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* [https://linustechtips.com/topic/1095878-the-beginners-guide-to-pivpn/ The Beginner's Guide to PiVPN]
* [https://linustechtips.com/topic/1095878-the-beginners-guide-to-pivpn/ The Beginner's Guide to PiVPN]
* [https://blog.eldernode.com/install-pivpn-on-ubuntu/ How To Install PiVPN On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS]
* [https://blog.eldernode.com/install-pivpn-on-ubuntu/ How To Install PiVPN On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS]
'''PiVPN + Pi-hole'''
* [https://sylvaindurand.org/installing-pi-hole-with-pivpn/ Installing Pi-hole with PiVPN]. It is now possible to connect, from an OpenVPN client, to a computer or a phone, to benefit from the filtering of Pi-hole.

== wg-easy ==
== wg-easy ==

Revision as of 14:31, 6 May 2023


Blocked, ports

My self hosted VPN does not work in school, what is an alternative? WireGuard defaults to listening on port 51820.

VPN vs Tor

How You Can Host Your Own VPN: VPS

VPN Protocols Compared

6 VPN Protocols Compared: Which Is Best?

Diskless VPN

Why You Should Choose a VPN With Diskless Servers


WireGuard is a fairly new VPN protocol which is much more secure and faster than OpenVPN or IPsec.

Android part:

Use in Ubuntu client

  • Note that the operations on the server's side is very similar to the client's side. See the table below for a comparison of the configuration file.
  • Install wireguard
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wireguard
  • Generate Public and Private Keys on the server:
cd /etc/wireguard 
umask 077
wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
This will create two files privatekey (I think this is for server) and publickey (for client/peer?) in the current directory. We need to repeat this step of generating keys on each client you want to connect to the server.
  • Create a configuration file (based on the keys obtained from the server):
    • <server IP> with the IP address of the WireGuard server. ou can find the public IP address of your server by running the command curl ifconfig.me in the terminal of the server.
    • <server port> with the port number of the server. By default, WireGuard uses UDP port 51820 for communication. However, it is possible that the WireGuard server is configured to use a different port.
    • The roles of Interface & Peer are flipped to the client's machine from server's machine
PrivateKey = <private key>
Address =

PublicKey = <public key>
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = <server IP>:<server port>
PersistentKeepalive = 21
  • Start the WireGuard interface
sudo wg-quick up /path/to/configuration/file
  • Check the status of the interface:
sudo wg show
  • For a new client, the server side should do
echo "[Peer]" >> /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
echo "PublicKey = <client_public_key>" >> /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
echo "AllowedIPs = <client_ip_address>/32" >> /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
  • About the keys. To generate keys in WireGuard server for a client, you can use the wg genkey command to generate a private key for the client and then use the wg pubkey command to generate a public key from that private key. You can then add the public key to the WireGuard server configuration file on the server side and use the private key on the client side.
(umask 077 && wg genkey > wg-private-client.key)
wg pubkey < wg-private-client.key > wg-public-client.key
  • Do I need to pass the server's public key to clients in wireguard?
    • Yes, you need to exchange public keys between the server and each client for secure communication both ways.
    • Each party needs to have their own private and public keys as each pair only enables one-way messaging.
    • For the use in WireGuard, the server and each client must generate their own key pair and then exchange public keys.
  • What does /24 and /32 mean in ip address?
    • In IP addresses, the number after the slash (/) represents the number of bits used for the network portion of the address.
    • For example, in, /24 means that 24 bits are used for the network portion of the address and 8 bits are used for the host portion of the address.
    • How can we explain CIDR notation with /24 and /32 to a manager?
  • Here is a summary of the structure of the configuration file
Server side Client side
PrivateKey = <server-privatekey>
Address =
ListenPort = 51820

PublicKey = <client-publickey>
AllowedIPs = 
Address =
PrivateKey = <client-privatekey>

PublicKey = <server-publickey>
Endpoint = <server-public-ip>:51820
AllowedIPs =, ::/0

Usage with commercial VPNs

To use WireGuard with Windscribe VPN, you need to follow these steps:

  • Sign up for Windscribe VPN
  • Enable the WireGuard protocol: Open the Windscribe app and go to the "Preferences" section. Under the "Connection" tab, select "WireGuard" as the protocol.
  • Generate a WireGuard configuration file: Go to the Windscribe website and sign in to your account. Under the "My Account" section, click on "Generate OpenVPN/WireGuard Config". Select "WireGuard" as the protocol and choose the server location you want to connect to. Click on "Generate" to download the configuration file.
  • Install WireGuard on Ubuntu
  • Import the Windscribe configuration file: Move the downloaded Windscribe configuration file to a directory of your choice on your Ubuntu machine. Open the terminal and run the following command to import the configuration file:
sudo wg-quick up /path/to/windscribe-config-file
  • Verify the connection:
sudo wg show


PiVPN + Pi-hole

  • Installing Pi-hole with PiVPN. It is now possible to connect, from an OpenVPN client, to a computer or a phone, to benefit from the filtering of Pi-hole.


sudo ufw allow 51820/udp
  • Steps
    1. Add wg.taichimd.us to cloudflare.
    2. Update ddclient.conf (recall I use my domain name instead of IP in the WG_HOST)
    3. Open 51820/UDP port on router
    4. sudo ufw allow 51820/udp; docker-compose up -d
    5. Go to http://IP:51821 & add a new client
    6. scan QR on Android wireguard app
    7. Disable wifi and connect http://neverssl.com to test the connection
  • Extra steps:
    1. In cloudflare, disable DNS Proxy
    2. Include WG_ALLOWED_IPS= (not sure if this is necessary)
    3. sudo rm wg0.* (for some reason, the conf file was not changed after I modify docker-compose.yml file)
    4. docker-compose up -d
    5. Re-log in and re-create a new client tunnel, etc.
    6. In the http://IP:51821 client page, you should see a red dot showing a client is connected and some network activity (up/down).
  • Any benefit to changing default WireGuard port?




How to Setup OpenVPN on Fedora 24+

List of free and fast VPNs


5 Free Privacy Tools You Can Use on Any Device. Windscribe has 10GB/month for free


5 Best Free VPNs for Torrenting and P2P — Updated in 2022, The Best Free VPN for Torrenting (April 2022 Updated)

How to Set Up a VPN on Your Router



How Does a Decentralized VPN (dVPN) Work?