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Evaluate the effect of centering (mean, median) & scaling on H. clustering using 1-Corr distance and Euclidean distance
1-correlation distance
Effect of centering and scaling on clustering of genes and samples in terms of distance. 'Yes' means the distance was changed compared to the baseline where no centering or scaling was applied.
clustering genes | clustering samples | |
centering on each genes | No | Yes |
scaling on each genes | No |
Euclidean distance
clustering genes | clustering samples | |
centering on each genes | Yes | Yes |
scaling on each genes | Yes | Yes |
gplots package
The following example is extracted from DESeq2 package.
## ----loadDESeq2, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------- # in order to print version number below library("DESeq2") ## ----loadExonsByGene, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- library("parathyroidSE") library("GenomicFeatures") data(exonsByGene) ## ----locateFiles, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------- bamDir <- system.file("extdata",package="parathyroidSE",mustWork=TRUE) fls <- list.files(bamDir, pattern="bam$",full=TRUE) ## ----bamfilepaired------------------------------------------------------- library( "Rsamtools" ) bamLst <- BamFileList( fls, yieldSize=100000 ) ## ----sumOver------------------------------------------------------------- library( "GenomicAlignments" ) se <- summarizeOverlaps( exonsByGene, bamLst, mode="Union", singleEnd=FALSE, ignore.strand=TRUE, fragments=TRUE ) ## ----libraries----------------------------------------------------------- library( "DESeq2" ) library( "parathyroidSE" ) ## ----loadEcs------------------------------------------------------------- data( "parathyroidGenesSE" ) se <- parathyroidGenesSE colnames(se) <- se$run ## ----fromSE-------------------------------------------------------------- ddsFull <- DESeqDataSet( se, design = ~ patient + treatment ) ## ----collapse------------------------------------------------------------ ddsCollapsed <- collapseReplicates( ddsFull, groupby = ddsFull$sample, run = ddsFull$run ) ## ----subsetCols---------------------------------------------------------- dds <- ddsCollapsed[ , ddsCollapsed$time == "48h" ] ## ----subsetRows, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------- idx <- which(rowSums(counts(dds)) > 0)[1:4000] dds <- dds[idx,] ## ----runDESeq, cache=TRUE------------------------------------------------ dds <- DESeq(dds) rld <- rlog( dds) library( "genefilter" ) topVarGenes <- head( order( rowVars( assay(rld) ), decreasing=TRUE ), 35 ) ## ----beginner_geneHeatmap, fig.width=9, fig.height=9--------------------- library(RColorBrewer) library(gplots) heatmap.2( assay(rld)[ topVarGenes, ], scale="row", trace="none", dendrogram="column", col = colorRampPalette( rev(brewer.pal(9, "RdBu")) )(255))