Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any information on your desktop.
- (this one works). Check for the WOEID for your city used in the Yahoo weather API.
- Explain conkyrc file
Step 1. Install conky-all package
Step 2. create ~/.conkyrc file. This file can be downloaded from web.
Step 3. Run it: $ conky. If we want to run a specific configuration file, use conky -c CONKYRCFILE
Step 4. If you want to stop Conky: $ killall conky
Note that conky works automatically on Ubuntu's Unity.
For Lubuntu (tested on 14.04), the Conky's transparent function does not work at first. But This conkyrc works on Lubuntu desktop (mainly, tranparent function). To deal with the autostart, follow the suggestion from That is, go to ~/.config/autostart folder, create or copy+paste the file called conky.desktop with a content like
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=sh "/home/brb/.conky/" Hidden=false NoDisplay=false X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Name[en_IN]=Conky Name=Conky Comment[en_IN]= Comment=
brb@brb-VirtualBox:~$ cat .conky/ conky & exit 0 brb@brb-VirtualBox:~$ ls -l .conky/ -rw-rw-r-- 1 brb brb 37 Aug 30 20:17 .conky/
Another way to configure conky is to install conky-manager. See this and project website page. But it seems it does not work well with desktop wallpaper.