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Samba - allows Linux to transfer files with Windows clients

sudo apt-get install -y samba samba-common python-glade2 system-config-samba
sudo cp -pf /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak
sudo sh -c 'cat /dev/null  > /etc/samba/smb.conf'
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
sudo service smbd restart
# password protected
sudo addgroup smbgrp
sudo useradd till -G smbgrp
sudo smbpasswd -a SOMEEXISTEDUSER
sudo mkdir -p /samba/secured
cd /samba
sudo chmod -R 0770 secured
sudo chown root:smbgrp secured
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
sudo service smbd restart 

sudo netstat -pant | grep smbd   # mine shows 139 & 445
$ ps -ef | grep smbd    # see if the Samba daemon (smbd)
$ ps -ef | grep nmbd    # see if the NetBIOS name server daemon (nmbd) is running

$ sudo service smbd stop  # does not stop nmbd 
$ sudo service nmbd stop

$ sudo service smbd start
$ sudo service nmbd start
sudo apt-get install samba samba-common
sudo apt-get install python-glade2
sudo apt-get install system-config-samba

Use Dash and search for 'samba'. It will ask for the user's password first. The samba password can also be set by

sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME

A non-gui way to configuration samba is adding the following to the end of /etc/samba/smb.conf file, sudo nano -w /etc/samba/smb.conf (-w means no-wrap). Any line beginning with a semicolon (“;”) or a hash (“#”) character is ignored.

        path = /home/brb
;       writeable = no
;       browseable = yes
        guest ok = yes
  • (2020-04-27) Ubuntu 18.04. (2022-03) Ubuntu 20.04. This is following the class "Building an Ubuntu Home Server" in
    1. mkdir /mnt/stored/shared
    2. chmod 444 /mnt/storage/shared # optional
    3. sudo apt install samba
    4. sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf. Scroll down to the bottom and add
    5. [fileshare]
        comment = share files
        path = /mnt/storage/shared
        readonly = yes
        create mask = 0444
        directory mask = 0444
    6. testparm
    7. sudo systemctl restart smbd
    8. sudo smbpasswd -a CurrUserName (required)
    9. sudo useradd user2 # optional
    10. sudo passwd user2 # optional
    11. sudo smbpasswd -a user2 # optional
    12. sudo ufw allow 139/tcp # depends
    13. sudo ufw allow 445/tcp # depends

On Windows PC, go to start and open 'Run' then enter ip with double backslash. Like this (\\192.168.1.XX). On macOS/Linux, "Connect to Server" in the file browser, smb://192.168.1.XX/fileshare.

On Android, FE explorer, click "+". Enter Display Name, Host Name IP, Path, Port 445, User Name/PW. Save. It works.

Raspberry pi

How to Setup a Raspberry Pi Samba Server.

  • 1) sudo apt update; sudo apt-get install samba samba-common-bin
  • 2) mkdir /home/pi/shared
  • 3) sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
path = /home/pi/shared
create mask=0777
directory mask=0777
“create mask” and “directory mask” – This option defines the maximum permissions for both files and folders. Setting this to 0777 allows users to read, write, and execute. Note when I create a new dir using mkdir, the permission is 755.
  • 4) sudo smbpasswd -a pi # samba username/password
  • 5) sudo systemctl restart smbd

Share printer

How to Make Your Own Wireless Printer With a Raspberry Pi

create mask, directory mask, UMASK

  • Understanding UMASK with Linux and Samba
  • Samba share permissions simplified
    • "create mask" default is 0744. This means that, by default, the owner of a newly created file will have read, write, and execute permissions (7), while the group and others will only have read permissions.
    • Directories must have the execute bit for proper access. Default parameter for "directory mask" is 0755. This means that, by default, the owner of a newly created directory will have read, write, and execute permissions (7), while the group and others will have read and execute permissions (5).
    • The leading 0 in the mask 0755 is used to indicate that the value is an octal (base-8) number. The leading 0 is not required when setting permissions using the chmod command or when specifying permissions in the smb.conf file, but it is commonly included to make it clear that the value is an octal number. So, 0755 and 755 are equivalent and will result in the same permissions being set.
  • How to create a Samba share
    • create mask = 0660: files in the share are created with permissions to allow all group users to read and write files created by other users.
    • directory mask = 0770: as before, but for directories.
    • This has nothing to do with Samba. This is related to file permissions.

smbclient command - terminal method

  • You can use the `smbclient` command to send or receive files to a Samba server from the Linux command line. `smbclient` is a program that comes with Samba and provides an FTP-like interface to access files on a Samba server.
    To install `smbclient` on Ubuntu, you can use the following command: sudo apt install smbclient. Once you have `smbclient` installed, you can use it to send a file to a Samba server with a command like this: smbclient //server/share -c 'cd /remote/path ; put local-file' . This command connects to the specified Samba server and share, changes to the specified remote directory, and uploads the specified local file. You can also use the `-U` option to specify a different remote username if needed.
    To receive a file from a Samba server, you can use the `get` command within `smbclient`, like this: smbclient //server/share -c 'cd /remote/path ; get remote-file' . This command connects to the specified Samba server and share, changes to the specified remote directory, and downloads the specified remote file.
  • Mount a samba shared folder. See Mounting_a_Samba_Share_using_the_cifs-utils_package.
  • I have trouble to connect to the samba server though connecting it itself from the samba server works fine.
    $ smbclient -L //192.168.1.XX/sambashare -U SOMEEXISTEDUSER
    WARNING: The "syslog" option is deprecated
    Connection to 192.168.1.XX failed (Error NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT)
    # From server itself
    $ smbclient -L //localhost 
    # Solution: ufw
    sudo ufw allow Samba

Remove and re-install Samba

$ sudo apt-get remove --purge samba
$ sudo apt-get remove --purge smbclient libsmbclient

$ sudo apt-get install samba
$ sudo apt-get install smbclient libsmbclient


Mounting a Samba Share using the cifs-utils package

  • Mounting a Samba Share
  • How to Mount Windows Share on Linux using CIFS. If we don't add the uid=1000,gid=1000 option, all files will belong to root since we are using "sudo" to run the "mount" command. We can use id -u to find the current user id.
    sudo mount -t cifs \
      -o username=YOURUSERNAME,password=YOUPASSWORD,uid=1000,gid=1000 \
      //server_name_or_ip/shareName \ # shareName is different from a folderName

    OR How to Mount SMB Shares in Ubuntu 22.04?

    sudo mount -t cifs \
         -o rw,vers=3.0,credentials=/root/.SMBcredentials \
         // \

Navigate to a samba location I've mounted in Nautilus on the command line

How do I navigate to a samba location I've mounted in Nautilus on the command line?


For example,

$ ls -l $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gvfs
total 0
drwx------ 1 brb brb 0 Jul 22 22:16 smb-share:server=odroidxu4.local,share=ext3
drwx------ 1 brb brb 0 Aug 13 19:50 smb-share:server=openmediavault.local,share=share


How to mount a Samba shared directory at boot

How to mount a Samba shared directory at boot

Not seen by Android apps

I use OpenMediaVault to create shared folders. The share folders can be seen my Ubuntu, but not by some Android apps (eg Material Files, FE File Explorer network neighborhood, Amaze File Explorer). However, My Files (Samsung) and Solid Explorer can see OMV SMB share folders.

Permission denied on soft-link folders

(Works on Ubuntu 22.04) How do you make samba follow symlink outside the shared path

allow insecure wide links = yes

follow symlinks = yes
wide links = yes
sudo service smbd restart

Example of /etc/samba/smb.conf

workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = Samba Server %v
netbios name = ubuntu
security = user
map to guest = bad user
dns proxy = no
logging = syslog@0 file
allow insecure wide links = yes

comment = share files
path = /home/XXX/Path1
readonly = yes
# create mask = 0444
# directory mask = 0444
follow symlinks = yes
wide links = yes

comment = tai chi video
path = /Path2/
read only = yes
writable = no
browsable = yes
guest ok = yes


SambaCry vulnerability and check Samba version

To check your samba version

$ smbd -V
Version 4.3.11-Ubuntu