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(213 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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More shiny examples can be found on shiny-examples.
More shiny examples can be found on 188 shiny-examples (note this is not what runExample("08_html") used. '''runExample()''' used local files that contain only [ 11 examples]). The local directory is ''/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/library/shiny/'' for R 4.2.x on macOS.

<strike>shiny depends on [ websockets], caTools, bitops, digest packages.</strike>
<strike>shiny depends on [ websockets], caTools, bitops, digest packages.</strike>
Line 18: Line 18:
* If I run the example "01_hello", the browser only shows the control but not graph on Firefox? A: Use Chrome or Opera as the default browser.
* If I run the example "01_hello", the browser only shows the control but not graph on Firefox? A: Use Chrome or Opera as the default browser.
* Q: How difficult to put the code in Gist:github? A: Just create an account. Do not even need to create a repository. Just go to and create a new gist. The new gist can be secret or public. A secret gist can not be edited again after it is created although it works fine when it was used in runGist() function.
* Q: How difficult to put the code in Gist:github? A: Just create an account. Do not even need to create a repository. Just go to and create a new gist. The new gist can be secret or public. A secret gist can not be edited again after it is created although it works fine when it was used in runGist() function.
== Resources ==
* [ Mastering shiny] Hadley Wickham
* [ Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny] Carson Sievert 2019
* [ Shiny Production with AWS Book] by Matt Dancho
* [ The Best Resources for Learning Shiny App Development]
* [ Top 7 Best R Shiny Books and Courses That Are Completely Free]
* [ Level Up Your R/Shiny Team Skills with Our Free Ebook]
== Deployment ==
[ R Shiny Deployment: 5 Options for Individuals and Enterprises]

= Deploy to run locally =
= Deploy to run locally =
[ Run Shiny Apps Locally] 2021
Follow the instruction [ here], we can do as following (Tested on Windows OS)
Follow the instruction [ here], we can do as following (Tested on Windows OS)
# Create a desktop shortcut with target '''"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\R.exe" -e "shiny::runExample('01_hello')" '''. We can name the shortcut as we like, e.g. '''R+shiny'''
# Create a desktop shortcut with target '''"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\R.exe" -e "shiny::runExample('01_hello')" '''. We can name the shortcut as we like, e.g. '''R+shiny'''
Line 26: Line 39:
# Open your browser (Chrome or Firefox works), and type the address '''http://localhost:7510'''. You will see something magic happen.
# Open your browser (Chrome or Firefox works), and type the address '''http://localhost:7510'''. You will see something magic happen.
# If we don't want to play with it, we can close the browser and close the command console (hit 'x')too.
# If we don't want to play with it, we can close the browser and close the command console (hit 'x')too.
== How to run an R shiny app ==
* [ Building Shiny apps – an interactive tutorial] by Dean Attali
* Different ways:
** Click "Run App" in RStudio
** Call shiny::runApp(shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server, options = list(port = 3838))
** Call [ shiny::runApp("~/Directory")] in your R console. This also works if we replaced a directory with an R file.
** R -e "shiny::runApp('~/shinyapp')" from a terminal
* An [ example] of "app.R". Edit a table via the "DT" package.
* [ Turn a shiny application into a tablet or desktop app]
== rmarkdown::run() instead of rmarkdown::render() ==
Use rmarkdown::run("XXX.Rmd") file. If you use the render() function, you will receive an error "Error: path for html_dependency not provided Execution".

== RInno ==
== RInno ==
Line 38: Line 64:
[ Shiny server series part 1: setting up]. It includes setting up A- and CNAME records on DigitalOcean.
[ Shiny server series part 1: setting up]. It includes setting up A- and CNAME records on DigitalOcean.

= Deploy on =
== Deploy on Github Pages: shinylive ==
See [ Getting started with] page.
* Shinylive Code Editor
* [ CRAN] (not the latest)
* [ Github] (latest)
* [ {shinylive}: Serverless Shiny Apps]

[ Limitations of the free account] (5 applications, 25 active hours) on
<li>The backend [ WebR] - R in the Browser (not an R package).
* [ How to run Shiny Apps in your browser with WebR (webr.bundle)]
<li> Shinylive for Python and [ Github]
* [ Shiny for Python Shinylive: How to Run Shiny for Python Apps Without a Python Server] can accept google account to sign up. I create an account and a test application/instance on  
<li>[ Deploying flexdashboard on Github Pages with Docker and Github Actions] 2022

* (quantmod, ggplot2, reshape2, magrittr, rvest packages were used)
<li>[ Deploy Shinylive R App on Github Pages] and the [ post on Medium], 2023/9/26.
* (ggplot2, reshape2, magrittr, rvest, plotly)
* It has good links to RStudio/Posit conf about shinylive
* VScode & a dockerized environment

The R packages our shiny app uses will be automatically downloaded by service. See the ''package dependencies'' section on
<li>[ Add shiny in quarto blog with shinylive] 2024/3/10. Suppose we have a file ''app.R'' in ~/Documents/shinylive folder.
* Install shinylive
:<syntaxhighlight lang='r'>
# install.packages("pak")

After we run rsconnect() command to deploy our apps, a new subfolder '''rsconnect''' will be created under our app folder. I add this folder to .gitignore file.
> pak::pak("posit-dev/r-shinylive")
> packageVersion("shinylive")
[1] ‘’
* Method 1: shinylive via web page. Just one line is need. It will output the local URL. [ My testing page on Github]. To put it on github, go to the repository's setting page (make sure the repository is public). Click on "Pages" on LHS. In the Branch, select "main" branch and "/root" directory.
:<syntaxhighlight lang='r'>
> shinylive::export('~/Documents/shinylive', '~/Documents/shinylive_out')
Run the following in an R session to serve the app:
> httpuv::runStaticServer("~/Documents/shinylive_out")
Serving: '~/Documents/shinylive_out'
View at:
Press Esc or Ctrl + C to stop the server
* Method 2: embed shinylive in Quarto blog. Need to install [ Shinylive Quarto extension]
:<syntaxhighlight lang='r'>
quarto add quarto-ext/shinylive
:After that, modify the ''yaml'' of your [ index.qmd] and put the contents of the app.R in a code chunk.
== Deploy to Digital Ocean ==
[ How to deploy Shiny application to Digital Ocean using GitHub Actions]
= Deploy on rsconnect package =
About the account
* [ Getting started with] page and [ Dashboard] page.
* [ Limitations of the free account] (5 applications, 25 active hours per month) on
* [ How Many Shiny Apps Can You Host for Free?]
* [ Deploy to from Github Actions]
* [ Push Button Publishing for Shiny Apps] can accept google account to sign up.
* <strike> (quantmod, ggplot2, reshape2, magrittr, rvest packages were used)</strike>
* <strike> (ggplot2, reshape2, magrittr, rvest, plotly)</strike>, [ Performance]
* 188 shiny examples. [ source code for this HTML]
* Lasso with simulated data
* Kaplan-Meier curves plotter
* (a backup copy of hadley shiny app). Some packages to test:
** ggpubr, survminer, GGally, glmnet, survAUC
** glmnet, SGL, MSGLasso, grplasso, biospear
** dockerfiler, stevedore, babelwhale, liftr

For the shiny apps we uploaded to, we can download them back. The download bundle will also include '''packrat''' subfolder (packrat.lock file and desc subfolder). See [ here] for more about packrat.
# [ Default System Packages].
# Two commands are needed to upload an app:
#* [ rsconnect::setAccountInfo()] [the full command is copied from account's token page.
#* [ rsconnect::deployApp()] [assume we are in the right working directory]. If the machine contains several accounts, we can use deployApp(account = "XXXX") to specify the account we want to deploy the app. After successful deployment, the browser will open the URL for our app.
# After we run rsconnect() command to deploy our apps, a new subfolder '''rsconnect''' will be created under our app folder. I add this folder to .gitignore file. But it seems this file/folder does not contain any secret information. So not worry.
# The ''rsconnect'' stores account information. If we get the app from another account make sure to delete this subfolder before we run ''rsconnect::deployApp()''; otherwise we will get an error message ''Error: HTTP 403 .... Forbidden'''; see [ I can't deploy my app with a name that was used in a previous deleted app].
# For the shiny apps we uploaded to, we can download them back. The download bundle will also include '''packrat''' subfolder (packrat.lock file and desc subfolder). See [[R_packages#packrat_.28reproducible_search.29:_project_specific_package_managment|R packages &rarr; packrat]] for more about packrat.

= Deploy with Docker =
[ Deploying an R Shiny App With Docker]
# I cannot upload my shiny app [ shinySurvival] when it contains data in a subdirectory.
# When the app is running perfectly locally, it gives some errors when it is deployed to the Looking at the app log does not help too much.
== deployApp() ==
<li>Choose which files ignored deploy to See [ Deploy to from Github Actions]
deployApp(, appFiles= c("app.R" #, you can specify which files to deploy,
                                #or keep this NULL to deploy everything
          appName = error_on_missing_name("MASTERNAME"),
          appTitle = "shinyapplication")
== Packages ==
<li>The R packages our shiny app uses will be automatically downloaded by service. See the ''package dependencies'' section on and [ Using your R packages in the cloud].
<li>When you deploy your application, the '''rsconnect''' package detects the packages that your application uses by looking for explicit '''library()''' calls within your application. Be aware that you should not have an explicit '''install.packages()''' call within your ui.R or server.R files.
<li>Currently the service supports deploying packages installed from '''CRAN, GitHub''', and '''BioConductor'''.
<li>[ rsconnect::appDependencies()] - Recursively detect all package dependencies for an application.
<li>Error when trying to deploy to Application depends on package "package" but it is not. You have to fool the shinyapps (or rsconnect) package a bit so that it does not detect package as a literal package name.
<pre>, list(package = package, character.only = TRUE))
<li>How to specify package versions when deploying Shiny app to See the next item.
<li>[ Shiny app which depends on package on GitHub?] '''You should not install packages inside your shiny app, just install it locally and rsconnect will figure out how to install it based on your local library, you just have to load the library inside your app.''' Remember [ packageDescription()] records all information even a package installed from a specific commit from Github repository.
<li>(Is this outdated?) In order for BioConductor packages to install succesfully on, the '''repos''' option must be configured, either directly or by using '''setRepositories()''', to include the BioConductor repositories in addition to CRAN.  [ setRepositories()]
setRepositories(addURLs = c(BioC = ""))
<li>[ Deploy shiny app using custom package]. Also use '''renv''' or '''packrat''' package.
<li>[ How to manage R package dependencies for shiny app deployment (docker)]  packrat
<li>[ Deploying packrat projects to Shiny Server Pro] packrat
<li>[ Building Web Apps with R Shiny] ebook
<li>[ Deploy to from Github Actions]
== Deploying a development version of a shiny app ==
rsconnect::deployApp(..., appName="MyApp")
rsconnect::deployApp(..., appName="MyApp_dev")

= Shiny server installation =
= Shiny server installation =
Line 62: Line 193:
The default port is 3838. That is, the remote computer can access the website using
The default port is 3838. That is, the remote computer can access the website using

== Ubuntu ==
== Release ==
In my case, I need to modify the firewall to allow traffic through to Shiny Server '''sudo ufw allow 3838'''. See [ How to Set Up Shiny Server on Ubuntu 16.04]. The tutorial also covers '''Securing Shiny Server with a Reverse Proxy and SSL Certificate'''.  
[ Shiny Server 1.5.16 Update] 2021-01-03
== Ubuntu & firewall ==
* In my case, I need to modify the firewall to allow traffic through to Shiny Server '''sudo ufw allow 3838'''. See [ How to Set Up Shiny Server on Ubuntu 16.04]. The tutorial also covers '''Securing Shiny Server with a Reverse Proxy and SSL Certificate'''.
* [ Deploy your own Shiny app server with debian] 2023-1

==  RHEL/CentOS 7 ==
==  RHEL/CentOS 7 ==
Line 69: Line 204:

== Raspberry Pi ==
== Raspberry Pi ==
* [ Automatically installing Shiny and RStudio server on Raspberry Pi OS with Ansible] 2021-01-13

Line 135: Line 271:
== Google analytics ==

== Reverse proxy: Deploy your own shiny server ==
== Reverse proxy: Deploy your own shiny server ==
Line 141: Line 280:
* [ Setting up RStudio Server, Shiny Server and PostgreSQL]
* [ Setting up RStudio Server, Shiny Server and PostgreSQL]
* When used with cloudflare, we should disable HTTP proxy (CDN) and use DNS only.
* When used with cloudflare, we should disable HTTP proxy (CDN) and use DNS only.
* [ How to make your home Shiny or Rstudio Server accessible from the public internet]

== Shiny https: Securing Shiny Open Source with SSL ==
== Shiny https: Securing Shiny Open Source with SSL ==
* [ ShinyProxy], [ SHINYPROXY 1.0.2]
* [ ShinyProxy]
** [ SHINYPROXY 1.0.2]
** [ Securing and monitoring ShinyProxy deployment of R Shiny apps]

= How to run an R shiny app =
== Securing Shiny Server with Caddy ==
* [ Building Shiny apps – an interactive tutorial] by Dean Attali
* [ Securing Shiny Server with Caddy]
* Three ways
* [ File Transfer Based Publishing for Shiny Apps]
** Click "Run App" in RStudio
** Call [ shiny::runApp("~/Directory")] in your R console
= Shiny for Python =
** R -e "shiny::runApp('~/shinyapp')" from a terminal
* An [ example] of "app.R". Edit a table via the "DT" package.
= Shiny Assistant =
* [ Shiny assistant] 2024/10/9
= Simplifying Parts Of A Shiny App by Creating Functions =
[ Simplifying Parts Of A Shiny App by Creating Functions]
= shinyuieditor =
[ shinyuieditor] package
= Shiny UI Prototype Builder =
[ designer] package
= How to Build a Data Analysis App in R Shiny =
[ How to Build a Data Analysis App in R Shiny]

= Example of embedding shiny in your web page =
= Landing page =
* We can create an HTML file in /srv/shiny-server directory as the landing page where each app is under a sub-directory.
* [ R Shiny Apps by Sharon Machlis]
* [ shinyLP] package. Bootstrap Landing Home Pages for Shiny Applications
* [ Host a directory of applications] from Shiny Server Professional v1.5.17 Administrator's Guide

= The R Shiny packages you need for your web apps =
= The R Shiny packages you need for your web apps =
== Other web apps ==
[ Ten simple rules for researchers who want to develop web apps]

= Shiny + Docker =
= Shiny + Docker =
Line 168: Line 331:
* (Shiny + RStudio servers)
* (Shiny + RStudio servers)
* [ How To Dockerize ShinyApps] + renv package
* [ Deploying an R Shiny App With Docker]
* [ Deploying an R Shiny App With Docker]
* [ Running a shiny app in a docker container]
* [ Dockerized Shiny Apps with Dependencies]. renv
* [ Host Shiny Apps with Docker]
* [ Using systemd to Run Shiny Apps]
* [ Running Shiny Server in Docker]
* [ Shiny Apps with Docker Compose, Part 1: Development] 2021
* [ UCSCXenaShiny]: An R package for interactively exploring UCSC Xena
* [ Automating Dockerfile creation for Shiny apps] 2022/10/20
* [ R Shiny Docker: How To Run Shiny Apps in a Docker Container] 2023/11/28
= Dashboard =
* [ A Dashboard of Shiny Apps]
* [ 4 Tips to Make Your Shiny Dashboard Faster]
* [ Dashboards in R Shiny]

= [ shinydashboard] =
== [ shinydashboard] ==
* [ Dashboards made easy]
* [ Dashboards made easy]
* [ Using Shiny with Scheduled and Streaming Data]
* [ Using Shiny with Scheduled and Streaming Data]

= [ flexdashboard] =
== [ flexdashboard] ==
* The output can be a static HTML file or a dynamic HTML (using shiny, highcharter, viridisLite, ...)
* The output can be a static HTML file or a dynamic HTML (using shiny, highcharter, viridisLite, ...)
Line 181: Line 359:
* Real example containing gauges
* Real example containing gauges
* [ Automated Dashboard for Classification Neural Network in R]
* [ Automated Dashboard for Classification Neural Network in R]
* [ Automated Dashboard with various correlation visualizations in R]
* [ Speeding up R Plotly web apps - R x Javascript part I]
= shinyalert: create pretty popup messages (modals) in Shiny =
[ shinyalert]
= shinyjs =
[ shinyjs]
= Dash bio for R =
[ Introducing Dash Bio for R]
= Theme =
== shinytheme ==
* [ shinythemes 1.1.1]
* [ Build Your Own Interactive Data-Driven Web App: A Step-by-Step Guide]
== bslib ==
[ R Shiny bslib – How to Work With Bootstrap Themes in Shiny]

= shinytheme =
== bootstraplib ==
[ shinythemes 1.1.1]
[ How to use bootstraplib's Live Theme Previewer to customize Shiny apps?]

= shiny + databases: pool package =
= shiny + databases =
* [ Shiny in Production: App and Database Syncing]
* [ shiny + databases: pool package]

= tags, hyperlinks =
= tags, hyperlinks =
Line 197: Line 396:

= websocket =
= websocket =

= CentOS =
= CentOS =
Line 205: Line 405:

= Gallery =
= Gallery =
git clone
* [ Shiny User Showcase]
* [ Shiny User Showcase]
* [ Introducing Shiny App Stories]
* Example of using googleVis:
* Example of using googleVis:
Line 211: Line 417:
* interactiveDisplay (Bioconductor package, there is a STOP Application button too):
* interactiveDisplay (Bioconductor package, there is a STOP Application button too):
* [ Party vote characteristics at the New Zealand General Election 2014], [ More things with the New Zealand Election Study]
* [ Party vote characteristics at the New Zealand General Election 2014], [ More things with the New Zealand Election Study]
* [ genSurv] : An interactive web-based tool for survival analysis in genomics research. The [ paper] and the [ source] code.
* [ geneSurv] : An interactive web-based tool for survival analysis in genomics research. The [ paper] and the [ source] code.
* [ gene2drug]
* [ gene2drug]
* Stock
* Stock
Line 223: Line 429:
= Persistent data storage in Shiny apps =
= Persistent data storage in Shiny apps =
= multiple outputs to mainPanel = Or use fluidRow() to expand the output in one tabPanel.
ui <- navbarPage("My App",
          tabPanel("CV plot", plotOutput("plotLasso")),
          tabPanel("Lasso fitting",
                      column(12, TextOutput("fitLasso", inline=T)),
                      column(12, verbatimTextOutput("fitLasso2"))
      ) # close mainPanel
  ) # close sidebarLayout
  ), # close tabPanel Lasso
)  #close navbar page
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$fitLasso <- renderText({ })
  output$fitLasso2 <- renderPrint({ })
shinyApp(ui, server)
= navbarPage =
[ How to get the selected Tab-ID in a navbarPage with modules]
= HTML =
<li>[ Customize your UI with HTML]
# adding the new div tag to the sidebar           
      tags$div(class="header", checked=NA,
              tags$p("Ready to take the Shiny tutorial? If so"),
              tags$a(href="", "Click Here!")
<li>[ Build your entire UI with HTML]. ''This seems to be a more complicated approach'' at first glance.
|-- app.R
|-- www
    |-- index.html
and "app.R"
# ui is defined in the HTML file
server <- function(input, output) { }
shinyApp(ui = htmlTemplate("www/index.html"), server)
<li>[ HTML templates]
<li>[ Shiny HTML Tags Glossary]
= Conditional input =
* [ conditionalPanel()], [ selectInput()]
* [ checkboxInput and conditionalPanel in shiny]
= Upload a file/files =
* fileInput(), renderTable(), tableOutput(). Add ''options(shiny.maxRequestSize = 30*1024^2)'' to increase the upload size to eg 30MB.
* [ how to upload and access multiple CSV files in R Shiny], [ source code]. renderTable(), renderPrint(), renderUI().
* [ demo upload a zip file and unzip it to local machine]. [ Source code]. observeEvent()
* [ CASAS: Cancer Survival Analysis Suite, a web based application]
* [ fileInput "accept" not filtering options]. The RStudio built in web browser does not use the accept attribute. It will always show "All Files (*)" if you view your shiny app through RStudio. The '''RStudio built in web browser''' does not use the accept attribute. It will always show "All Files (*)" if you view your shiny app through RStudio.
= reactive =
* [ Lesson 4 Display reactive output]
* [ Reactivity - An overview]
* [ ?reactive], [ Lesson 6 Use reactive expressions]
* [ 3 Basic reactivity] from '''Mastering Shiny'''
* [ Shiny Reactivity Tricks, pt. II: Reactives Factories]
= actionButton and isolate =
* [ 049-isolate-demo]
* It seems isolate() will always run the code one time. So consider '''eventReactive()''' or '''observeEvent()''' instead.
== actionButton and eventReactive* ==
[ R Shiny App Tutorial | eventReactive() demo | Create dependency on actionButton]
== actionButton, observeEvent and reactiveValues ==
<li>[ ?reactiveValues]
<li>Based on the following 2 examples. It seems
* reactiveValues() and observeEvent() work together.
* reactiveValues() will create a global variable and its value will be changed based on an actionButton.
* the effect of '''observeEvent() + reactiveValues()''' is similar to '''eventReactive()''' if we don't consider the situation that the new value depends on the old value.
<li>[ reactiveValues example]
text_reactive <- reactiveValues(
    text = "No text has been submitted yet."
observeEvent(input$submit, {
    text_reactive$text <- input$user_text
output$text <- renderText({
eventReactive() way:
text <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
output$text <- renderText({
<li>[ reactiveValues() in R Shiny - Example 1 - A counter] (video)
counter <- reactiveValues(countervalue = 0)
    counter$countervalue <- counter$countervalue + 1
output$counter <- renderText({
The following code will break (Error in : C stack usage  7969216 is too close to the limit). So this is the case eventReactive() can't replace reactiveValues()!
countervalue <- eventReactive(input$add1, {
          countervalue() + 1
output$counter <- renderText({
= Dynamic UI =
* [ Build a dynamic UI that reacts to user input]. reactive(), observeEvent()
* [ Dynamically generated user interface components]
* [ Dynamic UI in Shiny (incl. demo app)] complicated!
* Youtube
** [ R Shiny app tutorial # 13 a - how to use renderUI() and uiOutput() in shiny - Dynamic input widgets]
** [ (R Shiny Basic App) #8 Dynamically create Drop Down List] source code in [ github]. Code is short. reactive(), observe(), [ selectInput()], updateSelectInput().
== eventReactive() ==
<li>[ 028-actionbutton-demo] actionButton() and eventReactive()
<li>[ Using Action and Reset Buttons] actionButton(), reactiveValues(), observeEvent() and eventReactive()
<li>[ observeEvent() and eventReactive()] from Mastering Shiny
<li>[ Shiny: what is the difference between observeEvent and eventReactive?]
* '''eventReactive'''(eventExpr, handlerExpr, ...) creates a reactive value that changes based on the eventExpr. It seems we do not care much about the returned value. ''handleExpr'' is like output$SOMETHING.
* '''observeEvent'''(eventExpr, valueExpr, ...) simply is triggered based on eventExpr. It returns a reactive expression object.
= Files =
== shinyFiles ==
[ shinyFiles] package. This package extends the functionality of shiny by providing an API for client side access to the server file system. As many shiny apps are run locally this is equivalent to accessing the filesystem of the users own computer, without the overhead of copying files to temporary locations that is tied to the use of fileInput().

= Password protection =
= Password protection =
Line 229: Line 602:
* [ Authentication of Shiny-server Application Using a Simple Method]
* [ Authentication of Shiny-server Application Using a Simple Method]
* [ Adding Firebase Authentication to Shiny] 2019
* [ Polished] is an R package that adds authentication and user administration to your Shiny apps.
** [ Adding Firebase Authentication to Shiny], [ Polished - Modern Authentication for Shiny] 2019
** [ New Polished Feature - Email Templates] 2020

= Install all required R packages =
= Install all required R packages =
= Icons =
<li>[ R Shiny & FontAwesome Icons – How to Use Them in Your Dashboards]
<li>[ Image not showing R Shiny (displayed as broken)]
* Put the png file in the '''www''' directory
* Put your R code in the app.R file and run it through runApp() or the '''Run App''' icon in RStudio. It does not work if we call it by shinyApp() function.
<syntaxhighlight lang='r'>
ui <- fluidPage(
      title = tags$div(tags$img(src = "icon.png", height = "32px", width = "32px"),
                      "Interactive Kaplan Meier Plot",
                      style = "background-color: black; color: white; padding: 10px;")),
        radioButtons("survivalType", "Choose survival data type:",
                      choices = list("Overall Survival" = "os", "Progression Free Survival" = "pfs"),
                      selected = "os")
= How do I add a favicon to my Shiny app =
Adding a favicon to your Shiny app can be done by placing the favicon file in the www directory of your Shiny app and then using the tags$link function in your UI to link to it. Here’s how you can do it:
<li>Place your favicon file (e.g., favicon.ico) in the www directory of your Shiny app.
<li>In your UI, add the following line inside the fluidPage or navbarPage function:
tags$head(tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "favicon.ico", type = "image/x-icon"))
<li>Here’s an example of how it might look in a Shiny app:
ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("My Shiny App"),
  tags$head(tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "favicon.ico", type = "image/x-icon")),
  # Rest of your UI code...
server <- function(input, output) {
  # Your server code...
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Websites to convert an image to a favicon:

= Building a Shiny App as a Package =
= Building a Shiny App as a Package =
* [ Framework for Shiny Apps in R Packages]

= Collapsible menu =
= Collapsible menu =
[ Three R Shiny tricks to make your Shiny app shines (2/3): Semi-collapsible sidebar]
[ Three R Shiny tricks to make your Shiny app shines (2/3): Semi-collapsible sidebar]
= Color picker =

= Simulations =
= Simulations =
Line 244: Line 683:

= Tables =
= Tables =
[ Edit datatables in R shiny app]. It uses [ DT] package.
* [ Announcing the 2020 RStudio Table Contest]
* [ Edit datatables in R shiny app]. It uses [ DT] package.
* [ reactable]
** [ How to create tables in R with expandable rows]
= Multimedia =
[ Shiny and Reactive Multimedia]
= Math formula =
* [ mathjax]
* [ Write in-line equations in your Shiny application with MathJax]
= shinyMatrix =
* shinyMatrix: Shiny Matrix Input Field]
* [ How to Use shinyMatrix and plotly Graphs as Inputs in a Shiny App]
= Tree =
[ shinyTree]
= D3 =
* [ collapsible d3js trees]
* [ d3po]: R package for easy interactive D3 visualization with Shiny
= Time series =
[ dygraphs]
= CSS =
* [ How to Use CSS to Style Your R Shiny Projects]

= Debug =
= Debug =
[ reactlog]: Visually debug your reactivity issues
* [ reactlog]: Visually debug your reactivity issues
* [ Debugging Shiny applications]
= Talks =
[ Shiny in production: Principles, practices, and tools - Joe Cheng] 2019

= Tips =
= Tips =
[ Shiny tips & tricks for improving your apps and solving common problems] by Dean Attali.
[ Shiny tips & tricks for improving your apps and solving common problems] by Dean Attali.
== Adding a website ==
[ Adding a website next to your Shiny server]
== A Guide to Benchmarking Memory Usage ==
[ Maximizing Efficiency: A Guide to Benchmarking Memory Usage in Shiny Apps]
= Recreating a Shiny App with Flask =
[ Recreating a Shiny App with Flask]
== Webhook ==
Flask, a popular web framework.
This example assumes that you have a server running at that is set up to receive POST requests.
<syntaxhighlight lang='python'>
from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def respond():
    return {'status': 'success'}, 200
if __name__ == '__main__':, debug=True)
In this example, whenever a POST request is made to, the respond function is triggered. This function prints the JSON payload of the request and returns a success status. The JSON payload is the data sent by the application that triggered the webhook. This could be any data related to the event that occurred in the other application. For instance, if the webhook was triggered by a new user signing up, the JSON payload might contain the new user’s details.
You can use the curl command to send a POST request to your local server. Here’s an example:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key":"value"}' http://localhost:5000/webhook

= Modularize your shiny apps =
= Modularize your shiny apps =
* [ How to Safely Remove a Dynamic Shiny Module]

= [ A Shiny-app Serves as Shiny-server Load Balancer] =
= [ A Shiny-app Serves as Shiny-server Load Balancer] =
== ggtips: adding tooltips boxes to ggplots ==
[ Adds interactive tooltip boxes to ggplots (standalone or rendered in Shiny)]

= [ Shinyloadtest] tools for load testing Shiny applications =
= [ Shinyloadtest] tools for load testing Shiny applications =
Line 263: Line 771:

= [ Shiny-server System Performance Monitoring for Open Source Edition] =
= [ Shiny-server System Performance Monitoring for Open Source Edition] =
= Build a static website with R Shiny =
[  Build a static website with R Shiny]
= Embed a shiny app on your website =
* [ How to embed a Shiny App on Website]
* See this example [ Interactive visualization of survival curves with Shiny] where it use '''iframe''' to embed a shiny app hosted on
<iframe width="750" height="650" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="">
= Machine learning examples =
[ How To Share Your Machine Learning Models With Shiny]

= Real Shiny Examples =
= Real Shiny Examples =
* [ CellMinerDB] from NCI/NIH.
* [ CellMinerDB] from NCI/NIH.
* [ UCSCXenaShiny]
* [ voomDDA]: Discovery of Diagnostic Biomarkers and Classification of RNA-Seq Data.
* [ voomDDA]: Discovery of Diagnostic Biomarkers and Classification of RNA-Seq Data.
* [ Interactive analysis of metagenomics data]
* [ Interactive analysis of metagenomics data]
Line 271: Line 794:
* [ GREIN : GEO RNA-seq Experiments Interactive Navigator] and the [ paper]
* [ GREIN : GEO RNA-seq Experiments Interactive Navigator] and the [ paper]
* [ SurvELM]: An R package for high dimensional survival analysis with extreme learning machine , [ paper]
* [ SurvELM]: An R package for high dimensional survival analysis with extreme learning machine , [ paper]
* Essential guidelines for computational method benchmarking [ paper]
* [ BISR-RNAseq] – an efficient and scalable RNAseq analysis workflow with interactive report generation
* [ ROGUE: an R Shiny app for RNA sequencing analysis and biomarker discovery] 2023
* [ NASQAR]: a web-based platform for high-throughput sequencing data analysis and visualization. 2020
* [ MutationExplorer] (sloww) and [ Source]
* [ ideal]: an R/Bioconductor package for interactive differential expression analysis
* [ BingleSeq]- A user-friendly R package for Bulk and Single-cell RNA-Seq data analyses.
* [ OmicsVolcano]: software for intuitive visualization and interactive exploration of high-throughput biological data
* [ SC1: scRNA-Seq Analysis Pipeline], [ manuscript]
* [ Azimuth] A Shiny web app for mapping datasets using Seurat v4
* []
* [ R Shiny in Life Sciences – Top 7 Dashboard Examples]
* [ R Shiny in Government – Top 7 Dashboards You Should See]
* [ classifieR a flexible interactive cloud-application for functional annotation of cancer transcriptomes]
* [ BatchQC] package. Batch Effects Quality Control Software. That's why the vignettes do not show any text/plots output. However, an HTML report and other files are created automatically in the working directory.
* [ TCGAbiolinksGUI]: A Graphical User Interface to analyze cancer molecular and clinical data (got some error when calling TCGAbiolinksGUI()). [ Docker image] with instruction (works fine 8GB image, access via http://URL:3334).
** The web interface allows us to download the data and then upload it (from the docker machine) to the portal  for data analysis. Very nice!
** After uploading the data, the screen flashed many times? It should has a feedback to show the first few rows of the data.
** Strangely even the downloaded csv file has required column names (days_to_death, days_to_last_follow_up, vital_status) for the analysis tool (the survival plot), I still got an error. ''An error has occurred. Check your logs or contact the app author for clarification.''
** No any error messages in the docker log.
** It seems the performance & reliability is an issue.
* [ LACE 2.0]: an interactive R tool for the inference and visualization of longitudinal cancer evolution 2023
* [ ProViz] ProViz imports an ADAT file (SomaLogic's data file format) and allows users to perform various exploratory data analytic processes.

= Interesting Examples =
= Interesting Examples =
* Convert a data frame to a mediawiki table
* [ Very shiny holidays!]  Shiny + JQuery + CSS.
* [ Very shiny holidays!]  Shiny + JQuery + CSS.
* [ Shinyfit: Advanced regression modelling in a shiny app]
* [ Shinyfit: Advanced regression modelling in a shiny app]
* [ Probability Calculator App]
* [ Visually explore Probability Distributions with vistributions]
* [ Visually explore Probability Distributions with vistributions]
* <syntaxhighlight lang='rsplus'>
runGitHub("hadley", "cran-downloads")
# cannot open URL '':
# HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
system("cd ~/github/; git clone")
* [ Exploring Nginx workers load arbitration]
* COVID-19
** [ sars2pack]
** [ Coronavirus COVID-19 statistics and forecast]
** [ tidycovid19], [ Covid-19: Explore Your Visualizer Degrees of Freedom]
** [ COVID-19 Tracker: Days since N]
** [ Projections] (not shiny)
** (not shiny)
** [ IMHE COVID-19 CurveFit program], [ "severe error" in the formulation of the IHME model] (not shiny)
* [ How to create a simple Coronavirus dashboard specific to your country in R]
* [ Whats Cooking ??]
* [ countdown], [ source]
* [ Hangman] from 2nd Annual Shiny Contest.
* [ A shiny app for exploratory data analysis]
* [ PlotS]: web-based application for data visualization and analysis
* [ shinyExprPortal]. Deploy interactive Shiny portals for exploration and showcase of analysis of molecular expression and phenotype data using a configuration file.
* [ shinybody]- an Interactive Anatomography Widget for Shiny
* Games
** [ If Doom runs everywhere, it must run on Shiny]

= Scaling =
= Scaling =
* [ Shiny 1.1.0: Scaling Shiny with async]
* [ Shiny 1.1.0: Scaling Shiny with async]
= Long run with Shiny =
* [ Long Running Tasks With Shiny: Challenges and Solutions]
* [ Progress indicators]
* [ How to display a busy indicator in a shiny app?]
* [ shinycssloaders] package. Add a loading animation ("spinner") to outputs. Easy to use.
** [ How to show Spinning Wheel or Busy Icon while waiting in Shiny]
= Track Shiny App User Activity With the RStudio Connect Server ==
[ Track Shiny App User Activity With the RStudio Connect Server API]
= Standalone application =
[ Photon: Building an Electron-Shiny app using a simple RStudio addin]
= Mobile =
[ shinyMobile]

Latest revision as of 12:31, 3 March 2025


The following is what we see on a browser after we run an example from shiny package. See Note that the R session needs to be on; i.e. R command prompt will not be returned unless we press Ctrl+C or ESC.

ShinyHello.png Shinympg.png ShinyReactivity.png ShinyTabsets.png ShinyUpload.png

More shiny examples can be found on 188 shiny-examples (note this is not what runExample("08_html") used. runExample() used local files that contain only 11 examples). The local directory is /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/library/shiny/ for R 4.2.x on macOS.

shiny depends on websockets, caTools, bitops, digest packages.

Q & A:

  • Tutorial:
  • Layout:
  • Q: If we run runExample('01_hello') in Rserve from an R client, we can continue our work in R client without losing the functionality of the GUI from shiny. Question: how do we kill the job?
  • If I run the example "01_hello", the browser only shows the control but not graph on Firefox? A: Use Chrome or Opera as the default browser.
  • Q: How difficult to put the code in Gist:github? A: Just create an account. Do not even need to create a repository. Just go to and create a new gist. The new gist can be secret or public. A secret gist can not be edited again after it is created although it works fine when it was used in runGist() function.



R Shiny Deployment: 5 Options for Individuals and Enterprises

Deploy to run locally

Run Shiny Apps Locally 2021

Follow the instruction here, we can do as following (Tested on Windows OS)

  1. Create a desktop shortcut with target "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\R.exe" -e "shiny::runExample('01_hello')" . We can name the shortcut as we like, e.g. R+shiny
  2. Double click the shortcut. The Windows Firewall will be popped up and say it block some features of the program. It does not matter if we choose Allow access or Cancel.
  3. Look at the command prompt window (black background console window), it will say something like
    Listening on port 7510
    at the last line of the console.
  4. Open your browser (Chrome or Firefox works), and type the address http://localhost:7510. You will see something magic happen.
  5. If we don't want to play with it, we can close the browser and close the command console (hit 'x')too.

How to run an R shiny app

rmarkdown::run() instead of rmarkdown::render()

Use rmarkdown::run("XXX.Rmd") file. If you use the render() function, you will receive an error "Error: path for html_dependency not provided Execution".


Installs shiny apps packaged as stand-alone Electron apps using Inno Setup, an open source software that builds installers for Windows programs only.

Deploy on cloud

Shiny server series part 1: setting up. It includes setting up A- and CNAME records on DigitalOcean.

Deploy on Github Pages: shinylive

Deploy to Digital Ocean

How to deploy Shiny application to Digital Ocean using GitHub Actions

Deploy on rsconnect package

About the account can accept google account to sign up.


  1. Default System Packages.
  2. Two commands are needed to upload an app:
    • rsconnect::setAccountInfo() [the full command is copied from account's token page.
    • rsconnect::deployApp() [assume we are in the right working directory]. If the machine contains several accounts, we can use deployApp(account = "XXXX") to specify the account we want to deploy the app. After successful deployment, the browser will open the URL for our app.
  3. After we run rsconnect() command to deploy our apps, a new subfolder rsconnect will be created under our app folder. I add this folder to .gitignore file. But it seems this file/folder does not contain any secret information. So not worry.
  4. The rsconnect stores account information. If we get the app from another account make sure to delete this subfolder before we run rsconnect::deployApp(); otherwise we will get an error message Error: HTTP 403 .... Forbidden'; see I can't deploy my app with a name that was used in a previous deleted app.
  5. For the shiny apps we uploaded to, we can download them back. The download bundle will also include packrat subfolder (packrat.lock file and desc subfolder). See R packages → packrat for more about packrat.


  1. I cannot upload my shiny app shinySurvival when it contains data in a subdirectory.
  2. When the app is running perfectly locally, it gives some errors when it is deployed to the Looking at the app log does not help too much.


  • Choose which files ignored deploy to See Deploy to from Github Actions
    deployApp(, appFiles= c("app.R" #, you can specify which files to deploy, 
                                     #or keep this NULL to deploy everything
              appName = error_on_missing_name("MASTERNAME"),
              appTitle = "shinyapplication")


  • The R packages our shiny app uses will be automatically downloaded by service. See the package dependencies section on and Using your R packages in the cloud.
  • When you deploy your application, the rsconnect package detects the packages that your application uses by looking for explicit library() calls within your application. Be aware that you should not have an explicit install.packages() call within your ui.R or server.R files.
  • Currently the service supports deploying packages installed from CRAN, GitHub, and BioConductor.
  • rsconnect::appDependencies() - Recursively detect all package dependencies for an application.
  • Error when trying to deploy to Application depends on package "package" but it is not. You have to fool the shinyapps (or rsconnect) package a bit so that it does not detect package as a literal package name., list(package = package, character.only = TRUE))
  • How to specify package versions when deploying Shiny app to See the next item.
  • Shiny app which depends on package on GitHub? You should not install packages inside your shiny app, just install it locally and rsconnect will figure out how to install it based on your local library, you just have to load the library inside your app. Remember packageDescription() records all information even a package installed from a specific commit from Github repository.
  • (Is this outdated?) In order for BioConductor packages to install succesfully on, the repos option must be configured, either directly or by using setRepositories(), to include the BioConductor repositories in addition to CRAN. setRepositories()
    setRepositories(addURLs = c(BioC = ""))
  • Deploy shiny app using custom package. Also use renv or packrat package.
  • How to manage R package dependencies for shiny app deployment (docker) packrat
  • Deploying packrat projects to Shiny Server Pro packrat
  • Building Web Apps with R Shiny ebook
  • Deploy to from Github Actions

Deploying a development version of a shiny app

rsconnect::deployApp(..., appName="MyApp")
rsconnect::deployApp(..., appName="MyApp_dev")

Shiny server installation

Each app directory needs to be copied to /srv/shiny-server/ (which links to /opt/shiny-server/) directory using sudo.

The default port is 3838. That is, the remote computer can access the website using


Shiny Server 1.5.16 Update 2021-01-03

Ubuntu & firewall


Raspberry Pi


sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
# deb stretch main 

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-core r-base-dev


sudo apt-get install cmake

sudo su - -c "R -e \"install.packages('shiny', repos='')\"" 

git clone
cd shiny-server
mkdir tmp
cd tmp

PYTHON=`which python`
$PYTHON --version


mkdir ../build
(cd .. && ./bin/npm --python="$PYTHON" install)
(cd .. && ./bin/node ./ext/node/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js --python="$PYTHON" rebuild)

sudo make install

sudo ln -s /usr/local/shiny-server/bin/shiny-server /usr/bin/shiny-server

sudo useradd -r -m shiny

sudo mkdir -p /var/log/shiny-server
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shiny-server
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/shiny-server
sudo chown shiny /var/log/shiny-server
sudo mkdir -p /etc/shiny-server

cd /etc/shiny-server/
sudo wget

sudo shiny-server


建立 server.R 及 ui.R 程式

cd /srv/shiny-server
mkdir hello_shiny
cd hello_shiny
# 分別建立 server.R 及 ui.R

Running shiny server as non-root: run_as

Google analytics

Reverse proxy: Deploy your own shiny server

Shiny https: Securing Shiny Open Source with SSL

Securing Shiny Server with Caddy

Shiny for Python

Shiny Assistant

Simplifying Parts Of A Shiny App by Creating Functions

Simplifying Parts Of A Shiny App by Creating Functions


shinyuieditor package

Shiny UI Prototype Builder

designer package

How to Build a Data Analysis App in R Shiny

How to Build a Data Analysis App in R Shiny

Landing page

The R Shiny packages you need for your web apps

Other web apps

Ten simple rules for researchers who want to develop web apps

Shiny + Docker




shinyalert: create pretty popup messages (modals) in Shiny




Dash bio for R

Introducing Dash Bio for R




R Shiny bslib – How to Work With Bootstrap Themes in Shiny


How to use bootstraplib's Live Theme Previewer to customize Shiny apps?

shiny + databases

tags, hyperlinks





git clone

Persistent data storage in Shiny apps

multiple outputs to mainPanel Or use fluidRow() to expand the output in one tabPanel.

ui <- navbarPage("My App",

          tabPanel("CV plot", plotOutput("plotLasso")),
          tabPanel("Lasso fitting", 
                      column(12, TextOutput("fitLasso", inline=T)),
                      column(12, verbatimTextOutput("fitLasso2"))
       ) # close mainPanel
   ) # close sidebarLayout
  ), # close tabPanel Lasso
)  #close navbar page

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$fitLasso <- renderText({ })
  output$fitLasso2 <- renderPrint({ })

shinyApp(ui, server)


How to get the selected Tab-ID in a navbarPage with modules


  • Customize your UI with HTML
    # adding the new div tag to the sidebar            
          tags$div(class="header", checked=NA,
                   tags$p("Ready to take the Shiny tutorial? If so"),
                   tags$a(href="", "Click Here!")
  • Build your entire UI with HTML. This seems to be a more complicated approach at first glance.
    |-- app.R
    |-- www
        |-- index.html

    and "app.R"

    # ui is defined in the HTML file
    server <- function(input, output) { }
    shinyApp(ui = htmlTemplate("www/index.html"), server)
  • HTML templates
  • Shiny HTML Tags Glossary

Conditional input

Upload a file/files


actionButton and isolate

actionButton and eventReactive*

R Shiny App Tutorial | eventReactive() demo | Create dependency on actionButton

actionButton, observeEvent and reactiveValues

  • ?reactiveValues
  • Based on the following 2 examples. It seems
    • reactiveValues() and observeEvent() work together.
    • reactiveValues() will create a global variable and its value will be changed based on an actionButton.
    • the effect of observeEvent() + reactiveValues() is similar to eventReactive() if we don't consider the situation that the new value depends on the old value.
  • reactiveValues example
    text_reactive <- reactiveValues(
        text = "No text has been submitted yet."
    observeEvent(input$submit, {
        text_reactive$text <- input$user_text
    output$text <- renderText({

    eventReactive() way:

    text <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
    output$text <- renderText({
  • reactiveValues() in R Shiny - Example 1 - A counter (video)
    counter <- reactiveValues(countervalue = 0)
        counter$countervalue <- counter$countervalue + 1
    output$counter <- renderText({

    The following code will break (Error in : C stack usage 7969216 is too close to the limit). So this is the case eventReactive() can't replace reactiveValues()!

    countervalue <- eventReactive(input$add1, {
               countervalue() + 1
    output$counter <- renderText({

Dynamic UI




shinyFiles package. This package extends the functionality of shiny by providing an API for client side access to the server file system. As many shiny apps are run locally this is equivalent to accessing the filesystem of the users own computer, without the overhead of copying files to temporary locations that is tied to the use of fileInput().

Password protection

Install all required R packages


  • R Shiny & FontAwesome Icons – How to Use Them in Your Dashboards
  • Image not showing R Shiny (displayed as broken)
    • Put the png file in the www directory
    • Put your R code in the app.R file and run it through runApp() or the Run App icon in RStudio. It does not work if we call it by shinyApp() function.
  • Example
    ui <- fluidPage(
          title = tags$div(tags$img(src = "icon.png", height = "32px", width = "32px"), 
                           "Interactive Kaplan Meier Plot", 
                           style = "background-color: black; color: white; padding: 10px;")),
             radioButtons("survivalType", "Choose survival data type:",
                          choices = list("Overall Survival" = "os", "Progression Free Survival" = "pfs"),
                          selected = "os")

How do I add a favicon to my Shiny app

Adding a favicon to your Shiny app can be done by placing the favicon file in the www directory of your Shiny app and then using the tags$link function in your UI to link to it. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Place your favicon file (e.g., favicon.ico) in the www directory of your Shiny app.
  2. In your UI, add the following line inside the fluidPage or navbarPage function:
    tags$head(tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "favicon.ico", type = "image/x-icon"))
  3. Here’s an example of how it might look in a Shiny app:
    ui <- fluidPage(
       titlePanel("My Shiny App"),
       tags$head(tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "favicon.ico", type = "image/x-icon")),
       # Rest of your UI code...
    server <- function(input, output) {
       # Your server code...
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Websites to convert an image to a favicon:

Building a Shiny App as a Package

Collapsible menu

Three R Shiny tricks to make your Shiny app shines (2/3): Semi-collapsible sidebar

Color picker


Monte Carlo Shiny



Shiny and Reactive Multimedia

Math formula





Time series





Shiny in production: Principles, practices, and tools - Joe Cheng 2019


Shiny tips & tricks for improving your apps and solving common problems by Dean Attali.

Adding a website

Adding a website next to your Shiny server

A Guide to Benchmarking Memory Usage

Maximizing Efficiency: A Guide to Benchmarking Memory Usage in Shiny Apps

Recreating a Shiny App with Flask

Recreating a Shiny App with Flask


Flask, a popular web framework.

This example assumes that you have a server running at that is set up to receive POST requests.

from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def respond():
    return {'status': 'success'}, 200

if __name__ == '__main__':, debug=True)

In this example, whenever a POST request is made to, the respond function is triggered. This function prints the JSON payload of the request and returns a success status. The JSON payload is the data sent by the application that triggered the webhook. This could be any data related to the event that occurred in the other application. For instance, if the webhook was triggered by a new user signing up, the JSON payload might contain the new user’s details.

You can use the curl command to send a POST request to your local server. Here’s an example:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key":"value"}' http://localhost:5000/webhook

Modularize your shiny apps

A Shiny-app Serves as Shiny-server Load Balancer

ggtips: adding tooltips boxes to ggplots

Adds interactive tooltip boxes to ggplots (standalone or rendered in Shiny)

Shinyloadtest tools for load testing Shiny applications


New in RStudio 1.2: record and run tests for your Shiny code right inside the IDE with the shinytest package

Shiny-server System Performance Monitoring for Open Source Edition

Build a static website with R Shiny

Build a static website with R Shiny

Embed a shiny app on your website

<iframe width="750" height="650" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""> </iframe>

Machine learning examples

How To Share Your Machine Learning Models With Shiny

Real Shiny Examples

Interesting Examples


Long run with Shiny

Track Shiny App User Activity With the RStudio Connect Server =

Track Shiny App User Activity With the RStudio Connect Server API

Standalone application

Photon: Building an Electron-Shiny app using a simple RStudio addin

