Life: Difference between revisions

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(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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* sentiment, [ emotion]
* sentiment, [ emotion]
* [ 小心,不要掉进感觉的深坑里,站桩问答(四)]
* [ 小心,不要掉进感觉的深坑里,站桩问答(四)]
== Mental Health ==
[ 6 Habits Therapists Are Begging You to Break for the Sake of Your Mental Health]

== Self-awareness 自我意識 ==
== Self-awareness 自我意識 ==
Line 350: Line 353:
** [ Life from above]
** [ Life from above]
** [ Burt Wolf]
** [ Burt Wolf]
** [ Molly of Denali]
* [ WETA shows]
* [ WETA shows]
** [ NOVA]
** [ NOVA]
Line 553: Line 558:
= Speak =
= Speak =
* [ How to Improve Your Clarity of Speech]
* [ How to Improve Your Clarity of Speech]
* [ How to spell names, emails over phone]: '''like''' or '''as in'''
* [ How to spell names, emails over phone]: '''like''' or '''as in'''
** [ NATO Phonetic Alphabet]
* [ Introduce a guest speaker speech sample]
* [ Introduce a guest speaker speech sample]
* [ How to Deliver a Thank You Speech for an Award or Special Occasion]
* [ How to Deliver a Thank You Speech for an Award or Special Occasion]
Line 658: Line 664:

= Google scholar search =
= Google scholar search =
[ What does 'citations' mean in google scholar search results?] [Citation] means that Google Scholar has not been able to find a source for the publication, but that it has inferred that it exists because other publications cite it.
* [ What does 'citations' mean in google scholar search results?] [Citation] means that Google Scholar has not been able to find a source for the publication, but that it has inferred that it exists because other publications cite it.
* Alternatives (free)

= Friends =
= Friends =
Line 790: Line 799:
* [ Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals Penalty]
* [ Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals Penalty]
* [ Understanding the penalty for underpayment of estimated tax]
* [ Understanding the penalty for underpayment of estimated tax]
== Filing Requirements for Dependents ==
* [ Publication 501 (2024), Dependents, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information]. For the 2024 tax year, a dependent child must file a tax return if they have unearned income (such as interest or dividends) exceeding $1300. If the money is <1300, child is not required to file a tax return and parents are not required to include child's unearned income on tax return.
* If my child's unearned income exceeds $1300, I have two options:
** Elect to report my child's income on my tax return by filing '''form 8814''',
** Have my child file his/her own tax return.`
* "Under age 19" means that the child has not yet reached their 19th birthday by the end of the tax year.
* Read the paragraph '''Election to report child's unearned income on parent's return.'''
** Your child was under age 19 (or under age 24 if a student) at the end of 2024.
** The interest and dividend income was less than $13,000.

= Law =
= Law =

Latest revision as of 12:34, 21 February 2025




  • In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.


星雲大師〈真誠的告白〉 最後的囑咐








Worry, panic


  • 110 Happiness Quotes That Will Make You Smile Instantly
  • 「記得仰望星空」!霍金辭世 緬懷10大智慧金句
  • 憂患是人生的墊腳石
  • 人生沒有想像長 築夢沒有想像難
  • 幸福是罪惡,歹命是美德?
  • “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” - Albert Einstein
  • 漢彌爾頓想要給予的忠告是:「別讓恐懼阻礙妳,也不要害怕說『我不知道』或是『我不明白』,沒有問題是蠢問題。而且,不要總是聽從所謂的『專家』怎麼說!」阿波羅登月50周年
  • 感恩: 「生活在感恩的世界:感激斥責你的人,因為他助長了你的定慧;感激絆倒你的人,因為他強化了你的能力;感激遺棄你的人,因為他教導了你應自立;感激鞭打你的人,因為他消除了你的業障;感激欺騙你的人,因為他增進了你的見識;感激傷害你的人,因為他磨練了你的心志;感激所有使你堅定成就的人」。

Life With Purpose




Mental Health

6 Habits Therapists Are Begging You to Break for the Sake of Your Mental Health

Self-awareness 自我意識

  • What Is Self-Awareness?
  • Self-awareness is generally considered beneficial, but like many things, it can have both positive and negative aspects.
    • Positive Aspects:
      • Self-awareness allows you to understand your motivations, make better decisions, and regulate your emotions.
      • It helps you adhere to your personal values as you are acutely aware of how your actions make you feel.
      • It can improve the quality of relationships, especially long-term ones.
    • Negative Aspects :
      • Too much self-awareness can lead to overthinking, self-consciousness, and an excruciating state of self-consciousness.
      • It can also lead to stress and anxiety.
      • In severe cases, excessive self-awareness can even lead to depersonalization, a condition where one feels disconnected from their thoughts and their body.



What is Tenacity and How to Use It To Be Successful

Learn The Mindset Of Productive People

  1. Be Solution-focused
  2. Put Down Boundaries
  3. Have a Healthy Routine
  4. Streamline your Life
  5. Look at the Bigger PictureBe Positive About Yourself
  6. Know Nothing Has to Be Perfect
  7. Respect Time


How to read people

How to Read People: 16 Behaviors Experts Use to Decipher Thoughts and Feelings

How to express your feelings

How to Express Your Feelings

Show your work Stop worrying, start sharing

Train your memory

Why Your Memory Sucks, and What You Can Do About It


6 Challenges in Life You Must Overcome to Become a Better Person

10 Ways to Find Your Focus When You’re Stressed Out

You Should Be Asking Yourself These Questions on a Regular Basis

You Should Be Asking Yourself These Questions on a Regular Basis




如何校正自身頻率,順應宇宙流?|五個親證實修日常練習帶您順天道而行|靈性養神. 不透過頭腦的分析比較思索判斷所作出來的才是 我們的最大利益.

Focus on the Good Things

How To Focus on the Good Things In Life (When Times Are Tough)


5 Distractions That Make You Less Productive (And How to Avoid Them)


How to Remember What You Read



Middle age



How to Overcome Anxiety

Best way to persuade someone that they're wrong

Start by showing them how they're right - then show them the things they may not be aware of. Nobody gets offended by not being able to see every aspect of something.

How do you prove your are right

Proving that a hypothesis or theory is correct is an important part of scientific research and experimentation. There are several ways to demonstrate the validity of a hypothesis or theory, including the following:

  • Replication: One of the most powerful ways to prove that a hypothesis is correct is to replicate the results of an experiment. This means repeating the experiment with a new sample of subjects or data and obtaining similar results. If a hypothesis is correct, it should be possible to replicate the results consistently.
  • Validation: A hypothesis or theory can also be validated by testing it against other known facts or theories. This can be done by conducting experiments or collecting data that is consistent with the hypothesis or theory, or by using mathematical or logical models to demonstrate that the hypothesis or theory is consistent with other known facts or theories.
  • Falsification: Scientific hypotheses and theories are considered strong when they can be tested and falsified. Falsifiability refers to the ability to find evidence that would contradict or disprove the hypothesis, if it were false. The absence of such evidence supports the idea of the truth of the theory.

It is important to note that in science, no theory can be proven absolutely true. Rather, the goal of scientific research is to build a body of evidence that supports a hypothesis or theory and make it more likely to be true than other explanations, hence the term "evidence-based".

How to spend your time

Are You Spending Your Time on What Is Time-Worthy?

When Is the Best Time to Buy Apple Products

Buy eyeglasses online

How Much Can You Save Buying Eyeglasses Online?


How to Teach Kids Not to Be 'Too' Honest (and Why You Should)

摩菲定理 Murphy's Law摩菲定理

Career spotlight


整段時間用於系統閱讀. 片段時間進行思考.



  • 保持放鬆 聚焦呼吸
  • 將念頭寫下
  • 換個環境

Metaphor 隱喻

How to Explain Difficult And Abstract Concepts (The Smart Way)

記憶法 Mnemonics

Learn a new language

Humor 幽默


  1. 先不要自己把自己框死
  2. 要降低他人的期待
  3. 要让自己的话充满智慧
  4. 要利用共情,懂得什么场合说什么话

腦筋急轉彎題目 brain teaser

Printable mazes

Search by bing or google


Don’t Think You’re a Creative Person? You Can Definitely Change That

Creativity is a matter of connecting things together in order to derive new meaning or value.


20 Fun Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids to Keep Them Busy




100 Short Jokes for Kids That Are Easy to Remember

Fulfilling life

Order of siblings

The order of siblings in a family, also known as birth order, has been suggested by some psychologists to have an impact on an individual’s personality and achievement. However, the evidence is mixed and the effects, if they exist, appear to be quite small.

Alfred Adler, a 20th-century psychologist, proposed that birth order can shape personality traits. According to his theory:

  • First-borns may be more responsible and achievement-oriented.
  • Middle children may be more sociable and feel the need to ‘belong’.
  • Youngest children may be more outgoing and uncomplicated.
  • Only children may be more independent and self-reliant.

However, many modern psychologists argue that other factors, such as parenting style, socio-economic status, and individual temperament, play a much larger role in shaping personality and achievement than birth order.

In terms of academic achievement, some studies suggest that first-borns tend to have slightly higher IQs and can be more successful in school. This is often attributed to the dilution hypothesis, which suggests that parental resources (time, energy) get diluted with each subsequent child.

However, it’s important to note that these are general trends and there can be significant variation within families. Also, these effects are usually small and can be overshadowed by other factors in a person’s life. Therefore, while birth order might have some influence on personality and achievement, it is just one of many factors that contribute to human development.

Raising an autonomous/independent kid

An Age-By-Age Guide to Raising an Autonomous Kid

How to be successful

  1. Set goals with action plans
  2. Read more deeply and critically
  3. Work smart
  4. Accept failure and learn from it
  5. Delegate and explore something new
  6. Always get prepared

Intelligence Is Not The Key To Success

I Worked With Elon Musk And Learned That Intelligence Is Not The Key To Success

Effective Approaches to Solving Problems in Life

5 Most Effective Approaches to Solving Problems in Life

Work life balance tips

13 Work Life Balance Tips for a Happy and Productive Life

10 Employee Engagement Ideas to Improve Teamwork


  • 訂定夢想
  • 想像
  • 有行動力
  • 學習幼兒走路
  • 接受新挑戰



不想活到80歲才後悔 貝佐斯:問自己12個問題

Ways to Stay Productive and Motivated When Working From Home

90 Ways to Stay Productive and Motivated When Working From Home

How to make a big change

  • Get in your boat and pick a direction. Begin to do something purely enjoyable.
  • Redirect when you need to
  • Keep momentum with small stokes


你排行老幾? 家庭星座大解密

How to read 10X faster and retain more


How to create a secure password

Keep Your Home Address Private

Keep Your Home Address Private With a Google Alert

UPS Store mailbox services

The UPS Store mailbox services give you a real street address. The UPS Store mailbox services have many locations providing 24-hour access to your mail.



I also came to realize that if people could make me angry they could control me. Why should I give someone else such power over my life - Gifted Hands The Ben Carson story. temper.

I wasn't goint to let him make me react because then he would be able to get to me - Gifted Hands The Ben Carson story.

A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness, Albert Einstein

Google Cultural Institute


Free online news

Free Live TV Streaming

Live TV


Amazon prime videos

Pluto TV

How to Watch Pluto TV Without Ads




Giving Tips


Online shopping

13 Amazon Alternatives You Can Shop From Right Now

Black Friday

Which Retailers Offer the Best Black Friday Warranties and Returns?

信用卡 Credit card

ebay gift card

Check balance

Virtual credit card

American express --- GPay.


Senior discounts

37 Senior Discounts You Can Score Starting at Age 55



I’ve Been a Retirement Planner for 17 Years—Here Are the 18 Biggest Mistakes Most People Make

How Retirement Income Is Taxed

How Different Retirement Income Is Taxed

Sustainable withdrawal rate

Pension, Federal Employees Retirement System/FERS, Annuity



Would You Rather Get $1 Million or $5000 a Month for Retirement?

How to Make a Retirement Budget

How to Make a Retirement Budget

Turning 67 in the New Year

Turning 67 in the New Year? Here's What to Know Before You Retire

Social Security

How much money you need to retire comfortably in every U.S. state

America's healthiest and least healthy states



Avoid static shock in Winter (dry air)

  • Hold the metal frame as you exit the car.
  • Hands to touch a damped cloth first.
  • Hold a key (Don't use a key that contains an electronic chip. The shock could destroy the chip and make your key unusable) and let key to touch a metal first.
  • Humidifier. Keep it above 30 percent relative humidity, though 40 percent or 50 percent would be even better.

Fleece and static cling/magnet

  • Some materials, such as fleece, are more prone to static electricity than others. For example, this one Men's Steens Mountain™ Novelty Half Snap Fleece Hoodie which is 100% polyester.
  • Is fleece a material? Yes, fleece is a synthetic fabric that is typically made from polyester fibers, although it can also be made from other materials like recycled plastic bottles.
  • How to Get Rid of Static Fleece
  • How to Prevent Static in Laundry
  • Why fleece is prone to static cling
    • Fleece is a synthetic fabric that is typically made from polyester fibers. Like other synthetic fabrics, fleece is prone to static cling due to the way it interacts with moisture and friction.
    • When two different materials rub against each other, they can exchange electrons, creating a charge. Synthetic fabrics like polyester tend to accumulate a negative charge, while natural fabrics like cotton tend to accumulate a positive charge. This imbalance of charges can lead to static cling, where the fabric sticks together or to other surfaces.
    • Fleece is also less absorbent than natural fibers, which means that it doesn't hold moisture as well. This can lead to a buildup of static electricity, especially in dry environments. Additionally, washing and drying fleece can contribute to static cling, as the agitation of the washing machine and the heat of the dryer can create friction that generates a charge.
    • To reduce static cling in fleece, there are several things that can be done, such as using fabric softeners, using anti-static sprays, washing the fabric with vinegar or baking soda, or using dryer balls to break up clumps of fabric.

Fold chips bags

Cut Jeans

How to Cut Jeans





16 Ways to Kill Garden Weeds


25 Movies That Will Make You Ugly Cry



Local library


稱讚 Compliment

  • 美丽贤惠的母亲,漂亮聪明的女儿,高大帅气的儿子,忠诚称职的父亲

To kids

Stop Telling Kids to 'Be Careful' (and What to Say Instead)

Most-spoken language in each US state

The Most-Spoken Language In Each US State (Besides English And Spanish), Mapped


7 Job Search Websites to Help You Change Careers



The 4 Best Free Virtual Internship Sites for Students


Soft Skills

Recommendation letter


Bypass public LinkedIn profile obfuscation


  • What are some good questions to ask in a meeting?
    • Clarification Questions: If something isn’t clear during the meeting, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. For example, “Could you please elaborate on that point?” or “Could you give an example to illustrate this concept?”
    • Follow-up Questions: If a topic piques your interest or if you think it could be explored further, ask a follow-up question. For example, “How does this strategy align with our overall goals?” or “What are the potential challenges we might face with this approach?”
    • Opinion Questions: Asking for others’ opinions can foster a more collaborative environment. For example, “What are your thoughts on this?” or “Do you see any potential issues with this plan?” ... “I don’t have any questions at the moment, but I might reach out later if something comes up.”
    • Next Steps Questions: Towards the end of the meeting, it’s good to ask about the next steps to ensure everyone is on the same page. For example, “What are the next steps we should take?” or “Who will be responsible for this task?”
    • Summary Questions: These help ensure that everyone has the same understanding of what was discussed. For example, “Can we summarize the key points we’ve discussed today?” or “Have we addressed all the items on the agenda?”

Remove personal information

How to Write the Personal Statement for College Applications

The Best Way to Find College Admissions Info on Google

Describe a person

Here’s What Your Handwriting Says About You

Draw 繪畫



6 Professional Voicemail Message Examples You Can Use

Basic research vs Applied research

Google scholar search


破冰, small talk

What to say

How to Find the Perfect Thing to Say in Every Situation


Storytelling - Become An AMAZING Storyteller!!!

Talk to teens

How to Talk to Teens And Have Real Conversations

How to Email Someone When It's Been Too Long

Writing emails

5 Ways to Write Professional Emails That Save Time and Effort

Happy Birthday Messages

100 Happy Birthday Messages That Will Make Everyone Smile



  • I-140 (表格)
  • EAD
  • H1B visa
  • 職業綠卡移民 EB1-A(傑出人才), EB2(國家利益豁免), EB1-C(跨國公司主管), EB5(投資)

草坪 Lawn/grass

  • 美国草地如何维护
  • 怎样给草坪施肥

Waste disposal

Drop-off Hours and Site Map for Recyclables and Trash montgomery county md

Black Decker 36v 18/19inch


Cold weather

How to Dress for Winter


Separation Anxiety

What to Do If Your Dog Suffers From Separation Anxiety

Dog training


Money 理財

Cost of living

Cost of living calculator




新稅制 2018 tax

10 secrets

10 Secret Places Rich People Hide Their Money

Underpayment penalty

Filing Requirements for Dependents

  • Publication 501 (2024), Dependents, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information. For the 2024 tax year, a dependent child must file a tax return if they have unearned income (such as interest or dividends) exceeding $1300. If the money is <1300, child is not required to file a tax return and parents are not required to include child's unearned income on tax return.
  • If my child's unearned income exceeds $1300, I have two options:
    • Elect to report my child's income on my tax return by filing form 8814,
    • Have my child file his/her own tax return.`
  • "Under age 19" means that the child has not yet reached their 19th birthday by the end of the tax year.
  • Read the paragraph Election to report child's unearned income on parent's return.
    • Your child was under age 19 (or under age 24 if a student) at the end of 2024.
    • The interest and dividend income was less than $13,000.


Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law: Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions

保險 Insurance

National brands vs store brands


Difference Between Senator and Representative

Federal employees

  • TSP
    • TSP can be changed at any time through myPay.
    • TSP contribution limits
    • After a change, the effect starts on the next pay period. For example, if we made a change during the last pay period (Dec 10-Dec 23, 2017), the election will be effective on Dec 24, the first pay period for 2018. See News.
    • Unlike regular TSP elections, a Catch-up election is only valid for one year. Therefore, if you want to make Catch-up contributions each year, you must make a new election each year. Also it takes 2 weeks for the change to take effect. The catch-up election limit will be shown on the myPay webpage. Note: this has changed for year 2021: the catch-up contribution is combined with the regular TSP.
    • For quarterly account statements, click the bell icon (notifications) and click on "Secure Mailbox" tab.
  • You may enter only one TSP Transaction per pay period.
  • Breaking Down the TSP Investment Funds
    • G fund: Government Securities Investment Fund
    • F fund: Fixed-Income Investment Index Fund
    • C fund: Common Stock Index Investment Fund, based on S & P 500 (the most conservative of the three stock funds available in the TSP)
    • S fund: Small-Capitalization Stock Index Fund, same as Dow Jones. The S Fund is considered one of two funds with the greatest risk in the TSP. It has outperformed the C Fund with proportionately greater volatility over time.
    • I fund: International Stock Index Investment Fund. It is regarded as the other high-risk fund in the TSP and has historically posted a higher average annual return than the C Fund.
    • L fund: Lifecycle Funds
  • TSP follows the payroll calendar. Pay period end on Saturday and the pay day is on next Friday.
  • Lose or use calendar (see itas reports) is not the same as the payroll calendar
  • Federal agents closed. Tier 2 (telework ready) employees still need to work and enter an ad-hoc TW request.
  • GS payscale table, Employee Lookup Tool
  • OPM
  • Payroll calendar
  • Printable calendar w/ federal holidays (US) and common observances
  • Withdraw money from TSP


Service Computation Date/SCD

Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS)

IRA account

IRA is independent of TSP.

SEP/Simplified Employee Pension


定期(term life) vs 終身(whole/permanent life) 壽險


Index annuity

Lifetime Income Rider




What It Feels Like to Die

Happy New Year

  • Have a happy, healthy, successful New Year!
  • May your wishes come true and may you have a joyous New Year.
  • May the year ahead bring you good luck and happiness.
  • May the coming year bring success to you.
  • Let the year ahead be the one where all your dreams come true.
  • I wish you happiness in the year to come.
  • Wish you have a New Year filled with happiness and good fortune.
  • May you have a prosperous New Year.



How to Patent an Idea in 8 Simple Steps


What Galaxy is the Earth In?


Expanding Universe