of Fiber] Beans, Whole grains, Brown rice, Pop corn, Nuts, Baked potato with skin, Berries, Bran cereal, Oatmeal, Vegetables.
* [ 10 Foods with More Fiber Than Broccoli]: Chia seeds, Avocado, Macadamia nuts, Blueberries, Bran, Green peas, Beans, Ezekiel bread, Oats, Whole wheat pasta.

== [ 生酮飲食 Ketogenic diet] ==
== [ 生酮飲食 Ketogenic diet] ==
* [ 斷糖減肥法 斷精緻糖 別棄全穀根莖類]
* [酮体 酮體(Ketone bodies)]
* 酮體可分解脂肪酸. [ 間歇性斷食168、186、204哪一種才有效?]
* 生酮飲食中只攝取少量的低碳水化合物,肝臟便會將脂肪轉換為脂肪酸和酮體。
* [ 斷糖減肥法 斷精緻糖 別棄全穀根莖類]
* [ 生酮飲食」是什麼?與斷食有關嗎?營養師告訴你該怎麼健康吃及飲食的注意事項]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujWciVAfCX-hZw1Wl 為何我不吃生酮飲食]
* [ Ketones in Urine]
* [ Urine Ketones] If you feel very unwell or a urine ketone test result is more than 2+ then there's a high chance you have DKA (Diabetic ketoacidosis), requiring emergency medical care and treatment in hospital immediately.
* [ 「尿液檢查報告」有看沒有懂?教你如何看懂尿液檢查報告的結果]
** [ Multi-Parameter Urine Test Strips for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)] from amazon. [ Product website & color chart]. Leukocytes 白细胞, Nitrite 亞硝酸鹽, Urobilinogen 尿膽原, Protein蛋白, [ Specific Gravity], Ketone 酮, Bilirubin 膽紅素, Glucose 葡萄糖.
** Leukocytes 尿檢中的白細胞(WBC),也稱為白細胞酯酶 (LE),是一種通常不存在於尿液中或僅少量存在的白細胞。 當在尿檢中檢測到白細胞的存在時,可能表明'''尿路感染,例如膀胱或腎臟感染'''。雖然尿液中存在白細胞通常是尿路感染的徵兆,但也可能由其他疾病引起,例如'''腎臟炎症'''、腎結石或'''男性前列腺'''問題。
** Special gravity. 尿液測試中的比重是衡量尿液中溶質濃度與純水相比的濃度。 它是衡量尿液密度的指標。 尿液的比重提供了有關腎臟調節水平衡的能力和個體水合狀態的信息。尿液比重的正常範圍在 1.003 到 1.030 之間,1.010 到 1.025 被視為平均值。 低於 1.003 的比重值表明腎臟沒有適當地濃縮尿液,並且可能表明'''腎臟'''受損或稱為尿崩症的病症,它會影響身體保存水分的能力。另一方面,比重值高於 1.030 表明尿液高度濃縮,這可能是脫水的徵兆.
** [ AZO Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Test Strips]. Only contains Leukocyte (white blood cells) and [ Nitrite] tests.
** [ JNW Direct Ketone Test Strips, 150 Urinalysis Keto Test Strips for Testing Body Urine Ketosis Levels]
** [ Why Do I Get Urinary Tract Infections So Often?]
** [ Why Do Men Get Urinary Tract Infections]
** [ SMZ-TMP DS] antibiotic
** [ Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) in Men: Everything You Should Know]
* [ Are ketones in urine bad when you don’t have diabetes].
** You can be in '''ketosis''' if you’re on a low-carbohydrate diet or fasting, or if you’ve consumed too much alcohol.
** If you’re in ketosis, you have a higher than usual level of ketones in your blood or urine, but not high enough to cause acidosis. '''Ketones are a chemical your body produces when it burns stored fat.'''
** When should ketones be checked? Many experts advise to check your urine for ketones when your blood glucose is more than 240 mg/dl. When you are ill (when you have a cold or the flu, for example), check for ketones every four to six hours.
* [ What are ketones?]
** The human body primarily runs on '''glucose''' (=blood sugar).
** When your body is low on glucose — a common concern for people with diabetes, who may not have enough '''insulin''' to help cells '''absorb the glucose''' — your body starts breaking down fats for energy.
** '''Ketones''', waste products created when the liver breaks down fat
* [ How to Lower Ketones]. Information is clear.
* The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that '''carbohydrates''' make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories.
* Using the first urine of the morning for a urine test may affect the test results in some cases 尿檢的早晨第一尿可能會影響檢測結果。
** Specific gravity: The first morning urine is more concentrated, which can result in a higher specific gravity value compared to a random urine sample.
** Protein: The first morning urine may have higher protein levels due to the prolonged period of bladder storage overnight.
** Ketones: The first morning urine may have higher ketone levels due to the body using stored fat for energy during the overnight fast.
** 早上第一泡尿因為在膀胱裡儲存最久,量最多,而且如果有病變,不管是掉落的細胞、細菌也會最多、最濃,像是蛋白尿、血尿,都是看第一泡尿最準確。See [ 體檢到底能不能喝水].
* 尿液常規檢查
** 一般我們會要求收集中段尿液,因為前段尿液會和尿道前端會和外界接觸染污,使得檢查結果受影響,中段尿液由於已經前段尿液排出,較不會有汙染狀況,相對表皮脫落的細胞也少,因次由表皮細胞epithelial cells多寡來判斷尿液檢查是否可信。
** 想要快速一秒看懂尿液檢查的話,我建議直接看白血球(WBC)、紅血球(RBC)、蛋白質(protein)、葡萄糖(glucose)是否異常,再去細看其他數值
* 讓混濁尿液恢復正常5方法: 多喝水, 藍莓汁, 芹菜,生薑,小蘇打. [ 尿尿完看一下!10種尿液顏色狀況看健康]
== 輕斷食/間歇性斷食 ==
[ 有效鏟肉!把身體重開機 排毒減重輕斷食!] 健康2.0.
* [ 揉肚功]
* [ 晃海功]
* [ 16/8 輕斷食]
* [ 5/2 輕斷食], [ 斷食餐]
* [ 好處]
* [ 高纖豆漿鍋]
[ 地中海飲食加上間歇性斷食法,會是最健康的飲食方式]
[ 想瘦身用「輕斷食」好嗎?劉博仁醫師:輕斷食這樣吃!] 偶爾把每日攝取熱量設定在500到600大卡,讓細胞有一個放鬆調控的機會.
* 一天大約攝取500到600大卡,分兩餐,不能再低了,每餐大概300卡左右,但一定要攝取蛋白質,例如豆類、肉、魚、蛋。
* 一定要有蔬菜。
* 水果儘量吃低升糖指數,不能吃高升糖指數的水果。
* 白開水一定要喝夠,至少2000cc,偶爾可以喝點綠茶或黑咖啡,但不能加糖。
* 必須每3到6個月抽一次血檢查各種生化指標,包括血糖、血脂、身體發炎指數。如果有任何代謝異常,可能就要停止斷食。
== Healthy snacks ==

== 尼雅運動 ==
== 尼雅運動 ==
* 宋晏仁 終生瘦用211全平衡瘦身法 Nia
* 宋晏仁 終生瘦用211全平衡瘦身法 Nia
* [ [宋晏仁醫師的「211全平衡瘦身法」 ]
** 「211瘦身法則」:對減重的努力需有「2分的飲食控制、1分運動、1分安『靜』。
** 「211減重餐盤」:強調「蔬菜佔2份、蛋白質占1份、全穀類占1份」的食物比率。
* 進食順序先喝水、肉、菜、飯,最後再吃水果,健康餐盤中蔬菜占比50%、蛋白質和全穀類各占25%,水果餐後再吃,如此一餐熱量不過600卡.
* 進食順序先喝水、肉、菜、飯,最後再吃水果,健康餐盤中蔬菜占比50%、蛋白質和全穀類各占25%,水果餐後再吃,如此一餐熱量不過600卡.

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== 吃多少 ==
== 吃多少 ==
[ Definition and Importance of the Serving Size]
[ Suggested Servings from Each Food Group]
[ Suggested Servings from Each Food Group]
* Grain: 6-8 per day
* vegetables: 3-5 per day
* Fruit: 4-5 per day
* Fat-free or low-fat dairy Products: 2-3 per day
* Lean meats, poultry, and seafood: 8-9 servings per week
* Fish and other seafood: 2-3 servings per week
* Fats and oils: 2-3 per day
* Nuts, seeds, beans and legumes: 4-5 per week (1/4 cup cooked beans = 1 oz protein = .5 vegetable serving). [ The Exact Number Of Nuts You Should Eat Every Day] (8–9 almonds) [ 堅果類當零食養生風潮正流行 但你吃的量對嗎?]
[ Portion Size Versus Serving Size]. You may be surprised to learn these are serving sizes:
* 1 slice of bread
* ½ cup rice or pasta (cooked)
* 1 small piece of fruit (super-large apples are 2+ servings)
* 1 wedge of melon
* ¾ cup fruit juice
* 1 cup milk or yogurt
* 2 oz. cheese (about the size of a domino)
* 2-3 oz. meat, poultry or fish (this is about the size of a deck of cards)
[ How much rice should I cook per person?]
* 1/4 cup per person for a smallish portion, and 1/3 cup per person if you're a bit hungrier.
* The standard rice cup measure is ~180ml (180/240=0.75).
* The USDA recommended serving of rice (PDF) is 1/2 cup cooked, which should be 1/4 cup raw, as rice about doubles in size.
== 米的種類 ==
[!Am92ICmSSQXukRojmnYD_VxwZ5R3?e=kqlKjI 十種米]
== 湯圓 ==
[張圖解密-冬至湯圓-熱量排行榜-045525260.html 冬至湯圓-熱量排行榜]
== 玉米不是蔬菜 ==
玉米不是蔬菜,玉米在營養分類上屬全穀根莖類,1根水煮玉米熱量約210大卡,就等於1碗8分滿的白飯,一餐1根玉米就能取代主食白飯. See [次啃3根玉米-男減肥越吃越胖/ 1次啃3根玉米-男減肥越吃越胖]
== 番茄減肥 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujwqKYBP986RdEcCq
== 低碳飲食 ==
* [ 生酮飲食太極端難維持…來試試「外食低碳法」]
* [ 低碳生酮烘培(2)材料篇- 認識 低碳生酮烘培材料]
== 抗性澱粉 - 馬鈴薯 ==
* [ 營養師:健身吃馬鈴薯 事半功倍]
* [ 「驚人的澱粉減重法!」公開10大助瘦食材]
== 澱粉類蔬菜 ==
[ 玉米、南瓜...17種澱粉類蔬菜,是澱粉還是蔬菜?營養師傳授主食替代法,除了白飯還可吃這些]
== Soup ==
[ Best Soups for Weight Loss]

== BMAL1 ==
== BMAL1 ==
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* 在家裡做哪些運動可以減脂或增肌. See [ 大象伯伯].
* 在家裡做哪些運動可以減脂或增肌. See [ 大象伯伯].
* 在辦公室做哪些運動可以減脂或增肌
* 在辦公室做哪些運動可以減脂或增肌
== 緩解肩頸後背的疲勞 ==

== 肌肉量 ==
== 肌肉量 ==
人體肌肉量於20至35歲時達到巔峰,隨著年齡衰退下降,40歲後每10年流失8%,70歲後流失速度再加倍。 蛋白質是身體建構肌肉組織最基本的原料,每人每天約需要攝取5至6份肉類,建議平均分配於三餐,以達均衡飲食目的。
人體肌肉量於20至35歲時達到巔峰,隨著年齡衰退下降,40歲後每10年流失8%,70歲後流失速度再加倍。 蛋白質是身體建構肌肉組織最基本的原料,每人每天約需要攝取5至6份肉類,建議平均分配於三餐,以達均衡飲食目的。
=== 多吃蔬菜 ===
== 優質蛋白質 Protein ==
* 健康成人每天每公斤體重攝取0.8-1.0公克,以60公斤成人為例,每天約須吃上48至60公克;年過65歲則建議每天每公斤體重攝取1.2公克;若有第三期以上的腎病變、初期肝硬化等情形,建議提升至每天每公斤體重攝取1.2至1.5公克。
* 根據台灣衛福部國健署最新每日飲食指南手冊,含七公克蛋白質的食物,包括一顆雞蛋、一杯乳品、一杯無糖豆漿、兩片起司、210公克的優格、20公克的黃豆、3格傳統豆腐、半盒嫩豆腐、1.25片小方豆干、35公克的魚、50公克的蝦仁、30公克的去皮雞胸肉、35克的豬肉、鴨肉或羊肉等。
* 中老年人,可以在營養專家的評估下,選擇補充成人營養品,一天飲用一瓶,每天至少喝一杯豆漿、牛奶以及一顆茶葉蛋,才能補足蛋白質、礦物質及維生素。
* 在沒有腎臟功能不佳的狀況下,建議是每公斤體重×1.2公克,舉例來說,70公斤的成年人每天至少應該攝取84公克蛋白質,這差不多是一天需要8份蛋豆質(=8兩肉),才能維持肌肉量,但許多中老年人很難吃足量。
* The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound. This amounts to:
** 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man.
** 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman.
* 中老年人應多做阻力訓練,光靠慢跑健走等有氧運動不夠,無助於留住肌肉。
* [ 豆漿營養成分高每日可喝1到2杯 專家提醒這群人不適合]
* [ 怎麼吃蛋白質有助減緩肌肉流失?一個簡單公式可估算]
* [蛋荒別害怕-這4類食物-也能補充蛋白質-吃得更健康-023955622.html 蛋荒別害怕-這4類食物-也能補充蛋白質]. 一顆雞蛋的蛋白質含量約7克,等於1杯190毫升豆漿、3湯匙毛豆、半盒豆腐、1.3片小方豆乾、3隻白蝦、6個大文蛤、8個蚵仔、30g雞胸肉、35g豬或牛肉、1/2手掌心肉類。
=== 肌少症 Age-related Sarcopenia ===
* [ 早餐2顆蛋+豆漿一樣肌少症...營養師揪2問題!5種增肌食物吃對了嗎]
=== How Much Protein Do I Need? ===
[] The current recommended daily allowance for adults is 0.8 grams per kilogram of an individual's body mass (or 0.36 grams per pound of body weight)... For a person eating 1,600 calories per day, that would equal 100 daily grams of protein.
Four potential signs that you're consuming too much protein: A constant feeling of fullness, Indigestion, Constipation & Dehydration.
=== 若有腎功能問題、糖尿病、高血壓,切忌擅自亂補高蛋白營養品 ===
[ 喝高蛋白飲品健肌肉、減肥,真的有效嗎?]
== 運動後聰明吃 ==
* [ 【運動,吃對了嗎?】運動後聰明吃,加速減重]
* [ 還在挨餓運動?運動前、中、後營養補充這樣吃事半功倍]
** 運動前:運動前1~2小時,應補充「碳水化合物」,尤其要選擇「低GI」蘋果、全麥吐司、麥片或地瓜
** 運動中:補充水分
** 運動後: 把握在運動完後的20~60分鐘的黃金時間內用餐. 高GI食物. 攝取蛋白質與碳水化合物便更加重要,建議以1:3~1:4的份量搭配.
* [ 運動健身前中後該怎麼吃? 營養師盤點4大常見問題]
== Muscle ==
* [ How to Build Muscle]
* [ How to Gain Muscle Fast (The Healthy And Natural Way)]
== 增加骨密度 ==
[ 日行萬步竟也會骨鬆!這樣動 才能增加骨密度]

== 有氧運動 ==
== 有氧運動 ==
每天有氧運動30分鐘,例如健走、游泳、跑步、騎腳踏車 (Elliptical Bike). 中度以上的有氧運動,每分鐘心跳超過一百下且流汗.
每天有氧運動30分鐘,例如健走、游泳、跑步、騎腳踏車 (Elliptical Bike) 短跑 重訓 深蹲 舉啞鈴 仰臥起坐 伏地挺身. 中度以上的有氧運動,每分鐘心跳超過一百下且流汗.

== 肌力訓練 ==
=== 超慢跑 ===
* [ 超慢跑 輕鬆瘦身!達成最佳 燃脂 心跳率 健康2.0]
* [ 超慢跑教學好處攻略!超慢跑有減肥等7大優點,要用節拍器嗎?該跑多久?怎麼跑?]  Include [ 30 minutes 超慢跑計時器].
** 跑步時要看前方,不要低頭
** 前腳掌先著地,腳後跟再落地
** 跑步時膝蓋一定微彎曲、呈現ㄍ字型、保持彈性
** 超慢跑也要「節能減碳」
** 循序漸進
* [ 减少跑步伤病的秘诀是什么?跑步应该如何落地?]
* [ 超慢跑 节拍器 Super jogging 180 BPM Metronome] (no music)
* 班長超慢跑 [ 30分鐘], [ 10分鐘]
== 肌力訓練, 重量訓練/重訓 ==
* 每星期至少2次肌力訓練,每次15分鐘,例如健身房肌力訓練、仰臥起坐、舉重、吊單槓、彈力繩撐拉、推牆、抬腿或蹲站。
* [深蹲、臥推、硬舉3大重訓動作+做錯了更傷身-ZPB7BN  深蹲、臥推、硬舉3大重訓動作 做錯了更傷身]
* [ How to Determine What Weight to Start a Dumbbell Routine]. 60-80% of 1RM (one-rep maximum). Performing a set of eight to 12 repetitions of your selected exercise.
* [ Strength Training for Beginners: Your Guide to Picking Weights]
** Women generally start with a set of two 5- to 10-pound weights, and men start with a set of two 10- to 20-pound weights
** Aim for 14 to 22 reps with good form
* [ 10 Best HIIT Workout Exercises to Burn Calories Fast]. High Intensity Interval Training. Aiming to achieve a max heart rate of 80% — (220-your age)x0.8.
** [ 15 Minute HIIT Workout - No Equipment HIIT Cardio At Home] (video)
** [ Seven: 7 Minute HIIT Workout] (iOS & Android)
* [ 高等強度的運動,一週要75分鐘以上,也就是每週至少安排一天去做重訓] (restrain, 負重訓練/weight training), [ 有氧、重訓、間歇運動 時下熱門運動英文統整]
* [ 【語言學習】最齊全的健身動作&身體部位的英文詞彙對照表]
* [ 7 Best Kettlebell Exercises to Include in Your Workout], [ What Size Kettlebell Weights Should You Use]
*# Deadlifts
*# Kettlebell swing
*# Kettlebell goblet squat
*# Kettlebell lunge
*# Russian twist
*# Kettlebell pushup
*# Kettlebell shoulder press

== 無氧運動與有氧運動的區別 ==
== 無氧運動與有氧運動的區別 ==
Line 841: Line 2,882:
== 七分鐘運動 ==
== 七分鐘運動 ==
[再冷也要動!每天7分鐘6周讓你瘦/ 每天7分鐘6周讓你瘦]
[再冷也要動!每天7分鐘6周讓你瘦/ 每天7分鐘6周讓你瘦]
== 深蹲,直拳 ==
== 深蹲 deep squat,直拳 ==
* [ 促進代謝、幫助瘦身 健身教練告訴你一定要做深蹲的7個理由]
* [ 你的深蹲为什么做不好?]
* [ 你的深蹲为什么做不好?]
* [ 如何提升直拳的力量]
* [ 如何提升直拳的力量]
* [ 深蹲15下等於仰臥起坐500下:相撲式深蹲]
* [ 你的深蹲做對了嗎?5動作蹲出強肌力]
* [ 深蹲重點 不在膝蓋不能超過腳尖?]
== Stretch/拉筋 ==
* [ 3動作改善腿後側不緊繃] (video)
* [ 8個姿勢進入直劈腿(一字馬準備) Preparation for SPLITS]
* [ How to Stretch Your Knee]
* [ How to Relieve Calf Tightness]
* [ 15 Static Stretching Exercises to Totally Enhance Your Workout Routine]
* [ 17 Dynamic Morning Stretches That Will Jumpstart Your Body and Mind]
* [ 10分鐘拉筋伸展 緩解腰痛、肩頸痠痛、緊繃下半身]
* [ 7 Stretches for Bloating After Thanksgiving Dinner]
== 到底走多少步最健康 ==
[ 每日6000步走掉三大慢性病!但關鍵要這樣走]
== 走路姿勢 ==
* [ 90%的人都錯了!正確走路姿勢4重點 7天就能「走」回正軌]
* [ 「正確走路」好重要!4個步驟 快速矯正你的走路姿勢]
* [ 走路走錯全身痛!專家教你正確步態檢測你走對了嗎?健康2.0]
== 坐姿 ==
[ 坐姿打直腰反而錯了?其實這只是代償!]
== Ab Exercise ==
* [  How to Tone Your Abs]
* [ Getting the Most Benefit From Ab Exercises]
* [ Strengthen Your Core with This Ab Circuit Workout] from the American Council on Exercise (ACE).
== Arm workout ==
[ How to Do an Arm Workout]
* Push-up: 3 to 6 sets of 5 to 8 reps with heavier weights for building muscle
* Arm circles: 12 to 15 forward arm circles for each direction
* Triceps dips
* 2 sets of plank-ups
* Hold dumbbells
== Hand Weights ==
* [ How to Work Out at Home Using Hand Weights]
== Prison-Style Bootcamp Exercise ==
[ 5 Prison-Style Bootcamp Exercises You Can Do at Home | Lifehacker]
== Exercise for Seniors ==
* [ 9 Floor Exercises Women Should Do Every Day To Stay Fit & Firm]
* The squat (for strength / lower body, balance)
* Wall push-ups (for strength / upper body)
* The plank (for strength / core)
* The bridges (for strength / core)
* Floor hip flexors
* Standing hamstring stretch
* Double knee torso rotation
* Yoga (also for strength and balance)
Improve balance
* The single leg stand
* Heel raises
* Walk the line
* Tai Chi
Cardio exercise
* Walking
* Swimming (also for strength)
* Dancing (also for balance)
* [ How Much Daily Exercise Do You Really Need?]
== Yoga ==
* [ 3-minute, 7-minute, 30-minute] practices.
* [ Yoga With Adriene]
* '''Yoga | Down Dog''' App: [ iOS] & [ Android]
== Strength Exercises ==
* [ These Are the 6 Best Strength Exercises for Runners]
* [ 15 Strength Training Exercises Specifically for Runners]. Skater hops. Alternating Lunges. Single-Leg Bridge.
* [ How to Do Walking Lunges]
* [ How to Test Your Strength]
== Exercise indoors ==
* [ Best Fitness Apps for When You’re Stuck Indoors]
* [ 5 Break Time Apps to Boost Productivity While Working From Home]
* [ Forget the Gym! 10 Alexa Skills to Exercise and Get Fit at Home]
* Search: workouts with no equipment
== No-Equipment Workouts ==
* [ 5 Free No-Equipment Workouts to Get Fit Anytime, Anywhere]
* [ The Scientific 7-Minute Workout] (include a picture illustration)

= Poop =
== Tabata exercise ==
[ You Won't Believe These 10 Foods Secretly Make You Poop More!]
* [ How to Do a Tabata Workout]
* [ 柔式正骨] 聚焦2.0

Prunes, Kiwi, Flax seeds, Oranges, Oatmeal, Pop corns, Beans, Apples, Yogurt, Coffee.
== Exercise Apps ==
* [ Get Your Kids Moving With These 8 Awesome Exercise Apps]

= Senior Health =
= Senior Health =
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== [ Dementia 失智症] ==
== [ Dementia 失智症] ==
約3%的人口在65到74歲之間得到失智症,另外19%的人口則在75到84歲之間,而將近一半的人口 超過85歲得到失智症
* 約3%的人口在65到74歲之間得到失智症,另外19%的人口則在75到84歲之間,而將近一半的人口 超過85歲得到失智症
* [ 及早防範,主動檢測基因 APOE4]
* [ 寫書法有助延緩失智 醫師:可提升注意力、放鬆腦部]
=== 失智症病患插管 ===
How we die ([ 死亡的臉:一位外科醫生的生死觀察]). 絕大部分的阿茲海默症患者成為植物人後,會死於某一種感染。不是來自泌尿道或肺部,就是來自臭氣四溢、滿布細菌的褥瘡。

== [ Alzheimer's disease (AD)] 阿兹海默病 ==
== [ Alzheimer's disease (AD)] 阿兹海默病 ==
* [ 發展階段]
* [ 發展階段]
* [ Statistics]: Proportion of People With Alzheimer’s Disease in the United States by Age.
* [ 從初始發病到生命的尾聲,會延續8至13年以上]
* [ 從初始發病到生命的尾聲,會延續8至13年以上]
* [ In 2017, the lifetime cost of care for a person with Alzheimer's stood at $329,360]
* [ Exelon] 憶思能
* Food
** Fish - vitamin B6, B12, iron, ...
** Berry
** Green leaves
** Olive oil
** Multi-grain, Beans - vitamin B

== [ Parkinson's Disease] 帕金森氏症 ==
== [ Parkinson's Disease] 帕金森氏症 ==
== 年紀大三餐吃法 ==
* [ 年紀大更要吃肉、保養臟器的三餐吃法] 白天多吃肉、生菜午餐吃、傍晚吃甜食
* [ A Typical Meal Plan in the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet]
* [ 提升長者免疫力 董氏基金會「吃雞補肌」設計專屬2食譜]:
** 紅燒雞肉獅子頭,
** 法式雞肉煎餅.
== 淫羊藿 Horny goat weed ==
* [ 補腎] 壓力 可體松 (Cortisone)
* [ Nature's Bounty, 淫羊藿]
== 60歲後適度超重竟然更長壽 ==
== 宜雜、宜高、宜熱…老年人飲食需講究10個「宜」 ==
== 膀胱 小便 夜尿 ==
[ 老化與膀胱功能之變化]
== 長輩跌倒怎麼辦 ==
* [ 長輩跌倒怎麼辦?老人跌倒如何扶起?千萬不要馬上扶]
* [ 一摔就爬不起來?為什麼老年人容易跌倒?4個原因要趁早了解]
== Immune system ==
* [ An old problem: How immune responses weaken with age]
* [ How to Manage Fever in the Elderly]
== 安寧病房 ==
[ 安心走上最後一哩路 末期照護也有不同選擇]

= 提升副交感神經(parasympathetic nerve/PN)方法 =
= 提升副交感神經(parasympathetic nerve/PN)方法 =
Line 869: Line 3,074:
* 接近植物、利用溫度、吃熱食、睡覺
* 接近植物、利用溫度、吃熱食、睡覺

= Athelete foot =
cf 交感神經 Sympathetic nerve
== 腹式呼吸 Abdominal breathing ==
* [ 學烏龜呼吸 恢復元氣不焦慮] ①吸氣時,利用意念想像吸入的氣延著背部脊椎慢慢上升到頭頂(行經督脈)。②吐氣時,想像氣從頭頂,經過臉部、喉嚨、胸部到腹部丹田(行經任脈)。③呼吸速度因人而異,原則是愈慢、愈深愈好。
* [ 運動都是其次,最重要的是腹式呼吸]
* [什麼是腹式呼吸(橫膈膜呼吸)?/ 什麼是腹式呼吸(橫膈膜呼吸)?]
* [ Rib movement animation]
== 自律神經 ==
* [ Dysautonomia] 自律神經失調
* [ 身體很累,腦袋卻不累!你自律神經失調嗎?]
* [ 自律神經可以被鍛鍊?!醫科教授教你「走路333」增強抵抗力]
== 坐車 ==
[ 坐車的人會暈車想吐 為何開車駕駛卻不會暈?]
== 迷走神經 Vagus ==迷走神经
= Foot =
== Athelete foot ==
* Coconut oil
* Coconut oil
* For blister, try [ paper surgical tape]
* For blister, try [ paper surgical tape]
* [ How to Get Rid of Foot Fungus: Can Home Remedies Help?]
== 足底筋膜炎 ==
[!Am92ICmSSQXujyYpTTGwFyAQcZ8B 三招改善足底筋膜炎]

= 失眠 insomnia  =
= 失眠 insomnia  =
* [ 9 Things to Do When You Can’t Sleep Because Your Mind Is Racing]
* [ 15 Natural Insomnia Cures That You Haven’t Tried But Actually Work]
* [ 老是失眠睡不著?可試著按摩這些穴位]
* [ 讓你一覺到天明!一張圖告訴你補充4種營養素助好眠]
* [ 2成失眠者反應記憶力退化 營養師:這5種營養素助好眠]
* 睡前1小時聽「夜曲」
** [ Nocturnes by Candlelight] - Deep Sleep and Relaxation
* [ 7 Tips to Adjust Your Sleep Schedule While Working from Home]. '''Melatonin'''.
== 中醫養心茶, 穴道, 瑜伽, 478呼吸 ==
[ 健康2.0 20230318]. 三七(阿斯匹靈), 遠志(寧心安神), 酸棗仁. 下犬式. 蜥蜴式. 神門穴 內觀穴, 安眠穴(耳後).
== 色胺酸 ==
[ 最強大能量早餐 要有含「色胺酸」的這些食材]
== 褪黑激素 Melatonin ==
== 褪黑激素 Melatonin ==
Line 889: Line 3,133:

== Focus on being in the present moment ==
== Meditation/Focus on being in the present moment ==
[ I Insisted That I Can't Meditate. Then I Changed My Mind]
* [ I Insisted That I Can't Meditate. Then I Changed My Mind]
* [ How to Meditate for Relaxation and Stress Relief] w/ links to several youtube videos.
* [ How to Start Meditating with Your Child]
* [ 5 Easiest Meditation Tools for Beginners to Learn Mindfulness]
* [ 12 Meditation Tips During the Coronavirus Pandemic]
* [ How to Meditate: A Step-by-Step Guide for Stressed-Out Beginners]
== Stress, anxiety ==
* [ 8 Alexa Skills to Battle Anxiety and Reduce Stress]
* [ What Is Productivity Anxiety? 5 Strategies to Overcome It]

== 正念 Mindfulness ==
== 正念 Mindfulness ==
* 例如洗碗.
* [ 10 Ways to Remain Self-Disciplined Using Technology]
== Breathing ==
* [ How to Practice Breath Retention]. Breath retention is an incredibly effective tool to regulate mental chatter and improve concentration. When you are yearning for a new breath during a hold, you are devoting all concentration to this activity—training the mind to focus intensely on one thing at a time.
* [ 478呼吸法] 1分鐘入睡 促進副交感神經興奮.
*# 慢慢用鼻子呼吸,再默數4秒。
*# 憋氣7秒 (讓氧氣更徹底進入血液)。
*# 從嘴巴吐出全部的空氣,並默數8秒 (減緩心跳,讓肺部排出二氧化碳)。
* [ 你懂怎麼正確呼吸嗎?方法不對恐傷身體]
** 吸、吐氣分別約4秒,吐氣愈慢愈好,吸吐間停留1至2秒。每分鐘約6至8次呼吸循環。
** 每分鐘大約有五六次即可。一般每日兩次,在城市可選在上午10時和下午4時,每次約10分鐘。
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujw-33rk6QLG5Y1Ig 打坐與腹式呼吸]
== 休息 Rest ==
[ 補眠、出遊還是覺得累?科學家教你怎得到真正的休息]
# 腦力勞動者,補眠對你沒什麼用
# 不必停下來,只是換一下
# 最好的休息,是讓你重燃生活的熱情
== 憂鬱症 ==
* [ 李正達醫師談「憂鬱症醫學研究治療新發展」]
* [ 當憂鬰症找上了人生勝利組 知名演員的痛苦告白]
= Relaxing =
[ 25 Ways You Can Relax that Don’t Cost a Cent]
== Music ==
* [ One Minute Meditation] from
* [ 5 Relaxing YouTube Channels to Help You Chill Out]
* [ "America's Beautiful West" HD 1HR Healing Nature Relaxation Video]
== Plants ==
[ Amazon Has Really Good Plants]
== 飼主有壓力 狗狗懂, 皮質醇 cortisol ==飼主有壓力-狗狗懂/, [ Dogs mirror owner’s stress]
== 人格/性格 特質 ==
[ 自戀(Narcissism)有理?科學家:較快樂、壓力小]
== 壓力 ==
[ 頂尖運動員如何調節壓力]
= 中醫 =
== 身體求救訊號 ==
[ 咳嗽是肺部在求救、便秘是腸道在求救?「身體求救訊號」為何不可信?]
== 天生弱臟表 ==
* [ 57健康同學會_命中注定生什麼病?!揭開算病秘訣]
== 陽虛、陰虛 ==
* [ 九型體質與中醫養生]
* 陰虛
** 中醫對於陰虛人的調理方向,都是以滋陰降虛火、調補肝腎、鎮靜安神為主;另外陰虛人應避免大補,要補也只可以溫補。在飲食方面要少吃辛辣,適量吃水果等。運動方面適合做些較靜態運動,因為有說「靜能生水」, 達到「以陰制火」的效果。
* 陽虛
** 「陽」處於弱勢,吃力地抵擋「陰」的攻勢,「陰」就會佔盡上風,其「涼、靜」的特性就會主宰身體,這時,身體就出現怕凍、面色蒼白、嗜睡(時常精神不振,打瞌睡)、小便頻密且清、大便爛等。
** [ 冬天手腳冰冷、容易累 改善「陽虛體質」的4種溫熱食材]
== 食物屬性 ==
* [ 中醫食療法,遠離癌細胞惡體質] HEALTH 2.0
* [!Am92ICmSSQXukQpFCN2Uw0KeqKUP?e=oISwyJ 了解食物屬性]
* [ 高雄榮民總醫院]
== 掌紋看健康 ==
* [ 如何從「掌紋」看健康?生命線長短,決定五臟變化]
== 氣血平衡, 氣鬱 ==
[!Am92ICmSSQXujzt1HncQxqQoIK9f 判斷氣血是否平衡, 脈診] 寸, 關, 尺. 左手: 心肝腎. 右手: 肺脾腎.
== 科學氣功 ==
[ 李嗣涔博士親身實證!掐指功防止氣血栓塞], [ 每日科學氣功經絡操:健康功效+動作示範]
== 顫掌功 ==
[顫掌功 youtube]
== 經絡拳 ==
* [ 經絡拳教學!振盪、打氣不打瘀]
* [ 養生保健DIY!12經絡、任督2脈穴道保健之一]
* [ 養生保健DIY!12經絡、任督2脈穴道保健之二]
* [ 57健康同學會]
** [ 心經/火]
** [ 脾經/腸胃/土]
** [ 肺/金]
** [ 腎,膀胱經/水]
** [ 肝,膽經/木]
== 中醫如何養心護腦 ==
== 藥食同源 ==
[ 國寶中醫最愛的9種養生食物]
== 為何現在無神醫 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujz9mfI3jHJngLnVe?e=5bGzPd
== 功能醫學 ==
[ Functional Medicine]. 功能醫學,或稱為整體醫學,是一種專注於疾病根源的醫學方法。它不僅僅關注疾病的症狀,而是尋找並解決導致這些症狀的根本原因。功能醫學認為每個人都是基因、環境和生活方式交互作用的產物,因此,治療方法需要個體化,並考慮到所有這些因素。這種方法強調了預防和健康促進,並且通常使用飲食和生活方式的改變來改善健康。al
== How to Read Palms 掌纹 ==
[ How to Read Palms], [读懂掌纹 读懂掌纹]

= 養生 =
= 養生 =
== 人體10大器官保固期有多長 ==
[ 人體10大器官保固期有多長?最短的只有20年]
== 十二時辰(12 meridians)養生法, 經絡時間, 臟腑時間 ==
* [ 為何下午3點要喝水?中醫十二時辰養生法]
* [ 氣,五行,作息,臟腑時間]
* [ 早上5~7點起床排便最合宜 一張圖看懂各器官排毒時間]
* 三焦
** [ 三伏天養生參考:打通三焦的簡單方法] - 穴道經絡庫.
* [!Am92ICmSSQXukGv-erCezQo0T_oc 十二時辰與人體的醫案]
* [ 十二經絡], [十二经脉 維基百科]
* [ 一張圖看十二經絡養生時間表,依循作息養生事半功倍!] from Heho健康
** [ 強健心肺治失眠!跟著十二經絡來養生【戌時-心包經篇】] (下午7—9點)
** [ 穩定情緒、調節內分泌!跟著十二經絡來養生 【亥時-三焦經篇】] (晚上21時至晚上23時)
** [ 膽經不通易頭痛、失眠!跟著十二經絡來養生【子時-膽經篇】] (晚上23時至清晨1時)
** [ 肝好氣色跟著好!跟著十二經絡來養生【丑時-肝經篇】] (凌晨 1 點至 3 點 )
** [ 肺經養好消百病!跟著十二經絡來養生【寅時 – 肺經篇】] (凌晨 3 點至 5 點)
** [ 暢通大腸經,排毒兼美肌!跟著十二經絡來養生【卯時-大腸經篇】] (凌晨 5 點至 7 點)
** [ 養胃經腸胃好!跟著十二經絡來養生【辰時-胃經篇】] (早上7—9點)
** [ 疏通脾經強化免疫!跟著十二經絡來養生【巳時-脾經篇】] (早上9—11點)
** [ 按摩心經護心又養神!跟著十二經絡來養生【午時-心經篇】] (中午11—1點)
** [ 按摩小腸經補氣又養血,跟著十二經絡來養生【未時-小腸經篇】] (下午1—3點 )
** [ 排除體內毒素、濕氣,跟著十二經絡來養生【申時-膀胱經篇】]  ( 下午3—5點 )
** [ 養腎補全身!跟著十二經絡來養生【酉時-腎經篇】] (下午5—7點)
* [ 疏通经络,负面情绪自然消失!]
* [ 預防老化、增強聽力就該這時間午睡!「十二時辰養生法」一日行程大公開]
== 一天吃十四種食物 ==
[!Am92ICmSSQXukHdbegbwuhdL-Sur 一天吃十四種食物] 與菜單範例.
== 醋 ==
[!Am92ICmSSQXukRojmnYD_VxwZ5R3?e=kqlKjI 助消化 降血壓]
== 四季養身 ==
* [ 立秋後要注意些什麼?這幾點很重要]
* [ 24節氣養生口袋日曆]
* [「 大寒」節氣禦寒保暖!民俗專家公開6大養生方法與禁忌]
* 二十四節氣查詢 [ 2022]
* [ 二十四節氣] 行政院農業委員會
== 早餐才能吃得豐盛又營養充足呢 ==
* [ 營養專家教你早餐「吃得像皇帝」 能延長飽足感、降低代謝性疾病風險]
* [ 比起營養,吃早餐其實是為了「調節自律神經」!日本醫學教授:早上2個小習慣讓身體變健康]
* [ 起床後1小時吃蛋白質功效最加分!專家推薦3早餐增肌不卡油、護眼顧血管]. 鮪魚三明治, 番茄, 藍莓.
== 第一名早餐食物 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujwMg19WN_QTKynGA
== 避開地雷早餐 ==
* [ 避開地雷早餐!營養師最不建議的西式和中式早餐是它]
* [ 腦中風禍源藏在早餐裡!地雷食物讓你一次集齊膽固醇、高血壓]
* [ 預防腦中風?!營養師建議,先從挑早餐做起]
== 孫思邈養生十三法 ==
== 孫思邈養生十三法 ==

== 冬季養身 ==
== 老祖宗秘訣-6種長壽食物 ==
[!Am92ICmSSQXujR1esm44t7JV6pFX 冬季養身]
== 四少 ==
言少養氣,事少養心,食少易化,睡少脈活. [ 我95歲的外婆如何養生]
== 慢活少餐 ==
[ 方識欽醫師談「第二人生的身體使用:慢活少餐 」]
== 日僧長壽秘密 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujwcqHXtw_4dlPreu
== 日本名醫票選健康食物 ==!Am92ICmSSQXukGT0DtfaJ43OYLZb
== NEWSTART 8大抗癌長壽心法 ==強化控癌基因-醫學博士推薦8大抗癌長壽心法-040000266.html
== Make These 17 Health Goals Into Daily Habits for Better Overall Wellness ==
== 子午覺 ==
上午11時到下午1時之前是「心經循行的時間」,哪怕起得晚,吃了午飯後,也要小瞇一會兒,30分鐘即可,可以讓精力盡快恢復。子時是指晚上23時到凌晨1時之間,是「肝經循行時間」,晚上23時前就寢效果最好,可以減輕營養消耗,增加肝臟血流量,達到養肝的目的。[緩解假日綜合症-有要訣/ 緩解假日綜合症]
== 午睡 ==
[ 美研究:午睡1小時能年輕5歲!4類人午睡更要「講究」]
== 冬季養身/預防感冒, 冬天進補 ==
* [ 立冬過完要如何養生? 專家8招讓你好好過冬季]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujR1esm44t7JV6pFX 冬季養身]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujR8LrVWRn1otpTd7 入冬溫差大 預防感冒18訣]
* 冬天為何總是手腳冰冷
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujSkXer_AqPYJ2tR2 感冒應多吃的食物]
* [ 冬天進補 養生達人教你這幾道湯品]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujyMS_jvCvLLfUnb8 不同體質這樣補]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujygsl9a7URObh4Bv 做好6部位保暖 寒邪不上身]
=== 蘿蔔 Radish/turnip ===
* [!Am92ICmSSQXukRk3QoseAo5tyKsK?e=7iK2Gn 蘿蔔功效賽人參 長吃養顏又養生]
* [ 冬吃蘿蔔不用看醫生!「平民人參」抗癌、穩血糖、止咳化痰]
* [ 白萝卜香菇鸡汤]
* [ White Radish & Shimeji Mushroom Miso Soup]
* [ White radish with two eggs + tomatos]
=== 人蔘 Ginseng ===
* [人蔘 人蔘]. [花旗参 花旗参]
* [ 人參有4種 中醫師告訴你適合哪一種]
* [ 花旗參的7種功效及副作用(8點使用禁忌要小心)]
* 紅棗枸杞西洋參茶
* [ 含人參片養生,也要看時機]
== 天冷喝熱咖啡、熱紅茶有助保暖嗎?專家:越喝越冷 ==
* [ 天冷喝熱咖啡、熱紅茶有助保暖嗎?專家:越喝越冷]
* [ 吃薑不怕冷!嫩薑、粉薑、老薑、薑母差在哪? 各別「超狂優點」一次曝]
== 香料 Spices ==
* Peppercorn: 胡椒子
* Clove: 丁香
* Cardamom: 荳蔻果實
* [肉豆蔻 Nutmeg: 肉豆蔻]
* Fennel: 茴香
* Cinnamon: 肉桂
* Turmeric 薑黃, [ 趴趴走不顯疲 印尼總統養生秘訣:薑黃特調]
== 空腹不宜食用食物 ==
* [ 別再「飯後」吃水果!中醫建議這2個時間吃最好]
*!Am92ICmSSQXujW_u844INR-SqAAm 豆漿, 優格, 茶, 糖, 香蕉, 橘子, 蕃薯, 冷飲, 鳳梨.
* 鳳梨
** [ 鳳梨好處一籮筐 但別小看吃錯方式引起的健康風險]
** [ 擔心吃鳳梨會刮舌?了解科學原理讓你放心大口吃]. 酵素最大的敵人:高溫、鹽巴.
** [ 鳳梨促排毒、護血管!營養師教3招不咬舌!]
== 吃水果最佳時間 ==
[ 營養師公開吃水果最佳時間]. 最好在正餐之間吃水果,例如在早餐與午餐之間的11時,或下午4時吃,可以保持血糖平穩。
* 吃大餐前,可以吃一些膳食纖維豐富的水果,增強果腹感,如奇異果、火龍果、番石榴和香蕉等。
* 餐後1至2個小時內吃含有蛋白酶酵素的水果,例如奇異果、木瓜、菠蘿等,可以幫助分解蛋白質,有助消化和解膩。
* 部分水果的脂肪含量較高 不宜在餐後吃
* 糖尿病患或者血糖水平管理不佳的人,正餐後絕不適宜吃高糖分的水果,包括火龍果、荔枝、龍眼、提子等。
* 有失眠問題的人就要留意,在睡前1至2個小時吃一根香蕉,因為香蕉含豐富維他命B6,幫助身體製造血清素,可以讓人放鬆心情,有助入眠。
[ 水果飯前or飯後吃?營養師曝「高CP值吃法」4大種類一次看懂] .具有消化酵素:比方說鳳梨、木瓜、奇異果等水果,因含有利分解蛋白質的酵素,若空腹食用會加重胃部不適,適合飯後吃,幫助腸胃蠕動、消化順暢。
== 排毒 Detox ==
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujXL89KaUdngkIxmM 助五臟排毒 保握食物穴位和時間]
* [ Top 10 Liver Detox Food That You Need!]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujyQyt33obEHr369A 重金屬排毒必吃三類食物] 海帶 藍藻 綠藻. [ 體內重金屬易積存!醫師:排毒必吃3類蔬菜]
* [ Healthy Drinks For Your Wellness & Refreshment]
== 水果養生術 ==
* [ 名中醫不外傳的「水果養生術」!搞定13種小毛病]
* [ 名醫養生術:多色水果,順勢保養不同臟腑]
== How to look younger naturally ==
== 穴道/穴位 acupuncture point/acupoint ==
* 心律不整、心肌梗塞: [歲吳孟達健康嚴重亮紅燈-醫勸4招走垮心肌梗塞-糖尿病-三高-032544284.html 陽溪穴,湧泉穴、陽谿穴和合谷穴]
*阳溪穴, [风池穴 風池穴]
* [ 6個必學穴位 幫身體關機]: 太衝穴, 內關穴, 足三里穴, 百會穴, 神門穴, 三陰交
* [ 穴道按摩與穴位引導經絡功效圖解]
* [ 天哪!谁弄的这张表,史上最全穴位自治合集,不看亏大了,别私存!]
== 荷爾蒙 ==
[ 荷爾蒙平衡了 不用挨餓就會瘦]
== 身體衰老 Aging ==
* [ 長皺紋、白髮才衰老?身體衰老9大關卡這時候就開始]
** 大腦衰老關卡:20歲
** 皮膚衰老關卡:25歲
** 皮膚衰老關卡:25歲
** 耳朵衰老關卡:30歲
** 骨骼衰老關卡:30歲
** 牙齒衰老關卡:40歲
** 腎臟衰老關卡:40歲
** 眼睛衰老關卡:40歲
** 腸道衰老關卡:55歲
* [ 別放任自己變老!日本抗老專家:男性多吃洋蔥(男性荷爾蒙睪丸酮),女性多吃黃豆(女性荷爾蒙雌激素)]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujyexJYZi99E6I9M9 糖化血色素可反映身體衰老速度]
* [ 保健做好 不怕初老 - 呂紹達], [ 毛巾操]找出體態問題
* [器官老化時間-保健補充/ 心血管功能20歲開始衰退!快看8大器官老化時間表:最抗老的是肝臟]
== 藥 ==
[ 領藥時最重要的是什麼?看完病拿藥 必知5件事]
== 藥草養生,精油 essential oil ==
== 養生豆 ==
* [ 五大話題養生豆 你吃對了嗎?健康2.0(完整版)]
** [ 豆穀漿] 黃豆(泡好且煮熟 2.5 bowels/300g) 糙米(1.5 bowels/250g) 核桃 (3 tbsp) 原色冰糖 (2 tbsp) Hot water (1200 cc)
** [ 黑豆水]
** [ 鷹嘴豆抹醬]
** [ 中醫看豆子水的功效]
** [ 豆子水]
** A chart. The first 3 have more protein and the last 3 are more starchy.
: {| class="wikitable"
! protein (g)
! sugar (g)
! fat (g)
! calorie (kCal)
| 黃豆 (2 tbsp)
| 7.1*
| 6.6
| 3.1
| 83
| 毛豆 (3 tbsp)
| 7*
| 6
| 1.6
| 66
| 黑豆 (2 tbsp)
| 6.9*
| 7.5
| 2.3
| 79
| 含有必需胺基酸
| 紅豆/綠豆 (2 tbsp)
| 4.6
| 12.5*
| 0.2
| 71
| 紅豆補血(避開茶與咖啡), 綠豆清熱解毒
| 米豆 black-eye (2 tbsp)
| 3.5
| 11.1*
| 0.5
| 62
| 鷹嘴豆 (2 tbsp)
| 3.5
| 10.8*
| 0.9
| 65
| 鎘可以控制血糖 抗發炎
== 心安住,病不來! ==
[ 第三期癌症啟發的頓悟 老莊大師蔡璧名:心安住,病不來!]
== 超時工作 ==
[ 為健康著想 40歲以上每週工作3天就夠了]
== Complementary and integrative health ==
== 科學的養生保健 ==
== 名醫養生術 ==
[ 名醫養生術!保養筋骨祕訣大公開]
== 導引 ==
* [ 穴道導引]
* [ 東醫氣機導引] - 飲食、起居、情緒、運動、接近大自然。
* [ 久坐的你,更需要「靜站」]
== 天人合一 Unity of Heaven and Man ==
[!Am92ICmSSQXukGdGMLmpRxxgB27B?e=1mEFqV 2020 庚子年]

= 喝茶的注意事項 =
= 喝茶 (tea) 的注意事項 =
* [ 祥寧中醫]
* [ 祥寧中醫]
* [ 喝茶6大注意事項]
* [ 喝茶6大注意事項]
Line 908: Line 3,533:
* [ 關於飲茶的九大誤解]
* [ 關於飲茶的九大誤解]
* 每杯茶的咖啡因含量一般只有每杯咖啡的一半
* 每杯茶的咖啡因含量一般只有每杯咖啡的一半
* [ 吃飽後一小時再喝茶,而貧血的人也應避免長期喝茶]。
* Chai tea 印度奶茶: Chai from India is a spiced milk tea. [ Benefits of Chai Tea]. [ DIY Chai Tea Concentrate].
** [ How to Make Chai Tea]
* [喝茶助燃脂?選擇有講究/ 綠茶搭配阻力運動則可以提升肌肉量和降低體脂肪]
* [ Tea Oxidation] enzymes or light + oxygen + biochemical compound = oxidation
* [ 在所有長壽寶地,茶都是日常飲品!1300萬人研究最讚賞飲食法:避開4樣就行]
== 單寧酸/鞣質 ==
* 飯後別喝濃茶 茶有 大量[ 單寧酸/鞣質/tannin] (茶、咖啡中含有) 如果與蛋白質結合會產生單寧蛋白 在胃裡結塊 影響腸胃蠕動 單寧酸也會與鐵結合凝固 影響對鐵質吸收。 長久下來容易造成便秘與貧血問題。
* 飯後別喝濃茶 茶有 大量[ 單寧酸/鞣質/tannin] (茶、咖啡中含有) 如果與蛋白質結合會產生單寧蛋白 在胃裡結塊 影響腸胃蠕動 單寧酸也會與鐵結合凝固 影響對鐵質吸收。 長久下來容易造成便秘與貧血問題。
* [ 吃飽後一小時再喝茶,而貧血的人也應避免長期喝茶]。
* Does coffee contain tannins like tea? Yes, coffee does contain tannins if you use the broadest definition of tannins. However, the tannin concentration in coffee is generally considered to be about half that of tea.

== 飯後不宜 ==
== 飯後不宜 ==
Line 916: Line 3,549:
* 散步: wait 30 minutes
* 散步: wait 30 minutes
* 刷牙: wait 30 minutes
* 刷牙: wait 30 minutes
[ 吃飽飯不要立刻刷牙、喝水? 飯後6種NG行為] </br>
[ 吃飽飯別立刻喝茶、刷牙!飯後4件事超傷身,腸胃痙攣、牙齒敏感都來]. 用茶漱完口後,再用清水漱一次.

== 茶有六色 各具不同養生功效 ==
== 茶有六色 各具不同養生功效 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujH5qXPdE0wa44kYY!Am92ICmSSQXujH5qXPdE0wa44kYY
== 綠茶、烏龍茶和紅茶都生長在同一棵茶樹上 ==
[ 綠茶、烏龍茶和紅茶都生長在同一棵茶樹上?專家解惑]
== 鐵 iron, bleeding ==
[ This is What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Tea Every Day]

== 草酸,腎結石 ==
== 草酸,腎結石 ==
[ 無糖茶當水喝 腎結石機率更高]
[ 無糖茶當水喝 腎結石機率更高]


[ 夏季水份流失快!簡單5招防尿路結石]草酸鈣

== 茶鹼 ==
== 茶鹼 ==
[ 喝茶也會醉… 茶鹼搞鬼]
[ 喝茶也會醉… 茶鹼搞鬼]
== Genmaicha ==
[ 玄米茶], "brown rice tea"
== Matcha 抹茶 ==
* [ Matcha tea FAQs]
* [ 5 Awesome Places to Buy Matcha Online]
* [ Should You Drink Matcha Tea?]
* [ How to Drink Matcha Green Tea]
* [ When is the best time to drink matcha green tea?]
** Before exercise
** Before work
** As An Afternoon 'Pick Me Up'
* [ The Times to Avoid]
** very early in the morning.
** in an empty stomach. It could lead to stomach upset.
** Don't drink Matcha tea at the same time as your main meals, as it can reduce the absorption of vitamin B1 in your body, which lead to a condition named Beriberi.
** After 5pm in the evening, due to the caffeine. Caffeine stays in the bloodstream for up to 5 hours.
* [逆轉脂肪肝-醫生爸喝抹茶解油膩-030204083.html  可逆轉脂肪肝 治療三酸甘油酯 早午飯後半小時 降低脂肪的囤積。] 需注意的是,抹茶不宜空腹喝,以免傷胃;也不可在晚上飲用,以免影響睡眠;購買抹茶時需注意農藥殘留的問題;另,綠茶具有抗凝血的作用,平時有服用阿斯匹靈藥物防血栓、開刀前或是傷口不易凝血的人,都應該避免同時食用。
* Genmaicha/Brown rice tea 玄米茶
== 一圖看懂!咖啡 vs. 茶健康功效 ==
== 一天三杯茶治病延壽 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujwyMcwCcAxOcTNe1
== 根據體質喝對茶 ==
[ 根據體質喝對茶!身體虛寒者不宜喝這兩種茶]
== 喝花草茶較養生?仍有禁忌勿當水喝 ==
== 康普茶 Kombucha ==
[ 康普茶8個潛在健康益處!營養師提醒這些人不適合喝]
== 冷泡茶 ==
[ 茶飲關鍵在溫度!專家教你讓茶多酚多4成 更具抗氧化活性]
== 龍井 ==
[ 西湖龍井沖泡方法]

= 咖啡 =
= 咖啡 =
Line 935: Line 3,622:

* 每日最多只能喝下400毫克[ 咖啡因] ~ 3 cups 沖濾咖啡 ([ 七大速效提神法])。
* 每日最多只能喝下400毫克[ 咖啡因] ~ 3 cups 沖濾咖啡 ([ 七大速效提神法])。
* 维生素B缺乏者:生素B1可保持神经系统的平衡和稳定,而咖啡对其有破坏作用。维生素B群是维持肌肤光泽重要营养素。服用B群時,最好能與喝咖啡的時間間隔30分鐘到1小時,較為恰當,並選擇食用長時間基礎劑量與長時間釋放的「緩釋錠」,提供人體所需。
* 患高血压、冠心病、动脉硬化等疾病:长期或大量饮用咖啡,可引起心血管疾病。
* 患高血压、冠心病、动脉硬化等疾病:长期或大量饮用咖啡,可引起心血管疾病。
* 老年妇女:咖啡会减少钙质、引起骨质疏松。妇女绝经后,每天需要加十倍的钙量。因此記得要多運動、補充鈣質食物如小魚乾、牛奶、綠色蔬菜、乳酪或鈣片等以免鈣質流失。
* 老年妇女:咖啡会减少钙质、引起骨质疏松。妇女绝经后,每天需要加十倍的钙量。因此記得要多運動、補充鈣質食物如小魚乾、牛奶、綠色蔬菜、乳酪或鈣片等以免鈣質流失。
* 胃病患者:喝咖啡过量可引起胃病恶化。
* 胃病患者:喝咖啡过量可引起胃病恶化。
* 孕妇:饮过量咖啡,可导致胎儿畸形或流产。另外咖啡因會興奮兒童中樞神經系統、干擾兒童的記憶,因此兒童不要喝比較好。
* 孕妇:饮过量咖啡,可导致胎儿畸形或流产。另外咖啡因會興奮兒童中樞神經系統、干擾兒童的記憶,因此兒童不要喝比較好。
* 维生素B缺乏者:生素B1可保持神经系统的平衡和稳定,而咖啡对其有破坏作用。维生素B群是维持肌肤光泽重要营养素。
* 癌症患者:饮用过量的咖啡对正常人有致癌的危险。
* 癌症患者:饮用过量的咖啡对正常人有致癌的危险。
* [ 喝茶和咖啡會影響鐵質吸收?]
* [喝茶和咖啡會影響鐵質吸收? 喝茶和咖啡會影響鐵質吸收?]
* [ how long should i wait to drink coffee after taking vitamins?] About an hour: There is evidence that coffee (and other caffeinated drinks) significantly hinders absorption of iron and zinc. Because it is a diuretic (causing us to urinate more) we may excrete Vitamin C and B vitamins more rapidly if taken with coffee. It is thus wise to wait at least an hour between taking vitamins and coffee, whether you have vitamins first or coffee first.

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鐵蛋白正常值 20~291 ug/L.
鐵蛋白正常值 20~291 ug/L.
[ 別一起床就喝咖啡!科學家告訴你這些事幾點做最好]
十種會與咖啡因產生交互作用的藥物 [[:File:Coffeeinteract.png]]
=== 鈣質 ===
[ 怕喝黑咖啡會鈣質流失,加點牛奶就能補鈣? 醫:完全沒用]. 低脂牛奶那很有可能沒有補充到一天所需的鈣(???) This contradicts to these articles [ 全脂,低脂,脫脂牛奶,看看他們的營養價值] & [ Reducing fat content in milk slightly increases its calcium content] & [ Skim Milk and Calcium Absorption].
=== Vitamin B ===
* 維生素B群在人體中扮演著協助酵素代謝營養素的「輔酶」角色,屬於身體重要的代謝工具,如果B群攝取不足,就容易覺得虛弱無力。
* 一般來說,咖啡因在攝取後45分鐘內會被胃腸吸收,健康成人的咖啡因半衰期大約是3至4個小時,若有在口服避孕藥物的女性體內則延長至5至10個小時,在已懷孕的女性體內則大概為9至11個小時。
* 咖啡中的咖啡因成分,除了加快人體的血液循環,也會加速維生素B群的消耗速度,可能讓人覺得更累。因此,不建議同時攝取B群、咖啡,2者至少間隔30分鐘到1小時。
* 嗜喝咖啡者應多攝取牛奶、小魚乾、乳酪、綠色蔬菜或鈣片。
* 單純B群屬於水溶性維他命,不會傷胃,餐前飯後均可服用。
* B群如有添加鋅等礦物質,則建議飯後服用,以免腸胃不適。
* 不易入睡者應在下午4點之前服用B群,以免影響夜間睡眠。
* 依照不同需求,選擇不同B群產品,如B1具有提振精神的功效,而B2則有改善嘴破、口腔黏膜破損的好處等。
=== 大腸癌 ===
[ 喝咖啡可提高大腸癌生存率?醫:每天喝4杯效果更好]
=== 半衰期 ===
=== [ How much is too much] ===
=== [ How much is too much] ===
For the average person, it would be advised to keep caffeine consumption below 500 milligrams.
For the average person, it would be advised to keep caffeine consumption below 300~500 milligrams.

* Black coffee 65-120 mg.
* Black coffee (coffee without sugar nor milk) 65-120 mg.
* Espresso 30-60 mg.
* Espresso 30-60 mg.
* Latte or cappuccino 100-120 mg.
* Latte or cappuccino 100-120 mg.
* Energy drinks 80-100 mg.
* Energy drinks 80-100 mg.
* Tea 10-50 mg.
* Tea 10-50 mg.
=== Espresso vs. Coffee ===
[ Espresso vs. Coffee: The Difference Between 2 Caffeinated Favorites]
=== How long does coffee last once opened? ===
* Ground coffee
** [ 1 to 2 weeks]
** [ 2 to 3 weeks]
* Whole coffee beans
** [ 2 to 3 weeks] after opening
* [ How to tell if Coffee is bad, rotten or spoiled?]
** If coffee has gone bad, the pleasant aroma will be gone and with it much of the taste. Using this coffee will not harm you, but will just not have much flavor if the smell is gone.
** ''The best way to store ground coffee to keep it fresh longer is by also storing it in your freezer immediately after use. Storing coffee in the freezer does not actually freeze the coffee, so it is always ready for use without any defrosting.''
=== 4 個咖啡知識 ===
[ 咖啡迷必須知道的 4 個咖啡知識:剛烘焙好的豆子到底要不要直接沖來喝?還是要再多養幾天?]

== Health ==
== Health ==
Line 967: Line 3,701:
** 加上過多的內臟脂肪會刺激腫瘤壞死因子過度分泌,接著壞死因子再進一步刺激下視丘,相互刺激之下,就會進入肥胖的惡性循環。
** 加上過多的內臟脂肪會刺激腫瘤壞死因子過度分泌,接著壞死因子再進一步刺激下視丘,相互刺激之下,就會進入肥胖的惡性循環。
* [ Can Coffee Make Your Workout Easier?]
* [ Can Coffee Make Your Workout Easier?]
* [!Am92ICmSSQXujSvzTGLtXClHshjm 咖啡怎樣喝才能減肥]
* [ 喝咖啡暖身 手腳恐更冷] 咖啡因會導致血管收縮,血流變少,恐加重離心臟較遠四肢冰冷的感覺。
* [ 冬天手腳冰冷、容易累 改善「陽虛體質」的4種溫熱食材]
* Coffee may [ stimulate thermogenesis, or the process our bodies use to create heat].
* [ 專家爆「3種咖啡」熱量秘辛 點錯竟差13倍] 拿鐵和卡布奇諾,都是由濃縮咖啡(espresso)
*# 美式咖啡(熱):9大卡/杯. 因不含糖及其他調味料,熱量較其他咖啡低了許多;咖啡因含量則是101-200毫克。
*# 拿鐵(熱):152大卡/杯. 拿鐵咖啡裡,牛奶才是主角,其標準比例是1/6濃縮咖啡、4/6蒸氣牛奶、1/6奶泡,另外可以再添加榛果、肉桂、香草等不同風味;咖啡因:101-200毫克。
*# 卡布奇諾:115大卡/杯. 卡布奇諾,咖啡是主角,和拿鐵的不同之處就在於牛奶的量,其標準比例是均勻的三等份:1/3濃縮咖啡、1/3蒸氣牛奶、1/3奶泡;咖啡因含量同為101-200毫克。
=== Decaffeinated coffee ===
* [ Decaffeination 101: Four Ways to Decaffeinate Coffee]
** Indirect-Solvent Process
** Direct-solvent Process
** Swiss Water Process
** Carbon Dioxide Process
* [ How Does Starbucks Decaffeinate Their Coffee?] The '''decaf Komodo Dragon Blend''' and the '''VIA Instant Decaf Italian Roast''' are the only two made without chemical solvents.
* [ Is Decaffeinated Coffee Bad for You?]
== Roasts 烘焙 ==
* [ 中醫師談咖啡].
** 淺焙咖啡較溫潤,酸味較重,而酸入肝,有護肝、解肝毒的效果
** 中、深焙的咖啡較偏燥熱,容易上火;若味道又偏苦,苦入心,刺激過多可能會心悸、失眠、情緒焦躁。陰虛體質的人長期喝容易上火、口乾舌燥、便秘、眼睛痠澀
* [ Coffee Roasts from Light to Dark]
** Light/Blonde roasts have a toasted grain taste and pronounced acidity. Light roasts also retain most of the caffeine from the coffee bean.
** Medium roasts lack the grainy taste of the light roasts, exhibiting more balanced flavor, aroma, and acidity.
** Dark roasts will generally have a bitter and smoky or even burnt taste.
** The amount of caffeine is substantially decreased.
** Sumatra is bitter from my taste.
** Some of the more popular designations for a dark roast include French Roast, Italian Roast, Espresso Roast, Continental Roast, New Orleans Roast, and Spanish Roast. Many dark roasts are used for espresso blends.
* [ The Best Coffee You Can Buy at Trader Joe’s]
== Arabic and Columbian coffee ==
[ What Is the Difference Between Arabic and Columbian Coffee?]
= 牛奶 Milk =
* [ 牛奶早上喝還是晚上喝好]
* [ How Long Does Milk Last After Opening?]
** 7 days for regular pasteurized milk
** 10 days for ultra pasteurized mlik
== 燕麥奶 Oak milk ==
[ 燕麥奶並非「奶」更像豆漿 高纖低脂成時下減重新寵兒]
= 鹽 =
== 吃鹽導致脫水, 缺鹽的危害 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujWgqNGi9Z94iBSsG

= 補腎瀉熱的鹽 =
== 補腎瀉熱的鹽 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujH1lKsDRQS0WGg8M!Am92ICmSSQXujH1lKsDRQS0WGg8M
== 常吃味增反倒不易高血壓 ==!Am92ICmSSQXujWrYo-FqF2-0lmp-

= 蜂蜜 Honey =
= 蜂蜜 Honey =
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* Echinacea and water
* Echinacea and water
* Raspberry tea
* Raspberry tea
[!Am92ICmSSQXujwZvx84Goh1f9SDH 喉嚨痛該吃什麼]
* 蜂蜜 大蒜 薑 檸檬水
* 鹽水
* 雞湯
* 蘋果醋
* 香蕉
* 燕麥
* 紅蘿蔔
* 炒蛋
* 高麗菜
* 尤加利精油 Eucalyptus Pure Essential Oil
== How to Decrystallize Honey ==

= 洛神花 玫瑰茄 Hibiscus sabdariffa =
= 洛神花 玫瑰茄 Hibiscus sabdariffa =
Line 1,011: Line 3,813:

[ 抗氧化勝過綠茶 洛神花茶媲美藥物的功效是這個]
[ 抗氧化勝過綠茶 洛神花茶媲美藥物的功效是這個]
= 植物 =
[!Am92ICmSSQXujWwa1Grjvh98TC65 九種實用的室內植物]

= Chocolate =
= Chocolate =
Line 1,021: Line 3,826:
竹筍富含草酸 不宜搭配豆腐同食 以免形成草酸鈣 草酸鈣過多形成結石.
竹筍富含草酸 不宜搭配豆腐同食 以免形成草酸鈣 草酸鈣過多形成結石.

= Detox =
== 結石 ==
* [ Top 10 Liver Detox Food That You Need!]
[ 腰背痠痛找不到原因?當心你已經結石了!專家教你防結石必學氣功法!健康2.0] 泌尿科.  
* 膽結石
* 腎結石
* 尿路結石: 輸尿管鏡
[ 常見的結石種類]

= Instant Noodle =
= Instant Noodle =
* [ This is What Will Happen Inside Your Stomach When You Eat Instant Noodles]
* Why instant noodle soup cups has so much saturated fat.
** Instant noodle soup cups often have high amounts of saturated fat due to the ingredients used in the seasoning packets that come with the noodles. These seasoning packets often contain '''flavor enhancers''' such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) and other '''artificial ingredients''' that are high in saturated fat.
** Additionally, the noodles themselves are often '''fried''' in palm oil before they are packaged, which can also increase their fat content. The high sodium content in instant noodle soup cups can also contribute to an increased risk of heart disease and other health problems.
** Nongshim Shin noodle soup cups contain high saturated fat primarily due to the use of '''palm oil''' and '''beef tallow (脂)''' in the seasoning packet. Palm oil is commonly used in food processing due to its high heat stability and low cost, but it is also high in saturated fat. Beef tallow is a rendered form of beef fat that is also high in saturated fat.

= 鍋子 =
= 鍋子 =
* [ The Only Types of Cookware You Should Use]
* [ The Best Pot And Pan Sets To Refresh Your Kitchen]
* [譚敦慈:不沾鍋、鋁鍋、不鏽鋼鍋、鐵鍋……安全鍋具怎麼選?/ 不沾鍋、鋁鍋、不鏽鋼鍋、鐵鍋……安全鍋具怎麼選?]

== Nonstick pan, Teflon, Ceramic (teflon-free) ==
== Nonstick pan, Teflon, Ceramic (teflon-free) ==
[ You Need a Nonstick Pan, But It Doesn't Need to Be Expensive]
'''Aluminum cookware'''
* Pros: '''Anodized''' aluminum pots (超硬陽極處理鍋) and pans are lightweight, resist denting and scratching, don't rust and are excellent thermal conductors of heat
* Cons: Raw aluminum (as opposed to anodized) is reactive to alkaline and acidic ingredients (tomatoes, leafy vegetables and citrus) and prone to warping and scratching. It can also discolor certain foods (such as white sauces). Fortunately most aluminum pots and pans are treated with a coating of aluminum oxide, which vastly improves the cooking properties.

== 不銹鋼保温杯 ==
'''Cast-iron cookware'''
304 or 18/8 (18 是鉻含量,8 是鎳含量) 鎳含量較高較不會受酸性物質腐蝕。
* Pros: Great for simmering and browning, cast iron imbues years of flavor into every meal. It's inexpensive, won't warp, conducts heat very well and, if seasoned well, has a relatively nonstick surface. You can also easily go from stovetop to oven.
* Cons: It's heavy, reactive, high-maintenance and not suited for all food. It also isn't recommended for ceramic-glass cooktops. It's worth noting that cast iron leaches — surprise — iron into your food. Many people consider this a benefit, but unexpected metal in the diet can be dangerous for certain people.
'''[ Ceramic Cookware]'''
* Pros
** Toxic Free. It does not use PFAS or PFOA.
** Non stick, easy to clean
* Cons
** Short Lifespan. The durability of the non stick ceramic coating.
** Low To Medium Heat Only. High heat can damage the coating.
* [ Don't Buy New Cookware Until You Know All the Details About Each Kind First]
* [ You Need a Nonstick Pan, But It Doesn't Need to Be Expensive]
* [ Non-stick pans could be releasing millions of tiny plastic particles into your food, study finds] '''Teflon''' is the problem.
== 不銹鋼保温杯,鍋 ==
304 or 18/8 (18 是鉻含量,8 是鎳含量) 鎳(必較貴)含量較高較不會受酸性物質腐蝕。
200系列則以錳取代鎳. 太多錳腦部神經退化.
不銹鋼鍋導熱不好 所以中間會夾一層高碳剛來幫助導熱.
18/10 鍋俱會比 18/8 更亮
== Cast Iron ==
* [ 10 Things to Know About Your New Cast Iron Skillet]
* [種食物-別用鑄鐵鍋烹調/ 5種食物-別用鑄鐵鍋烹調] - 番茄醬汁, 紅酒燉肉, 歐姆蛋(煎蛋捲),肉質細緻的魚, 煮鹹食又做甜點.
* [ The Best Accessories for Your Cast Iron]
* [ Yes, You Can Use Dish Soap on Cast Iron]

== 珐瑯鑄鐵鍋 Enameled Cast Iron ==
== 珐瑯鑄鐵鍋 Enameled Cast Iron ==
[ Enameled Cast Iron Vs. Cast Iron]
== Frying Pan ==
[ Your Guide to Every Type of Frying Pan]

== How To Clean Burnt Pots & Scorched Pans ==
== How To Clean Burnt Pots & Scorched Pans ==
* One tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide 過氧化氫/雙氧水. Spread the mixture onto the stains and allow it to sit for one to two hours, then scrub off.
*# Put a few drops of dish soap in the pan.
*# Put a few drops of dish soap in the pan.
Line 1,046: Line 3,901:
* [ Top 10 Things to Clean in the Kitchen with a Box of Baking Soda]
* [ Top 10 Things to Clean in the Kitchen with a Box of Baking Soda]
* 過碳酸鈉/Sodium percarbonate. [ 碗盤焦黑油膩怎麼洗 達人多做一步驟輕鬆洗掉頑垢 健康2.0]

== Induction ranges/cooktop ==
== Cooktop爐灶面/Ranges/Stove ==
* [ How to Use a Ceramic Cooktop]
* [ Cooktop and Wall Oven Buying Guide] & [ Cooktop buying guide]
** Electric coil
** Electric ceramic
** Induction
** Gas regular
** Gas downdraft
* [ 電磁爐/Induction cooking]
* [ 電磁爐/Induction cooking]
* [ Pros and Cons of Induction Cooktops and Ranges]
** [ Pros and Cons of Induction Cooktops and Ranges]
* Aluminum is non-ferrous, no iron content, which is needed for induction ranges to work. See Q&A from
** Aluminum is non-ferrous, no iron content, which is needed for induction ranges to work. See Q&A from
** With induction cooktops you only get heat where it’s needed; in the pan and not on the cooktop surface! See [ inductionselect]
** With induction cooktops you only get heat where it’s needed; in the pan and not on the cooktop surface!

== Electric range ==
== Electric range ==
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= Fingers and Health =
= Fingers and Health =
= Color and health =
[ The health benefits of a colorful life]

= Brain tumor =
= Brain tumor =
[] and [ statistics].
[] and [ statistics].

= Foods to increase circulaion =
= Body =
[ If You’ve Included These 8 Foods In Your Diet, You’re Having Good Circulation]
[ 14 Weird Facts About the Human Body You Probably Never Knew]
== 3D anatomy ==
= 癌症 Cancer =

= Cancer =
= Genes =
== Different stage of cancer ==

* In situ cancer is early cancer that is present only in the layer of cells in which it began.
= 保險 =
* Localized cancer is cancer that is limited to the organ in which it began, without evidence of spread.  
== 老人醫療保險/紅藍卡 Medicare ==
* Regional cancer is cancer that has spread beyond the original (primary) site to nearby lymph nodes or organs and tissues.  
* Distant cancer is cancer that has spread from the primary site to distant organs or distant lymph nodes.  
* Unstaged cancer is cancer for which there is not enough information to indicate a stage.

= Looking for a doctor =
== Looking for a doctor ==
* [ How to Talk to a Doctor Online]
== Outpatient/inpatient ==
** An outpatient (or out-patient) is a patient who attends an outpatient clinic with no plan to stay beyond the duration of the visit.
** An inpatient (or in-patient), on the other hand, is "admitted" to stay in a hospital overnight

= Genes =
= Psychology =
== Most notable genes present in the human genome ==

== [ Tumor suppressor gene] ==
== Midlife crisis 中年危機 ==
[ What Is a Midlife Crisis and How to Deal With It]

== [ Oncogene] ==
== 思覺失調症/精神分裂症 ==
Oncogenes are genes that promote cell growth and reproduction.
[ Schizophrenic]

== [ COSMIC/Catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer] ==
== How to Appreciate Life More and Be Grateful ==
== Genes in news ==
[ How to Appreciate Life More and Be Grateful]
* [ IRF4 gene and gray hair]
* [ Single Gene Responsible for Group of Heart Disease Risk Factors] and [ The Unexpected Way Genes Can Double Heart Disease Risk]
* [ FDA Panel Recommends Approval of the First Gene Therapy Treatment]

== 健康2.0世紀論壇 ==
== 害怕 ==
* [ 《防癌保胃戰》], [ Median overall survival months] t0 is calculated P(T >= t0) =0.5. [ Patient-derived tumor xenografts]
[ 她曾突然失去所有 知名諮商師林萃芬:「害怕」有時比危機本身更傷人]
* [慢性胃炎、胃萎縮到胃癌-三部曲要你命/ 慢性胃炎、胃萎縮到胃癌… 三部曲要你命]

= 保險 =
= Death =
== 老人醫療保險/紅藍卡 Medicare ==
* [ Number of deaths for leading causes of death] from CDC
* [ 攜手走過20年的妻子因病過世 夫:叫我如何用1年的時間忘了妳]
* 善終
** [ 尊嚴善終/道謝、道愛,送老爹安詳往生]
** [ 如何圓滿走向人生的「畢業典禮」?學會在還康健時,便能擁抱死亡]. 臨終過程從數小時至數天或一周,皆有可能,端看個人的疾病狀態與生理狀況。當個體的生理狀態進入臨終階段,身體的心、肺、肝、腎等重要器官也將進入休眠關機狀態,我們能由各種臨終的徵象得知,如:不規律呼吸、呼吸暫停、血壓下降、尿量減少、呼吸出現「嘎嘎」音、身體末梢的紫斑、四肢冰冷等。
** [ 斷食善終]

Revision as of 16:26, 24 June 2024


  • 主食要多於肉
  • 菜要多於肉

How to eat mindfully

  • Take note of the textures, shapes and colours
  • notice any smells and sounds.
  • When you take a bite, notice the temperature, the texture and all the different tastes.
  • Be aware of how the food feels on your fork or in your hand
  • how it feels in your mouth.
  • Notice your mouth chewing away, and your breathing as you go.

Blue zone

Japan 日本!Am92ICmSSQXujz4Z9vJNl44fILjq?e=z5JKT3

Lifespan in US

You Could Live 9 Years Longer in Hawaii Than in Mississippi, New Data Shows. U.S. State Life Tables, 2020 from CDC National Vital Statistics System (NVSS): short & long version.




這類食物越吃人越老,還要當心上火!|診邊小知識. AGE/Advanced Glycation End Products 醣化終產物

易發炎食物 Foods that worsen inflammation

  • Gluten. Gluten is hard to digest; it can cause intestinal and digestive problems. Gluten is often used as a binder or thickener in foods. Read labels on: bread, cakes, candy, cereal, cookies, croutons, deli meats, flour, pasta, pastries, salad dressings, sauces, soups, soy sauce.
  • Dairy
  • Corn. About 90% of corn in the US is GMOs; they can suppress the the immune system and promote inflammation.
  • Soy. About 93% of soy grown in the US is GMed. Soy is high in goitrogens, compounds that can suppress thyroid function. Soy also contains anti-nutrients such as phytates and oxalates, which interfere with digestion and disrupt the endocrine system.
  • Peanut. 黃麴毒素
  • Caffeine. Caffeine propels the stomach to release its contents prematurely, injecting undigested food into the small intestine.
  • Alcohol
  • Citrus foods
  • Feedlot animal products
  • Sugar
  • Artificial or processed foods
  • Eggs. Eggs are a top allergen in N America and can be difficult to digest.
  • Nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, peppers). Nightshade foods may also leach calcium from bones and redistribute it to place where it shouldn't be.

See also

抗發炎食物 Anti-inflammation

List of foods:

  • Allium (蒜,蔥) vegetables
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Basil
  • Berry (eg 蔓越莓 cranberry, 覆盆子/山莓 raspberry, 桑椹 mulberry)
  • Bone broth
  • Coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Dill
  • Fennel 茴香
  • Fish, Fish oil (omega-3, EPA, DHA)
  • Ginger 薑要如何吃才對 講究時間
  • Gluten-free grains: quinoa (藜麥), brown rice. Quinoa is a complete plant-based source of protein. It's also a rich source of magnesium, a relaxant mineral that reduces inflammation and contains vitamin E.
  • Natural sweeteners like raw honey, maple syrup.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Pineapple
  • Root vegetables. Carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnips, turnips, celery root, beets.
  • Sustainable organic meat. Lamb, chicken and turkey. They are high in protein, which is essential for healing and repairing inflammation. They are also rich in B vitamins, particularly B12 - a key nutrient for the nervous system.
  • Turmeric. 「黃金牛奶」能抗氧化、減少關節痛 加入黑胡椒,吸收效果更佳
  • Winter squashes

麥得飲食法 MIND Diet


Vegan Plan

  1. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eliminate nightshades from the diet as well as corn.
  2. Eat enough plant-based protein such as quinoa, hemp seeds and chia seeds. Do hemp seeds go bad if not refrigerated? The shelf life for a package of hemp seeds kept in the pantry will be about three months.
  3. Boost omega-3 intake
  4. Avoid soy products
  5. Avoid processed vegan meat or dairy substitutes
  6. Select gluten-free grains


地中海飲食 Mediterranean Plan

  1. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables 食用豐富的蔬菜水果 (天天)
  2. Whole grains, beans and seeds, with a few nuts 攝取粗糧與食用堅果 (天天)
  3. Eat healthy sources of fat (Fats other than olive oil, such as butter, are consumed rarely) 運用優質食用油
  4. 食用新鮮的魚蝦海鮮/黃豆 (常常)
  5. Meat make a rare appearance, usually only to flavor a dish. Fish are a staple. 少吃紅肉與加工食物 (每月)
  6. 適量的乳製品及蛋類,雞 鴨, 甜點 (每週)
  7. 巧用香料取代油鹽


Mediterranean diet 101: How to start (and stay on) one of the world's healthiest diets

20 Vibrant Mediterranean Recipes to Feel Good About

Different diets: Best diet for quick weight loss, Best diets for diabetes and heart health]


2019最佳飲食推薦「地中海飲食」奪冠 把握原則輕鬆實踐 (with figures)

美國公布2019年最佳飲食排行榜 這樣的吃法竟拿下冠軍

地中海飲食金字塔 Mediterranean Diet Pyramid

Paleo Plan

  1. Consume few animal products, particularly red meat
  2. Buy organic, pasture-raised animal products
  3. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
  4. Be mindful of egg consumption
  5. Include gluten-free pseudograins

北歐飲食 Nordic diet

地中海飲食後 北歐飲食成為營養師新寵

「北歐飲食法」的特色在於吃大量全榖類以及根莖類蔬菜 (馬鈴薯、大白菜、甜菜等都是高纖維、鎂和鉀的重要來源), 獲取幫助消化排便的膳食纖維,以及多吃莓果類富含天然抗氧化劑的水果。

Immune System 免疫力

抗氧化飲食 Antioxidant


Gluten 麩質

What Is a Gluten-Free Diet — And What Should I Know About Going Gluten-Free?

Histamine 組織胺




The Best Natural Cough Remedies

代謝症候群, 三高

衛生福利部 國民健康署 健康九九網站

血管堵塞 多數沒有症狀





血糖 glycemia, 糖尿病 diabetes


在吃甜食前「喝一匙這個」,輕鬆降血糖: 醋.

血糖(blood glucose)正常值, 糖化血紅素(HbA1c), 胰島素(insulin), 胰臟(Pancreas)

  • 胰島素是糖友救命武器 研發幕後功臣之一是狗
  • See CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel). It includes glucose, sodium, potassium, calcium, ...
  • 美國正常值 65-99 mg/dL. See Know your blood glucose target range
  • 中國读数6.1 mmol/L 以下算正常
  • 美國的血糖單位是mg/dl,而中國的是mmlo/L。mg/dl÷18=mmol/L; mmol/L×18=mg/dl。
  • How Insulin Works. Insulin 胰島素 is a hormone made by one of the body's organs called the pancreas 胰腺. Insulin helps your body turn blood sugar (glucose) into energy. It also helps your body store it in your muscles, fat cells, and liver to use later, when your body needs it.
  • 高血糖症狀:
    • 三多一少(吃多、喝多、尿多、體重減輕)
    • 糖化血红蛋白(A1c)/糖化血色素(HbA1c)反映过去三个月血糖控制的平均值。6.5% 正常值. 一般人糖化血色素的正常值約為4-6%,糖尿病人宜控制在7%以下。全民糖尿病觀測站
    • 空腹血糖 >= 126mg/dL.
    • 飯後血糖 >= 200mg/dL.
  • 宋晏仁醫師談「胰島素阻抗是什麼?為什麼重要?」 ,
  • 什麼是胰島素阻抗

急症, 慢性併發症


糖尿病飲食 Diet

211 飲食

宋晏仁 均衡飲食 快樂生活

低醣飲食 營養師談低醣飲食. 醣 vs 糖 at 14:55.


蔬菜(菇類 海藻, 2 fists amount) 蛋白質 碳水化合物 細嚼慢嚥


煮一鍋好米 這樣吃,最營養

Daily Intake of Sugar

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the maximum amount of added sugars you should eat in a day are:

  • Men: 150 calories per day (38 grams or 9 teaspoons or 3 tablespoons).
  • Women: 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons or 2 tablespoons).

See also


  • 烘焙麵包 甜點 濃湯、義大利肉醬麵 食品中額外添加的砂糖、果糖和蔗糖
  • 飯、麵、饅頭等澱粉主食則屬於大分子的碳水化合物,被歸類為「醣」,包含澱粉、纖維及糖。這類食物經人體消化吸收後,也會轉變成葡萄糖。

醣 vs 糖

醣/糖分不清?糖無所不在 這項最「地雷」





全麥麵包 whole grain

年菜 佛跳牆



血脂 blood lipids

Suggestion: 洋蔥蕃茄炒蛋 + 芹菜 + 燕麥片/糙米 + 黑木耳/菇類 + 蘋果 橘子 lemon + Seaweed + Ginger + Onion + green onion + pepper, salmon, bean, Olive oil, Tofu, 綠豆薏仁湯. 幫助代謝膽汁(前驅是膽固醇).


脂肪酸 Fatty acids

膽固醇 Cholesterol

  • 美國全國膽固醇教育計畫現行的準則,把高於160 mg/dL的低密度膽固醇列為「偏高」,130 mg/dL到159 mg/dL被視為「邊緣性偏高」。
  • 左旋精氨酸 (L-arginine) Good though it has side effects too
  • 10 best cholesterol lowering foods Soys, Beans, Salmon, Avocado, Garlic, Spinach, Margarine, Tea, Nuts, Dark Chocolate.
  • How Much Avocado Is Healthy To Eat In A Day? The average avocado contains 322 calories and 29 grams of fat, so half an avocado has 161 calories and 14.5 grams of fat. If you’re eating a full avocado, you’re getting 44 percent of your daily recommended fat intake and 21 percent of your recommended saturated fat intake through that avocado alone, so make sure to keep that in mind.
  • Top foods to improve your numbers from mayoclinic. Oatmeal, Fish, Nuts, Avocados, Olive oil, Foods with added plant sterols or stanols (Some margarines, orange juice and yogurt drinks), Whey protein.
  • Cooking for Lower Cholesterol Cooking from
  • How to Enjoy Mexican Food on a Cholesterol‐Lowering Diet and Make a white pizza
  • 靠飲食降壞膽固醇 效果很有限
    • 運動促進代謝 修復內皮細胞 讓低密度膽固醇變少。
    • 三酸甘油脂也大多由肝臟製造,跟低密度膽固醇不同的是,飲食牽動體內三酸甘油脂的多寡。經常吃精緻甜食、肉皮、海鮮、大量澱粉類和高鹽、油炸類的食物,都容易使三酸甘油脂增加,加速把高密度膽固醇代謝出體外。
    • 三酸甘油脂數值除以5,加上高、低密度膽固醇,大致等於總膽固醇數值。
  • 長期的有氧運動確定是可以提升好膽固醇的(沒有副作用)。
  • 膽固醇過高不吃肉 天然優蛋白不胖還能預防肌少症 麵筋、素肉、素雞等這類精緻化的豆製品,因為油炸過,脂肪含量高,可利用的蛋白質變低,腎臟為了過濾這些雜質還過度做工。蛋白質的攝取選擇次序,第一選擇是植物性蛋白質,第二才是動物性。
  • 8種降低膽固醇的食物: 黃豆, 燕麥片, 鮭魚, 橄欖油, 蘋果, 葡萄柚, 茶, 大蒜.
  • 健康2.0
  • 保健康 一天至少一餐吃燕麥
  • 長期吃「燕麥加牛奶」,阻礙鈣吸收! 燕麥是屬於高磷的食物,牛奶則屬於高鈣的食物,當兩者一起食用,高磷的成分會影響到鈣的吸收.
  • 吃燕麥好在哪?營養師帶你一次看懂的營養與功效機制.
    • 抑制肝臟膽固醇生成
    • 包覆油脂減少吸收
    • 促進肝臟代謝膽固醇
  • 膳食纖維是白米的12倍 想靠吃燕麥降膽固醇得認明2點
  • 燕麥過量也會造成身體負擔 (挖知識). 一天只要75克 (~.5 cup dry rolled/old fashioned oatmeal, 1 serving size, 150 calories. Mix one part oats to two parts liquid).
    • 脹氣
    • 貧血 缺鈣 (植酸 草酸影響吸收)
    • 腎臟病 (蛋白質 鉀 磷)
    • 糖尿病 (澱粉)
  • 飽和脂肪才是使血膽固醇升高更重要的推手
    • 升膽固醇指數(Cholesterol Saturated fat Index)將食物中飽和脂肪及膽固醇的含量經過加權計算
    • 海鮮類食物的膽固醇含量頗高,脂肪含量很低,尤其是飽和脂肪更低,因此它的昇膽固醇指數並不高
    • 豬油,看起來膽固醇含量和海鮮類差不多,但是卻會使你的血管不知不覺的塗上一層厚厚的膽固醇.昇膽固醇指數和海鮮類相差近六倍之多.
    • 少吃富含飽和脂肪的食物,如:豬油、牛油或者是雞皮、鴨皮等動物性油脂,,還有一些經過氫化製造的飽和性植物油,如:人造奶油 (Margarine)
    • 食物您應多攝取青菜、未精緻加工的豆製品及莢豆類及適量的全穀類(如:糙米、胚芽米、全麥、五穀雜糧);烹調用油多選橄欖油、葵花油,少用豬油、奶油、椰子油等飽和性脂肪酸的油;主餐的烹調用油約1-2茶匙。多採用清蒸、水煮、滷、燉、烘、烤、涼拌與香辛料(薑、蒜、五香、九層塔、芥末…等等),增加食物的可口性與變化性! 應避免肥肉、雞皮、鴨皮、油炸、油酥食品的攝取。酒要少喝。另外內臟類、魚卵、蟹黃、豬腦等膽固醇含量都過高,不宜攝食。至於蛋黃1週最多吃2個。
  • 你認識膽固醇嗎?
    • 2015~2020 年最新美國飲食指南指出:「取消膽固醇攝取上限」。原因在於飲食僅佔膽固醇生合成中 2~3 成的影響因素。
    • 許多報告發現飲食中的飽和及反式脂肪酸會導致更多膽固醇生成且不易代謝。
    • 因此減少富含飽和及反式脂肪的食物來源,例如高脂肉品(培根、熱狗等)、冰淇淋、奶精、使用棕櫚油或椰子油或氫化植物油製作的餅乾、糕點等,對於降低膽固醇是首要之道。
    • 增加攝取有助膽固醇代謝的食物也很重要。主食可選擇燕麥、大麥等全穀類食物,至少佔整天主食量 1/3,將飲食中一半的肉品換成黃豆製品,搭配每天 1碗半的蔬菜和 1 碗半的水果(碗指飯碗),選擇加有植醇的乳品或烹調油,並適量攝取堅果,1 天最多 1 湯匙。
  • 常見食物升膽固醇指數(CSI)
    • 三大升膽固醇指數類: 油, 點心, 蛋黃.
  • How a Cardiologist Lowered His Cholesterol by Changing His Diet
    • Increase Healthy Proteins
    • Ideal Menu to Lower Cholesterol
    • Healthy Moderation
  • Should you be on a statin?
    • People who already have cardiovascular disease.
    • People who have very high LDL (bad) cholesterol, 190 mg/dL (4.9 mmol/L) or higher.
    • People who have diabetes. This group includes adults who have diabetes and an LDL between 70 and 189 mg/dL.
    • People who have a higher 10-year risk of heart attack.
  • 洋蔥│防骨鬆、降膽固醇大功臣!
  • 26 Dinners to Lower Cholesterol & Support Healthy Aging
  • 這10種食物降膽固醇效果,不比燕麥差...
  • Foods That Lower Cholesterol. Beans, nuts, Avocado, fatty fish, barley, soy, dark chocolates, apple/citrus/berries, vegetables, tea, Olive oil.

Resistance training


降血脂膽固醇藥應補充Q10?研究發現可保護心肌 減少肌肉疼痛 讓血脂控制更好


  • Does salmon increase cholesterol? Eating salmon can improve your "good" HDL cholesterol, but it won't lower your "bad" LDL cholesterol. Eating fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout or sardines has a number of benefits on your blood cholesterol levels. These fatty fish are high in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Your bad cholesterol (LDL) will drop due to the low saturated fat and high Omega-3 content in salmon," See When You Eat Salmon Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body






Calorie Density:

  • Fat: 9 calories per gram
  • Protein: 4 calories per gram
  • Carbohydrate/sugar: 4 calories per gram


Goat cheese:

  • 1 ounce of goat cheese has 4g saturated fat (21% daily)
  • 1 ounce of cheese equals a pair of dice , or the size of your thumb or 2 tbsp.

Which Cheeses Are Lowest in Cholesterol and Fat?

  • Cottage cheese, especially low-fat.
  • Mozzarella and feta are on the low end of the scale for saturated fat.

Cheese to limit:

  • Whole milk ricotta cheese, cheddar (5.9g), Swiss (4.9g), Provolone (4.8g), feta (4.2g), Muenster, and American processed cheese
  • For example, Whole milk ricotta cheese has 2.4g saturated fat per ounce.

Table of comparions

Daily intake of salt & oil/fat per day for any adult (<2.3g)

  • Limit total fat intake to 25 to 35% of your total daily calories. Keep saturated fats to only 10% of your total daily calories.
  • Use no more than 5 to 8 teaspoons (1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons) of fats or oils per day for salads, cooking, and baking.
  • Eat less than 300 mg of dietary cholesterol each day.
  • Eat less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day (about 1 teaspoon of salt per day).
  • High sodium diet is anything over 4g per day
  • Moderate sodium diet will have between 1.4g and 4g a day
  • Low sodium diet consists of eating between 0g and 1.4g of salt a day
  • The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of sodium is about 2500mg.

Fix too salty

How to Fix Soup That’s Too Salty. 1) Dilute with water or broth. 2) Add dairy 3) Up the acidity (a squeeze of lemon or a dash of vinegar)

Eat fat get thin/omega-3

  • Omega 3 to 6 Fat Ratios of All Plant Oils (TABLE). Only flaxseed oil has Omega-3 > Omega-6.
  • Resources
    • The Fat Bible,
    • Beyond Food,
    • The Restaurant Rescue Guide,
    • Toxicity Quiz,
    • Recipe Guide and Meal Planner
  • The Secret Fat that Makes You Thin
    • Omega 6 fats are seed, bean, or grain oils (which include corn, soy, sunflower and canola oils). Once ingested, these inflammatory oils are transported to the lymphatic system and not to the blood, which means your fat tissues absorb them.
  • What the author of 'Eat Fat, Get Thin' eats — and avoids — every day
    • Keep as your cornerstone: Veggies, veggies, and more veggies. "About 70 to 80% of your diet should be plant foods," like vegetables, whole grains, beans, and fruits.
    • Add to your bag: Nuts and seeds
    • Swap for butter and margarine: Olive oil
    • Instead of steak or ribs: Fatty fish
    • Add to your diet: Avocados. 酪梨顧心臟又通血管, 含類胡蘿蔔素可使攝護腺癌細胞生長量減少25%,2天吃1顆避免肥胖.
    • Cut back on: Refined carbs, like white bread or white rice
    • Avoid or skip: Sweet fats, like full-fat fruit-flavored yogurt
  • 6 Easy Ways to Load Up on Healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  • 5 Best Food Sources for Omega-3 Fatty Acids
    • Salmon and other fatty fish. Mackerel, Halibut, Sardine, Tuna, Anchovy (such as dried anchovy).
    • Walnuts
    • Chia seeds
    • Flaxseeds
    • Omega-3 fortified eggs and other fortified foods
  • 13 Foods High in Omega 3 That Aren’t Fish. Kale, flaxseed, eggs, walnuts, winter squash, black beans, chia seeds, soybeans, canola oil, wild rice, organic milk, navy beans, hemp seed oil.

三酸甘油酯/甘油三酯 Triglyceride/TG

Unused dietary calories become triglycerides that circulate in your bloodstream and negatively affect your blood cholesterol.

搶救高血脂!7招幫你降三酸甘油脂 1. 少吃糖,尤其是果糖 (fructose) 2. 少吃精緻澱粉,多攝取纖維質 3. 吃點豆腐,增加大豆蛋白攝取量 4. 避開壞脂肪,少吃加工食品、炸物和紅肉 5. 攝取好脂肪,一週吃2次魚.6. 三餐規律,避免胰島素阻抗 7.養成運動習慣,適當減重

Triglyceride-Friendly Meals from WebMD.



來源: 精製醣類(cake, cookie, donut) 澱粉食物(drink) 油 (chips, cake) cheese, ice cream, creamy latte 吃太多!這些吃太多以後會被轉成三酸甘油酯.

Sweet food/drink, 太多碳水化合物 -> 葡萄糖glucose -> 胰島素insulin -> 脂訪 -> 膽固醇. 細胞產生抗胰島素->發炎->動脈硬化.

甘油三酯, 甘油三酯偏高. 采血前2~3天尽可能少食含脂质的食物,空腹12小时抽血,以排除和减少饮食的影响.

Low triglyceride levels, high LDL levels

Should You Be Worried If Your Triglycerides Are Low?

  • what can cause this inconsistency? When you have low triglyceride levels but high LDL levels, it could indicate that you have a diet filled with healthy fats.
  • There are two types of LDL particles that should be taken into account when calculating heart disease risk:
    • LDL-A particles are larger, less dense, and lower your risk.
    • LDL-B particles are smaller, denser, and increase your risk.
  • Healthy fats will not only cause an increase in good cholesterol (HDL) but can also change the type of the LDL particles in the blood. Therefore, those high LDL levels may not actually be a bad thing.



  1. 早餐吃一碗燕麥粥
  2. 每天常吃碗豆類
  3. 平常多吃大蒜
  4. 每天吃半個洋蔥
  5. 以橄欖油做為食用油
  6. 每天吃酪梨或蘋果一個
  7. 有機會多吃清蒸鮭魚
  8. 喝薑湯或早上吃生薑片
  9. 在菜餚中可添加適量的紅麴

計算醣類攝取量, 1份全榖雜糧類食物


How to Maintain a Healthy Heart Using Tech

How to Maintain a Healthy Heart Using Tech


How to choose oils

Bad carbs

  • Cereals (there are exceptions but they are few)
  • White rice
  • Pasta
  • Breads (there are exceptions but they are few)
  • Cookies
  • Pastries
  • Snack foods
  • Sodas
  • Juice drinks
  • Crackers




麥片, 香蕉巧可力燕麥

How to Cook Steel Cut Oats

How to Cook Steel Cut Oats

洋蔥 Onion


  • 不要把切好的洋蔥浸泡在水裡,怕太辛辣而泡水,會讓洋蔥的含硫有機化合物流失,就無法達到讓血液清透的效果了。
  • 洋蔥加熱後一樣功效不再,這是因為酵素遇熱就會被破壞,如果希望加熱後還保有清透血液的效果,那麼請將切好的洋蔥放置15分鐘以上,先讓酵素充分運作,製造出讓血液變清透的物質之後再加熱。如果想要加強效果,只要盡可能把洋蔥切薄或切細,比較容易產生酵素反應。以份量來說,每次至少要吃1/4個(50g)的洋蔥。

Bake or sauté onions for 5 minutes; any longer and the onion will begin to lose nutrients. See Dr. Oz.



洋蔥生吃 最營養 洋蔥富含類黃酮,除可降低罹患大腸癌的機率,對風濕性關節炎、氣喘等,也具有抗發炎的反應。洋蔥可預防骨質疏鬆癥.

洋蔥怎麼吃最營養 每天吃飯時,就著飯吃上幾片,這樣就不會辣了。生吃的洋蔥最好選紫皮的,裡面含有花青素,這種物質具有抗氧化的功能。而且紫色的洋蔥更辣一些,說明硫化物含量更豐富,既能抗氧化還能降血脂。洋蔥燉肉能消膩: 肉湯快燉好時,把切好的洋蔥圈放鍋里滾一下,然後就關火。

日本醫生這樣吃洋蔥 醋+洋蔥

黃辣、紫艷、白甜 三種洋蔥味道、營養大不同

預防癌症發生、增加骨質密度 吃洋蔥6大好處一次看

健康主廚醋漬洋蔥野菇鯖魚手卷 止癢抗發炎! 健康2.0. 月桂葉(bay leaf) 胡椒粒 茴香(fennel) 蒜片 米醋


每天2份這款水果 壞膽固醇降低近6% 預防心臟病與中風. 結果發現,相較於低纖維與低多酚飲食,參與者在補充葡萄粉後(相當每日2份加州葡萄),不但腸道菌叢更為多元,總膽固醇與低密度膽固醇都下降約6%.

蛋 egg, 膽固醇


6 Foods That Should Not Be Left Overnight

  • 煮熟的蘑菇營養價值很高,但12個小時後營養物質會流失,並且產生許多有害的成分。煮熟的蘑菇含有可調節紅血球數量的硝酸鹽 Nitrate,但放置一夜後,硝酸鹽將轉變為對身體有害的亞硝酸鹽。亞硝酸鹽是公認的致癌物,長期食用含大量亞硝酸鹽的食物,可能會增加患食道癌和胃癌的機率。
  • 深色的綠葉蔬菜含有大量的硝酸鹽。如果放到隔天再吃,蔬菜中的硝酸鹽經細菌作用會轉變成亞硝酸鹽 Nitrite,吃多了恐增加罹患癌症的風險。
  • 海鮮. 任何方式烹調的魚類、貝類和牡蠣都不應該隔夜再食用。因為放到第二天,魚和海鮮含有的蛋白質容易降解,吃下可能損害肝臟和腎臟功能。
  • 如果放過夜的話,它所含有的蛋白質和維生素會大量流失。而且茶中的單寧酸也會大量釋放出來,喝下恐導致腹瀉、腸胃不適,甚至可能破壞胃黏膜。
  • 沙拉
  • 未完全煮熟的雞蛋





Garlic 大蒜

  • Benefits of Garlic: 11 Healthy Reasons To Eat More Of This Smelly Superfood Allicin is a sulphur compound similar to the one found in onions, and it could offer a host of health benefits. A temperature above 140F (60C) destroys the allicin. If you wish to add it to a meal, try to add it at the very end of the cooking process after you’ve removed the dish from the source of heat.
  • 發芽蒜頭抗氧化-效果勝過新鮮蒜
  • 善用大蒜料理,長保健康
    • 大蒜生吃最好
    • 無法馬上吃完的大蒜可以橄欖油醃製
    • 胃部發炎者不可吃太多生大蒜
    • 山藥蒜雞湯, 椒蒜核桃雞丁, 大蒜奶油烤蝦, 西班牙大蒜湯.
  • 烤大蒜. 烤好的蒜,撥出一瓣瓣不去皮的蒜,直接入口再去皮,可嘗到隱藏在皮中的風味。烤過的蒜,可以很輕易的去除蒜皮,輕輕一擠,整顆蒜仁就跑出來。除了直接吃,也可當麵包的「抹醬」或炒菜、拌麵的拌料,搭配烤肉吃,也不錯。
    1. 大蒜切除上半約1/4左右,可看到一點蒜的切面。
    2. 在切面淋上橄欖油,再撒上適量的鹽,用鋁箔紙包起來。
    3. 進烤箱烤到軟(約356℉,烤20分)即可。



  1. 高蛋白: 蛋白質含量高達35~40%,幾乎是植物性食品原料中最多的,而且大豆蛋白的胺基酸模式較好、生物利用率高,屬於優質蛋白,可以和肉類蛋白質媲美,俗稱「植物肉」。
  2. 富含維生素和礦物質: 維生素B群含量高,也富含鈣、鐵、錳、鋅、銅等微量元素。
  3. 護心: 富含不飽和脂肪酸,對於護心血管有一定幫助。
  4. 防便秘: 富含膳食纖維,有助預防便秘。
  5. 對慢性病有好處: 含有眾多特殊的功能性成分,如大豆異黃酮、豆固醇、大豆卵磷脂等,對營養相關的慢性病有一定預防作用。




hematology 血液學

血壓 (BP)


心臟 -> 大動脈 -> 小動脈 -> 毛細管 -> 小靜脈 -> 大靜脈 -> 心臟


高血壓/按壓3穴位輔助降血壓 中醫教你喝「降壓茶」還能護眼. 肝火旺盛: 穴位保養:太衝穴.


  • 鹽, 體重, 溫度, 睡眠.
  • Factors that can affect blood pressure readings Exercise, Meals, Bathroom, Cuff size, Clothing, Temperature, Position, Stress, Talking.
  • Tightness of the cuff: The tightness of the cuff used to measure blood pressure can affect the accuracy of the measurement. If the cuff is too loose, it may not properly compress the artery and the measurement may be falsely low. On the other hand, if the cuff is too tight, it may compress the artery too much and the measurement may be falsely high.


不吃藥6招自然降血壓!名醫教你遠離中風, 凌晨五六點最高

Does blood pressure increase or decrease after eating a meal


  • 頭暈
  • 頭痛
  • 心悸 (palpitation) 失眠
  • 注意力不集中 記憶力減退
  • 肢體麻木
  • 出血

收縮壓高 SBP

舒張壓高 DBP

Vitamin 微量元素

Sodium and/or DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)




鈉 Na

降低高血壓食物 Food help to lower blood pressure

Eating too much salt makes the body retain more water, which raises blood pressure and can affect the heart, blood vessels, brain and kidneys.

北極愛基斯摩人與太平洋土著 很少吃鹽 幾乎找不到高血壓病人.

  • 增加負離子
  • 綠豆湯 利尿 排鈉
  • skim milk
  • spinach
  • sunflower seed
  • beans
  • baked potato
  • banana
  • soybeans
  • dark chocolate
  • Vitamin D (low-fat milk, yogurt)
  • black coffee (Chlorogenic acid/綠原酸, antioxidant)

天氣變冷血壓飆升 營養師揭露十種降血壓食物


里肌豬肉、哈密瓜富含鉀 7大類 (含鉀的食物) 「降血壓」食物

Book Blood Pressure Down: The 10-Step Plan to Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Weeks--Without Prescription Drugs

  • Lose 5 pounds
  • cut the salt
  • eat banana
  • eat spinach
  • eat yogurt
  • eat soy
  • eat dark chocolate
  • drink red wine
  • take supplement
  • exercise

And 健康飲食降低高血壓


Tea and catechins 兒茶素, 抗氧化與抗發炎


按摩 降血壓


不怕血壓高!中醫降壓法寶大公開! 57健康同學會 風池穴(頭後) 勞宮穴(手掌心握拳屈指時中指尖處) 合谷穴(在手背虎口) 內關穴(手腕內側)

百會穴 太陽穴 人迎穴 膻中穴 心經 合谷穴/虎口 勞宮穴 腎區 足三里 三陰交 湧泉穴 曲池穴 降壓溝 陽陵泉




跟著專家簡單動動手、按摩手,擺脫高血壓!健康2.0 肝氣下降 平穩情緒 (喜傷心,怒傷肝,思傷脾,悲傷肺,恐傷腎!)




How to Survive a Heart Attack when Alone

Seasonal variation in blood pressure

Aneurysm 動脈瘤

Blood pressure monitors

Best-selling blood pressure monitors to use at home

Heart rate (HR)

Interval between successive home blood pressure readings



  1. F(Face顏面下垂),觀察微笑露齒的臉部兩邊肌肉是否對稱,有無歪斜;
  2. A(Arm手臂下垂),雙臂平舉與身體呈90度,看有無垂落狀況;
  3. S(Speech),即說話有無口齒不清;
  4. 發現有符合上述單項或多項情況,要趕緊T(Telephone )

三高防中風 牢記「FAST」自救


5大飲食原則 營養師教你簡易料理 預防中風找上門

腦中風, 腦血栓/動脈粥樣硬化性腦血栓

心痛 Heartburn

心律失常 Arrhythmia

胸悶 (狹心症/心絞痛, 急性心肌梗塞), 心肌炎

心房 Atrium, 心室 Ventricle, 大動脈 Aorta, 腔靜脈 vena cava

  • 心房 Atrium (in): one of the two spaces at the top part of the heart that receive blood from the veins and push it down into the ventricles (= lower spaces)
  • 心室 Ventricle (out): either of two small, hollow spaces, one in each side of the heart, that force blood into the tubes leading from the heart to the other parts of the body
  • 大動脈,主動脈 Aorta (out): the main artery (thick tube carrying blood from the heart) that takes blood to the other parts of the body
  • 腔靜脈 vena cava (in): one of the two very large veins through which blood returns to the heart, one from the upper body and head and one from all of the body below the chest

Statins, 橫紋肌溶解症

降血脂藥 引發肌肉病變

得舒飲食/Dash - Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension


  • 改善攝護腺肥大
  • 保護心血管
  • 預防骨質酥鬆

Add olive oil, eat as soon as possible, heated (增加茄紅素吸收, vitamin C will be destroyed if heated) or unheated is fine.

Cooking tomatoes increase the level of phytochemicals they contain, but it also reduces the amount of vitamin C. When tomatoes were heated to 88 degrees Celsius for two minutes, 15 minutes and 30 minutes, vitamin C content decreased by 10, 15 and 29 per cent respectively when compared to raw, uncooked tomatoes. However the beneficial trans-lycopene content of the cooked tomatoes increased by 54, 171 and 164 percent respectively.


顧心臟的水果有哪些? 香蕉, 草莓, 蘋果, 酪梨, 木瓜、芒果, 葡萄, 芭樂、橘子、柳丁, 柳橙汁、葡萄汁.

Fish Oil

Fish oil does not reduce the cholesterol.


  • 泡完後別馬上開車 當水溫較高,造成交感神經興奮,心跳加速、末梢血管擴張,心輸出量激增,血大量流入末梢及下半身,心臟或腦部相對性暫時缺血,心臟為了代償做工致使心跳加快,心肌耗氧增加,短時間缺血、缺氧導致,可能引發心臟心肌梗塞或腦部休克等。應該在泡溫泉前先做暖身運動舒展四肢,讓心臟先充分的準備,才不致因泡熱水一下子心跳加速過快而產生危險。


累.喘.腫要小心!46萬台人心臟衰竭中未就醫 健康2.0 五勞七傷

冠狀動脈疾病 coronary artery disease

Left coronary artery is an artery that arises from the aorta above the left cusp of the aortic valve and feeds blood to the left side of the heart.

心房顫動 Atrial fibrillation/Af


胸痛 Chest pain


主動脈瓣膜狹窄多以七、八十歲老年人為主. 瓣膜狹窄致死率比癌症高十倍

眩暈 vertigo, inner ear problem

耳石(otolith)症 Vertigo

大部分的人是周邊型的眩暈; 半規管的耳石脫落症.


(內耳)耳石復位術 (canalith repositioning procedure; Epley maneuver),




傷寒/腸熱症 Typhoid fever

肺 Lung

細菌、病毒 Virus vs. bacteria

Coronavirus, 咳

蝙蝠為什麼這麼神奇 身上有百毒卻百毒不侵?一般來說,會飛的動物,絕大部份不是哺乳類,因為飛行需要大量的能量,哺乳類動物沒有辦法在不產生損害DNA的副產品下飛行,但蝙蝠就可以。當蝙蝠在空中飛行的時候,反而會增強飛行時DNA的修復能力和產生其他防護作用,這些變化能夠抑制入侵者的特殊細胞,讓蝙蝠就能百毒不侵。

新冠病毒能在物體表面活多久?SARS可活9天. 酒精、雙氧水、漂白水 1分鐘可殺冠狀病毒. 根據研究,含有62-71%酒精,0.5%雙氧水或0.1%次氯酸鈉(漂白水)的消毒劑可以在1分鐘內有效失活冠狀病毒。The Most Effective Ways to Kill Coronavirus in Your Home. How to Make a Natural Disinfectant.

口罩 mask

居家隔離 vs 居家檢疫 vs 自主健康管理

  • 居家隔離的對象為「確定病例之接觸者」,由地方衛生主管機關負責,需要居家隔離14天、主動監測1天2次。
  • 居家檢疫的對象為「具中港澳旅遊史者」,負責單位為地方政府民政局、里長或里幹事,進行居家檢疫14天、主動監測1天1~2次。
  • 自主健康管理對象為「申請赴港澳獲准者」和「通報個案但已檢驗陰性且符合解除隔離條件者」,負責單位為衛生主管機關,進行為期14天的自主健康管理。

See also What Does Self-Quarantine Actually Mean?

  • Quarantine is for people who might have a disease, but don’t know yet. If you’ve been asked to “stay home and monitor for symptoms,” that’s self-quarantine.
  • Isolation is for people who do have the disease.

Canker Sores

  • Folate: Beans, spinach, broccoli
  • Iron and vitamin B12: Tuna, eggs
  • Manuka honey UMF 10+. It is not advisable to mix manuka honey in hot water. As a general rule, manuka honey is best consumed directly. For those who desires a cup of warm honey drink, try to keep the water to no hotter than 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).


血小板低下症 Thrombocytopenia


普林/嘌呤/purine and gout


  • 退化性關節炎: 好發生於年齡大於45歲以上,肥胖、關節過去曾因活動或運動而受傷的族群。常常發生於頸椎、腰椎、膝關節及髖關節。發生原因是關節內軟骨退化,長久下來磨損到軟骨下的骨頭,刺激骨頭異常增生而長出所謂的〝骨刺〞,進而可能壓迫神經,產生麻感或無力的現象。
  • 類風濕性關節炎: 好發生於40歲到60歲之間,通常有家族遺傳性。常見於手腳小關節,兩側對稱發生,特徵是早上起床時,關節特別僵硬,需要活動三十分鐘,才會好轉。發生原因是自體免疫系統出問題,發作時小關節滑液膜發炎,關節內軟骨及骨頭組織受到破壞。
  • 僵直性關節炎: 通常有遺傳性,常見於男性。約二十歲左右開始產生症狀,常見的臨床症狀為下背部疼痛,脊椎僵硬及運動受限。
  • 痛風性關節炎: 病人因常攝取高普林飲食,長久下來,血中尿酸數值太高,產生痛風結晶,進而引發關節的發炎,好發的位置如大腳趾、踝關節、膝關節等。 30-60 minutes 立即發作.


  1. 保持理想的體重。體重過重會造成關節多餘的負擔,引發關節的不適。
  2. 養成每天適度運動的好習慣,因為運動可以增加關節滑液的流動,加強肌肉、肌腱等支持的結構,和關節囊的韌性,強化骨骼,增加體能等。
  3. 避免長時間維持同一姿勢(例如久站或久坐)。一般建議的時間是三十分鐘到四十分鐘起身活動一下筋骨,利用二到三分鐘的時間做一做各個關節舒展的柔軟體操,以避免肌肉僵硬疲勞。
  4. 保持均衡的飲食。尤其在罹患有痛風或高尿酸的病人,要避免含有高量普林的飲食(如動物內臟、海鮮、豆類食物及酒類等。)
  5. 補充維他命C (500 x 3 mg). 幫助尿液變鹼性, 尿酸融解. See


  1. 當關節僅有疼痛現象,而無紅腫時,可用熱敷的方式。每次20-30分鐘,一天2-3次。
  2. 當關節有紅腫現象時,每小時冰敷10-15分鐘。冰敷可以改善發炎和疼痛的情況。
  3. 當關節出現紅腫熱痛的現象時,讓患部適度的休息,避免承擔重物。
  4. 早晨起床後有關節僵硬的現象時,可洗個溫水澡來舒緩關節。
  5. 平日運動的方式和強度需要向醫師諮詢。不同的關節炎有不同的運動方式。原則上應選擇對關節低衝擊性的運動,例如游泳、騎腳踏車。
  6. 要選擇底部有良好襯墊的鞋子。



低普林飲食 Low purine diet


11 Types Of Beans For Gout Sufferers – All You Need To Know. What Kind of Beans Are Good for a Low Purine Diet?

  • Low-purine types of beans: chickpeas, lima beans, red beans, pinto beans, black beans(good)
  • High-purine types of beans: small white beans, split peas, soybeans, black-eyed, lentils, mung beans (very high)

Alkaline water

pH Test Strips for Testing Alkaline and Acid Levels in The Body. Track & Monitor Your pH Level Using Saliva and Urine

Colchicine 秋水仙鹼 and Probenecid 丙磺舒



Vitamin deficiency


  • 乳糖不耐 Lactose intolerance
  • 骨質疏鬆症 Osteoporosis
  • 鈣與鋅鎂有交互作用; 鈣要分開吃
  • 吃鈣補鈣?這些含草酸食物要避開
    • 青菜富含草酸、豆腐富含鈣質,兩者結合後確實會在腸道中形成不溶解、不被吸收的草酸鈣,但是結石在腸道形成後,多半會由糞便排出,不會滯留在體內導致腎結石。
    • 建議多喝水,攝取足夠的鈣質,減少高鈉、高普林、高蛋白的攝取量
    • 若想補充鈣質,就應避免和含草酸的食物一起食用,包括茶、啤酒、草莓、葡萄、巧克力、菠菜、芹菜、芥菜、韭菜、杏仁、腰果等,才能使吃進去的鈣充分利用,不致使鈣質缺乏。
    • 起司、黑芝麻、小魚干、蝦米、傳統豆腐、豆干、紫菜及深綠色蔬菜等,也都富含豐富鈣質,可以多吃。
  • 不只牛奶-這7種食物也補鈣
    • 菠菜就含有大量的草酸,會抑制鈣的吸收
    • 植物性食品是好的鈣質攝取來源,例如:豆類、堅果類、蔬菜類含鈣量很豐富
    • 原始豆類(黃豆、黑豆、紅豆、綠豆)與生的堅果類,只要在食用前浸泡一夜,或浸泡至發芽,其豆類本身的酵素將會釋放出來使植酸分解,而提高鈣質的吸收率,也較容易消化。

Vitamin B-complex

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

維生素B1是維持心臟、神經及消化系統正常機能。11 Silent Signs of a Thiamine Deficiency.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

See also 口角炎.

Also known as vitamin B2, riboflavin supports cellular energy production.† Riboflavin is found in a variety of foods such as fortified cereals, milk, eggs, salmon, beef, spinach and broccoli.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 菸鹼酸

  • 擴張微血管 可用來降低血壓
  • 可幫助您放鬆並獲得一夜好眠。

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Vitamin B9 (Folate)

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin/Cyanocobalamin)

Vitamin C 維他命C

The Top 10 Foods Highest in Vitamin C

  1. Guavas 419%
  2. Green, red, .. peppers (half green bell pepper = 1 serving = 110% vitamin C) 221%. Red peppers are high in vitamin C, which is a water-soluble nutrient. By cooking or boiling red peppers, the vitamins escape and dissolve in the water. It’s best to eat red peppers raw. See Dr Oz.
  3. Kiwi 185%
  4. Strawberry 108%, raspberry 36%, blackberries 34%, blueberry 16%
  5. Orange 106%, grapefruit 98%, clementine 40%, lemon 34%
  6. Papaya 98%, pineapple 88%, cantaloupe melon 72%, mango 67%, honeydew 34%
  7. Broccoli 90%, brussels sprouts 107%, cauliflower 61%, cabbage 63%
  8. Cooked Tomato 61%
  9. Kale 59%, spinach 20%
  10. Snow peas 42%

不是檸檬!營養師曝「維他命C水果排行」 網驚:第一名好意外

Vitamin D

魚肝裡有Vitamin A & D. Vitamin E 非常少.

魚油與魚肝油事不一樣的. 魚油沒有 Vitamin E. 魚油有多元不飽和 EPA and DHA.


維他命d-恐與罹癌率相關/ 維他命D-恐與罹癌率相關


Vitamin E

  • Dark green leafy (cooked spinach)
  • Nuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Avocados
  • Shellfish (Shrimp)
  • Fish
  • Plant oils
  • Broccoli (Cooked)
  • Squash & Pumpkin
  • Fruits (Kiwi)

Vitamin C 是 Vitamin E 的好朋友 因為Vitamin E 在酸性的環境下 (Vitamin C can provide it) 比較穩定. Vitamin C & E 怕高溫 所以要低溫烹調.

What to Know About Vitamin E

钾/鉀 Potassium (to conquer sodium)

CDC recommends everyone limit sodium intake to below 2,300 mg per day and that everyone should also get at least 4,700 mg of potassium a day to help balance their levels of sodium and potassium in the body. However, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, up to 70 percent of Americans belong to a high-risk group that needs to cut sodium intake even more. These groups include people over 40, African-Americans, people with hypertension or pre-hypertension and people with diabetes. Anyone in these categories should limit sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams per day. Even people who are not in these groups can benefit from limiting sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams a day, and there are no negative health consequences for doing so.

  • One sweet potato packs a whopping 694 mg of potassium
  • One quarter cup of tomato paste delivers 664 mg of this vital mineral
  • Beet greens pack a hopping 644 mg of potassium per half cup
  • Beans (include kidney and lima beans) with half a cup delivering nearly 600 mg
  • Eight ounces of plain old non-fat yogurt contains 579 mg of potassium
  • Canned or fresh, 3 ounces of clams pack 534 mg of potassium and have the highest concentration of vitamin B12 of any food
  • Prunes delivering 530 mg per 3/4 cup. Eating more of these dried plums can help keep your bones strong too.
  • Carrot juice packs over 500 mg in one 3/4 cup
  • Meaty fish like halibut and tuna have nearly 500 mg of potassium per 3 ounce serving
  • Half a cup of cooked soybeans (eg edamame) have nearly 500 mg of potassium.
  • One medium banana does pack more than 400 mg
  • Milk with 382 mg per cup for the non-fat or skim version
  • 3/4 of a cup of orange juice delivers 355 mg of potassium.

See the following 2 cases to see how much calories and sodium we eat at Chipotle.

Chipotle.png Chipotle2.png

鎂 Magnesium

  • 鎂是構成骨骼的主要成分,是人體不可缺少的礦物質元素之一。它能輔助鈣和鉀的吸收。它具有預防心臟病、糖尿病、夜尿症、降低膽固醇的作用。
  • 缺乏鎂會使神經受到干擾,引致暴躁及緊張,並且會肌肉震顫及絞痛、心律不整、心悸、低血糖、虛弱、疲倦、神經過敏、手腳顫抖等。而酒精、利尿劑、高量的維生素D及鋅,均會增加身體對鎂的需求。
  • Dark Leafy Greens (Raw Spinach)
  • Nuts and Seeds (Squash and Pumpkin Seeds)
  • Fish (Mackerel)
  • Beans and Lentils (Soy Beans)
  • Whole Grains (Brown Rice)
  • Avocados
  • Low-Fat Dairy (Plain Non Fat Yogurt)
  • Bananas
  • Dried Fruit (Figs)
  • Dark Chocolate

鋅 Zinc

5個症狀 身體不夠「鋅」

  • 不斷掉髮
  • 指甲易脆裂 上面有白點
  • 牙齒缺乏光澤
  • 口腔容易潰瘍
  • 易有皮膚問題


南瓜子 腰果 鷹嘴豆Chick peas.

Selected Food Sources of Zinc

鐵 Iron

磷 Phosphorus

  • 磷能保持人體內代謝平衡 它參與體內的酸鹼平衡的調節,參與體內脂肪的代謝。
  • 磷過多將導致高磷血症,使血液中血鈣降低導致骨質疏鬆, 增加心血管疾病 腫瘤風險 提早老化.
  • 漢堡(組合肉) 貢丸 等加工食品 以增加保水度 風味 色澤
  • 腎臟病者 無法將磷排出體外 導致高血磷症 衍生出一系列併發症.
  • 燕麥中含有磷
  • The Five Foods Highest in Phosphorus: Dairy, Fish, Meat, Nuts and Beans, Whole Grains.

硒 selenium


  • 夜晚視力降低: vitamin A
  • 關節疼痛: vitamin A, D, K, 微量元素 銅 鉻 鋅 鎂 鉬
  • 掉頭髮: 蛋白質 必需脂肪酸 鋅
  • 皮膚搔癢: 鋅
  • 腸胃不好: vitamin B complex, 鋅



  • 維生素E: 葵花子(sunflower seeds) 杏仁
  • 維生素C: Peppers, Kiwi
  • 維生素A: 奶蛋魚肉類


  • 6原則,安心吃素顧營養
    1. 蛋奶素最好
    2. 添鈣強骨本
    3. 蛋白質互補法
    4. 補鐵大作戰
    5. 積極補充B12
    6. 鋅也少不得
  • 素食者缺6營養素容易肌少、掉髮、骨折!醫師教必知吃法預防
  • How to avoid the health risks of vegetarian diets
    1. Getting Enough Macronutrients
    2. Consume healthy fatty acids eg Omega-3 - fish, 螺旋藻
    3. Use whole grains for complex carbohydrates.
    4. Balance vegetables and grains with sources of protein 豆類 全穀類 堅果 種子
    5. Take a B12 supplement. B12 is essential for red blood cell formation 貧血 肌肉變弱 and neurological function.
    6. Eat vitamin D-fortified foods. A deficiency can put you at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
    7. Add a pinch of salt. Vegetarians may not get enough iodine, which can put you at risk of developing a goiter.
    8. Combine foods rich in iron and vitamin C. Vitamin C improves your body's absorption of iron. Leaves, mushroom, legumes, nuts 非血基質鐵吸收律較低.
    9. Drink calcium-fortified beverages.
    10. Eat beans and seeds for zinc. Zinc deficiency is rare, but puts you at risk for immune dysfunction, weight loss, and lethargy. Eating a lot of whole grains can bind zinc and decrease your body's absorption of the mineral.

Fat, 反式脂肪, 飽和脂肪

  • 反式脂肪 Trans fats or (hydrogenated fats) are actually unsaturated fats, but they can raise total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while also lowering HDL (good) cholesterol levels.
    • 油條、燒餅、乳酪餅 蛋塔 千層派 鳳梨酥 炸雞 臭豆腐 酥皮濃湯 玉米濃湯 燉飯 義大利麵 咖哩塊 沙拉醬 可頌 大蒜麵包 蛋塔 捲心酥 奶油夾心餅 泡芙 瑞士捲 起司蛋糕 鬆餅 Popcorn, Chips, chocolate, 牛軋糖.
    • 世界衛生組織規定,一日攝取反式脂肪以2公克為限,即使少量攝取也會造成身體很大危害,甚至比飽和脂肪酸還可怕。 食用反式脂肪增加心血管疾病的風險,是飽和脂肪酸的三到五倍。
    • 盡量不要購買組合肉和加工紅肉,如火腿、培根、熱狗、香腸等, 這些是致癌物質,天天吃會增加罹患大腸癌的機率。
  • 飽和脂肪 Saturated fats directly raise total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: These include an “essential” fatty acid, which means it's critical for our health but cannot be manufactured by our bodies.
  • 哪些食物含反式脂肪?一張圖帶你看懂

See also

食用油的選擇 How to choose oils





  • 鱷梨油、葵花籽油 (Sunflower seed oil)、菜籽油 (Rapeseed oil) 可以煎炸
  • 玉米油和紅花油 (safflower oil) 最好涼拌
  • 烘烤可以選椰子油、花生油或葵花籽油

橄欖油 Olive oil


葵花油 sunflower oil

225F - 440F

苦茶油 Camellia Oil

食用油冒煙點 smoke point

油菜籽 canola oil


Peanut oil


Coconut milk, oil

  • Coconut milk is high in saturated fat, containing 13 grams of saturated fat in a 100 ml serving. However, the saturated fats in coconut milk are called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). These fats are easily absorbed by our bodies for energy and can help lower blood pressure because they have minerals that help circulate our blood. They can also lower cholesterol, even though most saturated fats do the opposite.
  • So, despite the stigma towards saturated fats as being very unhealthy (which some are), the saturated fat in coconut milk is very healthy. Limiting your intake to 1/4 cup may be best since it is higher in calories from the high amount of fat, but don't avoid it completely.
  • Coconut Milk: Health Benefits and Uses, Coconut milk: Benefits, nutrition, uses, and risks.
  • Coconut oil has been marketed as having several health benefits, including helping with weight loss and preventing dementia. However, many scientists say there’s not enough scientific evidence for these claims.

Palm oil, palm kernel oil

  • Palm kernel oil and palm oil are not the same. They are both extracted from the oil palm tree, but they come from different parts of the fruit.
  • Palm oil is extracted from the flesh or pulp of the fruit, while palm kernel oil is extracted from the kernel or seed.
  • The two oils have different chemical and nutritional properties. Palm kernel oil is more saturated than palm oil, with over 80% of its fat being saturated, while only 50% of palm oil is saturated. This makes palm oil easier on arteries. Palm oil also contains a fair amount of heart-healthy carotenoids, which give it its reddish or golden color.

亞麻子/亞麻籽油 flaxseed oil

天天水煮無油當心又老又醜!好油黃金比例「抗老、抗三高、抗發炎」健康2.0 20180818(完整版). 大蒜麵包. 大蒜油不要加熱 冷藏.

抗病毒又強化免疫力 亞麻籽是天然防疫利器






Bile made in your liver, helps you digest fats and certain vitamins.

How to dump cooking oil

Oil coagulant

Sugar limit

  • 6 teaspoons or 25 grams (100 calories) for women
  • 9 teaspoons or 36 grams (150 calories) for men

The human brain is nearly 60 percent fat.


膠質母細胞瘤 Glioblastoma (GBM)

John McCain Has Been Diagnosed With Glioblastoma. What Is That? How are they caused? What are the symptoms? What is the typical prognosis? It is a type of glioma (神經膠質瘤), a brain or spinal tumor that arises from glial cells. Glioblastoma makes up about half of all malignant (cancerous) brain tumors and affects around five people out of 100,000 per year.

Brain Aneurysm 腦動脈瘤


痛的時間是>4小時以上 痛得沒有辦法工作.


  • Cheese 起士
  • Chocolate
  • Tomato
  • Tangerine 柑橘
  • Milk



神经可塑性 Neuroplasticity

腦膜炎 Meningitis


腦炎 Encephalitis

SPECT scan

單光子發射斷層掃描, or 單光子放射電腦斷層掃描

Eye diseases


  • 散瞳劑 Mydriatic - Agent that induces dilation of the pupil
  • Mydriasis/瞳孔放大
  • 散瞳劑是什麼?一篇搞懂散瞳劑的優缺點
  • How to pass your DMV eye test: 20/40 vision or better — natural or corrected —is the most common requirement.
  • In the United States, vision requirements for obtaining a driver’s license can vary widely from state to state. However, all states have visual acuity requirements for licensure, and all but three have set the minimum best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) requirement at 20/40 in the better eye. In MD, it requires a continuous field of vision of at least 140 degrees.
  • Visual acuity is measured using a Snellen chart, which displays rows of letters that decrease in size. 20/20(=test/reference standard) vision means that a person can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance. If someone has 20/40 vision, it means that they must be as close as 20 feet to see what a person with normal vision can see at 40 feet. In other words, their vision is half as sharp as normal.
  • 高度近視通常指近視度數較高的情況。不同的來源對於高度近視的定義可能有所不同,但一般來說,度數在600度或更高時會被認為是高度近視.
  • 度數在600度的近視可以轉換成美國用的單位,即屈光度(Diopters)。轉換方法很簡單,只需將度數除以100即可。例如,600度近視相當於-6.00屈光度。
  • 處方單上的屈光度通常會標示為「SPH」或「Sphere」,表示眼球的球面度數。正數表示遠視,負數表示近視。除了球面度數,處方單上還可能會標示「CYL」或「Cylinder」,表示散光(astigmatism) 的程度,以及「Axis」,表示散光的軸向。
  • 視力相關用語報你知. 我近視 450 度 <-> I am nearsighted with 4.5 diopters.
  • 一般我們會替客人將視力透過鏡片配至0.8~1.0


視網膜破洞 vs 視網膜玻離, 斷層掃描OCT

  • retinal hole vs retinal detachment
  • 視網膜破洞和視網膜玻離是兩種不同的情況。
    • 視網膜破洞是由於視網膜變薄而形成的,而視網膜玻離則是當玻璃體拉扯視網膜時形成的。視網膜破洞通常較小,導致視網膜脫落的風險也較低。
    • 視網膜玻離描述了一種緊急情況,其中眼睛後部的一層薄組織(視網膜)從其正常位置拉開。視網膜玻離將視網膜細胞與提供氧氣和滋養眼睛的血管層分開。如果視網膜玻離未得到治療,受影響眼睛永久性失明的風險越大.
    • 眼科醫生就是幫忙看出/雷射治療 視網膜破洞 before 視網膜玻離.
  • Retinal Holes and Tears
  • 眼科醫生可以通過一種稱為光學相干斷層掃描(OCT/ optical coherence tomography)的快速測試來確診視網膜破洞。這項測試不會造成疼痛,但可以讓眼科醫生詳細地看到您的視網膜和黃斑。通常,您的眼科醫生會給您滴眼藥水以擴大您的瞳孔。這些藥水將幫助他們更好地看到您眼睛的內部.
  • 眼科醫生會給您滴眼藥水以擴大您的瞳孔。這些藥水將幫助他們更好地看到您眼睛的內部。當您的瞳孔擴大時,醫生可以使用帶有明亮燈光和特殊鏡片的儀器來檢查您眼睛的後部,包括視網膜。這種設備提供了您整個眼睛的高度詳細的視圖,使醫生能夠看到任何視網膜破洞、撕裂或脫落。醫生如何從高度詳細的視圖確認視網膜破洞?
  • 玻璃体后脱离(PVD) posterior vitreous detachment. 细说“大飞蚊”-玻璃体后脱离(PVD)的成因、症状和注意事项
  • 黄斑部退化 Macular degeneration, 黄斑色素密度檢查儀 MPS II 密度>.5 is good, "黄" - 葉黃素.
  • What Is Optical Coherence Tomography?

ERM/Epiretinal membrane


防疫在家用眼過度 專家有護眼食譜

  • 維生素A能維持黑夜中視覺、滋潤眼睛,眼睛明亮 但光線一照眼睛還是受傷害, 所以要吃葉黃素/花青素. 從肝臟、蛋黃、牛奶及奶製品、魚肝油,胡蘿蔔、花椰菜、南瓜、芒果、菠菜等深綠或深黃蔬果取得;
  • B群中B1參與醣類代謝,產出能量供給視神經,從糙米、燕麥、玉米等全穀類取得;
  • B2缺乏時易使眼睛乾澀、眼球結膜充血、角膜炎等,
  • B12則可預防視神經傷害,透過牛奶、奶蛋製品、肝臟、蛤蠣和深綠色蔬菜獲取營養素
  • 維生素C則促進膠原蛋白合成,增加眼睛微小血管韌性和修護細胞,維持水晶體透明度,降低形成白內障,適量花椰菜、青椒、芭樂、奇異果、柑橘類水果、番茄等深綠蔬菜及水果,可達抗氧化效果
  • 花青素、Omega-3和鋅則減少水晶體、視網膜、感光細胞等傷害,提高對光的敏感度,也改善眼睛疲勞;其中花青素多存在茄子、葡萄等紫紅色蔬果,Omega-3則在深海魚、蝦油脂,鋅在全穀雜糧、堅果種子、動物肝臟、紅肉、帶殼海鮮等。

40歲後女性延緩老花眼「紅金」食療法 護眼又養顏

  • 裸視
  • 熨眼法
  • 熱毛巾敷眼
  • 番紅花 (saffron) 茶


高度近視 (high myopia) 與視網膜剝離 retinal detachment

高度近視(high myopia) & 保養


  • 球鏡度數
  • 散光度數
  • 散光軸距
  • 雙眼瞳距

老化性視網膜黃斑區病變 (AMD, Age-related Macular Degeneration )

葉黃素 from wikipedia.

  • 葉黃素 (Lutein) 就如同碳粉,如果影印機的碳粉沒有了它,就不能印出任何東西了
  • 葉黃素能吸收藍光,抗氧化。紫外線一般能被眼角膜(cornea)及晶狀體(lens)過濾掉,但藍光卻可穿透眼球直達視網膜(retina)及黃斑(macular),而晶狀體和黃斑的葉黃素能過濾掉藍光,避免藍光對眼睛的損害。
  • 葉黃素為一種天然存在於蔬果中的類胡蘿蔔素,如甘藍、菠菜、芥菜、深綠色花椰菜、玉米等蔬菜葉片中;奇異果、葡萄、柳橙汁、綠皮胡瓜、以及數種南瓜中,含有30﹪~50﹪的葉黃素。
  • 葉黃素是一個很好的抗氧化劑,保護細胞避免受自由基的傷害。
  • 葉黃素存在於人體的眼睛、皮膚、血清、子宮頸、腦部、心臟、胸部等,來維持這些部位的健康,尤其對眼睛特別重要。
  • 但人體沒有辦法自己合成,必須要由食物中才可獲得。
  • 黃斑部病變 銀髮族視力殺手
  • 適度吃胡蘿蔔-無礙葉黃素吸收

Over the counter vitamins

視網膜黃斑部病變 (吳建良醫師, News98)

乾眼症 Dry eyes

Artificial tears brands

  • Bausch & Lomb Soothe XP
  • Systane Ultra
  • Refresh Optive
  • Thera Tears

多吃魚(DHA, 鯖魚 秋刀魚 沙丁魚), 枸杞, 多眨眼(3-4 seconds/per time), Blueberry, 桑椹(Mulberry).

葉黃素 Letuin (7.5-10mg/day) 油酯性, 眼睛會吸收. 吃三個月才會維持濃度.

眼壓 Intraocular pressure/IOP

青光眼 Glaucoma

  • 青光眼與高度近視為好兄弟
  • 眼內有一透明清澈之液體叫"房水"。此水樣液不斷在眼睛內部流動。(圖)若此房水排流系統受阻,眼球內部之壓力就會上升而傷害到視神經。青光眼是導致失明的主要原因之一。
  • 青光眼分急性與慢性. 大部分人為慢性. 初期症狀不明顯 須靠定期眼睛檢查才能發現. 急性青光眼有頭痛 噁心嘔吐 眼睛脹痛 眼壓上升情況 或視力瞬間喪失.
  • 等到發現視力不良或視野縮小時,視神經往往已經受到嚴重的傷害。 青光眼中斷治療 8年後看東西「灰一塊」左眼視野剩55%
  • 醫師會測量眼壓、檢查眼底及視野,來診斷是否患有青光眼。Or using Retinal/fundus photography. See the Wikipedia website.
  • 青光眼通常可用眼藥或口服藥(副作用)來控制。這些藥物可以降低眼壓,但是必須持續且按時使用才行。
  • 飲食與穴位
  • 突然眼脹頭痛 當心青光眼. 日常生活中,要做到不抽菸、不喝酒,飲食上少喝含有咖啡因的飲料,飲水要多次少量,可以多吃富含鋅、銅、硒及維生素的食物,保持良好的心態,晚上不熬夜,睡前不要看手機,保障良好的睡眠質量等。

老花 Presbyopia

散光 Astigmatism

白內障 Cataract

晶狀體/水晶體(crystalline lens)混濁稱為白內障。A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye leading to a decrease in vision.


我們的眼睛好比照相機,透過角膜和水晶體兩個鏡頭接收外界的光線,呈像於視網膜的眾多感光細胞上,再經由視神經將訊息上傳至大腦組合成影像,才能使我們“看見”這世界。而重要的鏡頭之一 ~ 水晶體,位於瞳孔內側,長得像一顆透明的MM巧克力,是由一層細胞組成的外囊,包著排列整齊的蛋白質纖維所構成的。它原本應該是 透明的,若因為老化或其他因素導致混濁、褐變或硬化,就會遮蔽視線而導致視力模糊,稱為白內障。


Optic Nerve Drusen



散瞳眼底檢查 Pupil dilate and fundus exam



針眼 Stye


葉黃素 Lutein

蝦紅素 Astaxanthin蝦紅素



晚上閱讀光線不是越亮越好!專家教你如何慎選好燈光. 新護眼兩訣竅:亮度減半、轉為燭光色

Eye glasses prescription

Computer glasses

Do You Need Computer Glasses?

Sun glasses

Are dark themes for IDEs and code editors good for the eyes?

  • it is better to use a dark them but not too high contrast unless you need it.
  • #333

牙齒 tooth/teeth



  • 迎香穴-緩解鼻子過敏

鼻竇炎 Sinusitis

流感 Flu/cold


寒流來襲 暖暖包你用對了嗎?放這裡全身暖!達人自製暖暖包超簡單!






Hair dye 染髮劑


  • 頭髮一直掉 你是否用了這種洗髮精. 頭髮由23種胺基酸組成,若吃進的蛋白質、鋅跟鐵不夠,就有可能造成毛囊萎縮、毛髮乾澀無生命力。 飲食上有足夠的瘦肉、魚肉、豆類等蛋白質,以及可適量補充蝦蟹等含鋅食物、內臟與燕麥等含鐵食物。

白髮 gray hair


口角炎/嘴角潰爛 Angular cheilitis, 口腔潰瘍/嘴破 Canker sore






吃完酸性食物要刷牙。 可以先漱口刺激唾液分泌,中和酸性再刷牙。

How to keep your lips moist

  1. Hydrate
    • Drink more water
    • Turn on a humidifier.
    • Rub on some all-natural almond oil, coconut oil, or shea butter
    • Use cucumber to restore vital moisture
  2. Using Protective Products
    • Look for lip balms that protect against drying
    • Pick up an exfoliating lip scrub
    • Slather on a sunblock for your lips
    • Apply hydrating products after using matte lipsticks
  3. Avoiding Harmful Habits
    • Stop licking your lips.
    • Watch out for spicy or acidic foods
    • Breathe through your nose
    • Cover up when it’s cold out

Collagen 膠原蛋白

濕疹 Eczema

Home Remedies For Cracked Heels

Dry skin

Anti wrinkle

  • Berries
  • Dark green, red, and yellow vegetables
  • Spices
  • Green tea
  • Nuts
  • Fish

異位性皮膚炎/濕疹 (Atopic dermatitis, eczema)、蕁麻疹

蜂窩組織炎(Cellulitis) 與糖尿病蜂窩組織炎

麻疹疫苗 measles


A Patient’s Guide to Shingles

Autoimmune Diseases

How Autoimmune Diseases Affect Life Expectancy

敗血症 Sepsis


肉瘤 Sarcoma, 恶性肿瘤 Carcinoma and solid tumor

  • What is a Solid Tumor?
  • What's the difference? Carcinoma and sarcoma. The main difference between carcinomas and sarcomas comes down to tissue.
    • A carcinoma forms in the skin or tissue cells that line the body’s internal organs, such as the kidneys and liver.
    • A sarcoma grows in the body’s connective tissue cells, which include fat, blood vessels, nerves, bones, muscles, deep skin tissues and cartilage.
  • Difference Between | Descriptive Analysis and Comparisons. It gives a table for the comparison.
    • Carcinoma: Cancers that grows in the epithelial tissue. It is more common.
    • Sarcoma: its frequency is rare but the prognosis is more worse. Sarcoma grows at a slower rate than Carcinoma. Sarcomas grow into a ball like structure and push the adjacent structures like nerves and veins away from it.

瘢瘤 Keloid scar

脂肪瘤 Lipoma

Poison ivy


  • 整形外科醫師 orthopaedist = orthopedist


10 Beauty Gadget Gifts for the Skincare Devotees 2020



氣管 trachea

甲狀腺 thyroid gland



頸動脈 頸靜脈



骨頭, 脊椎

鈣質的吸收需要vitamin D and vitamin K (深綠色蔬菜 脂溶性的). 鈣質若沒被吸收就會跑到腎臟變成腎結石.


Super Foods for Your Bones



膝關節 Knee

Core 核心運動/核心肌群訓練

韌帶 (Ligament) vs 肌腱 (Tendon)

  • Ligament: connects bone to bone
  • Tendon: connects muscle to bone. 拉筋 stretch

See this picture or this.

Tendon ligament diagram.png

A picture of chicken tendon and ligament.

Tendons aren’t nearly as flexible. Stretching a tendon just 4 percent beyond its resting shape can cause permanent damage

阿基里斯腱(Achilles tendon)斷裂





自體免疫/風濕免疫 (morning) vs 退化性關節炎 (afternoon)

健康2.0 20220625

退化性關節炎/骨性關節炎 OA/Osteoarthritis

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief and anti-inflammatory medications

  • Osteoarthritis Medications List
  • Acetaminophen (溫和止痛退燒) > NSAIDs/Ibuprofen (更強止痛退燒) > Antihistamine (allergy relieve)/cyproheptadine(第一代)/fexofenadine(新一代) (抗組織胺/止流鼻水) > Acetylcyteine (化痰), Dextromethorphan/DM (Cough suppressant)

類風濕性關節炎 RA/rheumatoid arthritis

骨刺 Osteophyte/Bone spur

關節軟骨是由70%膠原蛋白及30%醣蛋白所組成. 很多人都忽略蛋白質的重要性,蛋白質包含豆腐、瘦肉、蛋白,要有均衡飲食。

椎間盤突出/Spinal disc herniation

Lower Back Pain Relief Treatment Stretcher

腕隧道症候群 CTS


五十肩 Frozen Shoulder

Neck exercise

12 Simple Exercises for Neck And Shoulder Pain Relief

Spine exercise

Pelvic 盆腔

Back pain

髖關節 vs 坐骨神經


ALS disease 肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症/漸凍人症

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/運動神經元病



  • 下肢血液循環不良,代謝減慢 冠心病風險增加
  • 膝蓋和髖部的關節炎風險提高
  • 前列腺腺管阻塞
  • 頸部血管受壓 使大腦的血液和供氧量減少 發生類型不同的頸椎病。
  • 久坐也傷腰
  • 下肢靜脈回流不良,加大瓣膜壓力 靜脈曲張


足底筋膜炎 Plantar fasciitis


防肌腱鈣化 多做伸展運動

骨質疏鬆 osteoporosis


防骨鬆、抗氧化 吃洋蔥好處多



圓肩 rounded shoulders 駝背 hunchback

  • 兩邊肩膀向前縮,導致肩內旋.
  • 擴胸運動 運用彈力帶訓練外轉肌, 肩頸釋壓帶

低頭滑手機 超傷頸椎

假設頭顱是 5 Kg. 滑手機如何損害我們的脊椎

  • 0度, 頸椎受力變成 5 Kg
  • 15度, 頸椎受力變成 12 Kg
  • 30度, 頸椎受力變成 18 Kg
  • 45度, 頸椎受力變成 23 Kg
  • 60度, 頸椎受力變成 27 Kg


肩頸痠痛 緊繃 缺乏血液循環 發炎 頸椎鈣化


Fascia manipulation



席琳狄翁罹僵硬人症!胃痛是警訊 僵硬人≠漸凍人!僵直性脊椎炎 晨間僵硬、下背痛!長期駝背易胸悶、消化不良!

多發性骨髓瘤 Multiple myeloma


肝, 膽(gallbladder), 腸, 胃, 脾(spleen), 胰(pancreas)

內臟脂肪組織 Visceral Adipose Tissue


體脂率 Body fat percentage

脂肪肝 (fatty liver disease, FLD)



水果其實是危害健康的反派角色. 果糖屬於單醣類,一下子就會被人體吸收。被迅速吸收的醣類會直接進入肝臟,立刻形成中性脂肪。換句話說,很容易就會成為導致脂肪肝的主因。

水果最好在晚上8點前吃完! 避免脂肪肝上身,營養師激推6大低GI值水果



  • 蛋白質
  • 維生素 A B E
  • 綠色食物


春天養肝黃金時段 這5類食物最護肝 富含維生素c的食物, 青色或者綠色食物, 雞蛋和乳製品, 草莓和葡萄, 綠豆和大豆

根本不用吃保肝丸!淨化肝臟最強五大食物,都是普遍食材 大蒜, 葡萄柚, 綠茶, 葡萄, 綠色蔬菜

肝臟過勞的警示訊號. 護肝吃什麼?美國肝臟基金會分享養肝不踩雷5攻略!

胰臟 Pancreas



膽囊 Gall Bladder

  • 身體吃的油 膽汁 (Bile) 會被分泌來平衡. 吃太油會產生膽結石 gallstones 發炎.
  • 膽道癌, 肝硬化 健康2.0


大腸包括盲腸(cecum)、結腸(colon, main part)、直腸(rectum) 以及肛管(anus)



左腹部隱痛的原因 腹部隱痛千萬別忽視


  • 臭屁.連環屁是大腸癌嗎?胃病控制不好 當心發展成胃癌!天然胃藥改善脹氣健康煮
  • 大腸息肉有幾種類型,包括
    • 腺瘤性息肉:這是最常見的類型,大約佔所有大腸息肉的70%。它們通常是良性的,但有時可能會變成癌症。
    • 增生性息肉:這些息肉通常很小,並且在結腸或直腸中發現。它們通常是良性的,並且很少變成癌症。
    • 炎症性息肉:這些息肉是由於長期的腸道炎症,如結腸炎或克隆氏病所引起的。它們通常不會變成癌症。
    • 鈍頭息肉:這些息肉比較罕見,但是他們有較高的風險變成癌症。

大腸桿菌 E. coli

大腸憩室炎 Colon diverticulitis


Colon cancer 大腸癌


乙狀結腸內窺鏡/乙狀結腸鏡檢查 Sigmoidoscopy & 直腸內窺鏡/結腸鏡檢查 Colonoscopy 大腸鏡

gastroenterologist 腸胃科醫生



肚子痛, 腹痛, 九宮格


Diastasis recti


神經內分泌腫瘤 neuroendocrine tumor


You Won't Believe These 10 Foods Secretly Make You Poop More!

Prunes, Kiwi, Flax seeds, Oranges, Oatmeal, Pop corns, Beans, Apples, Yogurt, Coffee.

當心腸癌找上你!在家就能做的「宿便清腸法」跟著醫師這樣做防癌 健康2.0

生薑茶: 活血 抗癌 驅寒 去斑 通便.



便秘後遺症很多 中醫師:三類型都有茶飲可調理

Constipation 便祕 & Caffeine




5種蔬菜=養胃聖品!醫激推「抗潰瘍、遠離胃癌」發生率降40%: 白蘿蔔, 番茄, 高麗菜, 山藥, 蓮藕.


  • 最佳的飲水時間是早晨起床空腹時及每次進餐前一小時。餐後立即飲水會稀釋胃液,湯泡飯也會影響食物消化。
  • 茶葉中都含有茶多酚,而茶多酚對胃是有一定刺激作用的。

胃潰瘍不能吃水果?山藥、秋葵、芥花油顧胃? 營養師解析急性期、慢性期飲食完整攻略


  • 牛奶
  • 南瓜
  • 菠菜
  • 高麗菜

胃潰瘍 Gastric ulcer 與 消化性潰瘍 Peptic ulcer網站衛教單張/胃腸內科/消化性潰瘍.htm

胃及十二指腸潰瘍 Duodenal ulcer胃及十二指肠潰瘍

胃食道逆流 Gastroesophageal reflux


酵素 Enzyme

益生菌 Probiotics

Apple cider vinegar


提升免疫力防萬病!「彩虹飲食法」這樣吃對好加分. 檸檬汁10C.C.、紅蘿蔔1條、蘋果1粒、奇異果1粒、香蕉1根、白苦瓜1條、蒸熟的地瓜1條、溫開水200C.C.、低溫烘焙綜合堅果(杏仁、腰果、核桃、南瓜籽)30克、蜂蜜10C.C.、第一道冷壓初榨橄欖油10C.C.,如果可以,再多加幾種蔬菜,如蒸熟的花椰菜。

腎臟病 Kidney disease

腎不好3大食物千萬別碰 (video)

血液透析 hemodialysis/洗腎

腎絲球過濾率 egfr 正常值

慢性腎絲球腎炎 Glomerulonephritis

How to Take Care of Your Kidneys





蛋白質 遠離「三高」和洗腎

一張圖吃對蛋白質 遠離「三高」和洗腎.





富含魚或肉的蛋白質 醫師告訴你帶骨肉和帶骨魚煮湯有哪些健康效果


痔瘡 hemorrhoids

攝護腺/前列腺 Prostate



排尿, 夜尿


預約美好性生活 每周9匙橄欖油可以很持久

南瓜 Pumpkin




食物 Food



Dietary Guidelines for Americans

1張圖 看餐盤最健康比例


營養足夠 (每餐七八分飽, 大腦感受到飽需要一些時間), 營養全面 (七大營養素), 食物多樣



College Students

The Top 6 Food Blogs That College Students Will Love

Best fast food





  • 燕麥
  • 甜菜 beet
  • 洋蔥
  • 高麗菜
  • 香蕉
  • 糙米
  • 西瓜
  • 雞蛋
  • 乾豆


酸鹼性食物表, 鹼性飲食, PH value





食物脹氣,放屁, 吃太多


吃太多不消化 消積茶減緩消化不良. 緩解食積方法:

  1. 飯後40分鐘可散步半小時:但切忌激烈運動(如跑步)
  2. 按摩輕捶胃經股四頭肌當中的股直肌,方向由上往下。
  3. 按壓足三里穴。



魚肉可預防心臟病、營養價值高 但這3類人不適合吃



「8大最難吃蔬菜」都超營養 1.苦瓜 2.香菜 3.韭菜 4.胡蘿蔔 5.芹菜 6.青椒 7.茼蒿 8.洋蔥

降血壓、壯陽、抗發炎 營養師教你韭菜怎麼吃最好

這六種食物切勿隔夜再吃 沒重複加熱也一樣

Foods and Beverages That May Promote Calm

Source: usnews. Salmon, Raw fruits and vegetables, Pumpkin and squash seeds, Fermented foods, Walnuts, Foods high in vitamin C, Whole grains, Peppermint tea, Different types of milk, Dark chocolate, Tart cherries.


Foods to increase circulaion

If You’ve Included These 8 Foods In Your Diet, You’re Having Good Circulation

How long does it take for food to poop?




舒緩焦慮心情, 恐慌

Strawberries top the list of dirtiest produce


  • Dirty dozen: Strawberries, Spinach, Nectarines, Apples, Grapes, Peaches, Cherries, Pears, Tomatoes, Celery, Potatoes, Sweet Bell Peppers
  • Clean fifteen: Avocados, Sweet corn, Pineapples, Cabbages, Onions, Sweet peas (frozen), Papayas, Asparagus, Mangoes, Eggplants, Honeydew melons, Kiwis, Cantaloupes, Cauliflower, Broccoli

Food poisoning

Canned food


Put Hot Food Into the Fridge?

Is it OK to Put Hot Food Directly Into the Fridge?




First aid



  • 超實用!看不懂健康檢查報告?常見數值大解密讓你一看就懂
  • TSH
  • PSA/Prostate-specific antigen/攝護腺特異抗原, PSA test
  • 糞便檢查報告: 寄生蟲(PARASITE), 白血球(WBC), 紅血球(WBC), 糞膽元(STOOL UROBILINOGEN), 膿細胞(PUS CELL), 潛血(OCCULT BLOOD), 阿米巴原虫(AMOEBA), 脂肪球(MICROSCOPY -FAT).

Lose weight 減肥

如何在正確的時段喝水 water




外食族照過來 便利商店也能減重?!一日三餐菜單大解密


生酮飲食 Ketogenic diet

  • 酮體(Ketone bodies)
  • 酮體可分解脂肪酸. 間歇性斷食168、186、204哪一種才有效?
  • 生酮飲食中只攝取少量的低碳水化合物,肝臟便會將脂肪轉換為脂肪酸和酮體。
  • 斷糖減肥法 斷精緻糖 別棄全穀根莖類
  • 生酮飲食」是什麼?與斷食有關嗎?營養師告訴你該怎麼健康吃及飲食的注意事項
  • 為何我不吃生酮飲食
  • Ketones in Urine
  • Urine Ketones If you feel very unwell or a urine ketone test result is more than 2+ then there's a high chance you have DKA (Diabetic ketoacidosis), requiring emergency medical care and treatment in hospital immediately.
  • 「尿液檢查報告」有看沒有懂?教你如何看懂尿液檢查報告的結果
  • UTI
  • Are ketones in urine bad when you don’t have diabetes.
    • You can be in ketosis if you’re on a low-carbohydrate diet or fasting, or if you’ve consumed too much alcohol.
    • If you’re in ketosis, you have a higher than usual level of ketones in your blood or urine, but not high enough to cause acidosis. Ketones are a chemical your body produces when it burns stored fat.
    • When should ketones be checked? Many experts advise to check your urine for ketones when your blood glucose is more than 240 mg/dl. When you are ill (when you have a cold or the flu, for example), check for ketones every four to six hours.
  • What are ketones?
    • The human body primarily runs on glucose (=blood sugar).
    • When your body is low on glucose — a common concern for people with diabetes, who may not have enough insulin to help cells absorb the glucose — your body starts breaking down fats for energy.
    • Ketones, waste products created when the liver breaks down fat
  • How to Lower Ketones. Information is clear.
  • The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories.
  • Using the first urine of the morning for a urine test may affect the test results in some cases 尿檢的早晨第一尿可能會影響檢測結果。
    • Specific gravity: The first morning urine is more concentrated, which can result in a higher specific gravity value compared to a random urine sample.
    • Protein: The first morning urine may have higher protein levels due to the prolonged period of bladder storage overnight.
    • Ketones: The first morning urine may have higher ketone levels due to the body using stored fat for energy during the overnight fast.
    • 早上第一泡尿因為在膀胱裡儲存最久,量最多,而且如果有病變,不管是掉落的細胞、細菌也會最多、最濃,像是蛋白尿、血尿,都是看第一泡尿最準確。See 體檢到底能不能喝水.
  • 尿液常規檢查
    • 一般我們會要求收集中段尿液,因為前段尿液會和尿道前端會和外界接觸染污,使得檢查結果受影響,中段尿液由於已經前段尿液排出,較不會有汙染狀況,相對表皮脫落的細胞也少,因次由表皮細胞epithelial cells多寡來判斷尿液檢查是否可信。
    • 想要快速一秒看懂尿液檢查的話,我建議直接看白血球(WBC)、紅血球(RBC)、蛋白質(protein)、葡萄糖(glucose)是否異常,再去細看其他數值
  • 讓混濁尿液恢復正常5方法: 多喝水, 藍莓汁, 芹菜,生薑,小蘇打. 尿尿完看一下!10種尿液顏色狀況看健康


有效鏟肉!把身體重開機 排毒減重輕斷食! 健康2.0.


想瘦身用「輕斷食」好嗎?劉博仁醫師:輕斷食這樣吃! 偶爾把每日攝取熱量設定在500到600大卡,讓細胞有一個放鬆調控的機會.

  • 一天大約攝取500到600大卡,分兩餐,不能再低了,每餐大概300卡左右,但一定要攝取蛋白質,例如豆類、肉、魚、蛋。
  • 一定要有蔬菜。
  • 水果儘量吃低升糖指數,不能吃高升糖指數的水果。
  • 白開水一定要喝夠,至少2000cc,偶爾可以喝點綠茶或黑咖啡,但不能加糖。
  • 必須每3到6個月抽一次血檢查各種生化指標,包括血糖、血脂、身體發炎指數。如果有任何代謝異常,可能就要停止斷食。

Healthy snacks


  • 宋晏仁 終生瘦用211全平衡瘦身法 Nia
  • [宋晏仁醫師的「211全平衡瘦身法」
    • 「211瘦身法則」:對減重的努力需有「2分的飲食控制、1分運動、1分安『靜』。
    • 「211減重餐盤」:強調「蔬菜佔2份、蛋白質占1份、全穀類占1份」的食物比率。
  • 進食順序先喝水、肉、菜、飯,最後再吃水果,健康餐盤中蔬菜占比50%、蛋白質和全穀類各占25%,水果餐後再吃,如此一餐熱量不過600卡.


Bariatric surgery



Definition and Importance of the Serving Size

Suggested Servings from Each Food Group

Portion Size Versus Serving Size. You may be surprised to learn these are serving sizes:

  • 1 slice of bread
  • ½ cup rice or pasta (cooked)
  • 1 small piece of fruit (super-large apples are 2+ servings)
  • 1 wedge of melon
  • ¾ cup fruit juice
  • 1 cup milk or yogurt
  • 2 oz. cheese (about the size of a domino)
  • 2-3 oz. meat, poultry or fish (this is about the size of a deck of cards)

How much rice should I cook per person?

  • 1/4 cup per person for a smallish portion, and 1/3 cup per person if you're a bit hungrier.
  • The standard rice cup measure is ~180ml (180/240=0.75).
  • The USDA recommended serving of rice (PDF) is 1/2 cup cooked, which should be 1/4 cup raw, as rice about doubles in size.






玉米不是蔬菜,玉米在營養分類上屬全穀根莖類,1根水煮玉米熱量約210大卡,就等於1碗8分滿的白飯,一餐1根玉米就能取代主食白飯. See 1次啃3根玉米-男減肥越吃越胖




抗性澱粉 - 馬鈴薯




Best Soups for Weight Loss


Better to eat snack around 2-5PM since BMAL1 protein is lowest (and highest 10AM -3PM). BMAL1 can convert energy and store them as fat in your body.


  • 在家裡做哪些運動可以減脂或增肌. See 大象伯伯.
  • 在辦公室做哪些運動可以減脂或增肌



人體肌肉量於20至35歲時達到巔峰,隨著年齡衰退下降,40歲後每10年流失8%,70歲後流失速度再加倍。 蛋白質是身體建構肌肉組織最基本的原料,每人每天約需要攝取5至6份肉類,建議平均分配於三餐,以達均衡飲食目的。



優質蛋白質 Protein

  • 健康成人每天每公斤體重攝取0.8-1.0公克,以60公斤成人為例,每天約須吃上48至60公克;年過65歲則建議每天每公斤體重攝取1.2公克;若有第三期以上的腎病變、初期肝硬化等情形,建議提升至每天每公斤體重攝取1.2至1.5公克。
  • 根據台灣衛福部國健署最新每日飲食指南手冊,含七公克蛋白質的食物,包括一顆雞蛋、一杯乳品、一杯無糖豆漿、兩片起司、210公克的優格、20公克的黃豆、3格傳統豆腐、半盒嫩豆腐、1.25片小方豆干、35公克的魚、50公克的蝦仁、30公克的去皮雞胸肉、35克的豬肉、鴨肉或羊肉等。
  • 中老年人,可以在營養專家的評估下,選擇補充成人營養品,一天飲用一瓶,每天至少喝一杯豆漿、牛奶以及一顆茶葉蛋,才能補足蛋白質、礦物質及維生素。
  • 在沒有腎臟功能不佳的狀況下,建議是每公斤體重×1.2公克,舉例來說,70公斤的成年人每天至少應該攝取84公克蛋白質,這差不多是一天需要8份蛋豆質(=8兩肉),才能維持肌肉量,但許多中老年人很難吃足量。
  • The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound. This amounts to:
    • 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man.
    • 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman.
  • 中老年人應多做阻力訓練,光靠慢跑健走等有氧運動不夠,無助於留住肌肉。
  • 豆漿營養成分高每日可喝1到2杯 專家提醒這群人不適合
  • 怎麼吃蛋白質有助減緩肌肉流失?一個簡單公式可估算
  • 蛋荒別害怕-這4類食物-也能補充蛋白質. 一顆雞蛋的蛋白質含量約7克,等於1杯190毫升豆漿、3湯匙毛豆、半盒豆腐、1.3片小方豆乾、3隻白蝦、6個大文蛤、8個蚵仔、30g雞胸肉、35g豬或牛肉、1/2手掌心肉類。

肌少症 Age-related Sarcopenia

How Much Protein Do I Need? The current recommended daily allowance for adults is 0.8 grams per kilogram of an individual's body mass (or 0.36 grams per pound of body weight)... For a person eating 1,600 calories per day, that would equal 100 daily grams of protein.

Four potential signs that you're consuming too much protein: A constant feeling of fullness, Indigestion, Constipation & Dehydration.






日行萬步竟也會骨鬆!這樣動 才能增加骨密度


每天有氧運動30分鐘,例如健走、游泳、跑步、騎腳踏車 (Elliptical Bike) 短跑 重訓 深蹲 舉啞鈴 仰臥起坐 伏地挺身. 中度以上的有氧運動,每分鐘心跳超過一百下且流汗.


肌力訓練, 重量訓練/重訓






深蹲 deep squat,直拳







Ab Exercise

Arm workout

How to Do an Arm Workout

  • Push-up: 3 to 6 sets of 5 to 8 reps with heavier weights for building muscle
  • Arm circles: 12 to 15 forward arm circles for each direction
  • Triceps dips
  • 2 sets of plank-ups
  • Hold dumbbells

Hand Weights

Prison-Style Bootcamp Exercise

5 Prison-Style Bootcamp Exercises You Can Do at Home | Lifehacker

Exercise for Seniors


  • The squat (for strength / lower body, balance)
  • Wall push-ups (for strength / upper body)
  • The plank (for strength / core)
  • The bridges (for strength / core)


  • Floor hip flexors
  • Standing hamstring stretch
  • Double knee torso rotation
  • Yoga (also for strength and balance)

Improve balance

  • The single leg stand
  • Heel raises
  • Walk the line
  • Tai Chi

Cardio exercise

  • Walking
  • Swimming (also for strength)
  • Dancing (also for balance)



Strength Exercises

Exercise indoors

No-Equipment Workouts

Tabata exercise

Exercise Apps

Senior Health

多吃柑橘類水果 降低失智風險

Dementia 失智症


How we die (死亡的臉:一位外科醫生的生死觀察). 絕大部分的阿茲海默症患者成為植物人後,會死於某一種感染。不是來自泌尿道或肺部,就是來自臭氣四溢、滿布細菌的褥瘡。

Alzheimer's disease (AD) 阿兹海默病

Parkinson's Disease 帕金森氏症


淫羊藿 Horny goat weed













膀胱 小便 夜尿



Immune system


安心走上最後一哩路 末期照護也有不同選擇

提升副交感神經(parasympathetic nerve/PN)方法


  • 腹式呼吸 (10 minutes each day)
  • 打太極拳等身心運動
  • 接近植物、利用溫度、吃熱食、睡覺

cf 交感神經 Sympathetic nerve

腹式呼吸 Abdominal breathing



坐車的人會暈車想吐 為何開車駕駛卻不會暈?

迷走神經 Vagus迷走神经


Athelete foot



失眠 insomnia

中醫養心茶, 穴道, 瑜伽, 478呼吸

健康2.0 20230318. 三七(阿斯匹靈), 遠志(寧心安神), 酸棗仁. 下犬式. 蜥蜴式. 神門穴 內觀穴, 安眠穴(耳後).


最強大能量早餐 要有含「色胺酸」的這些食材

褪黑激素 Melatonin


Circadian Rhythms


讓自己的內心不起波瀾 Live a tranquil life

How to Survive Overthinking

Meditation/Focus on being in the present moment

Stress, anxiety

正念 Mindfulness


  • How to Practice Breath Retention. Breath retention is an incredibly effective tool to regulate mental chatter and improve concentration. When you are yearning for a new breath during a hold, you are devoting all concentration to this activity—training the mind to focus intensely on one thing at a time.
  • 478呼吸法 1分鐘入睡 促進副交感神經興奮.
    1. 慢慢用鼻子呼吸,再默數4秒。
    2. 憋氣7秒 (讓氧氣更徹底進入血液)。
    3. 從嘴巴吐出全部的空氣,並默數8秒 (減緩心跳,讓肺部排出二氧化碳)。
  • 你懂怎麼正確呼吸嗎?方法不對恐傷身體
    • 吸、吐氣分別約4秒,吐氣愈慢愈好,吸吐間停留1至2秒。每分鐘約6至8次呼吸循環。
    • 每分鐘大約有五六次即可。一般每日兩次,在城市可選在上午10時和下午4時,每次約10分鐘。
  • 打坐與腹式呼吸

休息 Rest


  1. 腦力勞動者,補眠對你沒什麼用
  2. 不必停下來,只是換一下
  3. 最好的休息,是讓你重燃生活的熱情



25 Ways You Can Relax that Don’t Cost a Cent



Amazon Has Really Good Plants

飼主有壓力 狗狗懂, 皮質醇 cortisol飼主有壓力-狗狗懂/, Dogs mirror owner’s stress



人格/性格 特質











氣血平衡, 氣鬱

判斷氣血是否平衡, 脈診 寸, 關, 尺. 左手: 心肝腎. 右手: 肺脾腎.


李嗣涔博士親身實證!掐指功防止氣血栓塞, 每日科學氣功經絡操:健康功效+動作示範









Functional Medicine. 功能醫學,或稱為整體醫學,是一種專注於疾病根源的醫學方法。它不僅僅關注疾病的症狀,而是尋找並解決導致這些症狀的根本原因。功能醫學認為每個人都是基因、環境和生活方式交互作用的產物,因此,治療方法需要個體化,並考慮到所有這些因素。這種方法強調了預防和健康促進,並且通常使用飲食和生活方式的改變來改善健康。al

How to Read Palms 掌纹

How to Read Palms, 读懂掌纹




十二時辰(12 meridians)養生法, 經絡時間, 臟腑時間


一天吃十四種食物 與菜單範例.

助消化 降血壓








言少養氣,事少養心,食少易化,睡少脈活. 我95歲的外婆如何養生


方識欽醫師談「第二人生的身體使用:慢活少餐 」



NEWSTART 8大抗癌長壽心法強化控癌基因-醫學博士推薦8大抗癌長壽心法-040000266.html

Make These 17 Health Goals Into Daily Habits for Better Overall Wellness





冬季養身/預防感冒, 冬天進補

蘿蔔 Radish/turnip


人蔘 Ginseng


香料 Spices



營養師公開吃水果最佳時間. 最好在正餐之間吃水果,例如在早餐與午餐之間的11時,或下午4時吃,可以保持血糖平穩。

  • 吃大餐前,可以吃一些膳食纖維豐富的水果,增強果腹感,如奇異果、火龍果、番石榴和香蕉等。
  • 餐後1至2個小時內吃含有蛋白酶酵素的水果,例如奇異果、木瓜、菠蘿等,可以幫助分解蛋白質,有助消化和解膩。
  • 部分水果的脂肪含量較高 不宜在餐後吃
  • 糖尿病患或者血糖水平管理不佳的人,正餐後絕不適宜吃高糖分的水果,包括火龍果、荔枝、龍眼、提子等。
  • 有失眠問題的人就要留意,在睡前1至2個小時吃一根香蕉,因為香蕉含豐富維他命B6,幫助身體製造血清素,可以讓人放鬆心情,有助入眠。

水果飯前or飯後吃?營養師曝「高CP值吃法」4大種類一次看懂 .具有消化酵素:比方說鳳梨、木瓜、奇異果等水果,因含有利分解蛋白質的酵素,若空腹食用會加重胃部不適,適合飯後吃,幫助腸胃蠕動、消化順暢。

排毒 Detox


How to look younger naturally

穴道/穴位 acupuncture point/acupoint


荷爾蒙平衡了 不用挨餓就會瘦

身體衰老 Aging

領藥時最重要的是什麼?看完病拿藥 必知5件事

藥草養生,精油 essential oil


protein (g) sugar (g) fat (g) calorie (kCal)
黃豆 (2 tbsp) 7.1* 6.6 3.1 83
毛豆 (3 tbsp) 7* 6 1.6 66
黑豆 (2 tbsp) 6.9* 7.5 2.3 79 含有必需胺基酸
紅豆/綠豆 (2 tbsp) 4.6 12.5* 0.2 71 紅豆補血(避開茶與咖啡), 綠豆清熱解毒
米豆 black-eye (2 tbsp) 3.5 11.1* 0.5 62
鷹嘴豆 (2 tbsp) 3.5 10.8* 0.9 65 鎘可以控制血糖 抗發炎


第三期癌症啟發的頓悟 老莊大師蔡璧名:心安住,病不來!


為健康著想 40歲以上每週工作3天就夠了

Complementary and integrative health





天人合一 Unity of Heaven and Man

2020 庚子年

喝茶 (tea) 的注意事項


  • 飯後別喝濃茶 茶有 大量單寧酸/鞣質/tannin (茶、咖啡中含有) 如果與蛋白質結合會產生單寧蛋白 在胃裡結塊 影響腸胃蠕動 單寧酸也會與鐵結合凝固 影響對鐵質吸收。 長久下來容易造成便秘與貧血問題。
  • Does coffee contain tannins like tea? Yes, coffee does contain tannins if you use the broadest definition of tannins. However, the tannin concentration in coffee is generally considered to be about half that of tea.


  • 喝茶: wait 1 hour
  • 吃水果: wait 1 hour
  • 散步: wait 30 minutes
  • 刷牙: wait 30 minutes

吃飽飯不要立刻刷牙、喝水? 飯後6種NG行為
吃飽飯別立刻喝茶、刷牙!飯後4件事超傷身,腸胃痙攣、牙齒敏感都來. 用茶漱完口後,再用清水漱一次.

茶有六色 各具不同養生功效!Am92ICmSSQXujH5qXPdE0wa44kYY



鐵 iron, bleeding

This is What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Tea Every Day


無糖茶當水喝 腎結石機率更高





喝茶也會醉… 茶鹼搞鬼


玄米茶, "brown rice tea"

Matcha 抹茶

一圖看懂!咖啡 vs. 茶健康功效





康普茶 Kombucha



茶飲關鍵在溫度!專家教你讓茶多酚多4成 更具抗氧化活性






  • 每日最多只能喝下400毫克咖啡因 ~ 3 cups 沖濾咖啡 (七大速效提神法)。
  • 维生素B缺乏者:生素B1可保持神经系统的平衡和稳定,而咖啡对其有破坏作用。维生素B群是维持肌肤光泽重要营养素。服用B群時,最好能與喝咖啡的時間間隔30分鐘到1小時,較為恰當,並選擇食用長時間基礎劑量與長時間釋放的「緩釋錠」,提供人體所需。
  • 患高血压、冠心病、动脉硬化等疾病:长期或大量饮用咖啡,可引起心血管疾病。
  • 老年妇女:咖啡会减少钙质、引起骨质疏松。妇女绝经后,每天需要加十倍的钙量。因此記得要多運動、補充鈣質食物如小魚乾、牛奶、綠色蔬菜、乳酪或鈣片等以免鈣質流失。
  • 胃病患者:喝咖啡过量可引起胃病恶化。
  • 孕妇:饮过量咖啡,可导致胎儿畸形或流产。另外咖啡因會興奮兒童中樞神經系統、干擾兒童的記憶,因此兒童不要喝比較好。
  • 癌症患者:饮用过量的咖啡对正常人有致癌的危险。
  • 喝茶和咖啡會影響鐵質吸收?
  • how long should i wait to drink coffee after taking vitamins? About an hour: There is evidence that coffee (and other caffeinated drinks) significantly hinders absorption of iron and zinc. Because it is a diuretic (causing us to urinate more) we may excrete Vitamin C and B vitamins more rapidly if taken with coffee. It is thus wise to wait at least an hour between taking vitamins and coffee, whether you have vitamins first or coffee first.


最好是飯後20分鐘左右再飲用會較好。 避免在睡前3~5小時飲用。 咖啡的提神效果可維持5到6小時。


肉類 魚貝類 有些蔬菜(紅莧菜 紫菜) 豆類(紅豆 綠豆 黃豆 豆干 芝麻 腰果 菱角) 含鐵. 補充維他命C可以提高鐵質吸收.

鐵蛋白正常值 20~291 ug/L.


十種會與咖啡因產生交互作用的藥物 File:Coffeeinteract.png


怕喝黑咖啡會鈣質流失,加點牛奶就能補鈣? 醫:完全沒用. 低脂牛奶那很有可能沒有補充到一天所需的鈣(???) This contradicts to these articles 全脂,低脂,脫脂牛奶,看看他們的營養價值 & Reducing fat content in milk slightly increases its calcium content & Skim Milk and Calcium Absorption.

Vitamin B

  • 維生素B群在人體中扮演著協助酵素代謝營養素的「輔酶」角色,屬於身體重要的代謝工具,如果B群攝取不足,就容易覺得虛弱無力。
  • 一般來說,咖啡因在攝取後45分鐘內會被胃腸吸收,健康成人的咖啡因半衰期大約是3至4個小時,若有在口服避孕藥物的女性體內則延長至5至10個小時,在已懷孕的女性體內則大概為9至11個小時。
  • 咖啡中的咖啡因成分,除了加快人體的血液循環,也會加速維生素B群的消耗速度,可能讓人覺得更累。因此,不建議同時攝取B群、咖啡,2者至少間隔30分鐘到1小時。
  • 嗜喝咖啡者應多攝取牛奶、小魚乾、乳酪、綠色蔬菜或鈣片。
  • 單純B群屬於水溶性維他命,不會傷胃,餐前飯後均可服用。
  • B群如有添加鋅等礦物質,則建議飯後服用,以免腸胃不適。
  • 不易入睡者應在下午4點之前服用B群,以免影響夜間睡眠。
  • 依照不同需求,選擇不同B群產品,如B1具有提振精神的功效,而B2則有改善嘴破、口腔黏膜破損的好處等。






How much is too much

For the average person, it would be advised to keep caffeine consumption below 300~500 milligrams.

  • Black coffee (coffee without sugar nor milk) 65-120 mg.
  • Espresso 30-60 mg.
  • Latte or cappuccino 100-120 mg.
  • Energy drinks 80-100 mg.
  • Tea 10-50 mg.

Espresso vs. Coffee

Espresso vs. Coffee: The Difference Between 2 Caffeinated Favorites

How long does coffee last once opened?

  • Ground coffee
  • Whole coffee beans
  • How to tell if Coffee is bad, rotten or spoiled?
    • If coffee has gone bad, the pleasant aroma will be gone and with it much of the taste. Using this coffee will not harm you, but will just not have much flavor if the smell is gone.
    • The best way to store ground coffee to keep it fresh longer is by also storing it in your freezer immediately after use. Storing coffee in the freezer does not actually freeze the coffee, so it is always ready for use without any defrosting.

4 個咖啡知識

咖啡迷必須知道的 4 個咖啡知識:剛烘焙好的豆子到底要不要直接沖來喝?還是要再多養幾天?


  • 喝咖啡可能就是你變胖的關鍵
    • 只要200毫克的咖啡因就能讓體內的「壓力賀爾蒙」皮質醇水平增加30%,並持續18小時,
    • 當皮質醇一天週期變化越來越小,曲線高低越來越不明顯,代表下視丘(HPA axis)的調節功能漸漸老化、衰退,此時消化、免疫系統、情緒、性行為,能量儲存和消耗就會變差。
    • 腹部的脂肪組織比身體其它部位有更多的皮質醇接收器,所以腹部更容易變胖、變大,
    • 加上過多的內臟脂肪會刺激腫瘤壞死因子過度分泌,接著壞死因子再進一步刺激下視丘,相互刺激之下,就會進入肥胖的惡性循環。
  • Can Coffee Make Your Workout Easier?
  • 咖啡怎樣喝才能減肥
  • 喝咖啡暖身 手腳恐更冷 咖啡因會導致血管收縮,血流變少,恐加重離心臟較遠四肢冰冷的感覺。
  • 冬天手腳冰冷、容易累 改善「陽虛體質」的4種溫熱食材
  • Coffee may stimulate thermogenesis, or the process our bodies use to create heat.
  • 專家爆「3種咖啡」熱量秘辛 點錯竟差13倍 拿鐵和卡布奇諾,都是由濃縮咖啡(espresso)
    1. 美式咖啡(熱):9大卡/杯. 因不含糖及其他調味料,熱量較其他咖啡低了許多;咖啡因含量則是101-200毫克。
    2. 拿鐵(熱):152大卡/杯. 拿鐵咖啡裡,牛奶才是主角,其標準比例是1/6濃縮咖啡、4/6蒸氣牛奶、1/6奶泡,另外可以再添加榛果、肉桂、香草等不同風味;咖啡因:101-200毫克。
    3. 卡布奇諾:115大卡/杯. 卡布奇諾,咖啡是主角,和拿鐵的不同之處就在於牛奶的量,其標準比例是均勻的三等份:1/3濃縮咖啡、1/3蒸氣牛奶、1/3奶泡;咖啡因含量同為101-200毫克。

Decaffeinated coffee

Roasts 烘焙

  • 中醫師談咖啡.
    • 淺焙咖啡較溫潤,酸味較重,而酸入肝,有護肝、解肝毒的效果
    • 中、深焙的咖啡較偏燥熱,容易上火;若味道又偏苦,苦入心,刺激過多可能會心悸、失眠、情緒焦躁。陰虛體質的人長期喝容易上火、口乾舌燥、便秘、眼睛痠澀
  • Coffee Roasts from Light to Dark
    • Light/Blonde roasts have a toasted grain taste and pronounced acidity. Light roasts also retain most of the caffeine from the coffee bean.
    • Medium roasts lack the grainy taste of the light roasts, exhibiting more balanced flavor, aroma, and acidity.
    • Dark roasts will generally have a bitter and smoky or even burnt taste.
    • The amount of caffeine is substantially decreased.
    • Sumatra is bitter from my taste.
    • Some of the more popular designations for a dark roast include French Roast, Italian Roast, Espresso Roast, Continental Roast, New Orleans Roast, and Spanish Roast. Many dark roasts are used for espresso blends.
  • The Best Coffee You Can Buy at Trader Joe’s

Arabic and Columbian coffee

What Is the Difference Between Arabic and Columbian Coffee?

牛奶 Milk

燕麥奶 Oak milk

燕麥奶並非「奶」更像豆漿 高纖低脂成時下減重新寵兒

吃鹽導致脫水, 缺鹽的危害!Am92ICmSSQXujWgqNGi9Z94iBSsG



蜂蜜 Honey

10 Proven Manuka Honey Uses & Benefits

  1. Acid Reflux
  2. Acne and Eczema
  3. Staph Infections
  4. Burns, Wounds & Ulcers
  5. Tooth Decay & Gingivitis
  6. intestinal inflammation and pain
  7. Sore Throats and Immunity
  8. Allergies and Sinusitis
  9. boosts energy
  10. Improves Sleep

Sore throat

Sore Throat Remedies: 16 Natural Gargles

  • (gargles) mixing 1⁄4 teaspoon salt in 1 cup warm water
  • Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 cup water for this home remedy for sore throats
  • Green tea
  • Tomato juice
  • Echinacea and water
  • Raspberry tea


  • 蜂蜜 大蒜 薑 檸檬水
  • 鹽水
  • 雞湯
  • 蘋果醋
  • 香蕉
  • 燕麥
  • 紅蘿蔔
  • 炒蛋
  • 高麗菜
  • 尤加利精油 Eucalyptus Pure Essential Oil

How to Decrystallize Honey

洛神花 玫瑰茄 Hibiscus sabdariffa


  • 類黃酮青素 flavonoids
  • 兒茶酸 protocatechuic acid
  • 花青素 anthocyanidins
  • 異黃酮青素 isoflavonoids


  • 清熱解渴
  • 降血壓 減緩血管硬化
  • 去油酯 降血脂肪
  • 增強胃功能
  • 抗發炎

每天不超過200 cc. 100g 洛神花 + 1000 cc 水.

抗氧化勝過綠茶 洛神花茶媲美藥物的功效是這個






竹筍富含草酸 不宜搭配豆腐同食 以免形成草酸鈣 草酸鈣過多形成結石.


腰背痠痛找不到原因?當心你已經結石了!專家教你防結石必學氣功法!健康2.0 泌尿科.

  • 膽結石
  • 腎結石
  • 尿路結石: 輸尿管鏡


Instant Noodle

  • This is What Will Happen Inside Your Stomach When You Eat Instant Noodles
  • Why instant noodle soup cups has so much saturated fat.
    • Instant noodle soup cups often have high amounts of saturated fat due to the ingredients used in the seasoning packets that come with the noodles. These seasoning packets often contain flavor enhancers such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) and other artificial ingredients that are high in saturated fat.
    • Additionally, the noodles themselves are often fried in palm oil before they are packaged, which can also increase their fat content. The high sodium content in instant noodle soup cups can also contribute to an increased risk of heart disease and other health problems.
    • Nongshim Shin noodle soup cups contain high saturated fat primarily due to the use of palm oil and beef tallow (脂) in the seasoning packet. Palm oil is commonly used in food processing due to its high heat stability and low cost, but it is also high in saturated fat. Beef tallow is a rendered form of beef fat that is also high in saturated fat.


Nonstick pan, Teflon, Ceramic (teflon-free)

Aluminum cookware

  • Pros: Anodized aluminum pots (超硬陽極處理鍋) and pans are lightweight, resist denting and scratching, don't rust and are excellent thermal conductors of heat
  • Cons: Raw aluminum (as opposed to anodized) is reactive to alkaline and acidic ingredients (tomatoes, leafy vegetables and citrus) and prone to warping and scratching. It can also discolor certain foods (such as white sauces). Fortunately most aluminum pots and pans are treated with a coating of aluminum oxide, which vastly improves the cooking properties.

Cast-iron cookware

  • Pros: Great for simmering and browning, cast iron imbues years of flavor into every meal. It's inexpensive, won't warp, conducts heat very well and, if seasoned well, has a relatively nonstick surface. You can also easily go from stovetop to oven.
  • Cons: It's heavy, reactive, high-maintenance and not suited for all food. It also isn't recommended for ceramic-glass cooktops. It's worth noting that cast iron leaches — surprise — iron into your food. Many people consider this a benefit, but unexpected metal in the diet can be dangerous for certain people.

Ceramic Cookware

  • Pros
    • Toxic Free. It does not use PFAS or PFOA.
    • Non stick, easy to clean
  • Cons
    • Short Lifespan. The durability of the non stick ceramic coating.
    • Low To Medium Heat Only. High heat can damage the coating.



304 or 18/8 (18 是鉻含量,8 是鎳含量) 鎳(必較貴)含量較高較不會受酸性物質腐蝕。

200系列則以錳取代鎳. 太多錳腦部神經退化.

不銹鋼鍋導熱不好 所以中間會夾一層高碳剛來幫助導熱.

18/10 鍋俱會比 18/8 更亮

Cast Iron

珐瑯鑄鐵鍋 Enameled Cast Iron

Enameled Cast Iron Vs. Cast Iron

Frying Pan

Your Guide to Every Type of Frying Pan

How To Clean Burnt Pots & Scorched Pans


Electric range

Anodized Aluminum Cookware

Cook meat

真空低温烹调法/舒肥法 Sous Vide

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Brain tumor and statistics.


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3D anatomy

癌症 Cancer





老人醫療保險/紅藍卡 Medicare

Looking for a doctor



Midlife crisis 中年危機

What Is a Midlife Crisis and How to Deal With It



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How to Appreciate Life More and Be Grateful


她曾突然失去所有 知名諮商師林萃芬:「害怕」有時比危機本身更傷人
