Docker Applications: Difference between revisions

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* [[Self_hosting|Self hosting]]
* [[Self_hosting|Self hosting]]
* [ What are your Most Used Self Hosted Applications?] and [ more]
* [ What are your Most Used Self Hosted Applications?] and [ more]
* [ Best Docker Containers for Home Server!] 2022/11 (video)
== Top/best ==
* [ Awesome Docker]
* []. Need to sort by downloads.
* Reddit [ what are your must docker containers for home lab?]
* [ Docker top (18) images and solutions]
* [ 60+ Best Docker Containers for Home Server Beginners 2023]
= Templates =
* [ 400+ 1-click Portainer app templates]

= App store =
= App store =
Line 9: Line 21:

= Dockerizing Compiled Software =
= Dockerizing Compiled Software =
* [ How to Containerize a Legacy Application]

= Crontab =
= Crontab =
[ How to Use Cron With Your Docker Containers]
* [ How to Use Cron With Your Docker Containers]
* [ Crontab UI]

= Install macOS Big Sur Or Catalina Using Docker-OSX =
= Install macOS =
[ Install macOS Big Sur Or Catalina In A Virtual Machine Using Docker-OSX]
* [ Install macOS Big Sur Or Catalina In A Virtual Machine Using Docker-OSX]
* [ This is Real!! MacOS Docker] 2022/12/2
* [ How to Create a macOS Virtual Machine Using Docker]

= Raspberry Pi servers based on Docker =
= Raspberry Pi servers based on Docker =
[ Raspberry Pi Server based on Docker, with VPN, Dropbox backup, Influx, Grafana, etc.]
* [ Raspberry Pi Server based on Docker, with VPN, Dropbox backup, Influx, Grafana, etc.]

= Data Science =
= Data Science =
Line 29: Line 46:

= Bioinformatics analyses =
= Bioinformatics analyses =
* [ Hot-starting software containers for bioinformatics analyses]
* [ Bio-Docklets: virtualization containers for single-step execution of NGS pipelines]
<li>[ Hot-starting software containers for bioinformatics analyses]
* [ Performance and scaling behavior of bioinformatic applications in virtualization environments to create awareness for the efficient use of compute resources] Hanussek, 2021
<li>[ Bio-Docklets: virtualization containers for single-step execution of NGS pipelines]
* [ docker-builds] - Dockerfiles and documentation on tools for public health bioinformatics
<li>[ Performance and scaling behavior of bioinformatic applications in virtualization environments to create awareness for the efficient use of compute resources] Hanussek, 2021
<li>[ docker-builds] - Dockerfiles and documentation on tools for public health bioinformatics
<li>[ ACTIONet] and the paper [ Transcriptional vulnerabilities of striatal neurons in human and rodent models of Huntington's disease] 2023.
<li>[ CREDO: a friendly Customizable, REproducible, DOcker file generator for bioinformatics applications] 2024

= Cloud provider =
= Cloud provider =
Line 47: Line 70:
== Dashy ==
== Dashy ==
* [ Dashy, a configurable, themable, flexible personal dashboard for your homelab!] (video) and [ Notes]
* [ Dashy, a configurable, themable, flexible personal dashboard for your homelab!] (video) and [ Notes]
** for icons
* Icons are located in ~/dash/icons/dashboard-icons/png directory.
* Download an icon from [] or []. The default 48x48 works fine.
* Better to work on one icon and then save the change. Repeat.
docker run -d \
  -p 8295:80 \
  --volume /home/$USER/dashy/public/conf.yml:/app/public/conf.yml \
  --volume /home/$USER/dashy/icons:/app/public/item-icons/icons \
  --name dashy \
  --restart=unless-stopped \
== Glance ==
* [ Glance Dashboard: Your New Favorite Docker Dashboard]
== Homepage ==
== Flame ==

== Homer ==
== Homer ==
* [ Homer Dashboard - Open Source, Self Hosted, Beautiful Shortcuts to all your sites and services], [ This Homelab Dashboard is simple and beautiful!] (videos)
* [ Homer Dashboard - Open Source, Self Hosted, Beautiful Shortcuts to all your sites and services], [ This Homelab Dashboard is simple and beautiful!] (videos)
== Uptime Kuma ==
<li>[ Docker], [ Github]
<li>[ Uptime Kuma Docker Setup Guide: Installation and Configuration]
<li>[ Uptime Kuma | Fancy service and server monitoring] (Video)
<li>Since I like to use Uptime Kuma to monitor servers using IPs from my tailscale, I need to expose host's network to the container. That is, I would use something like "docker run -d --network host louislam/uptime-kuma" or
    image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1
    container_name: kuma
      - ./data:/app/data
    network_mode: "host"  # Use host network mode
    restart: always
* In host network mode, the container shares the network stack of the host directly, bypassing Docker's network isolation.
* The container can access all host network interfaces directly.
* Any ports exposed by the container are automatically accessible on the host without explicit port mapping.
* Port mapping is not applicable when the container is using host network. In host network mode, the container shares the network stack of the host system directly, bypassing Docker's network isolation.

== heimdall ==
== heimdall ==
= Dashboard for monitoring system: grafana =
* [ Docker Dashboard Using Grafana, Prometheus & Node Exporter]
** [ notes]
** My [ own copy] of the two files '''prometheus.yml''' and '''docker-compose.yml '''
** Use '''docker-compose up -d''' or '''docker compose up -d''' to start the service.
* Another good tutorial: [ Server Monitoring // Prometheus and Grafana Tutorial] 2021
* When I try to create a new stack in Portainer, the error message is not clear.
* When I try it on a LXC container in Proxmox, I got an error '''ERROR: for node-exporter Cannot start service node-exporter: path / is mounted on / but it is not a shared or slave mount'''. This is the same error as some users reported.
* It works when I try a regular container in Proxmox!
* [ Node exporter]. The docker run command works if I run it in a regular Ubuntu system. You can check it is working by going to IP:9100.
** curl http://localhost:9100/metrics works but using IP does not. So it is a firewall problem.
** [ How to Monitor Linux Servers with Prometheus and Node Exporter]. '''sudo ufw allow 9090/tcp''' & '''sudo ufw allow 9100/tcp''' &  '''sudo ufw reload'''
* Use IP:9100 to check if Node Exporter works. Use IP:9090 to check if Prometheus works (Status -> Targets). Use '''IP:3457''' to access the Grafana where 3457 is the one I used in the docker-compose.yml ('''the default one is 3000''').
* Use admin/admin to log in. Add data source. Select Prometheus. Add the IP address, e.g., http://IP:9090.
* Google: node exporter grafana dashboards. E.g. [ 11074] (1 Node Exporter for Prometheus Dashboard).
After I change the firewall by adding two ports (9090 & 9100), the docker-compose method of grafana works like a charm.
* Reboot the host OS will not affect the grafana (assuming we include '''restart: unless-stopped''' in the 3 containers). But if we modify docker-compose.yml and run ''docker-compose down; docker-compose up'' it will result in data lose and we will need to re-create the admin password and all the setup.
= Google photo =
* [ Photo Backup Bakeoff: PhotoPrism vs Immich]
== Immich ==
* [ immich] - High performance self-hosted photo and video backup solution
* [ Quick Start]
* [ Immich Is a Great Google Photos Alternative You Can Host on Raspberry Pi]
* [ Immich – Finally, A Good Self-Hosted Google Photos Replacement]
* [ 9How to Install Immich with Docker: A Comprehensive Guide]
* [ Setting up Immich using Docker[
== PhotoPrism ==
* [ PhotoPrism]

= ownCloud =
= ownCloud =
Line 78: Line 181:
* Based on [ owncloud's github repositories] or [ nextcloud's github repositories], android app has been updated more often than ios app.
* Based on [ owncloud's github repositories] or [ nextcloud's github repositories], android app has been updated more often than ios app.
* [ Setting Up NextCloud on Docker w/ NGINX and CloudFlare for Remote Access!] (video)
* [ Setting Up NextCloud on Docker w/ NGINX and CloudFlare for Remote Access!] (video)
* [ How to Install Nextcloud on Proxmox]

Nextcloud looks more modern than owncloud though their interface are very similar. I got the same problem (URL is changed from IP to localhost) when I try to access its web from another computer. '''Using the IP instead of localhost to finish the initial setup can fix the error'''.
Nextcloud looks more modern than owncloud though their interface are very similar. I got the same problem (URL is changed from IP to localhost) when I try to access its web from another computer. '''Using the IP instead of localhost to finish the initial setup can fix the error'''.
Line 85: Line 189:
* Nextcloud uses owncloud mobile application.
* Nextcloud uses owncloud mobile application.
* Nextcloud includes a small mp4 file. I can use browser to play mp4. Photos files can be opened in browsers too (including slideshow).
* Nextcloud includes a small mp4 file. I can use browser to play mp4. Photos files can be opened in browsers too (including slideshow).
== Add external storage like SAMBA ==
To connect to a Samba drive in Nextcloud, you will need to use the '''External Storage''' app. This app allows you to mount external storage services, including Samba shares, as directories within your Nextcloud instance. Here are the steps to connect to a Samba drive in Nextcloud:
First, make sure that the '''External Storage''' app is installed and enabled on your Nextcloud instance. You can do this by going to the '''Apps''' section in the Nextcloud '''admin panel''' and searching for the External Storage app. If it is not installed, you can install it from there.
Once the External Storage app is installed and enabled, go to the Settings section in the Nextcloud admin panel and select the External Storages option under the '''Administration''' section (Left panel, scroll down to see the app).
On the External Storages page, click on the '''Add storage''' button and select SMB / CIFS from the dropdown menu.
In the configuration form that appears, enter the details of your Samba share, including the hostname or IP address of the server, share name, username, and password. You can also specify a subfolder within the share if you only want to mount a specific subfolder.
Once you have entered all of the required information, click on the Save button to save your configuration.

== [ Nextcloud Apps] ==
== [ Nextcloud Apps] ==
For mp3, no apps are shipped with nextcloud.  
* [ "access through untrusted domain" error]. On my Casaos, I found the file ''/DATA/AppData/nextcloud/var/www/html/config/config.php'' shows trusted domain is casaos.local:10081. So I just need to change the app's setting in CasaOS to use http://casaos.local:10081 instead of http://IP:10081 to open the page.
* [ Audio Player]. When I play mp3 files, the web interface does not show a progress bar:( <syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
* [ Audio Player]. When I play mp3 files, the web interface does not show a progress bar:( <syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
$ docker run --rm --name mynextcloud -v ~/Downloads/nextcloudapps:/var/www/html/custom_apps -p 81:80 nextcloud
$ docker run --rm --name mynextcloud -v ~/Downloads/nextcloudapps:/var/www/html/custom_apps -p 81:80 nextcloud
Line 123: Line 239:
* [ Radio]. After enable it, a new "Radio" icon will be shown at the top. Only 20 stations are available from the 'Top'. No response after I clicked "Categories".
* [ Radio]. After enable it, a new "Radio" icon will be shown at the top. Only 20 stations are available from the 'Top'. No response after I clicked "Categories".

= File browser =
= Music: Navidrome =
[ Navidrome Is the Perfect Self-Hosted Music Server for Raspberry Pi]
= FileRun =
* [ How to Install FileRun using Docker]
* [ Running Filerun Storage Sync Server in Docker Container]. You can access, create and edit your files using Filerun via the web interface or the desktop sync app like NextCloud.
* [ Filerun vs NextCloud?]
= File manager =
== File browser ==
* [ Pi-Hosted : Installing JDownloader and File Browser On The Pi Docker Server Part 4] (video)
* [ Pi-Hosted : Installing JDownloader and File Browser On The Pi Docker Server Part 4] (video)
Line 153: Line 280:
== FilGator ==

= Seafile =
= Seafile =
Line 158: Line 288:
* [ How to Deploy Seafile Server with Docker to Host Your Own File Synchronization and Sharing Solution]
* [ How to Deploy Seafile Server with Docker to Host Your Own File Synchronization and Sharing Solution]

= Guacamole =
= Run a Linux desktop =
* [ Guacamole Remote Desktop - Open Source, Self Hosted remote access to your machines in the browser!] (video)
* [ Guacamole Remote Access Gateway on Docker] (video)
== Run a Linux desktop VM with VNC ==
[ Run Ubuntu Linux in Docker with Desktop Environment and VNC]

== Webtop ==
== Webtop ==
* Ubuntu, Alpine, Arch, and Fedora based Webtop images, Linux in a web browser supporting popular desktop environments.
* See [[#Webtop:_Linux_desktop_in_a_browser|Guacamole - Webtop]]
* [ Meet Webtops A Linux Desktop Environment In Your Browser]
* Each Docker run will create one linux desktop
* [ Run Linux Desktops in your Browser with Docker and Webtops!] (video) and [ Notes]
* Default username/password is abc/abc
* [ Linux desktop, inside of a container, inside of a browser??? Yes. A Webtop], [ privileged: true] is required for installing something like vscode in VM (video) and [ Doc]
* If I'm not using the default desktop, I need to switch to use some user's account instead of root to run docker-compose command. If I use root to launch ubuntu-kde, for example, the desktop is blank.
* It's cool. I got Ubuntu 22.04 released 1.5 months ago.
* After I installed 'htop', the htop command shows the cpu & memory & uptime ... from the 'host' system. But  '''docker stats''' shows webtop (ubuntu-mate) desktop is using around 300MB memory.
* When I want to copy text from VM to remote client, I need to open the clipboard using the black circle tool on the left-hand side.
* After I played around, KDE-konsole does not respond to my keyboard. Logged out and logged in again fixes the problem.
* I got the following errors when I try to install RStudio 2022.02.3 Build 492 on Ubuntu 22.04; this solution [ Installing R Studio on Ubuntu 22.04] works for me.
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
$ sudo apt install /config/Downloads/rstudio-2022.02.3-492-amd64.deb
the following packages have unmet dependencies:
rstudio : Depends: libssl1.0.0 but it is not installable or
                    libssl1.0.2 but it is not installable or
                    libssl1.1 but it is not installable
* Since the ''config'' subfolder is mounted, if we want to try different flavors of Linux/Desktop, we should create different folders.

= IDE =
== Kasm Workspaces ==
** [ Installation Guide]
** Kasm UI Login Credentials & Database Credentials are listed after the installation is complete. It's good to save the information.
* Kasm Workspaces includes several Linux Desktop already.
* [[Docker#Linux_in_browser|Linux in browser]]

== cloud9 ==
== Distrobox & BoxBuddy (No Desktop) ==
= Use with R (r-base) & RStudio IDE: Rocker =
<li>[ r-base] (Official image, R version is tagged), [ RStudio]
<li>[ Managing Users] </li>
<li> (in the 'Installation' section there is a table. It seems the green color is used to show which Linux distributions has the latest version of distrobox)
<li>[ An Introduction to Docker for R Users]: how to write your own <Dockerfile>, install packages, run a script and get results.</li>
* Idea: Distrobox uses containerization technologies like '''Podman, Docker''', or '''LXC''' to create '''containers''' with your chosen Linux distribution (Why worry about Podman/LXC?)
<li>Extensions from r-base. For example, [ r-spatial-base]. It also mentions [ ropensci] container is built upon rocker/rstudio. </li>
* Important: Since it integrated with the host system, '''always back up important data and double-check configurations to avoid unintended changes. Changes may happen when we use a software (eg install R packages) launched from a box.'''
<li>The r-base image does not have pdflatex, git. Need to manually install them.</li>
* Practical uses:
<li>Not sure if the Docker Official Image is the same as the one provided by Rocker Project.</li>
** Running GUI Applications from Other Distros (Containers): distrobox-enter fedora-box -- firefox
<li>NOTE: Plotting works by forwarding X11. The instruction depends on the host OS. See rocker [ Wiki] or the command below. Creating graphics files inside a container is still OK 👌; see the example [ How to compile R Markdown documents using Docker].
*** (not tested) OnlyOffice (Ubuntu/Debian, CentOS/RHEL, snap, flatpak, appimage). 1. Install Distrobox on Manjaro '''sudo pacman -Syu && sudo pacman -S distrobox''', 2. Create an Ubuntu container '''distrobox create --image ubuntu:latest --name ubuntu-container''' , 3. Enter the Ubuntu container '''distrobox enter ubuntu-container''', 4. Update package lists and install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editor '''sudo apt install onlyoffice-desktopeditors''', 5, Run ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors '''onlyoffice-desktopeditors'''.
** Developing and Testing on Multiple Linux Distributions
docker pull r-base:3.5.3
** Using Up-to-Date Tools on Older Systems
docker run -it --rm rocker/drd RD              # a little smaller, 3.6GB for R 4.0
** Lightweight Alternative to Virtual Machines
docker run -it --rm rocker/drd R              # good to test the pipe operator (due in R 4.1.0)
** Persistent Workflows Across Systems: the created container is tightly integrated with the host, allowing sharing of the HOME directory (yes, no extra configuration), external storage, USB devices
docker run -it --rm rocker/r-devel RD          # initial one, larger, 5.7GB for R 4.0
** Running Different Package Managers: Use Arch's pacman or Fedora’s dnf on a system where apt is the native package manager.
docker run -it --rm rocker/r-devel R          # r-release
<li>[ Archwiki]
docker run -it --rm r-base:3.5.3              # default is root "/"
docker run -v ~/Downloads:/src -it --rm r-base # /src does not exist
docker run -v ~/Downloads:/home/docker -it --rm r-base # /home/docker exists and is empty by default
                                              # setwd("/home/docker")
docker run -it --rm -u1000:1000 -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
          -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
          -v $(pwd):/work -w /work r-base

docker run -ti --rm -v "$PWD":/home/docker -w /home/docker \
      -u docker r-base bash  # Non-root user
* Distribution's version
* PPA for Ubuntu
* Installation script provided by distrobox. "curl -s | sudo sh". See [ How To Install Distrobox on Debian 12]

docker run -ti --rm -v "$PWD":/home/rstudio -w /home/rstudio \
<li>[ DEB Files on Arch? Run Any App on Any Linux Distro With This Tool]
      -u rstudio rocker/rstudio bash  # Non-root user

docker run -it --rm -u rstudio -v $(pwd):/home/rstudio/project \
<li>[ Distrobox: Try Multiple Linux Distributions via the Terminal]. The line "distrobox-export --app foliate" gives an error "cannot find any desktop files".
      -w /home/rstudio/project rocker/tidyverse:3.6.0 bash
<li> [ Stop Distro Hopping! Use this AWESOME tool on Linux] 7/15/2023
* Linux subsystem in another Linux
<li>[ How to Run Any Program from Any Linux Distro with Distrobox]
<li>Testing using arch linux container where packages are always updated. Refer to [ distrobox create] doc for examples.
sudo apt install distrobox
* Dirk.eddelbuettel
distrobox --version # 1.7.0
** slides
** [ Introducing Rocker: Docker for R]
** [ Debugging with Docker and Rocker – A Concrete Example helping on macOS]
** [ The Rockerverse: Packages and Applications for Containerization with R]
** [ #29: Easy, Reliable, Fast Linux CRAN Binaries via BSPM]
* [ The Rocker Project] (<strike>only has the latest version</strike>)
** Github repository
** [ R, MRAN, RStudio Server versions correspondance]
** [ What dependencies are included in included in r-ver?]
* RStudio server recommends 8GB memory. So I cannot use it in Play with Docker.  
* [ Using the RStudio image] includes the official instruction for the latest change. PS the default username is '''rstudio'''. <syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 \
  -e PASSWORD=<password> \
  -v "$PWD":/home/rstudio -w /home/rstudio \
  --name rstudio rocker/rstudio
# mount a local directory, change the username. A new directory /src will be created.
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 \
  -v ~/Downloads:/src \
  -e USER=<username>
  -e PASSWORD=<password> \
  --name rstudio rocker/rstudio
# Use R, without RStudio
docker run -it -e DISABLE_AUTH=true rocker/rstudio:3.5.3 R
# Use Bash without RStudio, mount the current directory
docker run -it -e DISABLE_AUTH=true -v $(pwd):/home/rstudio/project rocker/rstudio:3.5.3 bash
# Fix an error when running library(tidyverse): no such file
$ docker exec -it rstudio bash
# apt update
# apt upgrade
# apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev
** [ Sharing files with host machine]
** [ Running RStudio in cloud]
** [ Running RStudio in a docker container]
* [ R Docker tutorial] from ropenscilabs. It covers sharing your analysis.
== Dockerfile ==
Create a new directory and a new file 'Dockerfile' with the content.
FROM debian:testing
MAINTAINER Dirk Eddelbuettel [email protected]
## Remain current
RUN apt-get update -qq
RUN apt-get dist-upgrade -y
RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends r-base r-base-dev r-recommended littler
RUN ln -s /usr/share/doc/littler/examples/install.r /usr/local/bin/install.r
# From [ r-base] in DockerHub click the "latest" in the "Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links" section.
# I ran into errors when I use the above (short) Dockerfile. But the Dockerfile from rocker (leave out the last line of launching R) works well. The R packages built in the image include 'docopt', 'magrittr', 'stringi', and 'stringr'.
# Install R package is possible when we launch a container. But we are not able to save the packages?? The [ rocker wiki] also mentions something about installing packages.
# See also [ How to save data] in wiki.
== A quick run of an R script ==
docker run --rm \
  -v $(pwd):/tmp/working_dir \
  -w /tmp/working_dir \
  rocker/tidyverse:latest \
  Rscript my_script.R

== docker run ==
distrobox create # default is fedora-toolbox:XX
Note that if we are using the Dockerfile above to create an image, we will be dropped to the Linux shell. If we are pulling the rocker/r-base image from Docker Hub, we will be in R console directly. See the last line of Dockerfile on [ github] website for rocker.

Then run the following to do some exercise (We could possibly replace 21b6a9e8b9e8 with your image ID or use ''rocker/r-base''). For simplicity, we can try the [ colortools package] first which does not depend on other packages and there is no need to compile the package.
distrobox-create --name ubuntu2404 -i ubuntu:24.04 # same as
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
sudo docker build -t debian:testing-add-r . # create an image based on the above Dockerfile
sudo docker run -v `pwd`:/mytmp -t 21b6a9e8b9e8 \
    R CMD check --no-manual --no-build-vignettes /mytmp/sanitizers_0.1.0.tar.gz
sudo docker run -v `pwd`:/mytmp -t 21b6a9e8b9e8 \
    Rdevel CMD check --no-manual --no-build-vignettes /mytmp/sanitizers_0.1.0.tar.gz

sudo docker search eddelbuettel
distrobox-create --name arch --pull -i
sudo docker pull eddelbuettel/docker-ubuntu-r  # default tag is 'latest'; actually older than the other tags
distrobox enter arch # slow on Celeron N3160 Udoo
sudo docker images eddelbuettel/docker-ubuntu-r # see the tag column
sudo docker pull eddelbuettel/docker-ubuntu-r:add-r # the tag name can only be obtained from
sudo docker images eddelbuettel/docker-ubuntu-r # see the tag column
sudo docker pull eddelbuettel/docker-ubuntu-r:add-r-devel
sudo docker images eddelbuettel/docker-ubuntu-r # see the tag column
sudo docker run -v `pwd`:/mytmp -t 54d865dbd2c9 R CMD check --no-manual --no-build-vignettes /mytmp/sanitizers_0.1.0.tar.gz

sudo docker run -t -i eddelbuettel/docker-ubuntu-r /bin/bash
cat /etc/os-release  # guest
$ sudo docker images
uname -r             # still host
REPOSITORY                    TAG                IMAGE ID            CREATED            VIRTUAL SIZE
sudo pacman -Syu    # update the entire arch linux system
debian                        testing-add-r       21b6a9e8b9e8        28 minutes ago      572.2 MB
sudo pacman -S r     # install R
ubuntu                        14.04              ed5a78b7b42b        4 days ago          188.3 MB
R                    # plotting also works
ubuntu                        latest              ed5a78b7b42b        4 days ago          188.3 MB
sudo pacman -S netsurf
debian                        testing            88ba2870bfbe        7 weeks ago        154.7 MB
sudo pacman -R netsurv
eddelbuettel/docker-ubuntu-r  add-r-devel        c998a74a1fb4        11 weeks ago        460.4 MB
sudo pacman -S vivaldi
eddelbuettel/docker-ubuntu-r  add-r              54d865dbd2c9        11 weeks ago        460.4 MB
sudo pacman -Sy chromium
eddelbuettel/docker-ubuntu-r  latest              a7cd5ddeb98e        5 months ago        515.4 MB
# Arch Linux Package Search:
# and sort by 'Last Updated'
chromium &            # so prompt is returned

sudo docker logs xxxxx                # view the log
sudo docker restart xxxxx
sudo docker exec -it xxxx /bin/bash  # view any changes in R library
sudo docker stop xxxxx
sudo docker rm xxxxx

[ This] is another example of using 'docker run' accompanying [ MotifBreakR] package.
podman images # list image's size; podman is the default container manager on my debian
              # possibly 'docker images'

== Testing a new R release ==
distrobox-rm ubuntu2404
[ R 4.1.0]
docker pull rocker/r-base:4.1.0
alias dkrr='docker run --rm -it -u1000:1000 -v$(pwd):/work -w /work'
dkrr rocker/r-ubuntu:20.04 bash
dkrr r-base:latest R --version | head -1
dkrr r-base:3.6.3 R --version | head -1
# Assume we are in a directory called 'curse'
# (Yes you may need to add Depends and LaTeX support ...)
# Even the 'survival' package requires pdflatex in 'R CMD build' step.
# A toy package like works
dkrr rocker/r-base:4.1.0 R CMD build .  # this will create curse_1.0.0.tar.gz
dkrr rocker/r-base:4.1.0 R CMD check --no-vignettes --no-manual curse_1.0.0.tar.gz
A closer solution is to use ''rocker/verse:4.0.4'' image. But it gives different errors
Use GUI Applications from the Container
<li>survival: LaTeX Error: File `fancyvrb.sty' not found. </li>
<li>glmnet: dependencies ‘foreach’, ‘shape’ are not available. A workaround solution (need to figure out the dependencies first):
$ curl -s | tar xzv
apt install x11-apps -y
$ cd glmnet
$ docker run --rm -it -v$(pwd):/work -w /work rocker/verse:4.0.4 bash
# Rscript -e "install.packages(c('foreach', 'shape', 'knitr', 'lars', 'testthat', 'xfun', 'rmarkdown'))"
# su rstudio
$ R CMD build .
$ exit
# exit
If we don't install the 'Suggests' packages, building will fail when it was trying to build the vignette. A more relaxed solution is adding the option '''--no-build-vignettes'''
<li>List of compatible images and container managers, [ Compatibility] page.
<li>Some images works fine on my distrobox 1.7.0
== Testing R packages ==
* [ RColorBrewer] (pure R)
* [ digtest] (need compile, with vignette) [ github source]
* [ randomForest] (need compile & has suggests RColorBrewer)

== Multiple containers ==
<li>Change the default container manager. distrobox-create --help.
* When I run multiple containers at the same time with different ports, only 1 container can be logged in OR reload constantly. The problem happened on Linux host and Mac host.
* It seems to be related to cookies. One can get rid of the problem by open a new container in incognito mode, or '''use a different domain name''' (e.g. or modifying your /etc/hosts file) or different browsers.
* [ Can't login into servers on different ports on the same computer #171]
* [ Issue with RStudio user authentication cookies #9175]
* [ Running multiple instances of RStudio in Docker]
== Docker for R Package Development ==
== A DevOps Perspective ==
== Reproducible ==
* [ The Rockerverse: Packages and Applications for Containerisation with R] 2020
** [ Ten Simple Rules for Writing Dockerfiles for Reproducible Data Science], [ code in github]
** [ containerit: Generating Dockerfiles for reproducible research with R], [ containerit] package with GUI via [ RStudio Addins].
<li>A simple example to produce a PDF report from an Rmarkdown file by using [ rocker/verse] image:
docker run -it --rm --name pdmr -v $(pwd):/home/docker -w /home/docker \
      --user rstudio rocker/verse:4.0.3 \
      Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('Example.Rmd')"
<li>[ R, Docker and Checkpoint: A Route to Reproducibility]
<li>[ liftr]: Persistent reproducible reporting by containerization of R Markdown documents. I am not successful running the example in vignette.
> render_docker(input)
Sending build context to Docker daemon  6.144kB
Step 1/8 : FROM rocker/r-base:latest
---> 4e232e9b4097
Step 2/8 : MAINTAINER Nan Xiao <[email protected]>
---> Running in f75404db590a
Removing intermediate container f75404db590a
---> ceae0a54648c
Step 3/8 : RUN  rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/available  && rm -rf  /var/cache/apt/*  && apt-get update -qq  && apt-get install -y
  --no-install-recommends    ca-certificates    libssl-dev    libcurl4-openssl-dev    libxml2-dev    git
---> Running in 8a4324cc7c53
W: Failed to fetch  Temporary failure resolving ''
W: Failed to fetch  Temporary failure resolving ''
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Reading package lists...
E: The value 'testing' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources

== Research papers ==
<li>distrobox-export --app XXX
* [ Evaluation of Cell Type Annotation R Packages on Single-cell RNA-seq Data] 2020
* This is to export an application to the host system
* It seems there is no way to undo it. We need to enter the guest OS, remove the app and then remove the guest OS from the host.

== Debugging R memory problem ==
<li>[ BoxBuddy – graphical manager for Distrobox]
[ Docker image for debugging R memory problems] (valgrind)
* & Currently it is 2.3.0
* The advantage is it includes a list of all distributions. Users only need to select one and enter a name for the 'box'.
* Install by '''flatpak install flathub io.github.dvlv.boxbuddyrs''' (no need to download flatpakref file)
* How does the software keep an updated list of images?
* Tested:
** install Debian12,
** install sublime deb inside Debian12 through host's right click button. Sublime can be launched too from "View Applications".
** Upgrade my arch Box (rolling release) works

== Debugging with gcc problem ==
== QuickEmu (Non Docker approach) ==
See [[KVM#QuickEMU|KVM - QuickEmu]]/

== More examples ==
= Guacamole =
* [[#Docker|R -> Docker]]
* Guacamole is nothing more than a centralized front end to access multiple VNC/RDP devices. You are still using either VNC or RDP to access the device.
* [ Plumber] package
* Probably there is no point to use Guacamole if the VM was created in Proxmox since Proxmox provides a web interface to access the VM.
* [ Guacamole Remote Desktop - Open Source, Self Hosted remote access to your machines in the browser!] (video).
** One line script to install Docker-CE, Docker-Compose, Portainer-CE (not needed), and NGinX Proxy manager (not needed)
** Once creating docker-compose.yml, we can fire up it using '''docker-compose up -d'''
** We can create a new admin user and delete the default username/password guacadmin/guacadmin
** Open a browser tab and go to the IP:Port to open guacamole web page
** We can add various connections (Kubenetes/RDP/SSH/Telnet/VNC). After that, we can run connections through our web browser.
** After saving the new connection, go back to "Home" to use the new connections.
* [ Guacamole Remote Access Gateway on Docker] (video). works fine. Your guacamole server should now be available at '''https'''://ip:8443/. The default username is '''guacadmin''' with password '''guacadmin'''. Four containers will be launched: nginx, postgres, guacamole and guacd.
* [ How To Access Your PCs and Servers from Anywhere Using Guacamole and CloudFlare Tunnels]

== Building a Repository of Alpine-based Docker Images for R ==
== Webtop: Linux desktop in a browser ==
* [ Part I]
*, or Ubuntu, Alpine, Arch, and Fedora based Webtop images, Linux in a web browser supporting popular desktop environments.
* [ Part II]
* An example. It seems the host's Disk space, Memory are all passed to VM. In this example, the host's directory "/tmp/downloads" will serve as the HOME directory in VM.
:<syntaxhighlight lang='sh'>
== RStudio in Docker – now share your R code effortlessly!. Markdown ==
mkdir /tmp/downloads/
docker run -d --name=webtop  \
  -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000  \
It is interesting the Dockerfile uses '''install2.r''' (R script with a shebang line) from the [ littler] package to install R packages. See or [ rocker/verse] Dockerfile. But it is not clear how to install private R packages (mount host folder and use install.packages()).
  -e TZ=US/Eastern  \
  -p 3000:3000  \
Note that the tag name should be lower case; awesomer instead awesomeR.
  -v /tmp/downloads:/config  \
  --shm-size="1gb"  \
Also got an error when trying to build the image: ''Failed to fetch  Temporary failure resolving '' ''.
  --restart unless-stopped  \
Try it again at home. The ''apt update'' part is OK but I still got a new error: ''Error: installation of package ‘gifski’ had non-zero exit status''
* [ Meet Webtops A Linux Desktop Environment In Your Browser]
(Updated 9-18-2020) Try both the long and short commands using the tag '4.0.2' instead of '3.5.1'. Both work. The report file <example_report.pdf> is generated. In this example, the Rmd file is called through an R file. See [ the source code].
* [ Run Linux Desktops in your Browser with Docker and Webtops!] (video) and [ Notes]
* Default username/password is abc/abc. But we don't need to enter the password when we use "sudo".
== How to manage R package dependencies for shiny app deployment (docker) ==
* [ Linux desktop, inside of a container, inside of a browser??? Yes. A Webtop], [ privileged: true] is required for installing something like vscode in VM (video) and [ Doc]
[ How to manage R package dependencies for shiny app deployment (docker)]
* If I'm not using the default desktop, I need to switch to use some user's account instead of root to run docker-compose command. If I use root to launch ubuntu-kde, for example, the desktop is blank.
* It's cool. I got Ubuntu 22.04 released 1.5 months ago.
== METACRAN web ==
* After I installed 'htop', the htop command shows the cpu & memory & uptime ... from the 'host' system. But  '''docker stats''' shows webtop (ubuntu-mate) desktop is using around 300MB memory. It works (2019-11-3).
* When I want to copy text from VM to remote client, I need to open the clipboard using the black circle tool on the left-hand side.  
* After I played around, KDE-konsole does not respond to my keyboard. Logged out and logged in again fixes the problem.
== Modified Dockerfile ==
* I got the following errors when I try to install RStudio 2022.02.3 Build 492 on Ubuntu 22.04; this solution [ Installing R Studio on Ubuntu 22.04] works for me.
[ Checking your Package for Compatibility with R 4.0.0]
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
== Best Practices for R with Docker ==
[ Best Practices for R with Docker]
== Warning: unable to load shared object '' ==
Using rocker/rstudio:4.2 image, I got the following message when I use arrange_ggsurvplots().
Warning message:
$ sudo apt install /config/Downloads/rstudio-2022.02.3-492-amd64.deb
In grSoftVersion() :
the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  unable to load shared object '/usr/local/lib/R/modules//':
rstudio : Depends: libssl1.0.0 but it is not installable or cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
                    libssl1.0.2 but it is not installable or
                    libssl1.1 but it is not installable
* Since the ''config'' subfolder is mounted, if we want to try different flavors of Linux/Desktop, we should create different folders.
$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/R/modules//
* From scratch [ From Start to Finish Build a Desktop on a Browser Docker Container]
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 665128 May  7 00:48 /usr/local/lib/R/modules//

$ ldd /usr/local/lib/R/modules// | grep libX
== instantbox == => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f74b07bb000)
* [ instantbox] => not found
* [ Instantbox Gives You Instant Access to a Linux Distro in a Web Browser] => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f74af598000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f74af583000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f74ad479000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f74ad46f000)

$ cat /etc/os-release
= IDE =
VERSION="20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
My solution is
$ docker exec -it CONTAINER bash
# apt update
# apt install libxt-dev
Another case when I use ggsurvplot()
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
  unable to load shared object '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/xml2/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/xml2/libs/
total 1404
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rstudio staff 1437536 Jun  3 12:04

$ ldd /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/xml2/libs/
== cloud9 == (0x00007ffd369b0000) => not found => /usr/local/lib/R/lib/ (0x00007faf7406a000)
Applying the same method seems to fix the problem.

The above problems happened on my mac computer. When I check the problematic files on my Ubuntu host using ''ldd'', it does not have the same problem (but the path is a little different???)
== VS Code ==
* [ code-server] VS Code in the browser.
# ls -l /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/xml2/libs/
* [ Development container with Visual Studio code - how does it work?]
total 1404
* [ Coder] - Your Self-Hosted Remote Development Platform
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rstudio staff 1437536 May 22 19:29
** Instruction step 1 is necessary
** Workspace - Template
** After issuing docker run command, I need to go to the URL, create username/password. The username is for the app login purpose.
** Add & Start the Template.
** For the VS-code template, I can launch a Terminal and work on it (Same RAM as my machine, 6GB storage of Debian image).
* [ OpenVSCode Server] 1M+ pulls. [ Difference to OpenVSCode Server].

# ldd /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/xml2/libs/
= Docker for R (r-base, rstudio) = (0x00007fff6f51d000)
See [[R_Docker|R Docker]]. => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007facc1dd8000) => not found => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007facc1bf6000)

= [ Bioconductor] =
= Docker for Shiny Server =
* (support as early as RELEASE_3_10)
* [ bioconductor_full]
* [ Building R Binary Packages for Linux]
[ How I use Bioconductor with Docker], [ Part 2: More memory, faster Bioconductor with Docker]
== [ BiocImageBuilder] ==
[ Reproducible Bioconductor workflows using browser-based interactive notebooks and containers]
== Bioc Conference ==
* [ Orchestra]
* [ Bioc2019 conference]. [ Workshopt material]. Before the meeting (6/20/2019) there are 13 downloads and it bumps to 32 downloads after the meeting for [ the docker image].
** Download a tarball containing R packages (binary). 605 packages are included. It bundles 605 packages based on R 3.6.0 and Bioconductor 3.10 (BiocManager 1.30.4).
** Run RStudio container. All R packages downloaded in the last step are mounted. (user=rstudio, ps=bioc). That is, built-in is at '''/usr/local/lib/R/library''', custom is at '''/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'''. These two locations are what '''.libPaths()''' gives.
* [ BioC 2020]
** Workshop packages were created using the [ BuildABiocWorkshop2020] template. From the 'Dockerfile', we see each workshop material is organized as an R package. So each workshop's package is built in the Docker image. There is no need to build the vignette again. NOTE: it takes a while to build the Docker image locally since it requires to compile each R package separately.
** [ BioC 2020: Where Software and Biology Connect] Opening Remarks
** Take the [ recount2 workshop] for example, we don't need to knit the Rmd file. To view HTML vignette, we type '''browseVignettes(package="recountWorkshop2020") ''' and click the link "HTML". In case of the requested page was not found error, add '''help/''' to the URL right after the hostname, e.g., http://localhost:8787/help/library/recountWorkshop2020/doc/recount-workshop.html. Another way to open the HTML without any tweak is type "help(package = 'recountWorkshop2020')" -> User Guide -> HTML.
** [ Bioc Asia 2020]
** The vignette may not include the R code. So the Rmd file is still needed to understand the content or do a practice.
== single-cell RNA-Seq ==
<li>[ Docker image with rstudio for single cell analysis] ([ github]), Other images:,
<li>[ UseR!2022: Best Practices for Shiny Apps with Docker and More]
<li>[ Containerizing Interactive R Markdown Documents] 2022/7
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 \
<li>By default, Shiny Server looks for either:
  --name scrna \
* A single-file Shiny app named '''app.R''' in the root of a directory.
  -e USER='rstudio' \
* A pair of files named '''ui.R''' and '''server.R''' within a directory.
  -e PASSWORD='rstudioSC' \
<li>[ Using Shiny Server in Docker] 2022/9/7. Hello world example. Need to generate ''Dockerfile''.
  -e ROOT=TRUE \
  -v /home/$USER/Documents/scrna:/home/rstudio/projects \
FROM rocker/shiny:4.1.0
RUN rm -rf /srv/shiny-server/*
WORKDIR /srv/shiny-server/
COPY ./app.R ./app.R
If I accidentally reboot the computer, installed packages were not lost. But it is safer to use ''docker stop XXX'' and then run ''docker start XXX''.
<li>Image containing rstudio + conda + a set of helpful packages for single cell analysis analysis, </li>
<li>[ docker hub], </li>
<li>[ Dockerfile] </li>
<li>To use with Portainer, it is better to use [ composerize] to convert the docker run command into a stack. Note Portainer cannot take version 3.x so I change version to 2. A stack/docker-compose.yml file generated by '''composerize''' with a modification on version number.
version: '2'
docker build -t shiny-in-docker .
docker run --rm -p 3838:3838 shiny-in-docker
            - '8787:8787'
        container_name: scrna
            - USER=rstudio
            - PASSWORD=rstudioSC
            - ROOT=TRUE
            - '/tmp/scrna:/home/rstudio/projects'
        image: 'vbarrerab/singlecell-base:R.4.0.3-BioC.3.11-ubuntu_20.04'
Note: the right way to delete a stack is to stop the container, and then delete the container. The final step is to select the stack and remove it.
Note that I have 2 pythons installed. One is from the OS (/opt/conda/bin/python) whose version is 3.8.3. The other one is on (/home/rstudio/.conda/envs/sc_env/bin/python) whose version is 3.7.8. The '''$PATH''' variable will show differences.
<li>Another scRNA-Seq course including a docker image (not tried yet): [ Analysis of single cell RNA-seq data] (ebook, University of Cambridge Bioinformatics training unit) and the paper [ Tutorial: guidelines for the computational analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data] Andrews 2020. </li>
== Cellar: interactive tool for analyzing single-cell omics data ==
[ Cellar] is an interactive tool for analyzing single-cell omics data. Cellar is built in Python using the Dash framework and relies on several open-source packages.
== Nanopore sequencing ==
[ DUESSELPORE Webserver] and the [ paper]
= Docker for Shiny Server =
<li> Pay attention to the [ Dockerfile] there.
<li> Pay attention to the [ Dockerfile] there.
Line 693: Line 569:
$ docker ps -a
$ docker ps -a
== R packages installation: packrat ==
* [ Installing R packages to a Docker image with packrat]
* [ How to install packages through `packrat` while creating shiny Docker image]

== Check opened ports ==
== Check opened ports ==
Line 728: Line 609:
* Best proxy - traefik, NPM, SWAG, caddy or other?
* Best proxy - traefik, NPM, SWAG, caddy or other?
* [ swag]
* [ swag]
* Caddy
** [ Rocker], [ Networking: tips and tricks] from Rocker

== Nginx proxy manager ==
== Nginx proxy manager ==
* [ Putting it All Together - Docker, Docker-Compose, NGinx Proxy Manager, and Domain Routing - How To] (video) and [ Notes] 2020-10-06
* [ Putting it All Together - Docker, Docker-Compose, NGinx Proxy Manager, and Domain Routing - How To] (video) and [ Notes] 2020-10-06
* [ Securing NGinX Proxy Manager - follow up - securing your admin console for this Open Source Software] (video) and [ Notes] 2020-10-20
* [ Securing NGinX Proxy Manager - follow up - securing your admin console for this Open Source Software] (video) and [ Notes] 2020-10-20
== Caddy ==
* [ Rocker], [ Networking: tips and tricks] from Rocker
* [ Pi-Hosted : Reverse Proxy with Caddy]. We can play Caddy using IP address.
* [ How to Set up Caddy as a Reverse Proxy]
= Website analysis =
* [ How to Install Plausible Analytics with Docker on Ubuntu 22.04]

= Nginx =
= Nginx =
Line 745: Line 632:
docker exec -it NGINX_container_ID bash
docker exec -it NGINX_container_ID bash
<li>Note nginx docker does not work if there is not index.html or index.php (it shows '''403 Forbidden'''). Google: '''How to serve static file with nginx'''
* [ How to Serve Static Files with Nginx and Docker]
* [ How To Serve Static File Directory Over HTTP Using NGINX]
* [ How to Serve Static Files from Different Folder in NGINX]
<li>[ How To Use the Official NGINX Docker Image]
<li>[ How To Use the Official NGINX Docker Image]
Line 776: Line 667:

* [ How to Setup a Simple Apache Web Server in a Docker Container]
* [ Docker – An apache ‘hello world’ example]
<li>[ How to Setup a Simple Apache Web Server in a Docker Container]
<li>[ Docker – An apache ‘hello world’ example]
= Monitor website changes =
<li>Note nginx docker does not work if there is not index.html or index.php (it shows '''403 Forbidden'''); httpd image does not have this problem.
docker run -d --rm\
  --name apache \
  -p 8080:80 \
  -v /home/brb/Videos/:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ \

= Tomcat =
= Tomcat =
Line 1,133: Line 1,031:
= HDHomeRun =
== tvheadend ==
<li>docker-compose.yml. See [ linuxserver/tvheadend]. Open http://localhost:9981 .
        container_name: tvheadend
            - PUID=1000
            - PGID=1000
            - TZ=Etc/UTC
        network_mode: host
            - ./data:/config
            - ./recordings:/recordings
        restart: unless-stopped
<li>tvheadend setup. [ TVheadend and HDHomeRun using IPTV inputs].
<li>[ How to configure tvheadend server].
<li>[ How to install Tvheadend server on $40 Android box running Linux]. The configuration allows to scan channels on HDHomeRun.

= Media server =
= Media server =
== Jellyfin ==
* [ Jellyfin Update - An amazing, open source, and self hosted media server alternative to Plex or Emby] (video)
* (works)
** [ Install Jellyfin As A Raspberry Pi Media Server – Episode 29]
* [ Official clients]
* [ ULTIMATE Jellyfin Guide - Hardware Acceleration, Codecs (PART 2) ]
* Problems:
** [ Best way to update your library when you make changes to existing files?]. Answer: (manual) Settings - Dashboard - Libraries - Libraries - Scan all libraries, (automatic) scheduled tasks - scan media library (every 12 hour).
** My (downloaded) videos got different video titles.
* Split a large file
** If I already have 3 videos named "Video-part1.mp4", "Video-part2.mp4" and "Video-part3.mp4" (eg coming from DashCam), Jellyfin is smart enough to merge these 3 and shows only one video.
** Or we can use the commands '''ffmpeg''' , which would split the video at 30-minute intervals (1800 seconds) into 3 files : '''ffmpeg -i input.mkv -map 0 -c copy -f segment -segment_times 0,1800,3600 output%03d.mkv'''.
*** output001.mkv: Contains the first 30 minutes of the video (0 to 1800 seconds).
*** output002.mkv: Contains the next 30 minutes of the video (1800 to 3600 seconds).
*** output003.mkv: Contains the remainder of the video (from 3600 seconds to the end).
* [ 5 Reasons to Run Plex and Jellyfin Together]
== Youtube downloader ==
== Youtube downloader ==
<li>[ Download YouTube videos, host locally?]
<li>[ Download YouTube videos, host locally?]
<li>[ MeTube] (simple but no thumbnails, [ deleted files seem not deleted from the disk]/deleted files from disks are still on the list; no sync),  
<li>[ MeTube],
<syntaxhighlight lang='sh'>
mkdir /tmp/downloads # O.W. /tmp/downloads generated by root cannot be written
mkdir /tmp/downloads # O.W. /tmp/downloads generated by root cannot be written
docker run -d -p 8081:8081 \
docker run -d -p 8081:8081 \
   -v /tmp/downloads:/downloads \
   -v /tmp/downloads:/downloads \
   --user 1000:1001 alexta69/metube
   --restart always \
# http://localhost:8081
# http://localhost:8081
The following example value for "YTDL_OPTIONS" embeds English subtitles and chapter markers (for videos that have them), and also changes the permissions on the downloaded video and sets the file modification timestamp to the date of when it was downloaded (oudated. see examples on
[ yt-dlp] about the current options).
docker run -d -p 8081:8081 \
  -v /tmp/downloads:/downloads \
  -e YTDL_OPTIONS='{"writesubtitles":true,"subtitleslangs":["en","-live_chat"],"updatetime":false,"postprocessors":[{"key":"Exec","exec_cmd":"chmod 0664","when":"after_move"},{"key":"FFmpegEmbedSubtitle","already_have_subtitle":false},{"key":"FFmpegMetadata","add_chapters":true}]}' \
  --name metube \
<li>Chapters and subtitles:
* Testing video: [ Macha Galette].
* In VLC, subtitle is available under "Subtitle" -> "Sub Track" -> "English". The subtitle can be extracted from the downloaded webm files using <syntaxhighlight lang='sh' inline>ffmpeg -i filename.webm -map 0:s:0?</syntaxhighlight>. If a video's subtitle is auto-generated by Youtube, then there is no subtitle embedded in the downloaded webm files.
* In VLC, chapters is available under "Playback" -> "Chapter"
<li>[ yt-dlp]
<li>[ YoutubeDL-Material]
<li>[ YoutubeDL-Material]
Line 1,158: Line 1,117:

== Plex ==
== Plex ==
[ Official Docker container for Plex Media Server]
* [ Official Docker container for Plex Media Server]
* Live tv subtitles/captions: Server -> Settings -> Languages -> Subtitle mode -> Always enabled -> Save Changes.
* [ Plex Pass] subscription
** [ Live tv DVR]
** [ Using Hardware-Accelerated Streaming]
    container_name: plex
    network_mode: host
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=US/Eastern
      - VERSION=docker
      - PLEX_CLAIM= #optional
      - /tmp/plex/library:/config
      - /tmp/plex/tvseries:/tv
      - /dev/dri:/dev/dri
    restart: unless-stopped

My comment:
== Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr ==
* After starting, web browser cannot connect to it
* [ Make Automated Torrent Media Server with Emby, Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr, and qBittorrent on Windows!]
* [ How to install and configure Sonarr]
== Jellyfin ==
* [ Jellyfin Update - An amazing, open source, and self hosted media server alternative to Plex or Emby] (video)
* (works)
** [ Install Jellyfin As A Raspberry Pi Media Server – Episode 29]

= DNS server =
= DNS server =
Line 1,178: Line 1,156:
* [ WireHole: WireGuard, Pi-Hole and Unbound in Docker] (video)
* [ WireHole: WireGuard, Pi-Hole and Unbound in Docker] (video)
= Speed test =
*, http://localhost:5216. I need to open the page in incognito mode when using SSH local forwarding.
** For remote access, use '''ssh -L 5216:localhost:5216 username@remoteserver'''
** Visit http://localhost:5216 to access the webpage
** Settings -> Manage Storage -> Speedtest -> Export tests.
* [ MySpeed: Speedtest Automation Made Simple!]

= Pi-hole =
= Pi-hole =
* [ Raspberry Pi Pi-Hole]: A Network Wide Ad-blocker
* [ Install Pi-hole on a Raspberry Pi with Docker and Portainer]
<li>On Boox Note Air, Settings - Wireless - SSID.
* Proxy = None (default)
* IP Settings - Static. Enter desired IP address & Gateway & DNS1 & DNS2.
<li>[ Raspberry Pi Pi-Hole]: A Network Wide Ad-blocker
<li>[ Install Pi-hole on a Raspberry Pi with Docker and Portainer]
<li>[ Running Pi-Hole as a Docker Container]. Ubuntu.
* (Ubuntu) The command to disable the [ Systemd-Resolve] Service (Network Name Resolution manager) seems to be outdated. '''sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolve''' returns a message ''Failed to stop systemd-resolve.service: Unit systemd-resolve.service not loaded.''
* It looks ''sudo systemctl status systemd-resolved'' still works in Ubuntu 22.04
* Before deploying pi-hole, run the following commands ([ Ubuntu 22.04, Docker, Portainer, Pi-Hole]):
sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved
<li>[ How to install Pi-hole on Docker – Network-wide Ad Blocking]
sudo docker volume create etc-pihole
sudo docker volume create etc-dnsmasq.d
sudo docker run -d --name pihole \
  -p 53:53/tcp -p 53:53/udp -p 67:67 -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
  -e TZ="Asia/Kolkata"  \
  -v etc-pihole:/etc/pihole/ \
  -v etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d/ \
  --dns= --dns= --restart=unless-stopped \
  --hostname pi.hole \
  -e VIRTUAL_HOST="pi.hole" \
  -e ServerIP="" \

= Authelia =
= Authelia =
Line 1,203: Line 1,216:
** Best practices for writing Compose files
** Best practices for writing Compose files
* [ How Developers Can Get Started with Python and Docker]
* [ How Developers Can Get Started with Python and Docker]
== Conda ==
* Prebuilt conda image:,
* Conda-Forge Miniforge Images:
# Pull the image
docker pull continuumio/anaconda3
# Run a container from the image
docker run -it continuumio/anaconda3 /bin/bash
# Inside the container, create a new Conda environment
conda create -n myenv python=3.8
# Activate the environment
conda activate myenv
# Install packages
# conda install numpy pandas
conda install numpy=1.21.2 pandas=1.3.3
# Verify installation
conda list
# Remove packages
conda remove numpy
# Run your application
# Exit the container
# List running containers
docker ps
# Stop a container
# docker stop <container_id>
# Remove a container
# docker rm <container_id>
# Commit changes to a new image
# docker commit <container_id> mynewimage
# Push the new image to a registry
# docker push mynewimage

= Python Jupyter including R =
= Python Jupyter including R =
* [ Jupyter Docker Stacks],  
* [ Jupyter Docker Stacks],  
* [ How to customize the jupyter/datascience-notebook container with docker-compose].
* [ How to customize the jupyter/datascience-notebook container with docker-compose]. Change the $PWD below for your case.
docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 \
docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 \
       -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes \
       -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes \
       -v "$PWD":/home/jovyan/work \
       -v "$PWD":/home/jovyan/work \
      --name jupyter \
Follow the screen output to access the app by going to http://IP:8888/?token=XXXXXX. This will take care of the authentication problem.  
Follow the screen output to access the app by going to http://IP:8888/?token=XXXXXX. This will take care of the authentication problem.  
If we use 'docker compose up -d' method below, we need to use 'docker logs jupyter' to get the URL which includes the token password.
version: '3.3'
            - '8888:8888'
            - JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes
            - '"$PWD":/home/jovyan/work'
        container_name: jupyter
        restart: unless-stopped
        image: 'jupyter/datascience-notebook:r-4.3.1'

This includes python3, Julia 1.0.0 and R. However, the R version is pretty old if we don't specify the tag.
This includes python3, Julia 1.0.0 and R. However, the R version is pretty old if we don't specify the tag.
Line 1,234: Line 1,312:
** The ARM variants can be built on x86_64 hardware using multiarch/qemu-user-static. See
** The ARM variants can be built on x86_64 hardware using multiarch/qemu-user-static. See
* [ Calibre-Web] is a web app providing a clean interface for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks using a valid Calibre database.
* [ Calibre-Web] is a web app providing a clean interface for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks using a valid Calibre database.
= RSS =
* [ FreshRSS]
= Read it later/Pocket =
[ Omnivore]

= Home Assistant =
= Home Assistant =
Line 1,241: Line 1,326:
= Password manager =
= Password manager =

== Vaultwarden ==
== Bitwarden ==
[ Vaultwarden - Open Source, self hosted backend for the Bitwarden password manager] (video)
* [ 一键部署 Bitwarden 密码管理器!完全开源,支持跨平台使用,100% 安全又可靠,密码自己掌控]
* [ Vaultwarden - Open Source, self hosted backend for the Bitwarden password manager] (video)

== KeeWeb: password manager compatible with KeePass ==
== KeeWeb: password manager compatible with KeePass ==
Line 1,250: Line 1,336:
* Padloc is a cloud-based password management solution that allows you to access and use your saved passwords across multiple platforms.  
* Padloc is a cloud-based password management solution that allows you to access and use your saved passwords across multiple platforms.  
* [ How to Install Padloc Password Manager on Rocky Linux 8]
* [ How to Install Padloc Password Manager on Rocky Linux 8]
= Share passwords =
[ Share Password and Secrets Securely! Self-Destructing Messages with PassED (Docker)]

= Flask =
= Flask =
Line 1,270: Line 1,359:
* GetLab專案管理工具
* GetLab專案管理工具
* Jenkins開發版本管理工具
* Jenkins開發版本管理工具
= Memo/note =
*, [ Memos: The EASY Way to Take Notes]

= for diagrams and more =
= for diagrams and more =
docker run -d --rm --name="draw" -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 jgraph/drawio
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped \
  --rm --name="draw" -p 8080:8080 \
  -p 8443:8443 jgraph/drawio
<li>To allow to save to devices, the app and the file have to be on the same machine.
<li>It is super easy to install in Nextcloud (just a few clicks). It is very natural to save the file in the Nextcloud storage.
= Internet Archive: ArchiveBox =
* [ How To Self-host Your Own Internet Archive With ArchiveBox In Linux]
* [ How I Turned My Raspberry Pi Into a Private Internet Archive]
== Linkwarden ==
[ Linkwarden] Bookmark Preservation for Individuals and Teams

= Run a benchmark program on ARM devices =
= Run a benchmark program on ARM devices =
* [ Beaglebone black] as an example. More device examples can be found on [].
* [ Beaglebone black] as an example. More device examples can be found on [].
= =

= Set up a Mastodon Instance on Linux =
= Set up a Mastodon Instance on Linux =
[ Your Own Social Network: How to Set Up a Mastodon Instance on Linux]
* [ Your Own Social Network: How to Set Up a Mastodon Instance on Linux]
* [ 3 Amazing Mastodon Clients for you to use to access a truly open social media platform & Fediverse]
* [ What is Mastodon? What to know about the decentralized site some see as a Twitter alternative]
* [ Should I join Mastodon? A scientists’ guide to Twitter’s rival]

= Bioinformatics tools (Tophat, BWA, et al) =
= Bioinformatics tools (Tophat, BWA, et al) =
Line 1,332: Line 1,444:

= Webpage monitor tools =
= Webpage monitor tools =
[ statping]
* [ statping]
* [], [ releases version v0.39.18]
** [ with Browser Agent Support in Docker]
* [ The 7 Best Free and Paid Website Change Detection Tools]
= AI =
== Grammarly alternative ==
[ Run Your Own Private Grammarly Clone Using Docker and LanguageTool]
= CasaOS =
*, [ Wiki] (Very limited)
* Blog and new release announcement
* [ Self-Deploying-Applications] from Zimaboard.
* I installed CasaOS in Proxmox using Debian 12 LXC. I allocated 40GB space and 4GB ram. The memory can be increased without a need to shut down the LXC.
* Files app is similar to NextCloud but it can connect to cloud storage like Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive. It can also connect to other network storage something like smb://
* I guess we are supposed to use CasaOS in a full screen model. The backward button in the browser will possibly quit CasaOS.
* Portainer, Uptime Kuma, Wireguard Easy are some of apps in the App Store.
* CasaOS can expand their App Store.
** Custom installer is another option; we can use Docker Compose or Docker CLI.
** "Add Source". [ Store list]. After I copy/paste CasaOS-LinuxServer-AppStore '''''' and click "Add +" button it immediately shows 226 apps. That is cool! It includes Firefox, Chromium, Opera. I installed FF but when I use the web interface of FF on my Android tablet, I could not scroll. FreshRSS not working on my tablets. Firefox and Chromium are hard to use on my tablet.
** Apps are using ports other than 80. Clicking on an app (eg Snapdrop was changed to use port 88 instead of 80) sometimes opened a tab with a port 80. So the launching is not successfully. We need to click on each app's Settings and find out what the port it uses and modify the port on the Web UI field and 'Save'.
** Kasm not working.
** Snapdrop. I can't see other devices? [ pairdrop] from works.
** OpenSpeedTest & librespeed/speedtest works but gave quite different results than
** [ Rdesktop]. It is [ adding a desktop environment to your server]. So the IP should be IP:3389 when we use Remmina for example. The username/password is abc/abc. For example, I allocate 40GB to CasaOS and the remote desktop will show 40GB disk space for the server. The desktop includes the Chromium browser. We can connect to internet using the Chromium browser.
** [ Webtop] is based on KasmVNC. Webtops is a project where you can setup a variety of Linux desktops, with a variety of Desktop Environments in Docker, and access them through a web browser! The screen/desktop is synchronized across devices. So we can use our tablet device as a monitor and our mouse and keyboard are still connected to our desktop computer. Interesting! But no internet connection? The font size on the desktop changes with the connected devices. The default distro is Arch Linux.
** AdGuard: when I installed it, '''the default port for dashboard is 80'''. I changed it to 3000. But after the setup, the port 3000 is not working. Check the setting from CasaOS, it shows 3001. So the change of port in the initial set up was not taken (I ssh into the server and use '''ss''' to check open ports) though admin account was saved. The port 3001 is actually working. It works when I tested on a Android tablet (use only AdGuard IP as the only DNS, not including or else). See [ Adguard Home Installed on Docker] video for AdGuard setup.
** ddclient, Duckdns, Duplicati, [ healthchecks] (A watchdog for your cron jobs).
* [ CasaOS+Tailscale: Seamless Home Network Integration + Remote access to your data]

Latest revision as of 14:21, 17 February 2025




App store


Dockerizing Compiled Software


Install macOS

Raspberry Pi servers based on Docker

Data Science

Data Science

Illumina BaseSpace

Bioinformatics analyses

Cloud provider

Docker can be deployed on any cloud provider like Digital Ocean, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Computing.



docker run -d \
  -p 8295:80 \
  --volume /home/$USER/dashy/public/conf.yml:/app/public/conf.yml \
  --volume /home/$USER/dashy/icons:/app/public/item-icons/icons \
  --name dashy \
  --restart=unless-stopped \





Uptime Kuma

  • Docker, Github
  • Uptime Kuma Docker Setup Guide: Installation and Configuration
  • Uptime Kuma | Fancy service and server monitoring (Video)
  • Since I like to use Uptime Kuma to monitor servers using IPs from my tailscale, I need to expose host's network to the container. That is, I would use something like "docker run -d --network host louislam/uptime-kuma" or
        image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1
        container_name: kuma
          - ./data:/app/data
        network_mode: "host"  # Use host network mode
        restart: always


    • In host network mode, the container shares the network stack of the host directly, bypassing Docker's network isolation.
    • The container can access all host network interfaces directly.
    • Any ports exposed by the container are automatically accessible on the host without explicit port mapping.
    • Port mapping is not applicable when the container is using host network. In host network mode, the container shares the network stack of the host system directly, bypassing Docker's network isolation.


Dashboard for monitoring system: grafana

After I change the firewall by adding two ports (9090 & 9100), the docker-compose method of grafana works like a charm.

  • Reboot the host OS will not affect the grafana (assuming we include restart: unless-stopped in the 3 containers). But if we modify docker-compose.yml and run docker-compose down; docker-compose up it will result in data lose and we will need to re-create the admin password and all the setup.

Google photo




After I use docker run --rm --name myowncloud -p 81:80 owncloud:8.1, I find I can only access it through http://localhost:81. If I try to access it through another computer by, the URL is changed back to http://localhost:81 so it failed to load.


Nextcloud looks more modern than owncloud though their interface are very similar. I got the same problem (URL is changed from IP to localhost) when I try to access its web from another computer. Using the IP instead of localhost to finish the initial setup can fix the error.


  • The first we open the webpage, we need to create the admin username/password.
  • Nextcloud uses owncloud mobile application.
  • Nextcloud includes a small mp4 file. I can use browser to play mp4. Photos files can be opened in browsers too (including slideshow).

Add external storage like SAMBA

To connect to a Samba drive in Nextcloud, you will need to use the External Storage app. This app allows you to mount external storage services, including Samba shares, as directories within your Nextcloud instance. Here are the steps to connect to a Samba drive in Nextcloud:

First, make sure that the External Storage app is installed and enabled on your Nextcloud instance. You can do this by going to the Apps section in the Nextcloud admin panel and searching for the External Storage app. If it is not installed, you can install it from there.

Once the External Storage app is installed and enabled, go to the Settings section in the Nextcloud admin panel and select the External Storages option under the Administration section (Left panel, scroll down to see the app).

On the External Storages page, click on the Add storage button and select SMB / CIFS from the dropdown menu.

In the configuration form that appears, enter the details of your Samba share, including the hostname or IP address of the server, share name, username, and password. You can also specify a subfolder within the share if you only want to mount a specific subfolder.

Once you have entered all of the required information, click on the Save button to save your configuration.

Nextcloud Apps

  • "access through untrusted domain" error. On my Casaos, I found the file /DATA/AppData/nextcloud/var/www/html/config/config.php shows trusted domain is casaos.local:10081. So I just need to change the app's setting in CasaOS to use http://casaos.local:10081 instead of http://IP:10081 to open the page.
  • Audio Player. When I play mp3 files, the web interface does not show a progress bar:(
    $ docker run --rm --name mynextcloud -v ~/Downloads/nextcloudapps:/var/www/html/custom_apps -p 81:80 nextcloud
    # above will create an empty folder ~/Downloads/nextcloudapps (www-data:root)
    $ tar xzvf Downloads/audioplayer-2.3.1.tar.gz -C Downloads/
    $ docker cp Downloads/audioplayer mynextcloud:/var/www/html/custom_apps
    # Go to nextcloud and '+Apps', a new app 'Audio Player' should have shown up.
  • Music. GOOD. The app is from the owncloud team though for some reason the app is not included in owncloud/nextcloud. Yes, a progress bar is shown when I played a song downloaded from Youtube:)
    # No need to create a volume
    $ docker run -d --name mycloud -p 81:80 nextcloud
    # Open another terminal
    # Don't download the zip file from github. Get the zip file from the app store
    $ tar xzvf ~/Downloads/music_0.7.0_nc-signed.tar.gz -C ~/Downloads/
    $ docker cp Downloads/music mycloud:/var/www/html/custom_apps
    $ docker exec mycloud chmod -R 0750 /var/www/html/custom_apps
    $ docker exec mycloud chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/custom_apps
    Now open the website. Click the gear icon (Settings) and click "Apps". Find out the 'music' app from the bottom of the list and click the 'Enable' button. A new Music icon will be created next to the Gallery icon at the top. Note: if we want to play music repeatedly, I should not play the music directly from Files. I should click the Music icon at the top and let it start to scan musics. Then once I can play a music from there, it will show two new icons; one is shuffle and the other is loop. To have a persistent data, we can 'run' using
    $ mkdir -p ~/nextcloud/{html,apps,config,data}
    $ docker run -d \
        --name mycloud \
        -p 81:80 \
        -v ~/nextcloud/html:/var/www/html \
        -v ~/nextcloud/apps:/var/www/html/custom_apps \
        -v ~/nextcloud/config:/var/www/html/config \
        -v ~/nextcloud/data:/var/www/html/data \
    If we like to delete the contain and its unamed volume, run
    $ docker stop mycloud; docker rm -v mycloud
    If we run the container again mounting all volumes, all apps,files,configuration,admin's username & password are kept.
  • PDF viewer. PDF files will be downloaded instead of opening on the browser. This can be easily fixed. Click '+Apps' from the personal settings (the response is slow when I tested using Docker). Search for PDF viewer. Click the 'Enable' button (it will be changed to 'Disable' after that)
  • After enable it, we can click the "+" sign and choose "Diagram" to create a new diagram (*.xml).
  • Radio. After enable it, a new "Radio" icon will be shown at the top. Only 20 stations are available from the 'Top'. No response after I clicked "Categories".

Music: Navidrome

Navidrome Is the Perfect Self-Hosted Music Server for Raspberry Pi


File manager

File browser

The original image (filebrowser/filebrowser) does not work but linuxserver's image (filebrowser/filebrowser:s6) works fine.

$ touch filebrowser.db
$ cat settings.json
  "port": 80,
  "baseURL": "",
  "address": "",
  "log": "stdout",
  "database": "/database/filebrowser.db",
  "root": "/srv"

#  Modify $FULL_PATH1 <- directory to share files
#      &  $FULL_PATH2  <- directory contains filebrowser.db & settings.json

$ docker run \
    --name filebrowser \
    -v $FULL_PATH1:/srv \
    -v $FULL_PATH2/filebrowser.db:/database/filebrowser.db \
    -v $FULL_PATH2/settings.json:/config/settings.json \
    -e PUID=$(id -u) \
    -e PGID=$(id -g) \
    -p 8080:80 \



Run a Linux desktop

Run a Linux desktop VM with VNC

Run Ubuntu Linux in Docker with Desktop Environment and VNC


Kasm Workspaces

Distrobox & BoxBuddy (No Desktop)

  • (in the 'Installation' section there is a table. It seems the green color is used to show which Linux distributions has the latest version of distrobox)
    • Idea: Distrobox uses containerization technologies like Podman, Docker, or LXC to create containers with your chosen Linux distribution (Why worry about Podman/LXC?)
    • Important: Since it integrated with the host system, always back up important data and double-check configurations to avoid unintended changes. Changes may happen when we use a software (eg install R packages) launched from a box.
    • Practical uses:
      • Running GUI Applications from Other Distros (Containers): distrobox-enter fedora-box -- firefox
        • (not tested) OnlyOffice (Ubuntu/Debian, CentOS/RHEL, snap, flatpak, appimage). 1. Install Distrobox on Manjaro sudo pacman -Syu && sudo pacman -S distrobox, 2. Create an Ubuntu container distrobox create --image ubuntu:latest --name ubuntu-container , 3. Enter the Ubuntu container distrobox enter ubuntu-container, 4. Update package lists and install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editor sudo apt install onlyoffice-desktopeditors, 5, Run ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors onlyoffice-desktopeditors.
      • Developing and Testing on Multiple Linux Distributions
      • Using Up-to-Date Tools on Older Systems
      • Lightweight Alternative to Virtual Machines
      • Persistent Workflows Across Systems: the created container is tightly integrated with the host, allowing sharing of the HOME directory (yes, no extra configuration), external storage, USB devices
      • Running Different Package Managers: Use Arch's pacman or Fedora’s dnf on a system where apt is the native package manager.
  • Archwiki
  • Installation
  • DEB Files on Arch? Run Any App on Any Linux Distro With This Tool
  • Distrobox: Try Multiple Linux Distributions via the Terminal. The line "distrobox-export --app foliate" gives an error "cannot find any desktop files".
  • Stop Distro Hopping! Use this AWESOME tool on Linux 7/15/2023
    • Linux subsystem in another Linux
  • How to Run Any Program from Any Linux Distro with Distrobox
  • Testing using arch linux container where packages are always updated. Refer to distrobox create doc for examples.
    sudo apt install distrobox
    distrobox --version # 1.7.0
    distrobox create # default is fedora-toolbox:XX
    distrobox-create --name ubuntu2404 -i ubuntu:24.04 # same as
    distrobox-create --name arch --pull -i
    distrobox enter arch # slow on Celeron N3160 Udoo
    cat /etc/os-release  # guest
    uname -r             # still host
    sudo pacman -Syu     # update the entire arch linux system
    sudo pacman -S r     # install R
    R                    # plotting also works
    sudo pacman -S netsurf
    sudo pacman -R netsurv
    sudo pacman -S vivaldi
    sudo pacman -Sy chromium 
    # Arch Linux Package Search:
    # and sort by 'Last Updated'
    chromium &            # so prompt is returned 
    podman images # list image's size; podman is the default container manager on my debian
                  # possibly 'docker images'
    distrobox-rm ubuntu2404

    Use GUI Applications from the Container

    apt install x11-apps -y
  • List of compatible images and container managers, Compatibility page.
  • Some images works fine on my distrobox 1.7.0
  • Change the default container manager. distrobox-create --help.
  • distrobox-export --app XXX
    • This is to export an application to the host system
    • It seems there is no way to undo it. We need to enter the guest OS, remove the app and then remove the guest OS from the host.
  • BoxBuddy – graphical manager for Distrobox
    • & Currently it is 2.3.0
    • The advantage is it includes a list of all distributions. Users only need to select one and enter a name for the 'box'.
    • Install by flatpak install flathub io.github.dvlv.boxbuddyrs (no need to download flatpakref file)
    • How does the software keep an updated list of images?
    • Tested:
      • install Debian12,
      • install sublime deb inside Debian12 through host's right click button. Sublime can be launched too from "View Applications".
      • Upgrade my arch Box (rolling release) works

QuickEmu (Non Docker approach)

See KVM - QuickEmu/


Webtop: Linux desktop in a browser

mkdir /tmp/downloads/
docker run -d --name=webtop   \
  -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000   \
  -e TZ=US/Eastern   \
  -p 3000:3000   \
  -v /tmp/downloads:/config   \
  --shm-size="1gb"   \
  --restart unless-stopped   \
  • Meet Webtops A Linux Desktop Environment In Your Browser
  • Run Linux Desktops in your Browser with Docker and Webtops! (video) and Notes
  • Default username/password is abc/abc. But we don't need to enter the password when we use "sudo".
  • Linux desktop, inside of a container, inside of a browser??? Yes. A Webtop, privileged: true is required for installing something like vscode in VM (video) and Doc
  • If I'm not using the default desktop, I need to switch to use some user's account instead of root to run docker-compose command. If I use root to launch ubuntu-kde, for example, the desktop is blank.
  • It's cool. I got Ubuntu 22.04 released 1.5 months ago.
  • After I installed 'htop', the htop command shows the cpu & memory & uptime ... from the 'host' system. But docker stats shows webtop (ubuntu-mate) desktop is using around 300MB memory.
  • When I want to copy text from VM to remote client, I need to open the clipboard using the black circle tool on the left-hand side.
  • After I played around, KDE-konsole does not respond to my keyboard. Logged out and logged in again fixes the problem.
  • I got the following errors when I try to install RStudio 2022.02.3 Build 492 on Ubuntu 22.04; this solution Installing R Studio on Ubuntu 22.04 works for me.
$ sudo apt install /config/Downloads/rstudio-2022.02.3-492-amd64.deb 
the following packages have unmet dependencies:
 rstudio : Depends: libssl1.0.0 but it is not installable or
                    libssl1.0.2 but it is not installable or
                    libssl1.1 but it is not installable




VS Code

Docker for R (r-base, rstudio)

See R Docker.

Docker for Shiny Server

  • Pin package versions in your production Docker image. Need to modify Dockerfile to install 'shiny' along with 'renv'. We need to create a directory 'shinyapp' with simple shiny files (eg kmeans example).
    docker build -t pinrpackageversion .
    mkdir shinyapp
    wget -P shinyapp
    wget -P shinyapp
    docker run --name shinyapp --rm -p 3838:3838 pinrpackageversion
  • Question: what happened if there is a new version of R or shiny-sever?
    # specify --name so we don't need to use container id to access it later
    $ docker run -d --name rshiny -p 81:3838 rocker/shiny 
    $ docker ps -l
    # Run in container's bash
    # non-interactive
    $ docker exec -it rshiny ip addr  
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1
        link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
        inet scope host lo
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    22: eth0@if23: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default 
        link/ether 02:42:ac:11:00:02 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0
        inet scope global eth0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    # interactive shell
    $ docker exec -it rshiny bash 
    root@5b78988d5619:/# who
    root@5b78988d5619:/# which R
    root@5b78988d5619:/# ls /home
    docker	shiny
    root@5b78988d5619:/# ls /srv/shiny-server
    01_hello  02_text  03_reactivity  04_mpg  05_sliders  06_tabsets  07_widgets  08_html  09_upload  10_download  11_timer  index.html  sample-apps
    root@5b78988d5619:/# R -e 'package.Description("glmnet")'
    root@5b78988d5619:/# exit
    $ docker stop rshiny
    $ docker rm rshiny   # remove the container

It is also useful to use the -v option in docker run so the local directory (eg /srv/shinyapps/) can be mapped to the docker volume (/srv/shiny-server).

# Put your shiny app in host's /srv/shinyapps/appdir,
$ docker run -d -p 81:3838 \
    -v /srv/shinyapps/:/srv/shiny-server/ \
    -v /srv/shinylog/:/var/log/shiny-server/ \

And check running status

$ docker ps -a

R packages installation: packrat

Check opened ports

See What network ports are open: lsof or netstat.

$ netstat -ant
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN     
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 :::81                   :::*                    LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 ::1:25                  :::*                    LISTEN

Blog Explorer, Winners of the 2nd Annual Shiny Contest

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi 4B as a shiny server


CMS, blog website



  • Best proxy - traefik, NPM, SWAG, caddy or other?
  • swag

Nginx proxy manager


Website analysis






How to Install Discourse Forum with Docker on CentOS 8

Jenkins for continuous integration


  • Deploying MySQL on Linux with Docker
  • Note it seems impossible to use the 'grant' command interactively within the MySQL docker container.
    docker run --detach --name test-mysql --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword" mysql
    docker inspect test-mysql | grep IPAddress  #
    wget -O - | gunzip -c > world.sql
    mysql -uroot -pmypassword -h -e 'CREATE DATABASE world'
    cat world.sql | mysql -uroot -pmypassword -h world
    # zcat world.sql.gz | mysql -uroot -pmypassword -h world
    mysql -uroot -pmypassword -h -e 'USE world; SHOW TABLES'
    mysql -uroot -pmypassword -h -e 'DROP DATABASE world'
    # Let's see if we can access the database in R
    system("sudo apt install libmysqlclient-dev")
    con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), "world", user="root", password="mypassword", host="")
    head(dbReadTable(con, "city"))
    head(dbReadTable(con, "country"))
    head(dbReadTable(con, "countrylanguage"))
    dbWriteTable(con, 'iris', iris)
    # Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) :
    #   could not run statement: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version
  • How To Create And Test MySQL Database Server in Docker On Ubuntu Linux (video). Use Dockerfile.
  • MySQL Docker Containers: Understanding the basics,
    # Fire up
    docker run --detach --name=test-mysql --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword" mysql
    docker ps -a
    # Connecting to the Container
    docker inspect test-mysql | grep IPAddress
    # sudo apt install mysql-client
    # There are two methods to connect to the container
    # method 1.
    # docker exec -it test-mysql mysql -uroot -p
    # method 2
    mysql -uroot -pmypassword -h -P 3306
    docker run --detach --name test-wordpress --link test-mysql:mysql wordpress
    docker exec -it test-wordpress bash
    $ cat /etc/hosts
    # Expose the MySQL container to the outside world
    # Access the MySQL container directly from the machine’s port 6603
    docker run --detach --name=test-mysql --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword" --publish 6603:3306 mysql
    mysql -u root -pmypassword -h -P 6603
    # Configuration management
    mkdir -p /root/container/test-mysql/conf.d
    nano /root/container/test-mysql/conf.d/my-custom.cnf
    docker run \
        --detach \
        --name=test-mysql \
        --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword" \
        --publish 6603:3306 \
        --volume=/root/docker/test-mysql/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d \
    mysql -uroot -pmypassword -h127.0.0.1 -P6603 -e 'show global variables like "max_connections"';
    docker run \
        --detach \
        --name=test-mysql \
        --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword" \
        --publish 6603:3306 \
        mysql \
        --max-connections=200 \
        --character-set-server=utf8mb4 \
    # Data Storage
    mkdir -p /storage/docker/mysql-datadir
    docker run \
        --detach \
        --name=test-mysql \
        --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword" \
        --publish 6603:3306 \
        --volume=/root/docker/test-mysql/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d \
        --volume=/storage/docker/mysql-datadir:/var/lib/mysql \
    docker inspect test-mysql
    ls -al /storage/docker/mysql-datadir/
    # If a MySQL container runs on top of an existing MySQL datadir, 
    # the $MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD variable should be omitted from the “run” command line;
    docker stop test-mysql
    docker rm -f test-mysql
    docker run -d --name=another-new-mysql -p 6605:3306 -v /storage/docker/mysql-datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql
    docker logs another-new-mysql
  • Use Docker to run a typical MySQL server from Code Review Videos
    docker volume create crv_mysql
    docker run \
        -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
        -e MYSQL_DATABASE=devdb \
        -e MYSQL_USER=dbuser \
        -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=dbpassword \
        --mount type=volume,src=crv_mysql,dst=/var/lib/mysql \
        -p 3306:3306 \
        -d \
    # Alternatively we can put username/password in a text file for security
    cat > .env <<EOF
    docker run \
        --env-file .env \
        --mount type=volume,src=crv_mysql,dst=/var/lib/mysql \
        -p 3306:3306 \
        -d \

Backup and restore

# Backup
docker exec CONTAINER /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=root DATABASE > backup.sql

# Restore
# Method 1. docker exec + command
docker exec -i CONTAINER /usr/bin/mysql -u root --password=root < backup.sql
# Method 2. docker exec + bash
# We can also use docker exec log into the contain and run any mysql commands there
docker exec -it CONTAINER bash
# Method 3. mysql command only
# We directly use mysql command to import database without using docker commands
#   as long as we know the IP address of the container server
docker inspect CONTAINER | grep IPAddress
mysql -uroot -pPASSWORD -h -e 'show databases'
mysql -uroot -pPASSWORD -h < backup.sql



Building Jekyll Sites within VS Code Dev Containers


Dockerizing Node.js. See the code here.

$ docker build -t my-node-app .
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 my-node-app

How To Setup Your Local Node.js Development Environment Using Docker (not working)

$ cd notes-service
$ cat Dockerfile 
FROM node:12.18.1


COPY package.json /code/package.json
COPY package-lock.json /code/package-lock.json

RUN npm install

COPY . /code

CMD [ "node", "server.js" ]

$ docker build -t notes-service .
$ docker run -it --rm -d -v mongodb:/data/db -v mongodb_config:/data/configdb -p 27017:27017 --network mongodb --name mongodb mongo
$ docker run -it --rm -d --network mongodb --name notes -p 8081:8081 -e SERVER_PORT=8081 -e DATABASE_CONNECTIONSTRING=mongodb://mongodb:27017/yoda_notes notes-service 
# this does not work though no errors; omit "-d" to see the error message

$ curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8081/services/m/notes \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
"name”: "this is a note",
"text": "this is a note that I wanted to take while I was working on writing a blog post.",
"owner": "peter"


How to Dockerise A React App


Web pages for metacran

Exploring Redis with Docker

Redis running inside Docker container on NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Redis is ideal for IoT and Embedded devices for several reasons.


Dockerizing Laravel with Nginx MySQL and Docker Compose on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


docker run --name mysqlphp -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=0000 -d mysql
docker run --name myadmin -d --link mysqlphp:db -p 8080:80 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin

Now go to your browser , tap http://localhost:8080 and login with root/0000.

ERROR mysqli_real_connect(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]

The solution can be found here. After the change, I can log in phpMyAdmin.

docker exec -it mysqlphp bash

mysql -u root -p0000

ALTER USER root IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '0000';



Mail/smtp server


  • or (better) The Dockerfile is based on jessie.
  • bitnami/mediawiki (Verified but too complicated, 1M+)
  • (10M+)
  • Hosting Your Own Wiki With MediaWiki and Docker Nov 2020. The instruction is easy to follow.
    • In mediawiki set up we page, we need to enter 'database' for the Database host
    • The database information we entered will go to 'LocalSettings.php' file. But the name of wiki, administrator user name, password will go to the database.
    • the instruction for the 'extensions' part seems too much. We just need to mount local 'extensions' to container's '/var/www/extensions' folder.
    • Remember to run 'docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d' after we modify something
  • docker搭建mediawiki
  • Setup MediaWiki and Postgres with Docker (based on simplyintricate/mediawiki, works on Mint). Visit http://localhost:8080 to see the result.
    $ ls -l ~/wiki_root
    total 24
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root     root     4096 Jul 10 10:09 data
    drwxrwxr-x 3 brb      brb      4096 Jul 10 09:23 db
    drwxrwxr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jul 10 09:23 extensions
    drwxrwxr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jul 10 09:23 images
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 4152 Jul 10 11:12 LocalSettings.php
  • Running Mediawiki as Docker container (based on synctree/mediawiki which is not updated anymore, works tested on GalliumOS)
    • Follow Run MySql inside docker container first. 1. Setup host to store configuration, data and dumps. The 'dumps' and 'initdb.d' folders are optional 2. Override default mysql configuration 3. Executing scripts and sql on container startup (optional) 4. Starting mysql container
    • Visit http://IP_address:8080 to see the mediawiki page running on Docker
    brb@galliumos:~$ tree mysql
    ├── conf.d
    │   └── mysql.cnf
    ├── data
    │   ├── auto.cnf
    │   ├── ca-key.pem
    │   ├── ca.pem
    │   ├── client-cert.pem
    │   ├── client-key.pem
    │   ├── ib_buffer_pool
    │   ├── ibdata1
    │   ├── ib_logfile0
    │   ├── ib_logfile1
    │   ├── ibtmp1
    │   ├── mediawiki [error opening dir]
    │   ├── mysql [error opening dir]
    │   ├── performance_schema [error opening dir]
    │   ├── private_key.pem
    │   ├── public_key.pem
    │   ├── server-cert.pem
    │   ├── server-key.pem
    │   ├── sys [error opening dir]
    │   └── wikidb [error opening dir]
    ├── dumps
    └── initdb.d
    9 directories, 15 files
    brb@galliumos:~$ tree -L 2 mediawiki/
    ├── config
    │   └── LocalSettings.php
    ├── extensions
    │   ├── Cite
    │   ├── ConfirmEdit
    │   ├── Gadgets
    │   ├── ImageMap
    │   ├── InputBox
    │   ├── Interwiki
    │   ├── LocalisationUpdate
    │   ├── Nuke
    │   ├── ParserFunctions
    │   ├── PdfHandler
    │   ├── Poem
    │   ├── README
    │   ├── Renameuser
    │   ├── SpamBlacklist
    │   ├── SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi
    │   ├── TitleBlacklist
    │   └── WikiEditor
    └── images
        └── README
    19 directories, 3 files
  • (based on linuxconfig/mediawiki)
  • (based on appcontainers/mediawiki)
  • Isolated MediaWiki Setup on the Raspberry Pi using Docker, Part 1


BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organising and storing information.



Media server


Youtube downloader

  • Download YouTube videos, host locally?
  • MeTube,
    mkdir /tmp/downloads # O.W. /tmp/downloads generated by root cannot be written
    docker run -d -p 8081:8081 \
      -v /tmp/downloads:/downloads \
      --restart always \
    # http://localhost:8081

    The following example value for "YTDL_OPTIONS" embeds English subtitles and chapter markers (for videos that have them), and also changes the permissions on the downloaded video and sets the file modification timestamp to the date of when it was downloaded (oudated. see examples on yt-dlp about the current options).

    docker run -d -p 8081:8081 \
      -v /tmp/downloads:/downloads \
      -e YTDL_OPTIONS='{"writesubtitles":true,"subtitleslangs":["en","-live_chat"],"updatetime":false,"postprocessors":[{"key":"Exec","exec_cmd":"chmod 0664","when":"after_move"},{"key":"FFmpegEmbedSubtitle","already_have_subtitle":false},{"key":"FFmpegMetadata","add_chapters":true}]}' \
      --name metube \
  • Chapters and subtitles:
    • Testing video: Macha Galette.
    • In VLC, subtitle is available under "Subtitle" -> "Sub Track" -> "English". The subtitle can be extracted from the downloaded webm files using ffmpeg -i filename.webm -map 0:s:0? If a video's subtitle is auto-generated by Youtube, then there is no subtitle embedded in the downloaded webm files.
    • In VLC, chapters is available under "Playback" -> "Chapter"
  • yt-dlp
  • YoutubeDL-Material

Airsonic media server

My comment:

  • Added mp3/mp4 files are not recognized.
  • Cannot play by web browsers
  • Special clients are needed:(


    container_name: plex
    network_mode: host
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=US/Eastern
      - VERSION=docker
      - PLEX_CLAIM= #optional
      - /tmp/plex/library:/config
      - /tmp/plex/tvseries:/tv
      - /dev/dri:/dev/dri
    restart: unless-stopped

Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr

DNS server

Private DNS server container

How to Deploy a Dynamic DNS Server with Docker on Debian 10


Speed test








# Pull the image
docker pull continuumio/anaconda3

# Run a container from the image
docker run -it continuumio/anaconda3 /bin/bash

# Inside the container, create a new Conda environment
conda create -n myenv python=3.8

# Activate the environment
conda activate myenv

# Install packages
# conda install numpy pandas
conda install numpy=1.21.2 pandas=1.3.3

# Verify installation
conda list

# Remove packages
conda remove numpy

# Run your application

# Exit the container

# List running containers
docker ps

# Stop a container
# docker stop <container_id>

# Remove a container
# docker rm <container_id>

# Commit changes to a new image
# docker commit <container_id> mynewimage

# Push the new image to a registry
# docker push mynewimage

Python Jupyter including R

docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 \
      -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes \
      -v "$PWD":/home/jovyan/work \
      --name jupyter \

Follow the screen output to access the app by going to http://IP:8888/?token=XXXXXX. This will take care of the authentication problem.

If we use 'docker compose up -d' method below, we need to use 'docker logs jupyter' to get the URL which includes the token password.

version: '3.3'
            - '8888:8888'
            - JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes
            - '"$PWD":/home/jovyan/work'
        container_name: jupyter
        restart: unless-stopped
        image: 'jupyter/datascience-notebook:r-4.3.1'

This includes python3, Julia 1.0.0 and R. However, the R version is pretty old if we don't specify the tag.

Also the method does not work on arm64. WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • ctrl+Enter to run.
  • alt+Enter to run & insert a cell below.
  • shift+Enter to run and shift to a cell below.
  • Esc: command mode
  • Enter: edit mode

Note by default the ipynb files are saved to /home/jovyan instead of /home/jovyan/work directory. So it's better to click the "work" icon on the LHS of the file panel in order to change the working directory to "work".



Read it later/Pocket


Home Assistant

Password manager


KeeWeb: password manager compatible with KeePass

Padloc: cloud-based password manager

Share passwords

Share Password and Secrets Securely! Self-Destructing Messages with PassED (Docker)


Dockerizing Flask Application Using Docker on Debian 10



NAS & Docker

Some examples

  • GetLab專案管理工具
  • Jenkins開發版本管理工具

Memo/note for diagrams and more

    docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped \
       --rm --name="draw" -p 8080:8080 \
       -p 8443:8443 jgraph/drawio
  • To allow to save to devices, the app and the file have to be on the same machine.
  • It is super easy to install in Nextcloud (just a few clicks). It is very natural to save the file in the Nextcloud storage.

Internet Archive: ArchiveBox


Linkwarden Bookmark Preservation for Individuals and Teams

Run a benchmark program on ARM devices

Set up a Mastodon Instance on Linux

Bioinformatics tools (Tophat, BWA, et al)


  • Import study does not work if we use the docker-compose method. It works if we use docker exec -it CONTAINER bash.
    [brb@localhost cbioportal-docker-compose]$ docker-compose run cbioportal -u http://cbioportal:8080 -s study/lgg_ucsf_2014/ -o
    Creating cbioportal-docker-compose_cbioportal_run ... done
    Starting validation...
    CRITICAL: -: No meta files found in study/lgg_ucsf_2014/. Please make sure the directory is the path to the folder containing the files.
    ERROR: -: Cancer type needs to be defined for a study. Verify that you have a study file and have defined the cancer type correctly.
    ERROR: -: No valid study file detected

    See also

  • The version number shown on http://localhost:8080 is v3.4.17 (see .env variable) but the website shows v3.5.3 (same as the current release version on Github & Docker hub)
  • The 2nd field on the 1st row of data_cancer_type.txt contains the study name (blue color) shown on website
  • meta_study.txt contains the study name (black color) shown on website
  • study_es_0 (breast, contains mRNA expression) and study_es_3 can be imported successfully when I use docker-compose exec -it CONTAINER bash and follow Load sample cancer study.
  • lgg_ucsf_2014 study (brain, CNA) should use the correct path docker-compose run cbioportal -u http://cbioportal:8080 -s study/lgg_ucsf_2014/lgg_ucsf_2014/ -o
  • I have tested on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 20.04 on KVM/QEMU w/ 2 cores, 2/4GB memory, 25GB storage. I can use host's terminal and browser for interaction (i.e. no VNC/Spice server needed).
  • Gene panels in the cBioPortal patient view 2020-01-07, and other blogs related to cbioportal from thehyve.

GIVE - Genomic Interactive Visualization Engine

GeneTEFlow: Analysing gene and transposable elements expression from RNA-Seq data

GeneTEFlow: A Nextflow-based pipeline for analysing gene and transposable elements expression from RNA-Seq data. Source code.

Elastic Search

Webpage monitor tools


Grammarly alternative

Run Your Own Private Grammarly Clone Using Docker and LanguageTool


  •, Wiki (Very limited)
  • Blog and new release announcement
  • Self-Deploying-Applications from Zimaboard.
  • I installed CasaOS in Proxmox using Debian 12 LXC. I allocated 40GB space and 4GB ram. The memory can be increased without a need to shut down the LXC.
  • Files app is similar to NextCloud but it can connect to cloud storage like Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive. It can also connect to other network storage something like smb://
  • I guess we are supposed to use CasaOS in a full screen model. The backward button in the browser will possibly quit CasaOS.
  • Portainer, Uptime Kuma, Wireguard Easy are some of apps in the App Store.
  • CasaOS can expand their App Store.
    • Custom installer is another option; we can use Docker Compose or Docker CLI.
    • "Add Source". Store list. After I copy/paste CasaOS-LinuxServer-AppStore and click "Add +" button it immediately shows 226 apps. That is cool! It includes Firefox, Chromium, Opera. I installed FF but when I use the web interface of FF on my Android tablet, I could not scroll. FreshRSS not working on my tablets. Firefox and Chromium are hard to use on my tablet.
    • Apps are using ports other than 80. Clicking on an app (eg Snapdrop was changed to use port 88 instead of 80) sometimes opened a tab with a port 80. So the launching is not successfully. We need to click on each app's Settings and find out what the port it uses and modify the port on the Web UI field and 'Save'.
    • Kasm not working.
    • Snapdrop. I can't see other devices? pairdrop from works.
    • OpenSpeedTest & librespeed/speedtest works but gave quite different results than
    • Rdesktop. It is adding a desktop environment to your server. So the IP should be IP:3389 when we use Remmina for example. The username/password is abc/abc. For example, I allocate 40GB to CasaOS and the remote desktop will show 40GB disk space for the server. The desktop includes the Chromium browser. We can connect to internet using the Chromium browser.
    • Webtop is based on KasmVNC. Webtops is a project where you can setup a variety of Linux desktops, with a variety of Desktop Environments in Docker, and access them through a web browser! The screen/desktop is synchronized across devices. So we can use our tablet device as a monitor and our mouse and keyboard are still connected to our desktop computer. Interesting! But no internet connection? The font size on the desktop changes with the connected devices. The default distro is Arch Linux.
    • AdGuard: when I installed it, the default port for dashboard is 80. I changed it to 3000. But after the setup, the port 3000 is not working. Check the setting from CasaOS, it shows 3001. So the change of port in the initial set up was not taken (I ssh into the server and use ss to check open ports) though admin account was saved. The port 3001 is actually working. It works when I tested on a Android tablet (use only AdGuard IP as the only DNS, not including or else). See Adguard Home Installed on Docker video for AdGuard setup.
    • ddclient, Duckdns, Duplicati, healthchecks (A watchdog for your cron jobs).
  • CasaOS+Tailscale: Seamless Home Network Integration + Remote access to your data