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== [ Cufflinks package] ==
== [ Cufflinks package] ==

Both Cufflinks and Cuffdiff accept SAM and BAM files as input. It is not uncommon for a single lane of Illumina HiSeq sequencing to produce FASTQ and BAM files with a combined size of 20 GB or larger.
Both Cufflinks and Cuffdiff accept SAM and BAM files as input. It is not uncommon for a single lane of Illumina HiSeq sequencing to produce FASTQ and BAM files with a combined size of 20 GB or larger. Laboratories planning to perform more than a small number of RNA-seq experiments should consider investing in robust storage infrastructure, either by purchasing their own hardware or through cloud storage services.

=== Cufflinks ===
=== Cufflinks ===

Revision as of 17:18, 5 March 2013

RNA seq

   BWA/Bowtie     samtools        
fa ---------> sam ------> sam/bam (sorted indexed, short reads), vcf
   or tophat

Rsamtools    GenomeFeatures                  edgeR (normalization)
--------->   --------------> table of counts --------->


Extremely fast, general purpose short read aligner


Aligns RNA-Seq reads to the genome using Bowtie/Discovers splice sites.

Linux part.

$ type -a tophat # Find out which command the shell executes:
tophat is /home/mli/binary/tophat
$ ls -l ~/binary

Quick test of Tophat program

$ wget
$ tar xzvf test_data.tar.gz
$ cd ~/tophat_test_data/test_data
$ PATH=$PATH:/home/mli/bowtie-0.12.8
$ export PATH
$ ls
reads_1.fq      test_ref.1.ebwt  test_ref.3.bt2  test_ref.rev.1.bt2   test_ref.rev.2.ebwt
reads_2.fq      test_ref.2.bt2   test_ref.4.bt2  test_ref.rev.1.ebwt
test_ref.1.bt2  test_ref.2.ebwt  test_ref.fa     test_ref.rev.2.bt2
$ tophat -r 20 test_ref reads_1.fq reads_2.fq
$ # This will generate a new folder <tophat_out>
$ ls tophat_out
accepted_hits.bam  deletions.bed  insertions.bed  junctions.bed  logs  unmapped.bam

TopHat accepts FASTQ and FASTA files of sequencing reads as input. Alignments are reported in BAM files. BAM is the compressed, binary version of SAM43, a flexible and general purpose read alignment format. SAM and BAM files are produced by most next-generation sequence alignment tools as output, and many downstream analysis tools accept SAM and BAM as input. There are also numerous utilities for viewing and manipulating SAM and BAM files. Perhaps most popular among these are the SAM tools ( and the Picard tools (

Cufflinks package

Both Cufflinks and Cuffdiff accept SAM and BAM files as input. It is not uncommon for a single lane of Illumina HiSeq sequencing to produce FASTQ and BAM files with a combined size of 20 GB or larger. Laboratories planning to perform more than a small number of RNA-seq experiments should consider investing in robust storage infrastructure, either by purchasing their own hardware or through cloud storage services.


Cufflinks uses this map (done from Tophat) against the genome to assemble the reads into transcripts.


Compares transcript assemblies to annotation


Merges two or more transcript assemblies


Finds differentially expressed genes and transcripts/Detect differential splicing and promoter use.

Cuffdiff takes the aligned reads from two or more conditions and reports genes and transcripts that are differentially expressed using a rigorous statistical analysis.

Follow the tutorial, we can quickly test the cuffdiff program.

$ wget
$ cufflinks ./test_data.sam
$ ls -l
total 56
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mli mli   221 2013-03-05 15:51 genes.fpkm_tracking
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mli mli   231 2013-03-05 15:51 isoforms.fpkm_tracking
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mli mli     0 2013-03-05 15:51 skipped.gtf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mli mli 41526 2009-09-26 19:15 test_data.sam
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mli mli   887 2013-03-05 15:51 transcripts.gtf


Plots abundance and differential expression results from Cuffdiff.

Other software


IPA from Ingenuity

Login: There are web started version and Java applet version We can double click the file <IpaApplication.jnlp> in my machine's download folder.


  • easily search the scientific literature/integrate diverse biological information.
  • build dynamic pathway models
  • quickly analyze experimental data/Functional discovery: assign function to genes
  • share research and collaborate. On the other hand, IPA is web based, so it takes time for running analyses. Once submitted analyses are done, an email will be sent to the user.

Start Here

Expression data -> New core analysis -> Functions/Diseases -> Network analysis
                                        Canonical pathways        |
                                              |                   |
Simple or advanced search --------------------+                   |
                                              |                   |
                                              v                   |
                                        My pathways, Lists <------+
Creating a custom pathway --------------------+



  • The input data file can be an Excel file with at least one gene ID and expression value at the end of columns (just what BRB-ArrayTools requires in general format importer).
  • The data to be uploaded (because IPA is web-based; the projects/analyses will not be saved locally) can be in different forms. See It uses the term Single/Multiple Observation. An Observation is a list of molecule identifiers and their corresponding expression values for a given experimental treatment. A dataset file may contain a single observation or multiple observations. A Single Observation dataset contains only one experimental condition (i.e. wild-type). A Multiple Observation dataset contains more than one experimental condition (i.e. a time course experiment, a dose response experiment, etc) and can be uploaded into IPA in a single file (e.g. Excel). A maximum of 20 observations in a single file may be uploaded into IPA.
  • The instruction shows what kind of gene identifier types IPA accepts.
  • In this prostate example data tutorial, the term 'fold change' was used to replace log2 gene expression. The tutorial also uses 1.5 as the fold change expression cutoff.
  • The gene table given on the analysis output contains columns 'Fold change', 'ID', 'Notes', 'Symbol' (with tooltip), 'Entrez Gene Name', 'Location', 'Types', 'Drugs'. See a screenshot below.



DAVID Bioinformatics Resource