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CVS server

# Original data dir: /home/brb/Downloads/hmv_arc
# CVS dir on server (CVSROOT): /home/brb/cvsrep
# CVS dir on local:  /home/brb/Downloads/localcvs
# Project name: mycvs
# cvs user name: brb

sudo apt-get install cvs

mkdir ~/cvsrep
export CVSROOT=/home/brb/cvsrep
cvs init
sudo groupadd mycvsgrp
sudo useradd -G mycvsgrp brb # Assume 'brb' is a new user
sudo usermod -a -G mycvsgrp brb  # assume 'brb' is an existing user  
groups brb  # view groups a user is in use
sudo chown -R :mycvsgrp /home/brb/cvsrep # change the group ownership of cvsrep directory to mycvsgrp.
cd ~/Downloads/hmv_arc
cvs import -m "initial" mycvs brb START # import files to CVS repository
                                        # the new subfolder mycvs has owner brb.brb

Note 1. It is OK to use the same CVSROOT for multiple modules/projects since each module/project will be saved under a separate subfolder.

Note 2. The cvs version that I have installed in my ubuntu server is 1.12.13.

$ cvs -v

Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.12.13-MirDebian-6 (client/server)

Quick test to checkout project to the same machine

cd ~/Downloads
mkdir localcvs
cd localcvs
cvs checkout mycvs

This will create a new subfolder 'mycvs' under ~/Downloads/localcvs.

CVS repository on server has a structure


CVS sandbox on local machine has a structure


CVS client (ubuntu)

Check out

cvs -d :ext:brb@DOMAIN:/home/brb/cvsrep checkout mycvs
# OR 2 steps
export CVSROOT=:ext:brb@DOMAIN:/home/brb/cvsrep
cvs checkout mycvs

Commit a new file

cvs add mynewfile
cvs commit -m "my log message" mynewfile

Update repository

cvs update -P -d
# OR
cvs update filename

where -P "prunes" directories that are empty, and -d tells cvs to include any new directories that aren't in your local workspace

Get a list of all tags and branches

# Lists all tags and braches for each and any file together with the revision it belongs to.
cvs status -v

cvs log -h | awk -F"[.:]" '/^\t/&&$(NF-1)==0{print $1}' | sort -u

Encoding of a file

$ cvs -d :ext:brb@DOMAIN:/home/brb/cvsrep checkout mycvs
$ file -bi mycvs/src/hmvUnicode.rc
text/x-c; charset=utf-16le

CVS client (windows)

I use WinCVS for a demonstration

  • Remote -> checkout module
  • Module name: mycvs
    • protocol: ssh
    • repository path: /home/brb/cvsrep
    • user name:
    • host name:

If I use TortoiseCVS (1.12.5 from 1/24/2011), I need to choose ext as protocol instead ssh. Still the checked out file 'hmv_.rc' still contains unreadable Chinese characters. The cvsnt is the latest free version (2.5.05). If I want to use WinCVS + cvsnt from TortoiseCVS, the options in the CVSROOT dialog looks weird and cannot create a connection.

For the unicode encoding. If I commit the file at first from ubuntu os, but check out in Windows. The checked out file has right encoding (using Notepad ++, or from VS2010). However, the file does not have right line ending and it shows Chineses character when I open it in either Notepad++ or VS2010.

To see hidden characters in Linux, try either one of the following 2 methods:

  • Open the file in EMACS and do a M-X hexl-mode
  • geany editor.

The solution I have found to overcome accessing unicode (utf-16) file on Windows OS is using Cygwin.

  • Download setup.exe from
  • Root directory = c:\cygwin
  • Local package directory = C:\Users\brb\Downloads
  • Direct connection
  • Download site: (Some mirrors are not updated & contain old version of packages! For example, make sure the cvs version is 1.12.13.)
  • Search: cvs. Click plus sign next to "Devel". Click 'Skip' corresponding to cvs package.
  • Search: ssh. Click plus sign next to "Net". Click 'skip' correspond to openssh package.
  • Click 'Next' button.
  • Click 'Finish' button.
  • Now open 'Cygwin Terminal' icon on Windows Desktop.
export CVSROOT=:ext:brb@DOMAIN:/home/brb/cvsrep
cvs checkout mycvs

The 'mycvs' directory should be under C:\cygwin\home\brb (a.k.a. /home/brb in cygwin) directory. We can open 'hmv_.rc' file in Notepad++ to double check if the file looks normal OR use md5sum to check.

Difference between CRLF (Windows), LF (Linux, Mac) and CR

This is a good summary I found:

  • The Carriage Return (CR) character (0x0D, \r) moves the cursor to the beginning of the line without advancing to the next line. This character is used as a new line character in Commodore and Early Macintosh operating systems (OS-9 and earlier).
  • The Line Feed (LF) character (0x0A, \n) moves the cursor down to the next line without returning to the beginning of the line. This character is used as a new line character in UNIX based systems (Linux, Mac OSX, etc)
  • The End of Line (EOL) character (0x0D0A, \r\n) is actually two ASCII characters and is a combination of the CR and LF characters. It moves the cursor both down to the next line and to the beginning of that line. This character is used as a new line character in most other non-Unix operating systems including Microsoft Windows, Symbian OS and others.

Common CVS commands

cvs checkout MODULE
cvs checkout DIR
cvs checkout DIR/SUBDIR
# check out a specific tag and put it in a specified directory. 
# the specified directory name will replace the module name in output.
mkdir localcvs
cvs checkout -r v4_3 -d localcvs MODULE

cvs add myfile.c
cvs add -kb myfile.bin
# If you accidentally add a file, simply skip the commit for that file.

cvs update –dA DIR/SUBDIR 
# -d: Create  any  directories  that  exist in the repository if they're missing from the working directory.
# -A: Reset any sticky tags, dates, or -k options. Needed after you use "cvs update -D" or "cvs update -r".
cvs update –A DIR/SUBDIR/FILENAME    

cvs commit
cvs commit –m "add test suite" DIR/SUBDIR/FILENAME

mkdir ~/original
touch ~/original/newfile
cvs import ~/original VENDORTAG RELEASETAG

mkdir ~/localcvs
cd ~/localcvs
cvs checkout common/too

cvs diff -r1.23 -r1.24 SUBDIR/FILENAME     # Difference between specified versions 1.23 & 1.24.
cvs diff -D "1 hour ago" MODULE
cd LOCALCVS; cvs diff 
cvs checkout -D "1 hour ago" MODULE
cvs checkout -D "2013-02-27 01:30" MODULE

rm file(s); cvs remove file(s); cvs commit -m "Comment text" file(s)
# You must rm the file before issuing the cvs remove command. The remove is not final until the commit has been issued.

# cvs does not let you remove directories. However it does let you ignore any directories that are empty.
cvs co -P Offline
cvs update -PdA
# P: Prune empty directories. d: create new directories. A: Reset sticky tags

cvs history -c -a -D "1 day ago"  -z "-0500"
# find all changes submitted to the repository by anyone in the past day. 
# -z is used to adjust the time zone.

cvs history -c -a -D "1 day ago" -f Mu2eG4/src
# find all changes submitted to Mu2eG4/src (or any other subdirectory) by anyone in the past day

cvs history -c -u USER "1 day ago" -f Mu2eG4/src 
# find all changes submitted by USER to Mu2eG4/src in the past day

cvs log FILENAME


$ cvs history -c -a -f Myfile.Rmd 

# Suppose the latest version is 1.4 and we want to see the difference of 1.3 and 1.4

$ cvs diff -r1.3 Myfile.Rmd | colordiff

# The output shows it does 'diff -r1.3 -r1.4'. 
# So the "<" text in red color is from version 1.3
#  and the ">" text in green color is from version 1.4

For color information, see Linux -> diff .

Dry run

cvs -n -q update

  • -n: Do not change any files. Only to issue reports; do not remove, update, or merge any existing files, or create any new files. This option is not specific to update.

Recursively delete all CVS subdirectories

$ find . -name 'CVS' -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
find: ./man/CVS: No such file or directory
find: ./vignettes/CVS: No such file or directory
find: ./R/CVS: No such file or directory
find: ./CVS: No such file or directory
find: ./inst/CVS: No such file or directory
find: ./inst/doc/CVS: No such file or directory
find: ./src/CVS: No such file or directory


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