癌症 Cancer
- 生活中9種引發癌症最危險的因子
- 用手機就是在微波你的大腦?手機電磁波真的會致癌?, 致癌分級
- This Graphic Shows What Really Matters in Preventing Cancer
- 幫助身體修復,愈活愈健康!癌病專家教你遠離癌症
- 養成良好的睡眠順序習慣
- 提升副交感神經系統、降低交感神經系統的刺激
- 如何吃, 如何烹調, 吃什麼
- 吃蔬果可防癌化?係金A!
- 抗癌: 番茄紅素 綠色蔬菜 蔥蒜 素食 辛香料
- 致癌: 黃麴黴 aflatoxin, 苯並芘 Benzopyrene, 亞硝胺 Nitrosamine. 丙烯醯胺
- 抗癌不能瘦 補充營養品增肌肉
- 逆轉癌病 名醫:7種好食物,餓死癌細胞
- 大白菜/Chinese cabbage - 冬季護膚 防癌
植物油 vegetable oil
- Glycidol 縮水甘油
- 巧克力、麵包恐藏致癌物「縮水甘油」,如何避免? 棕櫚油被發現所含的縮水甘油較高.
名醫自己如何抗癌 48 招. 用經絡儀 來測量12經絡能量平衡與提升。
Different stage of cancer
- In situ cancer is early cancer that is present only in the layer of cells in which it began.
- Localized cancer is cancer that is limited to the organ in which it began, without evidence of spread.
- Regional cancer is cancer that has spread beyond the original (primary) site to nearby lymph nodes or organs and tissues.
- Distant cancer is cancer that has spread from the primary site to distant organs or distant lymph nodes.
- Unstaged cancer is cancer for which there is not enough information to indicate a stage.
- 肺腺癌 Lung adenocarcinoma
- Breast Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Endometrial 子宮內膜 Cancer
- Liver Cancer
- Pancreatic Cancer. Drug Trio Improves Odds Against Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
- Multiple Myeloma 多發性骨髓瘤.
- Glioblastomas(GBM). temozolomide (TMZ)
Rare cancer
About Rare Cancers from
Cancer-Causing Cells, Mutation
You May Already Have Billions of Cancer-Causing Cells
檢查方法 tumor marker
- Tumor marker
- CA 19-9 Blood Test (Pancreatic Cancer)
化療(chemotherapy)和放療(radiation therapy)
Neoadjuvant therapy 新輔助療法
( Treatment given as a first step to shrink a tumor before the main treatment, which is usually surgery, is given. Examples of neoadjuvant therapy include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy. It is a type of induction therapy.
Adjuvant therapy 輔助治療
( Additional cancer treatment given after the primary treatment to lower the risk that the cancer will come back. Adjuvant therapy may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy (Balversa - FDA approves first targeted therapy for metastatic bladder cancer), or biological therapy.
- As we age, cancer rates go up as immune system winds down
- CAR T-cell - Engineering Patients’ Immune Cells to Treat Their Cancers. Gene Therapy May Help Fight Tough-to-Treat Blood Cancer (multiple myeloma).
- Immunotherapy-chemo combo extends life for women with aggressive form of breast cancer. PD-L1 protein is responsible for telling the immune system “don’t attack me.”
- FDA approves first immunotherapy regimen for breast cancer Mar. 9, 2019
Phase of clinical trials
What Are the Different Types of Clinical Research?
What Happens in a Clinical Trial? Phase III of a clinical trial usually involves up to 3,000 participants who have the condition that the new medication is meant to treat.
What Are the Phases of Clinical Trials?
- Phase I clinical trials: Is the treatment safe?
- Phase II clinical trials: Does the treatment work?
- Usually, a group of 25 to 100 patients with the same type of cancer get the new treatment in a phase II study.
- No placebo (sham or inactive treatments) is used.
- Most phase III clinical trials have a large number of patients, at least several hundred.
- Placebos may be used in some phase III studies, but they’re never used alone if there’s a treatment available that works.
- Phase III clinical trials: Is it better than what’s already available?
Related to cancer
- Most cancers are not caused by genetic mutations
- Most Cancers Caused Mainly By 'Bad Luck' Mutations: Johns Hopkins Study
- 罹癌天註定?營養醫學博士教你:3個方法扭轉癌基因: 努力減少生活環境中的危險因子,以避免觸發致癌基因,也可積極借助營養醫學進行個人化營養療法來調控基因,幫助遠離癌症。
Anticancer drug resistance
Anticancer drug resistance: an update and perspective 2021
Druggable genes
Overview of Targeted Therapies for Cancer
Most notable genes present in the human genome
House-keeping genes
- Table with important Housekeeping Genes
- Question: Is there a list of mouse housekeeping genes available to download?
Tumor suppressor gene
Immune genes
快遠離這些飲食習慣!會改變細胞的基因表現. NLRP3 gene
Oncogenes are genes that promote cell growth and reproduction.
COSMIC/Catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer
Genes in news
- IRF4 gene and gray hair
- Single Gene Responsible for Group of Heart Disease Risk Factors and The Unexpected Way Genes Can Double Heart Disease Risk
- FDA Panel Recommends Approval of the First Gene Therapy Treatment
- FDA Approves DNA Test to Spot Cancer Genes — But With Warnings
- Astronaut's DNA no longer matches that of his identical twin, NASA finds
- 癌細胞惡化轉移基因 中研院找到了 致癌基因 PSPC1
- Most Women With Breast Cancer Can Skip Chemo:
- Oncotype DX, which examines the activity of 21 genes to predict the risk of a recurrence over 10 years.
- TIME (no links to the source),
- cnn which includes the source of the news.
- nytimes which includes the source of the news and good info.
- WashingtonPost which includes the source and good info.
- One Gene Change 2 Million Years Ago Left Humans Vulnerable to Heart Attack CMAH
- A Gene Kept One Woman From Developing Alzheimer's -- Could It Help Others? PSEN1
- Global Consortium Finds Genes That Drive Severe COVID-19. FOXP4, DPP9, TYK2. Inhibiting such genes could be potential treatments for preventing severe COVID-19.
Breast cancer
- estrogen receptors (ER+) and progesterone receptors (PR+)
- Breast cancer cells have receptors on their surface and in their cytoplasm and nucleus. Chemical messengers such as hormones bind to receptors, and this causes changes in the cell.
- Breast cancer cells may or may not have three important receptors: estrogen receptor (ER)雌激素受體, progesterone receptor (PR)孕酮受體, and HER2表皮生長因子受體-2.
- ER+ cancer cells (that is, cancer cells that have estrogen receptors) depend on estrogen for their growth, so they can be treated with drugs to block estrogen effects (e.g. tamoxifen), and generally have a better prognosis.
- 超過10%乳癌患者的TP53、PIK3CA和GATA3基因有突變。
- Generally, after surgery, such patients receive endocrine therapy, such as tamoxifen, which is designed to block the cancer-spurring effects of hormones.
- Take a closer look at biomarkers to better understand your patients’ disease
- HR and HER2 are prognostic biomarkers
- HR-positive disease is the most common subtype and results in the majority of breast cancer deaths
- BRCA is another biomarker that can provide you with additional valuable information
- 《防癌保胃戰》, Median overall survival months t0 is calculated P(T >= t0) =0.5. Patient-derived tumor xenografts
- 慢性胃炎、胃萎縮到胃癌… 三部曲要你命