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= Orange Pi 5 family =
[ Orange Pi 5 Ultra is an RK3588 single-board PC with HDMI input]
= Orange pi 5 plus =
= Orange pi 5 plus =
* [ Orange Pi 5 Plus (4GB/8GB/16GB)]
* [ Orange Pi 5 Plus (4GB/8GB/16GB)]
Line 17: Line 20:
$ ls -l /dev/mtdblock0
$ ls -l /dev/mtdblock0
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 31, 0 Dec 10 06:00 /dev/mtdblock0
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 31, 0 Dec 10 06:00 /dev/mtdblock0
:<syntaxhighlight lang='sh'>
sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 count=1000 status=progress
sudo sync
sudo dd bs=1M if=Orangepi5plus_x.x.x_debian_bullseye_desktop_xfce_linux5.10.110.img \
  of=/dev/mmcblk1 status=progress
sudo sync

Line 33: Line 44:
* Using [ Windows VM on a Linux]
* Using [ Windows VM on a Linux]
* [ RKDevTool/rkdeveloptool] by
* [ RKDevTool/rkdeveloptool] by
* [ Batocera] case is the same.

== Booting from NVME ==
== Booting from NVME ==
Line 46: Line 59:
** [ Booting directly from a USB or NVMe requires flashing U-Boot to the SPI].
** [ Booting directly from a USB or NVMe requires flashing U-Boot to the SPI].
** [ How to boot Orange pi 5 from SATA m.2 SSD (for Orange pi OS and Armbian)]
** [ How to boot Orange pi 5 from SATA m.2 SSD (for Orange pi OS and Armbian)]
* Change SD card’s rootfs UUID method. [ Orange Pi 5 NVMe/SATA SSD Boot Guide].
== SPI flash, non-volatile memory ==
<li>Prime for SPI flash
* SPI Flash in a Single Board Computer (SBC) refers to a type of flash memory that uses the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for communication. This is a common type of [ non-volatile memory] used in SBCs and other embedded systems.
* Many embedded systems, including SBCs, use non-volatile memory to store boot code, configuration parameters, and other data that persist when the system is powered down. Common Flash technologies include Parallel or SPI NOR flash, SLC NAND, and eMMC devices.
* In the context of system booting, the processor starts executing at the reset vector and attempts to execute the first code. Some processors have a small internal boot ROM that can be programmed at manufacturing time. The boot ROM can also detect where the bootloader was stored; for example, in an external NOR or NAND flash device.
* If a NOR Flash device is used to store the bootloader, the processor can directly run off the Flash device. This method is commonly called eXecute In Place (XIP). If a NAND or eMMC device is used, boot code first needs to be copied to the system’s RAM. Then the processor can jump to the RAM space and execute. This method is called shadowing or Store-and-Download (SnD).
* For example, the [ ROCKPro64 SBC] has a 128Mbit SPI Flash, and the Odroid N2+ SBC features an 8MB SPI flash with a boot select switch and Petitboot app.
<li>Orange Pi 5
* [ NVMe boot . Orange Pi 5 computer Setup from Scratch HOWTO . Batocera JELOS Armbian downloaded].
:<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
# Put Armbian onto SD card
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd bs=4M count=5
sudo sync
sudo dd if=Armbian*.img of=/dev/sdd bs=1M status=progress
sudo sync
sudo eject /dev/sdd
# Back up img files to a flash drive
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=4M count=5
sudo sync
sudo fdisk /dev/sdc  # g, n, ENTER, ENTER, ENTER, w
sudo sync
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
sudo sync
mkdir hey
sudo mount /dev/sdc1 hey
sudo cp *.img hey/
sudo umount /dev/sdc1
sudo eject /dev/sdc
# Mount a flash drive, back up SPI firmware (optional)
mkdir hey
sudo mount /dev/sda1 hey
cd hey
sudo dd if=/dev/mtdblock0 of=orangepi5_SPI.img status=progress
sudo sync
sudo cp /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-legacy-orangepi5_23.05.0-trunk_arm64/rkspi_loader.img ./
# Upgrade SPI
sudo dd if=rkspi_loader.img of=/dev/mtdblock0 status=progress
sudo sync
lsblk # look at the size of mtdblock0
: At this point, we are ready to put images (Batocera, Orange Pi OS (Droid)) onto nvme
:<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nvme0n1 bs=4M count=5
sudo sync
sudo dd if=batocera.img of=/dev/nvme0n1 bs=4M status=progress
sudo sync
* [ How to install Android to Nvme. Orange Pi 5] 5/19/2023. SPIflashTool. Boot Orange Pi OS (Droid) from NVME Ok. Boot Debian from NVME failed. Boot Armbian from SD. Run armbian-config - install/update boot loader on MTD flash. Remove SD. Boot Debian from NVME worked. Switch to Orange Pi OS (Droid) but failed. '''If you flash the MTD with the boot loader of a specific Linux distro, it won't work with another distro (or android for that matter)'''.
* [ Orange Pi 5 plus Armbian and Ubuntu NVMe] 6/30/2023. Install KDE plasma using '''armbian-config'''.
:<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
startx # not found, a hint was given to run 'apt install xinit'
sudo apt install xinit  # Choose ssdm
sudo reboot
* My experience: suppose my NVME has Debian image from Orange Pi. I booted Armbian ubuntu legacy. Use '''armbian-config''' - System - Install - '''Install/Update the bootloader on MTD Flash'''. Now I can boot from NVME if there is no SD card or boot from SD card if there is no NVME.
== LEDs ==
[ Onboard LED Light Test Instructions]
= Android OS =
* For enhanced security, it is recommended to install the SDDiskTool on a virtual machine or a non-critical Windows system. This precautionary measure can help mitigate potential security risks. I experienced a blue screen error during my initial use of the software, which underscores the importance of this safety advice..
* The instructions provided for installing onto an SD card work. However, to successfully boot from the SD card, it is necessary to remove the eMMC first.
* The Android OS image is not optimized for a large screen. So it is better to use Orange Pi OS (Droid) instead.
* [ Orange Pi 5: Android 12 Operating System Basic Tutorial] 3/31/2023. SD_Firmware_Tool & SD card. Simple walkthrough.
* [ Orange Pi 5: AetherSX2 Playstation 2 Emulator for Android 12]. Use an older version of AetherSX2 apk instead of Play Store's one. Nice walkthrough. [ Orange Pi 5: Sony Playstation 2 Emulation Comparisons] with Batocera on i5-4570 and RetroArch on i5-4790K.
* [ Orange Pi 5: Dolphin Emulator Tutorial and Test] for Gamecube & Wii on Android.
* [ Orange Pi 5: Retroarch for Android 12 Basic Tutorial].
** Download and install the 64bit apk from
** Open the "Files" app. There is a folder "RetroArch" created under the main folder (parallel to Alarms, Android, DCIM, Documents, Download, ...). Create a new directory called 'Roms' under RetroArch. Go ahead and create different folders for different game systems; e.g. NES, PS1, SNES.  Ctrl +c/ Ctrl+v works under the "Files" app.
** Open RetroArch again. Set up the '''controller''' under Settings: Port 1 controls. Press and hold a button. Then set up '''hotkeys''' (Menu Toggle). A = go back.
** Import content. Box arts will be downloaded automatically.
** Load Core. Download a core. PS (PCSX-reArmed). NES (NES/Famicon Nestopia UE), SNES (SNES/SFC Snes9x 2005), N64 (Mupen64plus - Next GLES2)
** Select+Start to go to a quick menu.
** Files app -> RetroArch -> System (place bios files).
= Batocera =
* [ Batocera on an Orange Pi 5 Plus]. Sound will come out from 3.5mm, not HDMI.
* [ Orange Pi 5 SBC Review and Test] 3/29/2023. The description part of the video has lots of links to different tests/tutorials.
** The first boot of Batocera may take 5-10 minutes.
** We can use any file manager and go to the [ IP of Orange Pi] running Batocera. From there we may copy bios/roms to Batocera (batocera/share/{bios,roms}).
= Armbian =
* [ Orange Pi 5 Plus review with Armbian] (4k) 12/13/2023
** How to build armbian
** Use 'Disks' utility to write an image to SD card
** Setting - Audio - 'Analog Output - HDMI0 Audio'. For some reason, this does not work. But after I inserted a USB audio adapter, that adapter worked right away and for some reason from now on the audio from HDMI0 works. Note in Armbian, the HDMI audio options are HDMI0 and HDMI1. HDMI0 is located between HDMI1 and HDMI-in on the board. The setting will be lost after we reboot Armbian.
** Game testing
** [ box64] was used to run x86_64 Linux programs (such as games) on non-x86_64 Linux systems, like ARM. [ H-craft], [ Colin McRae Rally], GTA3.
** wine, TrackMania Nations Forever
** RetroPie/emulationstation
* [ The Orange Pi 5 just got a Great OS. Armbian Linux] 1/3/2023
= Ubuntu by Joshua Riek =
* But after I burned the image, the SD card (label as 'STORAGE') is EMPTY??
* [ Orange Pi 5: JELOS Basic Tutorial] Ace1000ks1975, 4/12/2023
= Windows =
* [ WoR]: Windows on R
* [ ARM Windows 11 on RK3588 SBC (Orange Pi 5)]
* [ How to install Windows 11 on a Raspberry Pi 5]
= UEFI =
* [ EDK2 UEFI firmware for Rockchip RK3588 platforms]
** [ Windows 11 on Orange Pi 5, Pi 5 plus. UEFI Update 2X Speed boost………nearly]
* [ EDK2 firmware images for Raspberry Pi 5]
** [ Installing Proxmox 8.1 on Raspberry Pi 5]
** [ Proxmox VE & PBS unofficial arm64 version]
= LLM =
* [ Rockchip RKLLM toolkit released for NPU-accelerated large language models on RK3588, RK3588S, RK3576 SoCs]
* [ GPU-Accelerated LLM on a $100 Orange Pi]. Orange Pi 5 Plus running Llama-2-7B at 3.5 tok/sec.
* [ Oobabooga webui, Phi-2, and Mistral on Raspberry Pi 5, Orange Pi 5 Plus, and Jetson Orin Nano]
* [ How I used the NPU on my Orange Pi 5 Pro to run LLMs]
* [ LLM Performance Test Between Raspberry Pi 5 and Orange Pi 5] and the [ video].
* npu (rknn-llm sdk) is faster than cpu.
* LLM inference is largely I/O bound, so any boost in speed from storage helps a lot.
* [ Check Rockchip NPU Usage on Linux]. [ Orange Pi 5 Plus] has NPU up to 6Tops of computing power.
* (Video) [ How to Install the C01zaut WebUI for running LLM's on the RK3588 NPU]
* Download models
My experience (my device is 8GB RAM Orange Pi 5+). I cannot test models that work on 3588 devices with 16GB or larger memory. 2024/12/25.
<li>Install [ Ubuntu 24.04 image] to ensure rknpu is new (0.9.6). We can check rknpu version later by using '''sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/rknpu/version''' or '''sudo dmesg | grep "rknpu 0." '''
<li>However the python version is 3.12 on Ubuntu 24.04. The instruction on ezrknn-llm repository said it works only on Python 3.8 and 3.10.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.10 python3.10-venv cmake build-essential
python3.10 -m venv ezrknn-llm # this will create ezrknn-llm directory
source ezrknn-llm/bin/activate
# Run the commands in the next step
<li>Go to to download v1.0.1 source file
tar xzvf ezrknn-llm-1.0.1.tar.gz
cd ezrknn-llm-1.0.1
sudo bash
which rkllm # should be in /usr/bin directory
<li>Go to 2.16 GB and click on 'Files' and download RKLLM format file based on runtime 1.0.1. Another choices are We need to click each Links and check if the RKLLM runtime is 1.0.1. For example Gemma 2B and Phi-3 mini  are using RKLLM runtime 1.0.1.
<li>According to, we shall run the command '''ulimit -n 102400''' first. Note that we don't need to in the python virtual environment to run the '''rkllm''' command.
ulimit -n 102400
rkllm qwen-chat-1_8B.rkllm
<li>Go to Download models for rkllm runtime 1.0.1. For example, file size is 6.52GB and file size is 4.35 GB.
<li>Very small CPU activity (core usage is 10-20%, not any core reached 50%) when I chat with any models.
<li>My summary of tested models, RAM (Ubuntu 24.04 desktop), and the response if I asked the latest R version. Note the answers are random.
{| class="wikitable"
! Model
! Latest R
| [ qwen-chat-1_8B] (alibaba)
| 3.44GB
| 3.6.3
| [ Qwen1.5-4B-Chat] (alibaba)
| 5.79GB
| 4.1.2
| [ qwen2-1.8B-rk3588.rkllm]
| 3.68GB
| 4.0.2
| [ chatglm3-6b] (Tsinghua)
| 7.27GB
| 4.1.0
| [ gemma-2b-it] (google)
| 5.56GB
| 4.0
| [ phi-3-mini-4k-rk3588] (microsoft)
| 4.94GB
| 4.1.2 (<nowiki><|user_end|><|assistant|><|im_start|> </nowiki>)
| [ tinyllama-v1.0-1.1B-rk3588.rkllm]
| 2.45GB
| 4.1.0
[[File:Opi-llm.png|200px]] [[File:Opi-llm2.png|200px]]
<li>[ rkllma]
= Tips =
* [ How to disable automatic login on latest Debian OPI 5]

Latest revision as of 19:57, 1 March 2025

Orange Pi 5 family

Orange Pi 5 Ultra is an RK3588 single-board PC with HDMI input

Orange pi 5 plus

Booting from eMMC

  • Enable to boot from eMMC is more convenient since it asks to clear SPIflash. Therefore, we can easily to switch to boot from eMMC or SD card.
    • By default SD card has a higher priority to boot than eMMC.
    • I can use eMMC as the main OS storage and use SD card to play with different OSs.
    • Even I follow the instruction to use RKDevTool to put a Linux image onto eMMC, I still cannot boot from eMMC until I clear SPIflash.
    • eMMC is /dev/mmcblk1, speed is 271 MB/s (sudo hdparm -t --direct /dev/mmcblk1p2 )
    • SD is /dev/mmcblk0, speed is 62 MB/s (sudo hdparm -t --direct /dev/mmcblk0p2 )
  • From Linux
$ ls -l /dev/mtdblock0
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 31, 0 Dec 10 06:00 /dev/mtdblock0
sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 count=1000 status=progress
sudo sync

sudo dd bs=1M if=Orangepi5plus_x.x.x_debian_bullseye_desktop_xfce_linux5.10.110.img \
  of=/dev/mmcblk1 status=progress
sudo sync
  • If you want to boot from eMMC on the Orange Pi 5 Plus, you would need to clear the /dev/mtdblock0 partition. This is because the /dev/mtdblock0 partition typically contains the bootloader, and clearing it allows you to install a new bootloader that can boot from the eMMC.
    • Here is a general guide on how you can do this: Boot Armbian from an SD card.
    • Clear the SPI flash memory by running the following command in the terminal: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock0 bs=1M count=1

Booting from NVME

SPI flash, non-volatile memory

  • Prime for SPI flash
    • SPI Flash in a Single Board Computer (SBC) refers to a type of flash memory that uses the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for communication. This is a common type of non-volatile memory used in SBCs and other embedded systems.
    • Many embedded systems, including SBCs, use non-volatile memory to store boot code, configuration parameters, and other data that persist when the system is powered down. Common Flash technologies include Parallel or SPI NOR flash, SLC NAND, and eMMC devices.
    • In the context of system booting, the processor starts executing at the reset vector and attempts to execute the first code. Some processors have a small internal boot ROM that can be programmed at manufacturing time. The boot ROM can also detect where the bootloader was stored; for example, in an external NOR or NAND flash device.
    • If a NOR Flash device is used to store the bootloader, the processor can directly run off the Flash device. This method is commonly called eXecute In Place (XIP). If a NAND or eMMC device is used, boot code first needs to be copied to the system’s RAM. Then the processor can jump to the RAM space and execute. This method is called shadowing or Store-and-Download (SnD).
    • For example, the ROCKPro64 SBC has a 128Mbit SPI Flash, and the Odroid N2+ SBC features an 8MB SPI flash with a boot select switch and Petitboot app.
  • Orange Pi 5
    # Put Armbian onto SD card
    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd bs=4M count=5
    sudo sync
    sudo dd if=Armbian*.img of=/dev/sdd bs=1M status=progress
    sudo sync
    sudo eject /dev/sdd
    # Back up img files to a flash drive
    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=4M count=5
    sudo sync
    sudo fdisk /dev/sdc  # g, n, ENTER, ENTER, ENTER, w
    sudo sync
    sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
    sudo sync
    mkdir hey
    sudo mount /dev/sdc1 hey
    sudo cp *.img hey/
    sudo umount /dev/sdc1
    sudo eject /dev/sdc
    # Mount a flash drive, back up SPI firmware (optional)
    mkdir hey
    sudo mount /dev/sda1 hey
    cd hey
    sudo dd if=/dev/mtdblock0 of=orangepi5_SPI.img status=progress
    sudo sync
    sudo cp /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-legacy-orangepi5_23.05.0-trunk_arm64/rkspi_loader.img ./
    # Upgrade SPI
    sudo dd if=rkspi_loader.img of=/dev/mtdblock0 status=progress
    sudo sync
    lsblk # look at the size of mtdblock0
    At this point, we are ready to put images (Batocera, Orange Pi OS (Droid)) onto nvme
    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nvme0n1 bs=4M count=5
    sudo sync
    sudo dd if=batocera.img of=/dev/nvme0n1 bs=4M status=progress
    sudo sync
    • How to install Android to Nvme. Orange Pi 5 5/19/2023. SPIflashTool. Boot Orange Pi OS (Droid) from NVME Ok. Boot Debian from NVME failed. Boot Armbian from SD. Run armbian-config - install/update boot loader on MTD flash. Remove SD. Boot Debian from NVME worked. Switch to Orange Pi OS (Droid) but failed. If you flash the MTD with the boot loader of a specific Linux distro, it won't work with another distro (or android for that matter).
    startx # not found, a hint was given to run 'apt install xinit'
    sudo apt install xinit  # Choose ssdm
    sudo reboot
    • My experience: suppose my NVME has Debian image from Orange Pi. I booted Armbian ubuntu legacy. Use armbian-config - System - Install - Install/Update the bootloader on MTD Flash. Now I can boot from NVME if there is no SD card or boot from SD card if there is no NVME.


Onboard LED Light Test Instructions

Android OS

  • Orange Pi 5: Retroarch for Android 12 Basic Tutorial.
    • Download and install the 64bit apk from
    • Open the "Files" app. There is a folder "RetroArch" created under the main folder (parallel to Alarms, Android, DCIM, Documents, Download, ...). Create a new directory called 'Roms' under RetroArch. Go ahead and create different folders for different game systems; e.g. NES, PS1, SNES. Ctrl +c/ Ctrl+v works under the "Files" app.
    • Open RetroArch again. Set up the controller under Settings: Port 1 controls. Press and hold a button. Then set up hotkeys (Menu Toggle). A = go back.
    • Import content. Box arts will be downloaded automatically.
    • Load Core. Download a core. PS (PCSX-reArmed). NES (NES/Famicon Nestopia UE), SNES (SNES/SFC Snes9x 2005), N64 (Mupen64plus - Next GLES2)
    • Select+Start to go to a quick menu.
    • Files app -> RetroArch -> System (place bios files).


  • Batocera on an Orange Pi 5 Plus. Sound will come out from 3.5mm, not HDMI.
  • Orange Pi 5 SBC Review and Test 3/29/2023. The description part of the video has lots of links to different tests/tutorials.
    • The first boot of Batocera may take 5-10 minutes.
    • We can use any file manager and go to the IP of Orange Pi running Batocera. From there we may copy bios/roms to Batocera (batocera/share/{bios,roms}).


  • Orange Pi 5 Plus review with Armbian (4k) 12/13/2023
    • How to build armbian
    • Use 'Disks' utility to write an image to SD card
    • Setting - Audio - 'Analog Output - HDMI0 Audio'. For some reason, this does not work. But after I inserted a USB audio adapter, that adapter worked right away and for some reason from now on the audio from HDMI0 works. Note in Armbian, the HDMI audio options are HDMI0 and HDMI1. HDMI0 is located between HDMI1 and HDMI-in on the board. The setting will be lost after we reboot Armbian.
    • Game testing
    • box64 was used to run x86_64 Linux programs (such as games) on non-x86_64 Linux systems, like ARM. H-craft, Colin McRae Rally, GTA3.
    • wine, TrackMania Nations Forever
    • RetroPie/emulationstation

Ubuntu by Joshua Riek






My experience (my device is 8GB RAM Orange Pi 5+). I cannot test models that work on 3588 devices with 16GB or larger memory. 2024/12/25.
